This document contains a 9-week preschool activity plan with the following goals:
1) Build rapport between students and teachers through icebreaker games in the first week.
2) Teach emotion recognition and expression using feeling word and coloring games in weeks 3 and 4.
3) Improve self-control and focus with a "beat the clock" challenge in week 5.
4) Reduce stress and anxiety using relaxation techniques like deep breathing in week 7.
The plan aims to develop important social-emotional skills for preschoolers through fun and engaging activities.
This document contains a 9-week preschool activity plan with the following goals:
1) Build rapport between students and teachers through icebreaker games in the first week.
2) Teach emotion recognition and expression using feeling word and coloring games in weeks 3 and 4.
3) Improve self-control and focus with a "beat the clock" challenge in week 5.
4) Reduce stress and anxiety using relaxation techniques like deep breathing in week 7.
The plan aims to develop important social-emotional skills for preschoolers through fun and engaging activities.
This document contains a 9-week preschool activity plan with the following goals:
1) Build rapport between students and teachers through icebreaker games in the first week.
2) Teach emotion recognition and expression using feeling word and coloring games in weeks 3 and 4.
3) Improve self-control and focus with a "beat the clock" challenge in week 5.
4) Reduce stress and anxiety using relaxation techniques like deep breathing in week 7.
The plan aims to develop important social-emotional skills for preschoolers through fun and engaging activities.
This document contains a 9-week preschool activity plan with the following goals:
1) Build rapport between students and teachers through icebreaker games in the first week.
2) Teach emotion recognition and expression using feeling word and coloring games in weeks 3 and 4.
3) Improve self-control and focus with a "beat the clock" challenge in week 5.
4) Reduce stress and anxiety using relaxation techniques like deep breathing in week 7.
The plan aims to develop important social-emotional skills for preschoolers through fun and engaging activities.
Rapport is a state of Rapport building activities can
harmonious with achieve positive outcomes for Rapport another individual or both the student and the 2nd WEEK building group of that enable instructor. 25jan_29jan https://youtu. grater or easier For example, potential benefits be/yuVkkhpi communication. for students include a more HTA Rapport is getting on positive attitude toward the well with another course and instructor, increased person or group of motivation, and even higher people by having grades. things in common this makes the communication process easier and more effective. We don’t want kids working to escape from the teacher. Feeling word Children will have no The Feeling Word Game can game difficulty verbalizing achieve following outcomes: 3rd WEEK https://youtu. their feelings when No conduct problems, no 1feb-5feb be/4wwTEb directly questioned, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity XdkuM either because they are disorder (ADHD), or anxiety guarded or they do not problems. This technique is a connect with those fun and nonthreatening way for feelings they find most therapists to discuss and threatening. When question issues that are involved in playing a generally too intimidating for game, children’s the child to communicate about defenses are reduced, directly. and they are more likely to talk about their feelings. The Feeling Word Game (by Heidi Kaduson; for details, see Kaduson & Preschool HCD planner Term 2 Prenursery, Nursery and KG Schaefer, 1997, pp. 19– 21) allows children to communicate their feelings in an enjoyable, nonthreatening manner. Color-Your-Life Color-your-life technique can (O’Connor, 1983) achieve following positive Color-Your- provides children with outcomes: 4th WEEK Life a nonthreatening, No inferiority complex, 8feb-12feb concrete method of Well aware of their feelings understanding and over the past week or during a discussing various particularly stressful time in affective states. It is their lives (e.g., death of a critical for children to family member, divorce, move, develop certain skills to etc.) successfully manage their affect. Specifically, children need to develop an awareness of numerous affective states, the ability to relate those states to their environmental events, and the skill to verbally express these feelings in an appropriate manner. Beat the Clock (by Beat the clock activity can Heidi Kaduson; see achieve following outcomes: Beat The Kaduson & Schaefer, Self-control, 5th WEEK Clock 1997, pp. 139–141) Impulse control, 15feb_19feb was designed to Self-regulation, increase children’s Improved attention, self-control and Improved focus, impulse control. The Self-worth, goal of this game is for Motivation, the child to resist Boost up confidence, distraction, remaining on task and focused for a specified period of time. When the child Preschool HCD planner Term 2 Prenursery, Nursery and KG successfully completes this task, she or he receives poker chips, which can be cashed in for a prize. When the child is successful at the game, the child is filled with a sense of competence and accomplishment. This activity will The slow motion game activity helped out the teachers can achieve following positive 6th WEEK The Slow and care givers to know outcomes: 22feb_26feb Motion about the child impulse Improve inattention, Self- Game behavior, aggression, relaxation, Body control, anxiety, hyperactivity, impulse behavior, through this inattention. They will activity can stop development be trained to body of ADHA, and anxiety features control, control in child developmental time impulse behavior, period. overcome anxiety, and inattention.
