Cost Engineering
Cost Engineering
Cost Engineering
“Accurately forecasting the cost of future projects is vital to the survival of any
• Cost Engineering is a dynamic process that begins in the very early stages of a
project and ends when the project is turned over to the owner. As a project
moves along time, the amount of information generated increases. The
information improves an estimate’s accuracy but also costs more to develop and
takes more time. Cost estimating is critical in the development of the project
because it informs the owner of costs, which in turn guide design decisions.
Cost Engineering (Cont’d)
• Cost engineering is concerned with problems of cost estimation, cost control, and
business planning and management science, including problems of project
management, planning, scheduling, and profitability analysis of engineering projects
and processes.
• Management Theory and technique: pre contract planning, tendering policy and the
organization of resources
Mark-up Cost
The sum added to an estimate in respect of the general overhead costs including
profit and risk.
Production Cost
Costs representing the sum of direct costs (all-in costs) and site overhead costs.
Costs required for production of the works on site.
Cost Engineering Traits
1.Conflicting Issues of quality, size, performance and cost
2.Cost Engineering combines both science and art
3.Cost Engineering does not offer guarantees of costs
4.Costing can only be as accurate as the information upon which it
is based
5.Cost estimate accuracy increases as the design becomes more
precisely defined
6.Cost estimate is based on previous estimates
Cost Engineering Traits (cont’d)
Considerations in Costing
• Prices of equipment, plants, or buildings vary from time to time in accordance with
competitive market conditions and the general state of inflation or deflation of a
country’s currency. They also vary at any given time form one area of the country
to another area and from one country to another country. These differences in
price form one time to another time period and from one location to another can
be measured by cost indexes.
• A Cost Index is the ration of cost or price for a given commodity or service or
set of commodities or services at a given time and place compared to the
cost or price at a base or standard time and place. Remember, cost indexes
are based on present cots compared with cost history. As published, they
usually do not forecast future escalation; they leave that up to the discretion
of the individual user.
Types of Construction Price Indices
Input price indices measure changes in the price of inputs to the construction process by
monitoring separately the cost of each factor. This generally entails the compilation of a
weighted index of the costs of wages and materials.
Output price indices measure changes in the prices of what is produced by entities engaged
in construction activity. Output price indices cover most of the items normally built into the
price paid by purchasers or clients to entities involved in producing the completed output
of the construction activity. These generally include materials, labour, equipment hire, land
preparation costs, bathroom/kitchen fittings, overheads, profits, and trade margins.
• Seller’s Price Indices
Seller’s price indices measure changes in the prices of construction output paid by the
purchaser or final owner of the output of construction activity. These price indices are
conceptually broader in item coverage than almost all input and output indices.
• Typical examples would be house price indices compiled in the United States and Canada.
These indices include most factors which influence movements in home prices including
supply factors (wage rates, material costs, and productivity) and demand factors
( demographic changes, incomes and availability of mortgage finance). These indices are
the closest approximations in item coverage to the actual price paid for construction
Types and methods of Estimates
•Type of client the organization is to favor, ( private, local authority, community services, )
•The ultimate goal of the financial manager (profit maximization or wealth maximization),
•If management decides to tender for the project, the estimating staff should
assemble information about project costs. An accurate estimate can only be
produced when each element is broken down into its simplest terms and the
cost estimated on factual information.
•Time scale for tendering with key dates as mentioned in the invitation to bid,
•Having assembled all the information, the next task of the estimating staff is to
build the cost of the unit rates. This requires the calculation of all-in rates for
labor, plant, materials and extending these, using the production details from
the pre-tender programme. The cost of any on site administration and services,
known as project overheads is also calculated. These net production costs,
together with a project appraisal report are then submitted to management for
Detail Cost Estimation
A. Project Cost estimation
is the process of valuing on monetary expression, including the cost of all
possible entrants necessary for the planning, implementing and monitoring
stages of the proposed project under consideration.
Cost estimation is the determination of the probable cost of a project.
Project Cost includes:
Preliminary investigation (project appraisal costs);
Design and supervision (consultancy cost);
Construction works (contractor’s cost);
Land owning cost, and
Monitoring costs.
B. Detailed Cost Estimate (Based on Item Rate)
Detailed Cost Estimate is the most reliable and accurate type of estimate.
