مراجعة انجلش تيرم أول
مراجعة انجلش تيرم أول
مراجعة انجلش تيرم أول
الصف 2الثانوى
نماذج اختبارات الفصل الدراسى األول
طبقا للتعديالت الوزارية
2022 - 2023
Final Tests
Final Test 1
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 .................. advertising is those advertisements which appear to people out of their interest
and activity on the Internet.
a) Banner b) Commercial c) Amateur d) Targeted
2 Maher spent a lot of time listening to records and just hanging .................. with some friends.
a) on b) in c) out d) at
3 British Airways has a very good safety .................. . Accidents are rare on their flights.
a) prize b) record c) revision d) medal
4 The advertisement campaign has succeeded in .................. sales of the new product.
a) pulling b) depriving c) boosting d) discouraging
5 Hossam Hassan has gained much .................. for his successful football career.
a) disrespect b) rudeness c) affection d) respect
6 At the end of the 17 century, England was still .................., depending mainly on agriculture.
My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that
I find interesting. This hobby got started when I was a little boy. I had always wanted my parents
to read fairy tales and other stories to me. Soon they got fed up and tired of having to read to me
continually. So as soon as I could, I learned to read. I started with simple ABC books. Soon I could
read simple fairy tales and other stories. Now I read just about anything that is available.
Reading enables me to learn about so many things that I would otherwise not know. I learned
about how people lived in bygone days of magic and mystery. I learned about the wonders of
the world, space travel, human achievements, gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating
things about our world.
The wonderful thing about reading is that I do not have to learn things the hard way. For
example, I do not have to catch a disease to know that it can kill me. I know the danger so I can
avoid it. Also, I do not have to go deep into the jungle to learn about the tiger. I can read all about
it in a book.
Books provide the reader with so much information and facts. They have certainly helped me
in my daily life. I am better equipped to cope with living. Otherwise, I would go about ignorantly
learning things the hard way. So, I continue to read. Besides being more informed about the
world, I also spend my time profitably. It is indeed a good hobby.
a) knowledgeable b) available
c) famous d) honourable
18 The word “bygone” means .................. .
a) disaster b) responsibility
c) hobby d) danger
20 The writer likes to read .................. .
a) stories b) magazines
c) newspapers d) all of the previous
21 Reading can help people medically because .................. .
Final Tests
22 According to the passage, people can cope with living through .................. .
a) buying books b) working abroad
c) reading about life facts d) none of the previous
23 What does the underlined pronoun “It” refer to?
a) Time. b) Reading.
c) Books. d) World.
24 Choose the correct Arabic translation:
- The immune system is made up of special organs, cells and chemicals in our bodies. They work
together to protect us from infections and diseases.
ً إنها تعمل.( يشكل جهاز المناعة أعضاء خاصة وخاليا ومواد كيميائية فى أجسامناa
.معا لحمايتنا من التلوث واألمراض
.معا لحمايتنا من العدوى واألمراض
ً تعمل إنها.( يتكون جهاز المناعة من أعضاء وخاليا ومواد كيميائية خاصة فى أجسامناb
. تقوم مع بعضها بالحماية من العدوى واألدوية.( يصنع جهاز المناعة أعضاء وخاليا ومواد كيميائية خاصة فى أجسامناc
ً هى تعمل.( يتكون الجهاز المناعى من أعضاء خاصة وخاليا ومواد كيميائية فى أجسامناd
.معا لحمايتنا من اإلصابة واألمراض
25 Choose the correct English translation:
إن ارتكاب األخطاء ال يؤدى بالضرورة إلى نتائج ســيئة فالتعلم من األخطاء. لكن ال يعرف معظمنا كيف يســتفيد من أخطائه، الكل يخطئ- 2
.جميعا اكتسابها
ً مهارة علينا
a) Everybody makes mistakes, but most of we don’t see how to earn from their mistakes. Making
mistakes does necessarily lead to good results. Admitting from mistakes is skillful we all have to
b) Everyone makes mistakes, but most of us don’t know how to benefit from their mistakes. Making
mistakes does not necessarily lead to bad results. Learning from mistakes is a skill we all have to
c) Everyone makes mistakes, but most of us don’t understand how to gain from their mistakes.