Bubble Breaths (by The activity of relaxation:
Neil Cabe; see training bubble breath can Relaxation Kaduson & Schaefer, achieve following positive 7th WEEK Training: 2001, pp. 346–349) is outcomes: 1mar_5mar Bubble an extremely useful Child will relax him or herself Breaths and concrete relaxation in stressful situation, no anxiety, technique designed to no development of irrational teach children deep and fears and worries. Child will controlled breathing have good insight about his while helping them body symptoms of fear, tension, become aware of their worries and anxiety. own mind–body connections. Bubble blowing is fun, inexpensive, and allows nonthreatening interactions between the child and therapist Preschool HCD planner Term 2 Prenursery, Nursery and KG Psychotherapy Aversion therapy can achieve Aversion designed to cause a following outcomes: 8th WEEK Therapy child to reduce or avoid No excessive mobile use, no 8mar_12mar an undesirable excessive screening time. behavior pattern by No excessive junk food, conditioning the child to associate the behavior with an undesirable stimulus. These activities are The activity can achieve Role Play of important to a child’s following positive outcomes: 9th WEEK Motivational learning because it No social anxiety, good 15mar_19mar Speaker helps them to use their communication skills, high https://youtu. mind and imagination confidence and self-worth. be/AwzVWB and express their own 7AcoI ideas, and through this activity with their friends it also helps them to understand that all family’s and cultures can be different. Visual discrimination activities Critical Visual discrimination can achieve following possible 10th WEEK Thinking is the ability to outcomes: 22mar_26mar Activity recognize details in Boost up Discriminating skills, (Visual visual images. It allows comparison skills, improve Discriminatio students to identify and conceptual learning skills, n) recognize the likeness improve confidence, self-worth and differences of and enhance critical thinking shapes/forms, colors skills. and position of objects, people, and printed materials. In order to learn to read print, students will need to develop their visual discrimination skills Perceptual activities of These activities will alphabets can achieve following 11th WEEK Perceptual helped out in possible outcomes: 5apr_9apr Activities of perception and Reduced anxiety, Alphabets. recognition of Good recognition, alphabets and find out Best retention skill, Preschool HCD planner Term 2 Prenursery, Nursery and KG similar shapes best retrieving skill, alphabets confusion Reduced dyslexic features, that is directly leading Improve long term memory. towards dyslexic features initially in developmental time period identify and clear the dyslexic confusion. Students with high Visual intelligence activities Visual visual intelligence they can achieve following positive 12th WEEK intelligence possess the ability to outcomes: 12apr_16apr activities visualize the world Good memory, good retention accurately, modify of knowledge, best retrieving their surroundings memory and good based upon their understanding of different perceptions, and concepts in images form. recreate the aspects of their visual experience s. People with high visual- spatial intelligence are good at remembering images, faces, and fine details. Activates of Stress/anger are huge Activates of stress/anger stress/anger problems in our management 13th WEEK management everyday lives, and fun Can achieve following positive 19apr_23apr Painting, is a great way to relieve outcomes: Deep stress/anger. Fun Reduced anxiety, breathing provides a sense of Depression, mental Count down eustress, which is the disturbances, Clay good kind of stress that High level of insight about activities keeps kids feeling alive relaxing oneself. Drink water and well. Fun also High self-awareness, Sit down provides an Confident, Start jumping opportunity to cultivate Reduced shyness, Wash face a positive attitude that Highly motivated. Look at sky can help combat small High sense of acceptance of with open instances of stress kids sudden loss or tragic events arms, Deep experience daily. breath, Music Dance Preschool HCD planner Term 2 Prenursery, Nursery and KG
The students will learn Team building activities can
through these activities achieve following possible Team how to work in team outcomes: 14th WEEK Building and groups. These Good social interactions, 26apr_30apr activities will improve No bullying, their social interactions No isolation, and relationships with Good interpersonal peers. relationships, No emotional and physical abuse or harassments. High confidence. Lower complaining attitude. Best supporters. Good emotional health. Activities will helped Fun Activities of Fun out students to find out dealing with obstacles can 15th WEEK Activities of more effective ways to achieve following possible 3may_7may Dealing with overcome the obstacles outcomes: Obstacles will improve their best problem solving skills, intelligence, physical high sense of patience, health and mood. open minded, logical thinkers, High curiosity. High resilience Ethics Will teach students Ethics Moral through activities about Moral principles activities can 16th WEEK Social Norms the ethics what society achieve following possible 10may_14may principles demands from them as outcomes: Do and according to their Well aware of social norms, Don’ts genders. social limits, boundaries, Activities They will be clear gender roles, gender demands, about their gender, Gender identification, their roles, society Situational demands. demands and Respectable person of society, limitations etc. High acceptance and appreciation by society. High self-satisfaction and high self-confidence Preschool HCD planner Term 2 Prenursery, Nursery and KG
17th WEEK Final exams Final exams Final exams 17may_28may