Midyear Review Form MRF 2023 2024.xlsm
Midyear Review Form MRF 2023 2024.xlsm
Midyear Review Form MRF 2023 2024.xlsm
SY 2023-2024
Step 2: Conduct Mid-year review conference to discuss initial ratings with ratees.
Career Stage:
Developed by:
Master Teacher I, Dasmariñas West NHS
City Schools Division of Dasmariñas
th ratees.
Mid-year Review/Rating
Mid-year Review
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Means of Verification Performance Ratee (Teacher) Rater
Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks
Basic 1. Content 1. Applied knowledge of SY 2023-2024 7% Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/s or
Education Knowledge and content within and across inter-observer agreement form/s done through
Services Pedagogy curriculum teaching areas. onsite/face-to-face//in- person classroom observation.
( 21%) (PPST 1.1.2) Quality
If onsite/face-to-face/in-person classes are not
1. through observation of synchronous /
asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
2. through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching* via LAC session.
2. Used a range of teaching SY 2023-2024 7% Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/s or
strategies that enhance inter-observer agreement form/s done through
learner achievement in onsite/face-to-face//in- person classroom observation.
literacy and numeracy skills. Quality
(PPST 1.4.2) If onsite/face-to-face/in-person classes are not
1. through observation of synchronous /
asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
2. through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching* via LAC session.
Basic 2. Learning 4. Displayed proficient use SY 2023-2024 7% Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/s or
Education Environment of Mother Tongue, Filipino inter-observer agreement form/s done through
Services and Diversity of and English to facilitate onsite/face-to-face//in- person classroom observation.
Learners teaching and learning. Quality
(21%) (PPST 1.6.2) If onsite/face-to-face/in-person classes are not
1. through observation of synchronous /
asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
2. through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching* via LAC session.
5. Established safe and SY 2023-2024 7% Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/s or
secure learning inter-observer agreement form/s done through
environments to enhance onsite/face-to-face//in- person classroom observation.
learning through the Quality
consistent implementation If onsite/face-to-face/in-person classes are not
of policies, guidelines and implemented,
procedures. 1. through observation of synchronous /
(PPST 2.1.2) asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
2. through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching* via LAC session.
Basic 3. Curriculum 7. Established a learner- SY 2023-2024 7% Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/s or
Education and Planning centered culture by using inter-observer agreement form/s done through
Services (21%) teaching strategies that onsite/face-to-face//in- person classroom observation.
respond to their linguistic, Quality
cultural, socio economic and If onsite/face-to-face/in-person classes are not
religious backgrounds. implemented,
(PPST 3.2.2) 1. through observation of synchronous /
asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
2. through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching* via LAC session.
8. Adapted and used SY 2023-2024 7% Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/s or
culturally appropriate inter-observer agreement form/s done through
teaching strategies to onsite/face-to-face//in- person classroom observation.
address the needs of Quality
learners from indigenous If onsite/face-to-face/in-person classes are not
groups. implemented,
(PPST 3.5.2) 1. through observation of synchronous /
asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
2. through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching* via LAC session.
9. Set achievable and SY 2023-2024 7% At least one (1) lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL,
appropriate learning WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes)
outcomes that are aligned or one lesson from a self-learning module,
with learning competencies. developed by the ratee* and used in instruction, with Quality
(PPST 4.2.2) achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that
are aligned with the learning competencies as shown
in any one (1) of the following:
• lecture/discussion
• activity/activity sheet
• performance task Efficiency
• rubric for assessing performance using criteria that
appropriately describe the target output
Basic 4. Assessment 10. Used strategies for SY 2023-2024 7% Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/s or
Education and Reporting providing timely, accurate inter-observer agreement form/s done through
Services (21%) and constructive feedback to onsite/face-to-face//in- person classroom observation.
improve learner Quality
performance. If onsite/face-to-face/in-person classes are not
(PPST 5.3.2) implemented,
1. through observation of synchronous /
asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
2. through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching* via LAC session.
11. Utilized assessment SY 2023-2024 7% A list of identified least / most mastered skills based
data to inform the on the frequency of errors / correct responses with
modification of teaching any one (1) of the following supporting MOVs
and learning practices and 1. accomplishment report for remedial / enhancement Quality
programs. activities (e.g., remedial sessions, Summer Reading
(PPST 5.5.2) Camp, Phil-IRI based reading program)
2. intervention material used for remediation /
reinforcement / enhancement
3. lesson plan/activity log for remediation / Efficiency
enhancement utilizing of assessment data to modify
teaching and learning practices or programs
12. Build relationships with SY 2023-2024 7% Any one (1) of the following:
parents/ guardians and the 1. Proof of participation in any activity highlighting the
wider school community to objective, such as, but not limited the following:
facilitate involvement in the • Receipt form/monitoring form during distribution of
educative process. learning materials, etc.
(PPST 6.2.2) • Commitment form to stakeholders, developed Quality
advocacy materials, certificate of participation that
shows parents’/stakeholders’ engagement signed by
the school head, etc.
• Home visitation forms
• Any equivalent ALS form/document that highlights
the objective
• Others (please specify and provide annotations) Efficiency
2. Parent-teacher log or proof of other stakeholders
meeting (e.g., one-on-one parent-teacher learner
conference log; attendance sheet with minutes of
online or face-to-face meeting; proof of involvement
in the learners’/parents’ orientation, etc.)
3. Any form of communication to
parents/stakeholders (e.g., notice of meeting; Timeliness
screenshot of chat/text message/communication with
Basic Plus Factor 15. Performed various SY 2023-2024 2% Any one (1) proof of:
Education related works/activities that • committee involvement;
Services contribute to the teaching- • involvement as module/learning material
learning process. writer/validator; Quality
• involvement as a resource
person/speaker/learning facilitator in in the
RO/SDO/school-initiated TV/radio-based instruction;
• book or journal authorship/
• advisorship/coordinatorship/ chairpersonship;
• participation in demonstration teaching; Efficiency
• participation as research presenter in a
• mentoring of pre-service/in-service teachers;
• conducted research within the rating period;
• others (please specify)
With annotation on how it contributed to the
teaching learning process Timeliness