Doing mistakes does not necessarily lead to bad results. Learning from mistakes is skillful we all
have to win.
d) All makes mistakes, but most of us don’t know how to profit from our mistakes. Mistakes do not
lead to bad results. Teaching from mistakes is a skill we all have to acquire.
26 Write an essay of (180) words on the following topic:
- Your favourite social networking site. 5
Final Tests
Final Test 2
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 The story of the president’s visit dominated newspaper .................. around the world.
a) addresses b) headquarters c) headlines d) backlines
2 I couldn’t .................. in contact with many of my relatives when I moved to Sharm El Sheikh.
a) meant b) means
c) meaning d) is meant
13 If you find the shoes that I have told you about, .................. them?
a) as if I were b) as if I would be
c) as if I had d) as I am
Final Tests
a) milk b) medicine
c) fruit d) sweets
20 Why should old or faulty appliances be discarded?
a) ripen b) cook
c) pollute d) eat
24 Choose the correct Arabic translation:
- All over the world, a lot of people are interested in using different means of communication.
These means enable them to do various tasks as quickly as they can.
كل هذه الوسائل تجعلهم غير قادرين على القيام. أشخاص كثيرون غير مهتمين باستخدام وسائل تواصل مختلفة،فى جميع أنحاء العالم (a
.بمهام مختلفة بأسرع ما يمكن
هذه الوسائل تمكنهم من القيام بمهام مختلفة بأسرع.يهتم الكثير من الناس فى جميع أنحاء العالم باستخدام وسائل اتصال مختلفة (b
.ما يمكن
هذه الوســائل تجعلهم يقومون بمهام مختلفة بأســرع.يهتــم معظــم الناس فى جميع دول العالم باســتخدام وســائل تواصل مختلفة (c
.ما يمكن
هذه الوسائل تعجزهم عن القيام بمهام مختلفة.يركز الكثير من األشــخاص فى جميع دول العالم على اســتخدام وسائل اتصال مختلفة (d
.بأسرع ما يمكن
25 Choose the correct English translation:
لذلك يؤيد.أحيانا تتســبب فى نشــر الشــائعات وخلق الفوضى فى المجتمع
ً على الرغم من فوائدها الكثيرة فإن مواقع التواصل االجتماعى- 2
.الكثيرون فرض الرقابة الحكومية عليها
a) Despite the many types of profits, social media sometimes spreads rumors and creates chaos in
society. So many supports government protection on it.
b) Despite its many benefits, social networking sites sometimes spread rumors and create chaos in
society. Therefore, many support the imposition of government censorship on it.
c) Despite their great benefits, social networking sites sometimes cause the spread of rumours
and creating chaos in society. That’s why, many people approve of imposing governmental
observation on them.
d) Despite their great benefits, social networking sites sometimes cause the spread of rumours
and create mess in society. That’s why, many people approve of imposing governmental
conservation on it.
26 Write an essay of (180) words on the following topic:
- The role teachers can play in developing society. 5
Final Tests
Final Test 3
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 This furniture is still in its .................. condition, so it is valuable.
