Bhs Inggris Pts Mara 2021

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Bhs inggris shocked, the prince explained that her sweet words had destroyed the

spell given by a witch to him. They soon get married and lived happily
Kelas IX ever after.
1. Mention the characters in the story above!
Questions for number 1-5 2. Part of the narrative text that tell us about the problem to be
solved by the character is....
The Beauty and the Beast 3. Find out the meaning of the words below!
a. Merchant c. heal
Once upon a time, there lived a merchant and his beautiful b. Beast d. spell
daughter named Beauty. One day, the merchant got lost in the forest and 4. What is the moral value (coda) of the story?
arrived at a palace. He went inside and did not see anyone inside, so he 5. Why did the merchant capture by the beast?
finally decided to spend the night there. 6. Arrange the sentence below!
The next morning, when the merchant left, he saw a beautiful a. was-good-he-rich-very-looking-and
rose in the garden. He thought of Beauty and picked it up. Suddenly, a b. turned-she-beautiful-a-into-fairy
terrible beast approached him and screamed at him for stealing in his 7. Mention three titles of narrative text!
garden. The merchant was frightened and explained that he picked the 8. Give a short explanation of the structure of narrative
rose for Beauty, his daughter. The Beast said that he would let him go if
a. Orientation
he chose to send Beauty to stay with him. Fearfully, the merchant finally
agreed. b. Complication
At home, he sadly told it all to Beauty. The Beauty understood c. Resolution
and made the decision to go to the palace. Initially, she was afraid of the 9. Make a simple past tense sentence (make one)
Beast but within a few days she realized that the Beast was kind and 10. What is the goal of narrative text?
gentle. One day in the magic mirror the Beast had given her, Beauty saw
that his father was ill. Unable to see his grief, the Beast allowed her to Answer
go home. Beauty was happy to be back again. Under Beauty's care, his
father was able to heal quickly. 1. Merchant, Beauty, and the Beast
One day, Beauty thought of the Beast and looks into the mirror 2. Resolution
miraculously. She saw the Beast was also sick. She went to the palace to 3. a. Pedagang, b. Buruk rupa, c. Mengobati, d. Kutukan
meet him. Beauty saw the Beast groaning in pain and dying. The Beast 4. don’t udge people from the cover (variative answer)
was sick because he loved and missed Beauty to much. Beauty then 5. because he picked the rose in the beast garden
embraced him and told him that she loved him and kissed him gently. At 6. a. He was good looking and very rich
that moment, the Beast transformed into a handsome prince. Beauty was
b. She turned into a beautiful fairy

7. variative answer

8. orientation contain Sets the scene: where and when the story
happened and introduces the participants of the story: who and
what is involved in the story.

Complication Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to

the crisis (climax) of the main participants.

Resolution The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy

ending or in a sad (tragic) ending

9. variative answer

10. to entertain the readers of the story

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