Flat - Unit 3

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Syllabus Context-Free Grammars: Definition of Context-Free Grammars,

Derivations Using a Grammar, Leftmost and Rightmost Derivations, the
Language of a Grammar, Sentential Forms, Parse Tress, Applications of
Context-Free Grammars, Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages. Push
Down Automata,: Definition of the Pushdown Automaton, the Languages of a
PDA, Equivalence of PDA's and CFG's, Deterministic Pushdown Automata.
Context-Free Grammar

Definition − A context-free grammar (CFG) consisting of a finite set of

grammar productions

Grammar G is represented as (N, T, P, S) where

• N is a set of non-terminal symbols.

• T is a set of terminals where N ∩ T = NULL.

• P is a set of rules, P: N → (N ∪ T)*,

• i.e., the left-hand side of the production contains only one nonterminal
and right hand side of the production contains any set of terminals
and non-terminals.

• S is the start symbol.


• The grammar ({A}, {a, b, c}, P, A), P : A → aA, A → abc.

• The grammar ({S, a, b}, {a, b}, P, S), P: S → aSa, S → bSb, S → ε
• The grammar ({S, F}, {0, 1}, P, S), P: S → 00S | 11F, F → 00F | ε


Definition: The process of generating a string from starting symbol of the

grammar is called as “Derivation”.

Derivation always starts from Starting symbol of the grammar

Then each nonterminal is replaced with its right side of the productions.


Let a CFG {N,T,P,S},

N = {S}, T = {a, b}, Starting symbol = S, P = S → SS | aSb | ε

One derivation from the above CFG is “abaabb”

S → SS → aSbS → abS → abaSb → abaaSbb → abaabb

Leftmost and Rightmost Derivations

Basically there are two types of derivations in context free grammar. They

• Leftmost derivation − A leftmost derivation is obtained by applying

production to the leftmost variable in each step.

• Rightmost derivation − A rightmost derivation is obtained by

applying production to the rightmost variable in each step.


Let any set of production rules in a CFG be

X → X+X | X*X |X| a over an alphabet {a}.

The leftmost derivation for the string a+a*a will be −

X → X+X → a+X → a + X*X → a+a*X → a+a*a

The rightmost derivation for the string a+a*a from above grammar is −

X → X*X → X*a → X+X*a → X+a*a → a+a*a

Derivation Tree
A derivation tree or parse tree is an ordered rooted tree that graphically
represents the semantic information of a string derived from a context-free

Representation Technique
• Root vertex − Must be labeled by the start symbol.

• Vertex − Labeled by a non-terminal symbol.

• Leaves − Labeled by a terminal symbol or ε.

If S → x1x2 …… xn is a production rule in a CFG, then the parse tree /

derivation tree will be as follows −


Let a CFG {N,T,P,S} be

N = {S}, T = {a, b}, Starting symbol = S, P = S → SS | aSb | ε

One derivation from the above CFG is “abaabb”

S → SS → aSbS → abS → abaSb → abaaSbb → abaabb

Derivation Tree for string abaabb is :

Ambiguity in Context-Free Grammars
If a context free grammar G has more than one derivation trees for some
string w ∈ L(G), it is called an ambiguous grammar. There exist multiple
right-most or left-most derivations for some string generated from that

Check whether the grammar G with production rules −

X → X+X | X*X |X| a

is ambiguous or not.

Let’s find out the derivation tree for the string "a+a*a". It has two leftmost

Derivation 1 − X → X+X → a +X → a+ X*X → a+a*X → a+a*a

Derivation tree or Parse tree 1

Derivation 2 − X → X*X → X+X*X → a+ X*X → a+a*X → a+a*a

Parse tree 2

Since there are two parse trees for a single string "a+a*a", then
grammar G is ambiguous.

