Accomplishment Report OCT. Part1 Don
Accomplishment Report OCT. Part1 Don
Accomplishment Report OCT. Part1 Don
OCTOBER 06, 2023 Gender and Development and Gender Sensitivity Training
- Disscuss the difference between gender and sex,
knowing the institutions responsible for gender roles
and norms and cause of stereotypes in an individual,
Importance of being gender sensitive and promoting
of a gender sensitive community for liberation.
OCTOBER 09, 2023 Parent Leaders Meeting at Pulong Niogan Mabini Batangas
- The municipal link was being formally endorsed to the
community parent leaders and tasked to discuss the
grievance redress system as part of technical
assistance to old and new sets of parent leaders
OCTOBER 10, 2023 MC36 Case Conference and Orientation about Kilos Unlad
Frame work
- The municipal link is invited to learn about case
management presentation under MC 36 or zero
compliance beneficiaries and givrn an opportunity to
give critic to one of the presentor. Then at the
afternoon is the discussion about Kilos Unlad
framework and different annexes.
OCTOBER 11, 2023 Assisting beneficiaries regarding about their household