a) back b) original c) dispensing d) infecting
2 Social media have attracted .................. because of their increasing popularity.
a) clerks b) consumers c) advertisers d) rivals
3 The two little sisters .................. arms happily as they walked to school.
a) wrapped b) contacted c) linked d) called
4 My brother is doing a .................. in economics to have a promotion.
a) journey b) course c) search d) grade
5 Owning a luxurious house does not .................. mean that they were born into a wealthy family.
a) necessarily b) uselessly c) dangerously d) properly
6 The students must finish the test within the .................. of two hours, no more.
a) location b) area c) space d) region
7 She earns at least as much .................. her brother, and probably more.
a) as b) than c) more d) of
8 This is my last day here. I .................. to England tomorrow.
a) am going back b) go c) will be gone d) won’t
9 The results were completely wrong. She .................. have planned the experiment more carefully.
a) must b) might c) shouldn’t d) should
10 A lot of students can’t answer the maths problem. It .................. difficult.
a) is meant b) seems c) is supposed d) is seemed
11 If I had another 5000 pounds, I .................. a car.
a) would have bought b) could have bought c) could buy d) will buy
12 That chocolate ice cream tastes .................. .
a) deliciously b) more deliciously
c) delicious d) the most deliciously
13 Samy has told us that he .................. when we arrive at the station so we will have to get a taxi.
a) is working b) works c) will work d) will be working
14 I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. .................. is getting married.
a) A friend of mine b) A friend of me c) One my friends d) A friend’s
15 They live on a busy road. .................. a lot of noise from the traffic.
a) It must have had b) There must be
c) It must be d) There must have
Final Tests
Computers are machines that can help us in many ways. But they cannot think or do things
on their own. Humans have to feed them with information and tell them what to do with it. They
can save much time and work. For example, all the information and the office files can be stored
in a computer’s “memory”.
The first computers were huge and costly. They filled up almost the whole floor of large offices.
Later, because of the usefulness and demand for computers in business, scientists soon found
ways to produce cheaper and smaller computers. They invented chips which made it possible to
store more information in less space.
Today, computers are not only cheaper, but also more compact. They can just be placed on
top of an ordinary writing table. They can even be carried from place to place easily. Computers
are not only used in offices by companies, but they are also used at home, by families who can
afford them.
Robots, on the other hand, are not mechanical people. They are only moving parts controlled
by a computer. A robot can do the same work for twenty-four hours, and yet, it does not complain
or get tired. In Japan and in some places in America, robots are used in factories to assemble
cars. As computers become more common businesses and factories, people fear that one day
computers and computer-controlled robots will put human workers out of work.
a) Huge. b) Cheaper.
c) Smaller. d) Costly.
19 Which of the following statements in NOT true?
Final Tests
Final Tests
Final Test 4
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Egypt proved to be good at organising international sporting .................. .
a) accidents b) events c) incidents d) processes
2 There’s no room for more books – we’ve used up all the .................. space.
a) readable b) acceptable c) available d) proper
3 A spy is someone who .................. against his country and gives secrets to its enemy.
a) innovates b) suspects c) plays d) plots
4 The discussions between the two men were simple, but they gradually started .................. up and
turning into a quarrel.
a) warning b) cooling c) decreasing d) heating
5 The Nile is our most important .................. water supply, so we should all try to keep it clean.
a) believable b) noticeable c) avoidable d) sustainable
6 I believe that people of the world can all work together, regardless of their .................. and religions.
a) heights b) wealth c) competitions d) races
7 To get there on time, I .................. leave home by 8:30.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) had to d) needn’t
8 We had a great holiday. In fact, I think it was the .................. I have ever had.
a) most enjoyable b) more enjoyable c) enjoyable d) less enjoyable
9 Hurry up! The conference .................. in 20 minutes.
a) will be beginning b) begins c) won’t begin d) has begun
10 Ali’s mother taught him .................. and encouraged him to become a doctor.
a) read b) to reading c) reads d) to read
11 She .................. to speak Italian in an English class.
a) is supposed b) is meant c) is not supposed d) is not seemed
12 I studied a lot for the exam. I .................. .
a) am not failing b) am not going to fail c) don’t fail d) won’t be failing
13 This is his second .................... successful book.
a) more b) most c) the most d) the least
14 We couldn’t buy anything because .................. of the shops were open.
a) all b) nothing c) no-one d) none
15 We watched TV all evening .................. we didn’t have anything better to do.
a) because of b) while c) since d) when
Final Tests
The Asian elephant is another type of elephant found in the world, besides the African elephant.
They share some similarities. Elephants are social creatures and live in herds. Asian elephants are
normally found in countries like India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar. An adult Asian elephant
stands at two to three metres and weighs approximately 5000 kilograms. At birth, it stands at
around one metre and weighs approximately 100 kilograms. Like most humans, they give birth
to a single baby at a time but the fetus stays much longer in the mother’s womb compared to
the human baby; 23 months! An Asian elephant has a life span of about 60 years. The diet of an
Asian elephant is somewhat similar to African elephants. They feed mainly on vegetation, bark,
fruits and flowers.
Living in a herd means that the baby elephant has a large group of adults to look after it,
besides its own mother. An orphan elephant is often adopted by another female elephant. As
the largest land animal in the world, an elephant requires about 150 kilograms of food and 75-95
litres of water a day. The largest threats to the Asian elephant are poaching and habitat loss. Their
tusks are worth a lot of money on the black market, so large-tusked males are in constant danger
of being poached. Elephants are also captured alive for domestic use, such as tourist attractions.