Sentential Form and Partial Derivation Tree

A partial derivation tree is a sub-tree of a derivation tree/parse tree such
that either all of its children are in the sub-tree or none of them are in the

Example: If in any CFG the productions are −

S → AB, A → aaA | ε, B → Bb| ε

the partial derivation tree can be the following −

If a partial derivation tree contains the root S, it is called a sentential


Applications of Context Free Grammars:

Context Free Grammar (CFG) is of great practical importance. It is used for

following purposes-

For defining programming languages

For translation of programming languages

For describing arithmetic expressions

For construction of compilers

Data Processing

Natural Language Processing

Neural Networks

Multi –Functional Radar Systems

Human activities Recognition

Pushdown Automata Introduction

Basic Structure of PDA

A pushdown automaton is a way to implement a context-free grammar in a
similar way we design DFA for a regular grammar. A DFA never remembers
the information, but a PDA can remember an infinite amount of information.

Basically a pushdown automaton is −

"Finite state machine" + "a stack"

A pushdown automaton has three components −

• an input tape,
• a control unit, and
• a stack with infinite size.
The stack head scans the top symbol of the stack.

A stack does three operations −

• Push − a new symbol is added at the top of stack.

• Pop (ε) − the top of stack symbol is read and removed.

• No-change – top of the stack symbol is read and that remains same.

A PDA may or may not read an input symbol, but it has to read the top of
the stack in every transition.

A PDA can be formally described as a 7-tuple (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, Z0, F) −

• Q is the finite number of states

• ∑ is input alphabet

• S is stack symbols

• δ is the transition function: Q × (∑ ∪ {ε}) × S → Q × S*

• q0 is the initial state (q0 ∈ Q)

• Z0 is the initial stack top symbol (Z0 ∈ S)

• F is a set of accepting states (F ∈ Q)

The following diagram shows a transition in a PDA from a state q 1 to state

q2, labeled as a,b → c −

This means at state q1, if we encounter an input string ‘a’ and top symbol of
the stack is ‘b’, then we push ‘c’ on top of the stack ‘b’ and move to
state q2.

Terminologies Related to PDA

Instantaneous Description
The instantaneous description (ID) of a PDA is represented by a triplet (q,
w, s) where

• q is the state

• w is unconsumed input

• s is the stack contents

Turnstile Notation
The "turnstile" notation is used for connecting pairs of ID's that represent
one or many moves of a PDA. The process of transition is denoted by the
turnstile symbol "⊢".

Consider a PDA (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, Z0, F). A transition can be mathematically

represented by the following turnstile notation −

(p, aw, Tβ) ⊢ (q, w, αb)

This implies that while taking a transition from state p to state q, the input
symbol ‘a’ is consumed, and the top of the stack ‘T’ is replaced by a new
string ‘α’.

Note − If we want zero or more moves of a PDA, we have to use the

symbol (⊢*) for it.

Languages of PDA: A Pushdown automaton accepts context free language and

regular language.

Now let’s see how to construct PDA for languages.

1. Construct PDA on language that accepts L = {0n 1n | n ≥ 0} ?

Here language generates strings as L = {ab, aabb, aaabbb, aaaabbbb, ......}

In each of the string, the number of a’s are followed by equal number
of b’s.
Here, we need to maintain the order of a’s and b’s. That is, all the a’s
are coming first and then all the b’s are coming. Thus, we need a
stack along with the state diagram. The count of a’s and b’s is
maintained by the stack. We will take 2 stack alphabets: S= { a, z }
Where, S= set of all the stack alphabet
z = stack start symbol

As we want to design a PDA, thus every time ‘a’ comes before ‘b’.
When ‘a’ comes then push it in stack and if again ‘a’ comes then also
push it. After that, when ‘b’ comes then pop one ‘a’ from the stack

each time. So, at the end if the stack becomes empty then we can
say that the string is accepted by the PDA.

Stack transition functions –

δ(q0, a, z) ⊢ (q0, az)
δ(q0, a, a) ⊢ (q0, aa)
δ(q0, b, a) ⊢ (q1, ∈ )
δ(q1, b, a) ⊢ (q1, ∈)
δ(q1, ∈, z) ⊢ (qf, z)
Where, q0 = Initial state, qf = Final state, ∈=indicates pop operation

String acceptancy: Let check string aabb is accepted or not.

δ(q0,aabb, z) = (q0, az)
δ(q0,abb, az) = (q0, aaz)
δ(q0,bb, aaz) = (q1, az)
δ(q1,b, az) = (q1, z)
δ(q1, ∈, z) = (qf)

Finally stack empty and PDA reached to final State so we can conclude
string aabb is accepted.

