Palash History and Geogrophy

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1. What were the four ways that the British used for the expansion of their dominion in India?

2. How did British win over some of the Indian states by outright wars?

3. Why is the uprising or the first war of independence called a mass movement?

4. The uprising of 1857 is being addressed in different names, name them.

5. Who introduced the system of subsidiary alliance? What did the Indian ruler agree to do
under this system?

6. What is the doctrine of Lapse? By whom was it introduced? Name the states annexed by the

7. Name the states that entered into subsidiary alliance.

8. What disrespect was shown to Bahadur Shah by the British government?

9. Why was Nana Saheb unhappy? What made him leave Kanpur?

10. How did the company annex some states under the pretext of alleged misrule?

11. Give the meaning of ‘absentee of sovereignty’.

12. Name the 2 social evils? What did the government do to abolish it? Why were the people

13. How did the treatment given to Rani Lakshmi Bai become responsible for the uprising?

14. What apprehensions did the Indians have about modern inventions introduced by the

15. How was the British policy of racial discrimination responsible for the first war of

16. Why were the Indians worried about the activities of the missionaries in India?

17. Why were the Indians insecure with regard to the Western education?

18. In what way was the corruption in administration a cause of the revolt?

19. How did the taxing of religious places lead to dissatisfaction in India?

20. Explain the role of the Christian missionary in the dissatisfaction of Indians.

21. What did the British do to hamper the growth of Indian economy affecting the agricultural

22. How did Indian cottage industry and handicraft suffer under the British rule?

23. In what way did a large number of people become unemployed in India? What were its after
mark effects?

24. How were the Indian soldiers treated in the British army?

25. Explain the following ‘General Service Enlistment Act’.

26. Why were the indigo cultivators drawn into poverty?

27. What was the result of frequent poverty and famines on Indian peasants?

28. Which grievances of Indian soldiers provoked them to revolt against the Britishers?

29. What facilities were the soldiers deprived of? Which incident became their strength?

30. Name the first viceroy? Who was conferred the empress of India?

31. Explain the immediate cause of the revolt.

1. What is nationalism?

2. How were the peasants exploited by the British government?

3. How did British East India Company exploit the educated Indians?

4. In what way the exploitation of the working class become responsible for the growth of

5. Give 3 reasons for the decline of the cottage industries in India.

6. How were the artisans and craftsmen exploited?

7. When and by whom the Indian Association of Calcutta organized?

8. Discuss some of the important repressive policies of the British Government.

9. Who is called the father of Indian nationalism?

10. Name the prominent reform movements during this period

11. Picture study – Jyotiba Phule, Raja Ram Mohan Roy

12. Who organized the East India Association in London? When? Why?

13. What according to Dadabhai was the single cause of India’s poverty?

14. How did the socio-religious reform movement contribute to the onset of Indian nationalism?

15. What was the objective of East India Association? (give their achievements)

16. What was the objective of the India Association? (give their achievements)

17. How did the western education lead to the growth of nationalism?

18. Name the famous newspapers of those times.

19. Short note on role of press.

20. Why was Indian National Congress formed? List the aims and important sessions.
1. In which 3 phases can the history of Indian movement be divided?

2. Name the leaders of early nationalist.

3. Who was popularly known as the grand old man of India?

4. Who are the early nationalists?

5. Who was looked upon as an unofficial ambassador fighting for Indian freedom struggle?

6. Give the regions where the following nationalist belong to:

a. Dadabhai Naoroji

b. Rash Behari Bose

c. T. R. Naidu

d. Madam Mohan Malaviya

7. Briefly introduce the early nationalists.

8. State the contribution of dadabhai naroji.

9. List the belief of early nationalist.

10. Why did Gokhale set up the servants of Indian society?

11. Who was accepted by gandhiji as the politic will make mentor and why?

12. What were the constitutional reforms demanded by the early nationalists?

13. What were the administrative reforms demanded by the early nationalists?

14. Who was the 1st first Indian to qualify the Indian Civil Services?
Mineral resources revision questions:

a) Define minerals. Name one metallic and one non -metallic mineral.

b) Name the four varieties of iron ore. State its characteristics and distribution.

c) Where are the iron ore deposits found in Maharashtra?

d) Name the main iron ore exporting ports in India.

e) Mention two industrial uses of manganese.

f) Mention two biological uses of manganese.

g) Name two states where manganese is mined.

h) Name the deposites of manganese in Jharkhand.

i) State three uses of copper.

j) Name the metal formed when

1) copper is alloyed with zinc

2) copper is alloyed with tin

k) Name two states in India and also mention its two areas where copper is found.

l) Which is the best quality of iron ore? Why?

m) Which is the ealiest non-ferrous metal and was used by man?

n) With reference to iron ore give one use of each:

1) powered iron

2) radioactive iron

3) Iron blue

4) black iron oxide

o) State

Give reasons:

a) Iron is alloyed with other elements.

b) Iron ore is called the backbone of indian industry.

c) magnetite is so called.

d) manganese is important raw material for the iron and steel industry.

e) manganese is in great demand in the world market.

f) copper is used in electric wires.

Conventional sources of energy revision questions

(2 marks questions)

a) Name four varieties of coal.

b) State two advantages and two disadvantages of coal.

c) Name the products obtained during refining process of petroleum.

d) State two uses of petroleum.

e) Name one oil refinery on the eastern coast and one on the western coast.

f) What is Mumbai High? Why is it called so?

g) Define Sagar samrat.

h) Name the following:

i) oildest oilfield

ii) offshore oil field

iii) liquid gold

iv) Lignite field in Tamil Nadu.

i) Name the product added in the LPG gas cylinder? Why is it added?

r) Name the natural gas used in vehicles. What is it's advantage?

(3 marks questions)

a) Differentiate between gondwana coalfield and tertiary coal field.

b) State the characteristics of each type of coal.

c) Where is Hirakud dam located? What is it called multipurpose project?

d) State two advantages of hydel power

e) Why most of the oil refineries are located near coast or near oil field? Name one oil refinery in
private sector.

f) Differentiate between conventional and non- conventional sources of energy.

g) Give reasons:

i) petroleum is called liquid gold.

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