Human (Science Year 3) - Print - Quizizz

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9/8/2021 Human ( science year 3 ) | Print - Quizizz


Human ( science year 3 )

15 Questions

1. In the following, which number of teeth is correct?

a) Milk teeth : 20 , Permanent teeth : 24 b) Milk teeth : 20 , Permanent teeth : 32

c) Milk teeth : 24 , Permanent teeth : 32 d) Milk teeth : 24 , Permanent teeth : 36

2. Which tooth functional to cut food?

a) Incisor tooth b) Canine tooth

c) Small tooth d) Molar tooth

3. Which taste will spoil teeth quickly?

a) Bitter b) Sour
c) Sweet d) Salty

4. Which food below are important to take care of dental


a) b)

c) d) 1/4
9/8/2021 Human ( science year 3 ) | Print - Quizizz

5. The food above is classified as

a) protein b) fats
c) carbohydrate d) vitamins

6. Structure of tooth is in the

a) dentine b) enamel

c) gum d) blood vessel

7. The part lebelled as P is

a) dentine b) enamel
c) gum d) blood vessel

8. The part lebelled as Q is

a) dentine b) enamel
c) gum d) blood vessel 2/4
9/8/2021 Human ( science year 3 ) | Print - Quizizz

9. The food above classified as

a) protein b) fats
c) carbohydrate d) vitamins

10. The food above are important for

a) providing energy b) growth

c) preventing constipation d) warming up our body

11. Which part will absorb nutrien ?

a) W b) X

c) Y d) Z

12. The digested food will be excreted in part

a) W b) X

c) Y d) Z 3/4
9/8/2021 Human ( science year 3 ) | Print - Quizizz

13. What is the function of the part labelled as W ?

a) Digest food b) Excrete food

c) Push food d) Break down food

14. Based on the picture, what is the effect on that habit?

a) Stomach ache b) Vomit

c) Cough d) healthy

15. There are 7 classes of food. What is the use of fats?

a) Provides energy b) Keep the body healthy

c) Warm the body d) For growth 4/4

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