2. Construct PDA on language that accepts L = {an bm cn | m,n>=1}?


Here, we need to maintain the order of a’s, b’s and c’s.That is, all the a’s
are are coming first and then all the b’s and then c’s are coming. Thus, we
need a stack along with the state diagram. The count of a’s and c’s is
maintained by the stack. The number of a’s is exactly equal to the number
of c’s.

Every time ‘a’ comes before ‘b’. When ‘a’ comes then push it in stack and
if again ‘a’ comes then also push it. And, when ‘c’ comes then pop one ‘a’
from the stack each time . And for ‘b’, we will do nothing in the stack only
change the state in state diagram. So, at the end if the stack becomes
empty then we can say that the string is accepted by the PDA.

Stack transition functions –

δ(q0, a, z) ⊢ (q0, az)
δ(q0, a, a) ⊢ (q0, aa)
δ(q0, b, a) ⊢ (q1, a)
δ(q1, b, a) ⊢ (q1, a)
δ(q1, c, a) ⊢ (q2, ∈)
δ(q2, c, a) ⊢ (q2, ∈)
δ(q2, ∈ , z) ⊢ (qf, z)

Pushdown Automata Acceptance
There are two different ways to define PDA acceptability.

Final State Acceptability

In final state acceptability, a PDA accepts a string when, after reading the
entire string, the PDA is in a final state. From the starting state, we can
make moves that end up in a final state with any stack values. The stack
values are irrelevant as long as we end up in a final state.

For a PDA (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, Z0, F), the language accepted by the set of final
states F is −

L(PDA) = {w | (q0, w, I) ⊢* (q, ε, x), q ∈ F}

for any input stack string x.

Example: Construct a PDA that accepts L = { wwR | w = (a+b)* }


Initially we put a special symbol ‘$’ into the empty stack. At state q2,
the w is being read. In state q3, each 0 or 1 is popped when it matches the
input. If any other input is given, the PDA will go to a dead state. When we
reach that special symbol ‘$’, we go to the accepting state q4.

Empty Stack Acceptability
Here a PDA accepts a string when, after reading the entire string, the PDA
has emptied its stack.

For a PDA (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, I, F), the language accepted by the empty stack
is −

L(PDA) = {w | (q0, w, I) ⊢* (q, ε, ε), q ∈ Q}

Example: Construct a PDA that accepts L = {0n 1n | n ≥ 0}


This language accepts L = {ε, 01, 0011, 000111, ............................. }

Here, in this example, the number of ‘a’ and ‘b’ have to be same.
• Initially we put a special symbol ‘$’ into the empty stack.

• Then at state q2, if we encounter input 0 and top is Null, we push 0

into stack. This may iterate. And if we encounter input 1 and top is 0,
we pop this 0.

• Then at state q3, if we encounter input 1 and top is 0, we pop this 0.

This may also iterate. And if we encounter input 1 and top is 0, we
pop the top element.

• If the special symbol ‘$’ is encountered at top of the stack, it is

popped out and it finally goes to the accepting state q4.

Equivalence of PDA and CFGs:
If a grammar G is context-free, we can build an equivalent nondeterministic
PDA which accepts the language that is produced by the context-free
grammar G.

Also, if P is a pushdown automaton, an equivalent context-free grammar G

can be constructed where

L(G) = L(P)

In the next two topics, we will discuss how to convert from PDA to CFG
and CFG to PDA.

From CFG to PDA:

Algorithm to find PDA corresponding to a given CFG

Input − A CFG, G = (V, T, P, S)

Output − Equivalent PDA, P = (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, I, F)

Step 1 – Identify Non terminals & terminals in the CFG

Step 2 − The PDA will have only one state {q}.

Step 3 − The start symbol of CFG will be the start symbol in the PDA.

Step 4 − All non-terminals of the CFG will be the stack symbols of the PDA
and all the terminals of the CFG will be the input symbols of the PDA.

Step 5 − For each Non terminal production in the grammar of the form
A → aX, where a is terminal and A, X are combination of terminal and non-
terminals, make a transition

δ (q, ε, A) = (q, aX)

Step 6 – For each terminal in the grammar add new PDA transitions as

δ (q, a, a) = (q, ε )

Construct a PDA from the following CFG.