16 There are .................. types of elephants in the world.
a) one b) two
c) three d) many
17 The Asian elephant can be found in .................. .
a) Indonesia b) America
c) Australia d) Holland
18 The synonym of the word “poaching” is .................. .
a) slaughtering b) immigrating
c) killing d) stealing
19 What happens to an orphan elephant?
Final Tests
Final Test 5
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 This ointment is very strong and it will help .................. the wound.
a) heal b) care c) treat d) spread
2 People living in town are not happy .................. the decision to build the nearby nuclear power station.
a) at b) with c) over d) in
3 Strong measures are still needed to .................. the COVID-19 epidemic in many countries.
a) contain b) involve c) enclose d) include
4 We all .................. father not to drive in the storm, but he wouldn’t listen to us.
a) ordered b) begged c) attacked d) delayed
5 My grandmother always keeps a sewing .................. in her handbag.
a) kit b) tool c) device d) machine
6 We are going to .................. today because my father was promoted!
a) compete b) complete c) celebrate d) construct
7 Before you buy a house, you .................. consider all the costs.
a) need to b) had to c) didn’t have to d) mustn’t
8 It’s getting .................. to find a good job.
a) so more difficult b) more and more difficult
c) more harder d) the most difficult
9 He .................. on the garden so we won’t see him when we get home.
a) will work b) works c) will have worked d) will be working
10 The information you sent .................. have included details of courses taken at university.
a) mustn’t b) should c) shouldn’t d) may not
11 Pay no attention to Samy’s remarks. He .................. to embarrass you.
a) doesn’t seem b) doesn’t suppose c) wasn’t meaning d) didn’t mean
12 Scientists claim that oil pollution is now the .................. cause of death among sea birds.
a) more common b) common c) commonest d) commoner
13 Osama will be working in the garden while Hala .................. .
a) will cook b) is cooking c) was cooking d) cooks
14 I asked two people the way to the station, but .................. of them helped me.
a) either b) none c) neither d) both
15 I couldn’t sleep .................. very tired. I was working all day yesterday.
a) although being b) in spite of being
c) despite of being d) despite I was
Final Tests
Sally loved animals. All her favourite programs on television were about animals. The same
goes for her school supplies and clothes. Her favourite animal was the cat. She had wanted to own
a cat since she was eight years old. Unfortunately, her mother’s feelings towards animals were the
opposite of hers. So, Sally was forbidden to own a cat, but one day, something happened that
helped Sally get her wish.
She was on her way to the shop across the street from her house. The traffic was quite heavy
that day so she was extremely careful before crossing the road. When she got to the other side,
she heard something and went over to the grassy area near the pavement. It was a kitten! It was
badly injured and was lying here all curled up and looking very frightened. Sally gently picked it
up and went home as quickly as she could.
She told her mother how sorry she felt for the kitten and begged her mother to let her look
after it. Seeing how upset Sally was, her mother agreed. After a few weeks with the family, the
kitten was soon loved by all and became Sally’s pet. Even her mother loved the kitten. And that
was how Sally got her wish at last!
a) twisted b) bowed
c) straight d) bent
19 What was Sally’s wish?
Final Test 6
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 The flood .................. great problems for the local farmers.
a) reasoned b) applied c) caused d) shared
2 When we were young, our grandfather’s stories .................. us a lot.
a) entertained b) delayed c) inspected d) trained
3 In time, the new students gained confidence and .................. on with other classmates.
a) went b) got c) came d) received
4 My father always advises us to be .................. to the power of advertising and not to buy things which
we don’t need.
a) immune b) respiratory c) prohibited d) allowed
5 The old man was walking up and down the room, which was a .................. that he was worried.
a) sign b) signal c) landmark d) note
6 We aren’t used to eating .................. a lot. We prefer our mother’s cooking.
a) inside b) down c) out d) across
7 I .................. see the head teacher. I want to discuss something with him.
a) needn’t b) don’t have to c) mustn’t d) must
8 A Mercedes is one of the .................. cars you can buy.
a) more expensive b) expensive c) most expensive d) little expensive
9 I think I .................. him at entrance B. I can’t remember.
a) will be meeting b) am meeting c) meet d) will meet
10 The teacher wanted her students .................. their homework before the new lesson.
a) do b) to do c) doing d) to doing
11 Don’t speak to the boss now. He .................. to be angry about something.
a) seems b) means c) is meant d) supposed
12 .................. they had much time, they would have studied better.
