Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Full Depreciation
Residual Value
Information provided
Estimating experience
by others
Figure above indicates the factors influencing variance in an estimate.
1.3 Cost Engineering Traits
1. Conflicting Issues of quality, size, performance and cost:
2. Cost Engineering combines both science and art
3. Cost Engineering does not offer guarantees of costs
4. Costing can only be as accurate as the information upon
which it is based
5. Cost estimate accuracy increases as the design becomes more
precisely defined
•Scope Definition
•Time to Prepare Costing
•Quality of Cost Data Accuracy
•Cost Engineers Skill
6. Cost estimate is based on previous estimates
7. Costing requires standard computing methodology and
Costing as a consequence becomes more complex
reflecting the many different factors that go into each
unit of work.
strict methods and procedures that mistakes can be
1.4 The Function of Cost Engineering in Construction
Learning Curve
Number of Units
• The area conversion scale shown below gives a factor to
convert costs for a typical size building to an adjusted cost
for the particular project.
• Typical project size and method for modifying for economy
of scale
Building Type Median Cost per Typical Size Gross
M2 (USD) M2
Apartments 550 1890