G = ({S, X}, {a, b}, P, S) where the productions are −

S → XS | ε , A → aXb | Ab | ab

Let the equivalent PDA,

P = ({q}, {a, b}, {a, b, X, S}, δ, q, S)

where δ −

δ(q, ε , S) = {(q, XS), (q, ε )}

δ(q, ε , A) = {(q, aXb), (q, Ab), (q, ab)}

δ(q, a, a) = {(q, ε )}

δ(q, b, b) = {(q, ε )}

From PDA to CFG:

Algorithm to find CFG corresponding to a given PDA

Input − A CFG, G = (V, T, P, S)

Output − Equivalent PDA, P = (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, Z0, F)

The productions for CFG are written as follows:

Step 1: Starting Symbol of the grammar S production to be written as

S → [q0, Z0 , q”] where

q0 is initial state of PDA,

Z0 is initial Stack Symbol and

q” belongs to all states of given PDA

Step 2: For every action of Popping move in PDA, production to be written

δ ( q ,a ,Z ) = (q’ , ε) is a pop transition

where q, q’ are either same or different states, a is current input symbol, Z

is present top of the stack then pop operation is represented with ε.

Then its equivalent CFG production is

[q, Z, q’] → a

Step 3: For every action of No change move in PDA, production to be

written as

δ ( q ,a ,Z ) = (q1 , Z) is a no change transition

where q,q1 are different states, a is current input symbol, Z is present top
of the stack then no change operation is represented with same current top
of stack symbol.

Then its equivalent CFG production is

[q, Z, q”] → a [q1, Z, q”]

Where q” is set of states in PDA.

Step 4: For every action of Insertion move in PDA, production to be written


δ ( q ,a ,Z0 ) = (q1 , Z1Z0) is a insertion transition

where q,q1 are different states, a is current input symbol, Z0 is present top
of the stack, Z1 is new top of stack after the transition.

Then its equivalent CFG production is

[q, Z0, q”] → a [q1, Z1, q’] [q’, Z0, q”]

Where q’, q” are set of states in PDA.


Convert following PDA into CFG?

M = {{q0,q1}, {0,1}, {x,z0}, δ , q0, z0, q1} where δ is given as follows:

δ ( q0 ,1 ,Z0 ) = (q0 , xZ0)

δ ( q0 ,1 ,x ) = (q0 , xx)

δ ( q0 ,0 ,x ) = (q0 , x)

δ ( q0 , 1 ,x ) = (q1 , ε)

δ ( q1 , ε ,x ) = (q1 , ε)


Starting symbol productions for CFG according to Step 1:

S → [q0, Z0 , q0] / [q0, Z0 , q1]

Then consider first transition of PDA : δ ( q0 ,1 ,Z0 ) = (q0 , xZ0)

It is an insertion operation so use step 4 , then its equialent productions are

[q0, Z0, q0] → 1 [q0, x, q0] [q0, Z0, q0]

[q0, Z0, q0] → 1 [q0, x, q1] [q1, Z0, q0]

[q0, Z0, q1] → 1 [q0, x, q0] [q0, Z0, q1]

[q0, Z0, q1] → 1 [q0, x, q1] [q1, Z0, q1]

δ ( q0 ,1 ,x ) = (q0 , xx)

[q0, x, q0] → 1 [q0, x, q0] [q0, x, q0]

[q0, x, q0] → 1 [q0, x, q1] [q1, x, q0]

[q0, x, q1] → 1 [q0, x, q0] [q0, x, q1]

[q0, x, q1] → 1 [q0, x, q1] [q1, x, q1]

δ ( q0 ,0 ,x ) = (q0 , x) : it is no change operation, so use step 3.

[q0, x, q0] → 0 [q0, x, q0]

[q0, x, q1] → 0 [q0, x, q1]

δ ( q0 , 1 ,x ) = (q1 , ε) : it is pop operation, so use step 2

[q0, x, q1] → 1

δ ( q1 , ε ,x ) = (q1 , ε)

[q1, x, q1] → ε


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