Employment Law A Guide To Dismissals in Kenya Brochure

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Performance Misconduct Redundancy


What are the generally accepted grounds for dismissal? On what grounds may an employee claim their dismissal is unfair?
The Employment Act, 2007 (Employment Act) provides that a dismissal is The following factors will be considered when determining whether a
acceptable if is both substantively and procedurally fair. This means: dismissal is unfair:
• if the employer does not follow proper procedure. For instance,
not providing the employee with an opportunity to respond to the
Substantively Fair Procedurally Fair accusation against them or not providing the employee a chance to
appeal the outcome against them;
The reason for termination is valid. The termination followed fair • failure to conduct a disciplinary hearing prior to termination;
procedure. • the conduct and capability of the employee up to the date
of termination;
The reason for termination is fair, • the existence of any pervious warning letters issued to the
meaning that it is: employer; and
• related to the employee’s conduct, • the previous practice of the employer in similar circumstances.
capacity or compatibility; or
• based on the operational
requirements of the employer

What institutions and/or forums adjudicate disputes related to

unfair dismissals?
An employee that has been unfairly dismissed may lodge a complaint with:
• the Employment and Labour Relations Court (Labour Courts) where
they may be represented by an advocate; or
• a labour officer within three months of the date of dismissal. Lodging
a complaint with a labour officer does not prevent an employee from
lodging a complaint with the Labour Courts. An employee does not
need to be represented by an advocate before the labour officer but
may however be represented by an officer of a trade union or an official
of the employers’ organisation.


Does the law provide for automatically unfair dismissals?
Under what circumstances would a dismissal be considered automatically unfair?

The Employment Act provides that an employer cannot dismiss an employee on the basis of:

A female employee’s Taking leave, or the An employee’s Participation or proposed Seeking office as, or
pregnancy, or any proposal to take leave, to membership or participation in the activities of acting or having acted in
reason connected which he/she was entitled proposed membership a trade union outside working the capacity of, an officer
with her pregnancy to under the law or the of a trade union hours or, with the consent of the of a trade union or a
employment contract employer, within working hours workers’ representative

The Court of appeal confirmed

this position in the case of
Kenfreight (EA) Limited v Benson
K Nguti [2016] eKLR by stating
that “termination of employment
will be unfair if the court finds
that in all the circumstances of
the case, it is based on invalid
reason or if the reason itself or
An employee’s refusal An employee’s race, An employee’s initiation An employee’s the procedure of termination are
or proposed refusal colour, tribe, sex, or proposed initiation of participation in themselves not fair. Specifically,
to join or withdraw religion, political a complaint or other legal a lawful strike
it will be unfair if it relates to...”
from a trade union opinion or affiliation, proceedings against his
(the Court of Appeal proceeds
national extraction, employer, except where
to list the reasons under section
nationality, social origin, the complaint is shown
46 of the Employment Act which
marital status, HIV status to be irresponsible and
or disability without foundation
we have listed).


Are there any termination benefits payable
in the event of an unfair dismissal?

If the Labour the wages which the employee would have earned had the employee
Courts or the been given the period of notice to which he/she was entitled;
labour officer find
that a dismissal
is unfair, it may damages for any loss suffered as a result of the dismissal;
12 months’ salary;

reinstatement; or

re-engage the employee in work comparable to that which the

employee was doing.