The quantities of items are carefully prepared from the drawings and
the total cost worked out from up to date market rates.
Quality of materials;
Quality of workmanship;
Therefore, the contractor shall have the technical ability and experience in
interpreting the technical data provided to determine construction methods
to be adapted which directly affects the construction cost estimates.
6. Site Visit
In order to prepare competent and reasonable construction cost estimates, the contractor must visit the
project site unless the site is familiar to the contractor with previous reliable site information.
The contractor shall prepare his own checklists during the site visit which shall address, but not limited to,
the following issues which have direct impact on the construction costs of the intended project.
Location of the site;
Location of local construction materials;
Access roads;
Water and power supply;
Communication facilities;
Environmental protection; and
Existing facilities.
7. Method of Measurement
Contractors shall thoroughly understand the method of measurement
incorporated within the bidding documents before starting any cost
breakdown calculations.
Direct Construction cost is the Cost of installed equipment, material and labor directly
involved in the physical construction of the permanent facility; costs incurred directly in the
performance of an activity.
Direct costs are those costs, which can be attributed to a single task of construction work.
These costs are usually associated with a construction labor crew performing a task using
specific equipment and materials for the task.
Direct construction costs are all costs that can be specifically booked with an activity in a
The current trend is to assign as much as possible costs to direct costs as these costs can be
budgeted, monitored and controlled far more effectively than the indirect costs.
The direct costs mainly include material, labor, equipment and subcontract costs as
described below.
Direct Material costs: These costs referring to the cost of materials, consumables and
components used for executing an activity including the allowances for scrap and wastages.
Direct Labor costs: All costs related to the workers working on a specific activity such as
carpenters, masons, erectors, painters, plumbers and so on.
Direct Equipment costs: These costs referring to the costs of machineries and plants used
in executing a specific activity.
Subcontract costs: In case some specific activities are subcontracted, the subcontract price
will be considered as the direct cost of the activities to be executed by the subcontractor.
Indirect Construction Cost
Indirect Construction Costs are all costs which do not become a final part of the
installation or constructed facility, but which are required for the orderly completion
of the installation; costs incurred indirectly for the accomplishment of the project.
Indirect construction costs are all costs, which can not be directly booked under a
specific activity in a construction project but required to keep the whole project
These costs are also called overhead costs, which mainly include the head office and
site overhead costs.
Indirect Construction Cost
Site overhead costs are all costs required to run the whole operation of a specific construction project
at site level.
These costs are not associated with specific activity in a project but rather shared proportionally by all
activities within the project. Some of the site overhead costs are listed below with further clarifications.
Site management costs: These costs refer to costs related with salaries and benefit packages of the site
management members in the project site.
Indirect labor costs: salaries and benefits of staffs other than the site management members working
at the project site such as site engineers, office engineers, administrative and finance staffs, data
collectors and so on.
Indirect Construction Cost
Site overhead costs
Mobilization and demobilization costs –These costs are mainly transportation
Tender Expenses – These costs are related with the costs of the contract
performance security, advance repayment guarantee, contractor’s all risk
insurance,insurance of the works and third party insurance depending on the
contract conditions agreed.
Site offices –site offices are constructed from different materials such as
corrugated iron sheets, prefabricated materials, material packing steel
containers, steel structure and normal hollow concrete blocks.
Expertise service costs – These costs will be incurred when professional
services are required at the project
• site such as lawyers, claim experts and so on.
Indirect Construction Cost
Site overhead costs
Office furniture and equipments – Different office furniture and
equipments are required depending on the size and location of the project.
Office running expenses - The site office operation requires different
expenses such as telephones, fax, internet service, mail service and
Radio communications - If the coverage area of the construction project is
vast, hand held and stationed radio communications may be used within the
site and with the head office.
Indirect Construction Cost
Site overhead costs
Camp facilities – The costs of construction and operation of other facilities
such as restaurants, recreational centers and playgrounds are also included
under the camp facilities.
Access roads – Depending on the topography and location of the project
site, different access roads may be required to construct such as detour roads,
access roads to quarry and disposal areas, etc.
Water and power supply – All the site offices, camp facilities, the
construction itself requires water and power supply for operating the whole
project properly.
