Marriage Deed Muzafar Nadeem
Marriage Deed Muzafar Nadeem
Marriage Deed Muzafar Nadeem
Form No. 2
(Vide Rules 8 & 10)
Form # 36
Marriage Deed
(The Form of Marriage Deed prescribed by rules 8 & 10 framed under the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance VIII of 1961.)
Name of the Ward, Town/Union Tehsil / Police Station, District Thathi Mughlan Chak Jamal Sadar / Jhelum
Where marriage ceremony performed
Muzaffar Nadeem S/O Muzaffar Ahmed
2 Name, father’s name and residence Respectively of the bridegroom
Mujahid Abad, Jhelum
3 Age / Date of Birth of the bridegroom 26 years 37301-2309568-9
Madiha Shahid D/O Shahid Anwar
4 Name, Father’s and residence respectively of the bride
Thathi Mughlan, Tehsil & District Jhelum
5 Marital Status of the bride Maiden
6 Age of Bride/Date of Birth 21 years 37301-5690199-4
The name, Parentage and residence of the Guardian/attorney, if any, of the Colonel Javed Anwar Mirza S/O Major Anwar Baig Mirza
bride? House # 20, Street # 17, Defence, Rawalpindi
1) Tahir Anwar Mirza S/O Anwar Baig Mirza
Thathi Mughaln, Jhelum
The name, parentage and residence of the Attorney if any, of the
2) Mirza Waqar Mehmood S/O Major Mehmood Anwar Mirza
Thathi Mughaln, Jhelum
The name, parentage and residence of the Attorney if any, of the Muzaffar Qadeer S/O Muzaffar Ahmed Mujahid Abad, Jhelum
bridegroom. Raja Ijaz Ahmed S/O Niaz Ahmed Sohawa, Jhelum
The names, parentage and residence of the witnesses to the appointment
10 ---------------------------------------------------------
of the bridegroom’s Attorney
1) Mehmood Ali Wasiq S/O Ashiq Muhammad
Bilal Town, Jhelum
11 The names, parentage’s and residence of the witness of marriage contract
2) Mirza Arshad Mehmood S/O Mirza Abdul Latif
Machine Mohallah No. 1, Jhelum
12 Date of Marriage 11/02/2007
13 The Amount of Dower 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only)
14 Prompt and deferred parts of the Dower Amount Prompted
The Cash Payment, if any made out of the dower amount at the time of
15 Paid at the spot
The value of any properly as agreed to between the parties, if paid in Lieu
of the Total or Partial payment of the Dower amount conditions, if any! ---------------------------------------------------------
17 If any other conditions laid ---------------------------------------------------------
18 Has the bridegroom delegated powers of divorced to the bride? ---------------------------------------------------------
19 Has the bridegroom been restricted for rights of divorced? ---------------------------------------------------------
Whether any document was prepared at the time of marriage relating to
20 ---------------------------------------------------------
living and Dower
In case, bridegroom has any other existing wife then the permission, if
21 any, obtained by him for contracting present marriage under the ordinance ---------------------------------------------------------
of 1961 from the arbitration council
The number and date of the arbitration council granting permission to the
22 ---------------------------------------------------------
bridegroom for second marriage
The name, parentage and address of the person are performing the ritual of Hafiz Muhammad Riaz S/O Allah Ditta SarDhok
marriage Tehsil Sarai Alamgir, Ditrict Gujrat 34203-2954560
24 The date of registration of the marriage ---------------------------------------------------------
25 The registration fees paid ---------------------------------------------------------
Marriage Registrar
Official Seal