a) If b) Were c) Had d) Have
13 I chose this car as my favourite because it’s .................. all the ones I have driven.
a) the fastest from b) the fastest of c) more faster than d) the fastest as
14 These shoes are uncomfortable. I’m going to .................. .
a) take off b) take them off c) take off them d) take it off
15 I didn’t believe them at first, but in fact everything .................. was true.
a) what was said b) what they said c) that they said d) they say
Final Tests
Clocks are used to measure and show the time. Clocks are used so that people can agree on
the time. People use clocks to measure units of time that are shorter than natural units. Natural
units are the day, the month, and the year.
The clock is a very old invention. Sundials were used in ancient times. Sundials work by
measuring shadows that are cast by the sun. Candle clocks were used a very long time ago.
Candle clocks work by measuring the time it takes for the wax to melt Hourglasses are similar to
candle clocks because they also measure the time it takes for something to happen. Hourglasses
work by measuring the time it takes for sand to pour through a small opening into a glass.
Mechanical clocks appeared in the 13th century in Europe. They work with a system of moving
gears. The gears always move at the same speed. Pendulum clocks work with a swinging weight.
The swinging weight is called a pendulum. The pendulum makes the clock parts move. Now
people typically use mechanical clocks or digital clocks. Digital clocks show numbers on a screen.
The numbers represent the time. Some people use auditory clocks. Auditory clocks use language
to tell the time aloud. Computers also use internal clocks in order to work properly.
Clocks are everywhere – in homes, schools, offices, and public places. People go to work and
return home according to the clock. School days start and end according to the clock. Airplanes
take off and land according to the clock. It is fun to imagine a world without clocks!
a) they take off according to the clock. b) they land according to the clock.
c) they use clocks to book tickets d) both a and b
22 Sundials are different from Candle clocks because they ..................
Final Test 7
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 We spent our .................. journey in a youth hostel that was not expensive.
a) two-week b) two-weeks c) two-week’s d) two weeks’
2 Since his .................. at the club, the coach has brought in several star players.
a) arrive b) arrival c) arrives d) arrived
3 There were .................. and other seaweed growing on the top layer of the deserted lake.
a) algae b) palm c) crop d) shrimp
4 The report is based .................. figures from six different cities.
a) at b) for c) on d) about
5 The tumor الورمin the patient’s brain was surgically .................. by a team of top surgeons.
a) exerted b) tied c) extracted d) healed
6 The book is the product of a/an .................. between two writers.
a) examination b) coherence c) collaboration d) inspection
7 Asmaa .................. have at least eight hours’ sleep a night.
a) needn’t b) doesn’t have to c) has got to d) mustn’t
8 Hossam has been working .................. and harder since he graduated.
a) hard b) hardest c) hardly d) harder
9 Look at these big black clouds! It .................. .
a) will rain b) is going to rain c) rains d) is raining
10 This medicine went bad. You .................. have kept it in a cool place as the label says.
a) shouldn’t b) must c) should d) mustn’t
11 Why are you late? You .................. to be here at 9 o’clock.
a) seem b) were supposed
c) seemed d) mean
12 If he is late, we .................. to go without him.
a) will have b) have c) would have had d) had
13 There are more accidents on this road because it’s .................. than the others.
a) narrow b) more narrow
c) narrower d) the narrowest
14 Next year, no doubt, more people .................. the competition as the prize money increases.
a) will enter b) are going to be entered
c) are entering d) will be entering
15 We .................. by a loud noise during the night.
a) woke up b) are woken
c) were woken up d) were waking up
Final Tests
22 lake filled with people boating and swimming doesn’t act like a mirror because .................. to create
a reflection.
a) the surface must be smooth and still
b) the surface must be sharp and still
c) a picture of an object must be sent to the brain from the eye
d) anything shiny may act like a mirror
23 .................. science specialises in studying light and reflection.
they all accept in the search for delicious sense and high nutritional value.
c) People differ in the type of food they prefer, the way it is cooked, or even its ingredients. However,
they all agree in the search for delicious taste and high nutritional value.
d) People are different in the kind of foods they enjoy, how they cooking, or even their factors.
