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Harmonic Proposal

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VI EP- 1

Analysis and Mitigation of Distorted Harmonic in Distribution Network

Electrical distribution systems are an essential part of the electrical power system. In
order to transfer electrical power from an alternating current source to the places those are
industries, homes, and commercial buildings where it will be used. Distribution systems
usually employ such equipment as transformers, circuit breakers, and protective devices. The
distribution of electrical power in the Myanmar is normally in the form of three-phase 50 Hz
alternating current. This power can be manipulated or changed in many ways by the use of
electrical circuitry. The single-phase power is generally used for lighting and small
appliances, such as those in the home or residential environments. The power distribution
systems are to supply the electrical power necessary for industrial, residential, and
commercial use. From the point of view of the system, the overall electrical power system
delivers power from the source to the load which is connected to it. Industries use almost half
of all the electrical power produced, so three phase power is distributed directly to most large
industries. From these substations, power is distributed to industrial sites to energize
industrial machinery, to residential homes, and to commercial users of electrical power.
Harmonic is rising due to use of non-linear loads that from solid state components.
Sinusoidal voltages or currents having frequencies that are integer multiples of the
frequency at which the supply system is designed to operate (usually 50 or 60 Hz) is called
harmonics. The large numbers of personal computers (single phase loads), uninterruptible
power supplies (UPSs), variable frequency drives (AC and DC) or any electronic device
using solid state power switching supplies to convert incoming AC to DC cause harmonics
and make the voltages and currents distorted. Non-linear loads create harmonics by drawing
current in rapid short pulses, rather than in a smooth sinusoidal manner.
The harmonics in the power network may result in resonance conditions in the power
network and thus causing the deterioration of the power quality in the grid. The outcome of
this harmonic resonance is that, it will generate highly rated circulating currents and voltages
at the resonant frequency, which could cause power quality problems such as voltage sags,
swells, flickers etc. As a consequence of this harmonic distortion, the industrial plants may
face pulsating torques in the rotor of the motor, or it may cause nuisance tripping of the
smaller units that are associated in the plant site.
Different kinds of power system software can be used to perform Harmonic Analysis
on the power network. In this study, ETAP is being utilized to model various power networks
and perform harmonic analysis. ETAP is very user-friendly software where key tools that are
needed for efficient harmonic analysis are easy to operate to get better results. It is also
proficient of depicting the consequences of implementing the required power network on real
life. In this thesis, 10 buses THAPYAYWA distribution network is modelled and the
distortion of harmonic in this system due to various reasons will be analyzed.

Aims and Objectives

 To perform harmonic analysis on THAPYAYWA distribution network by using
ETAP software
 To realize what cause harmonic in distribution system
 To analyze harmonic load flow on the proposed network so that harmonic distortion
can be identified
 To limit the harmonic distortion and resonance conditions in the power network by
using appropriate harmonic filter
 To simulate the distortion of harmonic in proposed distribution network by using
ETAP software

Literature Review
M. T. Riaz [2021] Proposed the harmonic analysis in Industry using Fluke Energy
Analyzer. The measured THD% values for the voltage and current will be used to model and
analyze overall harmonics in the complete three-phase distribution system of Textile Plant
through simulation using ETAP software. By taking measurements with the help of the Fluke
Energy Analyzer, it was identified that 5th and 7th harmonic orders are most dominant in
magnitude and are responsible for increased THD% levels. The results obtained from Fluke
Energy Analyzer were used in ETAP for harmonic analysis of the overall plant. Resonance
phenomenon was identified due to the conventional capacitor bank used for power factor
improvement. Thus, a single tuned filter was designed, and Power Factor improvement bank
was replaced with a Single tuned filter. The harmonic filter not only reduced the harmonic
distortion levels but also provided power factor improvement.
Guna [2020] aims to build a simulation model of gas cooling plant to evaluate
characteristics of harmonics at different case studies with help of ETAP. Generally, harmonic
analyzer in ETAP, studies the power network and is subjected to harmonic current injection
and harmonic voltage at multiple frequencies. In this paper the 33kV system simulation
model is built using ETAP. A 33kV bus is connected to utility grid via incoming feeder and
VFDs and motors are connected to a bus and required single tuned filter bank are placed to
mitigate harmonics injected by VFD.

Implementation Programs
Harmonic analysis of proposed distribution network will be discussed in this thesis
and some of them are;
 To study background theory of harmonic in distribution system
 To collect data for designing single line diagram of proposed system
 To simulate basic power flow analysis such as voltage, current and power factor
 To run harmonic load flow for examining the harmonic distortion
 To choose suitable harmonic filter for compensating the distorted harmonic

Expected Outcome
In this thesis, single line diagram of THAPYAYWA distribution network is modelled
and harmonic analysis due to various reasons will be simulated by using ETAP software.
Consideration of harmonic filter is one of the most important factors in distribution system
because harmonic is a major impact on power system stability. After simulating the harmonic
load flow in ETAP, appropriate harmonic filter can then be chosen to mitigate harmonic
distortion in the network to improve system efficiency.

Time Frame Management Chart


100% Jan, Feb,March, April, May

Jun, July, Aug

Sep, Oct

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