Is a dismissal for redundancy their businesses and therefore make
permitted? positions redundant. Positions and
not employees, become redundant.
An employer is generally allowed to
When the position becomes
terminate employment where there is
redundant, the employee can be
a redundancy. Redundancy is defined
re-deployed, which means the
in the Employment Act and the
employee is given another job,
Labour Relations Act, 2007 (Kenyan
or the employee is retrenched,
Labour Relations Act) as:
meaning the employee loses the job
“The loss of employment, altogether.… Although not expressly
occupation, job or career by defined under the Employment
involuntarily means through no Act 2007, ‘reorganization’ is
fault of the employee involving contemplated by section 45 [2] as a
termination of employment at fair termination reason.”
the initiative of the employer,
Further the Court in Agnes Ongadi
where the services of an
v Kenya Electricity Transmission
employee are superfluous,
Company Limited [2016] eKLR held that
and the practices commonly
“ …A redundancy, a restructuring or
known as abolition of office,
reorganisation commenced with the sole
job or occupation and loss of
purpose of laying off specific employees
employment” (emphasis ours).
is a sham. Such is not justified and cannot
In addition, the Employment Act be sanctioned by the court...”
provides that an employer may fairly
In this regard, it is an employers
terminate an employee’s employment
prerogative to elect to make its
solely based on the operational
employees redundant if there is a
requirements of the employer. The
justifiable business reason for doing
court in Jane I Khalachi versus Oxford The Employment Act does not list
so. The Employment Act does not list
University Press E. A Ltd, Cause no.924 specific instances of redundancy
specific instances of redundancy and
of 2010 held that; and therefore an employer should
therefore an employer should ensure
“employers have the prerogative that the reason is based on operational ensure that the reason is based on
to determine the structures of business requirements. operational business requirements.


The redundancy process is dependent on whether an employee is
unionised or not. We have set out below the steps to be taken when
engaging in a redundancy exercise:

Notice of intended redundancy to employee/trade union
The notice should include the reasons for and extent of the
redundancy and should not be less than one month. The
notice period of one (1) month cannot be paid off in lieu.
If the employee is unionised this notification should be
served to the trade union. If the employee is not unionised
the notice should be served directly to the employee.

Notice of intended redundancy to the Labour Officer
This notice shall notify the labour officer of the intended
redundancy and shall be served not less than one month
prior to the intended redundancy and termination of the
employee’s contract.


Consultation process Notice of redundancy/New appointment/Retention
It has been held both by the Court of Appeal and the Labour Courts that the This notice shall notify the employee whether they:
notice to the employee/ trade union/ labour officer opens up the door for a • have been retained in their initial position with some
consultative process with the key stakeholders. The Court in Kenya Airways adjustments e.g., reduction in salary;
Limited -Vs- Aviation & Allied Workers Union Kenya & 3 others [2014] eKLR • have been transferred to a new position; and
(Kenya Airways Case) held that: • have been made redundant - notice should also set out
• consultation is implicit in the Employment Act under the principle of fair the heads of the terminal dues payable upon termination.
• consultation gives an opportunity for other avenues to be considered to
avert or to minimize the adverse effects of terminations;
• consultations are meant for the parties to put their heads together and is
imperative under Kenyan law;
• consultations have to be a reality not a charade;
• opportunity must be given for the stakeholders to consider; STEP FIVE
• stakeholders must have and keep an open mind to listen to suggestions,
consider them properly and then only then decide what is to be done; and Issue certificate of service
• consultation must not be cosmetic. On the last day of employment of the employee being
In essence, consultation is an essential part of the redundancy process and made redundant, the employee be paid their dues. It is
ensures that there is substantive fairness. recommended that, simultaneously with receiving their
terminal dues, the employees be required to sign a letter
An employer should not know with certainty the employees that will be confirming that they have no outstanding claims and issued
made redundant at this stage. An objective selection criteria should be strictly with a certificate of service.
observed to ensure fairness.
It is important to note that the consultation process should be run for a
minimum of 1 month. Further, that the consultation process may differ if the
redundancy is a large or small one, for instance, a town hall meeting may be
held with all employees if the redundancy is a large one.
The employer should ensure that it carries out the process as fair as possible
and that all mitigating factors are taken into consideration.