However, they all go in searching for the delicious taste and high nutritional cost.
26 Write an essay of (180) words on the following topic:
- A blog post about the dangers of using social media unwisely. 5
Final Tests
Final Test 8
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 The new owners have changed the .................. of the whole building.
a) appear b) appearance c) appeared d) apparent
2 I feel really .................. about forgetting my wife’s birthday again. She must get upset.
a) shy b) guilty c) innocent d) proud
3 The old woman .................. her husband by only a few years. Their relation was an amazing one.
a) kept b) dissolved c) called d) survived
4 Major changes have taken .................. in the Egyptian society in the last few years.
a) part b) place c) apart d) down
5 We had a/an .................. with the waiter about the bill as it was very high.
a) fight b) treaty c) argument d) truce
6 You have to register to be able to post a/an .................. in this website.
a) comment b) mark c) emoji d) abbreviation
7 I’d like to know who .................. up all the mess after the party because it is not going to be me.
a) cleans b) does clean c) will be cleaning d) will have cleaned
8 This is a dangerous tour. Children .................. accompanied by an adult.
a) mustn’t be b) needn’t have been c) must d) must be
9 We .................. wash these tomatoes. They’ve already been washed.
a) must b) don’t have to c) mustn’t d) have to
10 The .................. expensive holidays are often the best.
a) less b) lesser c) little d) least
11 Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow .................. dry and sunny.
a) is being b) will be being c) will be d) will have been
12 You may be older than me, but that doesn’t .................. you’re cleverer.
a) mean b) seem c) supposed d) meaning
13 Had I realised what you intended, I .................. my permission.
a) wouldn’t give b) will give c) would not have given d) won’t give
14 Galal .................. in Assuit for ten years. Now he lives in Alexandria.
a) lived b) has lived c) has been living d) is living
15 She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help .................. .
a) laughing b) to laugh c) that she laughed d) laugh
Final Tests
Being an only child, there was not much that Sara could do when she was alone. Reading
her books made her life seem so much more interesting. She read so much that she earned the
nickname ‘bookworm’. Because of all the reading that she did, her grasp of the English language
was so good that no one in her level could ever beat her at it.
Her teachers were all so proud of her. They especially enjoyed her compositions as she had a
very good imagination and could write very well. One day, a surprise waited for Sara in school.
Her teacher had shown some of her compositions to a friend of hers who was a book publisher.
The publisher was so impressed with Sara’s writing that he offered Sara the chance to write her
own novel. Sara wasn’t so sure at first whether she had the talent to write a novel. But with her
teacher’s encouragement she agreed. A few months later, Sara’s book was published and put on
sale. They sold like hotcakes! Everyone was proud of her and Sara discovered that this was what
she wanted to be an author.
Sara received a “pat on the back” from friends, family, or coworkers. She continued develop her
style of writing and her own personal sense of pride and accomplishment.
23 T he writer believes that the role of the family is important because it .................. .
a) helps in decreasing their children’s talents
b) helps in improving their children’s talents
c) helps in changing their children’s desires
d) helps in changing their children’s minds
24 Choose the correct Arabic translation:
- Everyone in society has the right to have their own opinions and beliefs. In civilised societies,
there is no problem to be different from the others, but it’s a must to respect each other.