Workshops garages and warehouses, Bank charges, Transportation and
travel expenses, Insurance charges, etc…
Indirect Construction Cost
Common workmen
• Mark up can be seen as the sum of general overheads, provision for risks
and profit margin.
1. General Overheads
The ‘general overheads’ for a construction company varies between 2-3% of the
contract value depending on factors such as turnover, staff strength, nature of
expenses incurred at head-office, and the number of projects in hand currently
Construction projects are risky proposition full of uncertainties and risks. In spite of
different details known at the tendering stage there are uncertainties and risks
pertaining to timely completion, budget escalation, site conditions, soil characteristics,
labor, and material availability and so on.
3. Profit
This is a reward of carrying out the business and thus taking risk. Risky
business carries more profit and vice versa.
4. Unit Rate Analysis
Construction cost estimation formats and procedures shall also serve as the basis for
different purposes as listed below in managing the project during construction.
Construction planning;
Project cash flow preparation;
Productivity data collection;
Material consumption data collection;
Construction monitoring;
Performance evaluation and controlling;
Performance related pay;
Subcontractor’s price evaluation;
Variations and claims validation; and
Remedial measures and improvements.
4. Unit Rate Analysis
4. Unit Rate Analysis
Unit Rate Analysis Format Examples
4. Unit Rate Analysis
4. Unit Rate Analysis
Unit Rate Analysis Format Examples
4. Unit Rate Analysis
Unit Rate Analysis Format Examples
4. Unit Rate Analysis
Unit Rate Analysis Format Examples
5. Risk Analysis for Cost Estimation
5.1 Risk Analysis: General
Cost estimation is prediction. Little in cost estimating is certain.
Cost risks
Acts of God: Flood, Earthquake, Landslide, Fire, Wind damage;
Physical: subsurface conditions;
Financial & Economic: uncertainty with high inflation and interest rates,
Availability of funds, Exchange rate fluctuations, Financial default;
Construction Related: Labor strikes, Labor productivity, Different site
conditions, Design changes, Equipment failure, inability of a subcontractor to
perform, Damage to structure, Damage to equipment, Labor injuries, Fire,
Theft, offsite accidents by vehicles;
• Design Related: Incomplete design scope, Design assumptions, Defective
design/ constructability, Errors and omissions, Inadequate specifications;
Benefit/Cost Ratio
• Initially used in the economic analysis of public sector evaluation by
reducing the effect of politics and special interest
Public Sector Projects
• These projects are owned, used and financed by the citizenry of any
government level.
• Areas of public sector that require engineering economic analysis:
• Health
• Safety
• Economic welfare
• Utilities
Benefit Cost Analysis of a Single Project
Conventional B/C Ratio
• It is the most widely use B/C ratio in public and private sector.
benefits disbenefit s
cos ts
• The disbenefits are subtracted from the benefits and not added to the
Modified B/C ratio
• In this method the maintenance and operation (M&O)is in the
numerator and treated as disbenefits
Benefit and Cost Difference
• The fire chief of a medium-sized city has estimated that the initial cost
of a new fire station will be B4million. Annual costs are estimated at
B50,000. benefits to citizen of B550,000 per year and disbenefits of
B90,000 per year has also been identified. Use a discount rate of 4%
per year and determine if the station is economically justified by
modified B/C ratio
1)Write the definition of value engineering
• The cash flow diagram is used to evaluate money along with its
equivalent with time: forward time or backward time
Cash Flow
• Engineering projects generally have economic consequences that occur over
an extended period of time
• For example, if an expensive piece of machinery is installed in a plant were brought on
credit, the simple process of paying for it may take several years
• The resulting favorable consequences may last as long as the equipment performs its
useful function
• Operations and maintenance (O&M): annual expense, such as electricity, labor, and minor
• Salvage value: receipt at project termination for sale or transfer of the equipment (can be a
salvage cost)
• Revenues: annual receipts due to sale of products or services
• Overhaul: major capital expenditure that occurs during the asset’s life
Cash Flow diagrams
• The costs and benefits of engineering projects over time are summarized on
a cash flow diagram (CFD). Specifically, CFD illustrates the size, sign, and
timing of individual cash flows, and forms the basis for engineering economic