What, if any, is the role of trade Where employees and/or their union Is an employee who has been made
unions in the redundancy process? representatives refuse to engage in redundant entitled to severance
Are employers required to consult the consultation process preceding pay? If yes, how is severance pay
What are the category of minority trade unions and individual redundancy, is an employer entitled calculated? Are there any exceptions
persons an employer must employees where the employees are to proceed to terminate the to the payment of severance pay for
consult when contemplating not unionised? employee’s employment based on employers in financial distress?
redundancy? operational requirements?
Employers are required to consult An employee is entitled to severance
The Employment Act provides recognised trade unions during the Kenyan law does not expressly pay on redundancy. The Employment
that the categories of persons consultation process. As stipulated provide for termination where an Act provides that the employee is
an employer must consult in the Kenya Airways Case the employee/union representative entitled to a minimum of 15 days for
with when considering a consultation process is meant to refuses to engage in the consultation each year of service completed.
redundancy are: encourage the parties to discuss and process. The Labour Courts have also
In addition to severance pay, an
negotiate alternatives to the intended not interpreted this position. However,
employer is required to pay an
redundancy. The role of trade unions from our interpretation of the law, the
is to negotiate and mitigate the harm consultation process is a mandatory
that the employees may suffer from and essential part of the redundancy • their basic salary up to the last day
the redundancy. process as its ensures that there is of employment;
the employee;
substantive fairness. The Kenyan • accrued leave days in cash;
Further, the Court in Kenya Union • where applicable, payment in lieu
Airways Case speaks to this point.
of Domestic Hotels Educational of notice- the minimum notice
Institutions and Hospital Workers In this regard, we would advise an period under the Employment Act
(KUDHEIHA) v Aga Khan University employer to refer the matter to is thirty (30) days, however this will
the trade union (if the Hospital Nairobi [2015] eKLR held a conciliator to help resolve the depend on the notice period as set
employee is unionised); and that if the parties have a recognition impasse as provided in the collective out in the employee’s employment
agreement (such an agreement is bargaining agreement or section 67 contract; and
entered into upon the satisfaction of the Kenyan Labour Relations Act. A
• pay any benefits provided for
that the trade union has attained conciliator has the power to summon
under the employment contract
a simple majority of membership any person to attend the conciliation.
which may include but not be
amongst unionisable employees) The conciliator may mediate between
the labour officer. limited to airtime allowance, car
it cannot be argued that the trade the parties, conduct a fact-finding
allowance and entitled bonus.
union is only representing a minority exercise or make recommendations.
of the employees. The Trade Union
will have to be consulted in the
consultation process.
Employees that are not unionised
should be individually consulted in the
consultation process.


Section 40(2) of the Employment Act above selection criteria during Further, as stated above, fairness is
exempts an employer that is insolvent the consultation process, and determined on a case by case basis.
from paying severance pay. Insolvency also consider any alternative An employer will need to establish the In addition to the severance
for purposes of this exemption is circumstances for instance, placing parameters that have been considered pay, are there any other benefits
where an administration or liquidation the employee in a different position or and elaborate that they have been payable on redundancy? And if
order has been made against the decreasing the employee’s salary. determined objectively. so, what benefits are payable?
employer. The employee in such a Any unpaid salary and
The Labour Courts have held that Are temporary lay off’s permissible
situation would be entitled to: bonuses up to the date
the selection parameters listed above in Kenya? If so, under what
• unpaid wages or salary of up to cannot be substituted. Therefore, of termination;
six months; circumstances?
in a redundancy process, an
• notice pay; and employer must establish that all the Temporary layoffs are not expressly Any accrued leave up to the
• leave pay. parameters have been considered in provided for under Kenyan law. date of termination; and
an objective manner as the burden For example, during the COVID-19
What are the generally acceptable pandemic, many employers resorted Gratuity pay (optional).
is on the employer to demonstrate
selection criteria that may be applied the rationale behind selecting one to temporarily laying off employees as
during a redundancy process? May an employee over the other. a way of mitigating their losses. These
employer unilaterally determine the gaps in the law revealed the need for
selection criteria? What are the consequences of an legislation to address this issue.
An employer is required to consider employer applying a selection criteria
seniority in time, skill, ability and which is not fair and/or objective?
reliability of the employees when What selection criteria is considered
determining who should be declared to be the most fair and objective?
redundant.The Employment Act Where a redundancy does not meet
further provides a non-exhaustive list the required criteria, an employee
of objective criteria that should be may make a constitutional claim
observed which includes; based on discrimination and may
• last in first out principle (LIFO); further claim unfair termination. The
• disciplinary issues which have Labour Courts may award pecuniary
not been resolved with warnings remedies including:
documented in the employee’s file; • up to twelve (12) months’ salary;
• performance failures; and • reinstatement of the terminated
• skills and required capabilities for employee to their former position;
the existing/new positions. and
• awarding exemplary damages.
An employer should determine
whether an employee should be
made redundant based on the