فى المجتمعات المتمدنة ال توجد مشــكلة فى أن تكون متخلفًا عن.( لــكل األفــراد فى المجتمع الحق فى أن يكون لهم آراؤهم وأفكارهمa
. ولكن من الضرورى أن يكون هناك احترام مع البعض، اآلخرين
، توجد مشكلة فى أن تكون مختلفًا عن اآلخرين، فى المجتمعات المتحضرة.كل فرد فى المجتمع لديه الحق فى آرائه واعتقاداته الخاصة (b
.ولكن هناك ضرورة أال يحترم بعضنا بعضـًا
ففى المجتمعات المدنية هناك مشــكلة أن تكون متخلفًا عن اآلخرين لكن، لكل فرد فى المجتمع الحق بأن يكون له أحكامه ومعتقداته (c
.من الضرورى أن نحترم بعضنا
ففى المجتمعات المتحضرة ليس هناك مشــكلة أن تكون مختلفًا عن،لكل فرد فى المجتمع الحق بأن يكون له آراؤه ومعتقداته الخاصة (d
.اآلخرين لكن من الضرورى أن نحترم بعضنا
25 Choose the correct English translation:
لزاما على العلماء البحث عن طرق جديدة لتوفير
ً أصبح.تناقصت مســاحة األرض الزراعية الســتخدامها فى أغراض أخرى فى كل أنحاء العالم- 2
.الغذاء للعدد المتزايد من السكان
a) The amount of agricultural land so as to be used for other purposes has increased all over
the world. It has become main for scientists to search for new ways to provide food to the
b) The area of agricultural land has decreased all over the world because it’s used for other purposes.
Scientists have to find new ways to provide food for the growing population.
c) The amount of agricultural ground to be used for other purposes has decreased all over the
world. It is main for scientists to look for new ways to provide food for the overpopulation.
d) Decreasing the area of agricultural land all over the world because of using for other purposes.
Scientists are necessary to find new ways to feed the growing population.
26 Write an essay of (180) words on the following topic:
- The reasons why people travel abroad. 5
Final Tests
Final Test 9
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 The club provides a .................. for people who share an interest in history.
a) home b) view c) series d) forum
2 Egypt has always had a good .................. with the neighbouring countries.
a) nose b) eyes
c) hair d) ears
19 Straight hair is .................. .
a) curly b) long
c) brown d) not curly
20 According to the passage, all dogs do well in .................. .
a) hearing b) smelling
c) swimming d) both a and b
21 The age of the oldest dog reaches to .................. .
a) hear b) run
c) smell d) see
Final Tests
modern culture. Moreover, it is keeping pace with developments in various fields of science and
c) Learning foreign languages, especially English, helps us understand modern scientific and
cultural trends. In addition, it enables us to keep pace with the great development in the various
fields of science and technology.
d) Learning foreign languages, special English, is helping us understanding modern trends of
science and cultura. In addition, it enables us to keep pace with the great development in the
various fields of science and techniques.
26 Write an essay of (180) words on the following topic:
- The role of art in enhancing our social values. 5
Final Tests
Final Test 10
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 We can achieve much by .................. than by using force. This is the modern approach.
a) persuade b) persuasion c) persuasive d) persuaded
2 .................. is the process of growing plants in water or sand, rather than in soil.
a) useless b) fruitless
c) fruitful d) harmful
18 The outcome of the meeting is that the team became .................. .
a) able to communicate with each other b) familiar with the marketing skills
c) familiar with development plans d) aware with the goals of the company
19 The team prepared .................. before the meeting to be shown.
a) formal b) informal
c) direct d) indirect
Final Tests
It also made much more sources of buying different types of it, and provided it free of charge.
c) Egypt was one of the first states in the Middle East which provide a vaccine COVID-19 for its
citizens. It had also made many sources of getting different types of it for free.
d) Egypt was one of the first countries in the Middle East to provide a COVID-19 vaccine to its
citizens. It also made many sources of obtaining different types of it, and provided it free of
26 Write an essay of (180) words on the following topic:
- How can education help in solving many social problems in Egypt? 5
Final Tests
Final Tests
الصف 2الثانوى
إجابات نماذج اختبارات الفصل الدراسى األول
2022 - 2023
Answers To
Final Tests
Final Test (1)
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. d) Targeted 9. c) will be waiting
2. c) out 10. b) should
3. b) record 11. d) supposed
4. c) boosting 12. a) hadn’t helped
5. d) respect 13. b) most useful
6. a) rural 14. b) leaves
7. a) longer 15. c) come
8. b) have to
Answers To Final Tests
Answers To Final Tests
Answers To Final Tests
8. a) most enjoyable
17. a) Indonesia
18. c) killing
Answers To Final Tests
18. c) straight
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Answers To Final Tests
Answers To Final Tests
Answers To Final Tests
Answers To Final Tests