Are employers permitted to offer employees
voluntary severance packages and early
retirement as an alternative to redundancy?
In Kenya, they are permitted as long as they
are included in the employer’s HR policies
and an employee willingly applies for the
voluntary severance package and/or early
retirement in the terms set out by the
employer. It is regarded as a new agreement
between the employee and the employer.
The Court of Appeal in National Bank of
Kenya Limited v H B & 103 Others [2017]
held that the terms of a voluntary severance
package and/or early retirement are valid
as long as they are voluntarily accepted by
an employee.

What recourse does an employee have

where they are of the opinion that their
redundancy process was unfair?
Parties may approach a labour officer or
the Labour Courts for dispute resolution.
Arbitration may also be used where the
parties have, in their employment contract,
provided for arbitration as the dispute
resolution mechanism or where the parties
mutually agree to resolve the dispute by

What, if any, notice periods are applicable?

At least one month’s notice for the
impending redundancy and the contractual
notice period.


On what basis can an employee claim that their
redundancy is unfair?
If an employer fails to comply with the provisions of
Section 40 of the Employment Act which are as follows:

1 2 3 4
Notification Consultation Selection Payment
requirements Criteria of dues

Employer must Employer must engage An employer must An employer must settle
issue a notice of the the employees before make sure that the any accrued leave days,
intended redundancy, terminating them on selection is fair and notice period pay and
one month prior account of redundancy. objective. The criteria also grant severance
should be objective, pay (calculated at a rate
not subjective because of not less than fifteen
objectivity is central to days pay for each year
the selection criteria. of completed service).


What remedies are available to • in the event that the dismissal
employees who have been made is deemed to be unfair in the
redundant unfairly? opinion of a labour officer,
the Labour officer may order
If the employer fails to follow the
either reinstatement or
correct process during a redundancy,
re-employment; or
the courts could hold that the
redundancy never occurred. • where the employee successfully
claims that they were discriminated If the employer fails to
In the event that the dismissal is against, the quantum of damages
deemed to be unjustified in the follow the correct process
may significantly increase.
opinion of a labour officer, the during a redundancy, the
Courts have held that the correct
following remedies are available approach in awarding damages courts could hold that the
to employees: is to use a composite or global redundancy never occurred.
• the employee will receive the figure of damages (about
wages which the employee would 5,000,000 to 7,500,000). Awards
have earned had the employee for discrimination are not based
been given the period of notice on the employees remuneration
to which he was entitled or the as this poses the danger that high
equivalent of a number of months earning individuals may unwittingly
wages or salary not exceeding be awarded more as compensation
12 months based on the gross that those that earn less, even
monthly wage or salary of the though the injury suffered by may
employee at the time of dismissal. be equal or greater for the latter.
Further, where dismissal terminates
the contract before the completion
of any service upon which the
employee’s wages became due,
the labour officer could also
recommend the employer pay
the proportion of the wage due
for the period of time for which
the employee has worked; and
any other loss consequent upon
the dismissal and arising between
the date of dismissal and the date
of expiry of the period of notice,
which the employee would have
been entitled to by virtue of
the contract;





Criminal offence against

employer or to the substantial Intoxication.
detriment of the employer or
his property.

In terms of section 44(4) of the
Employment Act, the following are
considered gross misconduct as:
Imprisoned or remanded Refusal to work
for more than 14 days. or carelessness.

Verbal, physical,
or sexual abuse.


Where an allegation of misconduct • summary dismissal, where Is a disciplinary hearing mandatory What is summary dismissal and under
has been made against an employee, employment is terminated prior to a dismissal on the basis of what circumstances is it permissible
what is the process an employer immediately, and terminal misconduct? When can an employer in terms of Kenyan law?
must follow? Is an employer entitled dues paid. simply allow an employee to make
Summary dismissal takes place
to suspend an employee until written representations in response
Where an employer suspends an when an employer terminates
such time as the allegations have to allegations of misconduct?
employer pending an investigation the employment of an employee
been investigated?
into allegations of misconduct, is Yes. In terms of section 41 of the without notice or with less notice
Yes. An employer is entitled to an employer obliged to pay the Employment Act it is mandatory for a than that to which the employee is
suspend an employee until the employee? Are there any exceptions? disciplinary hearing to be held before entitled by any statutory provision or
conclusion of the investigations if the termination of an employee on contractual term. An employer may
provided for under the employer’s The Employment Act does not the grounds of misconduct. dismiss an employee summarily when
human resource manual and policies. allow an employer to withhold an the employee has by his conduct
employee’s salary during suspension. An employer has an obligation to
indicated that he has fundamentally
Where an employee is terminated for The Labour Courts have held that explain to the employee the reasons
breached his obligations arising under
misconduct, the following process where an employer withholds salary for which they are contemplating
the contract of service. Employees
may be followed subject to the during the period of suspension, an terminating their services. This
who are summarily dismissed are still
employer’s human resource manuals employee has a legitimate expectation should be done in a language
entitled to be granted a hearing by the
and policies: that if found innocent then they will that they employee understands.
employer and the employer should
• Investigations into the misconduct be paid their dues during the period of They employee is also entitled to
consider any representations which
are carried out; suspension. If however an employee have another employee or shop
the employee may have.
• The employee is issued a written is found culpable then the employer floor representative present during
notice to show cause; and is not obligated to pay the employee’s such explanation. The grounds for summary dismissal
• A disciplinary hearing is conducted dues during the period of suspension. include gross misconduct, the
After such explanation, an employee
and following this, the disciplinary examples of which have been set
See the judgment of Bryan Mandila has the right to make any oral or
committee informs the employee out above.
Khaemba v Chief Justice and written representations in response
of the decision, which can be: President of the Supreme Court of to the employer’s explanation. What, if any, notice periods
• a final warning: or Kenya & another [2019] eKLR. are applicable?
• termination of employment,
where the employer gives In the event of a summary dismissal,
notice to the employee or pays an employer is allowed to terminate
in lieu of notice, and terminal the services of an employee without
dues are paid either at the end notice or with less notice than
of the notice period or with the they are statutorily or contractually
payment in lieu of notice; or obligated to.


Are there any termination benefits What recourse does an employee Where an employee is awarded What potential liability does an
payable in the event of a dismissal have where they are of the opinion reinstatement or reemployment, employer face where an employee
for misconduct? that their dismissal for misconduct however both are not practically succeeds in showing their dismissal
is unfair? possible, what are the options was unfair?
Where dismissal is by way of summary
available to an employer?
dismissal the employer must pay the An employee can bring an action for Where dismissal is found to be unfair,
following amounts (terminal dues) to unfair termination in the Labour Courts Once an employee’s dismissal is an employer may be required to
the employee: (or such other dispute resolution deemed unfair by the employment pay the employee wages for the
• salary up to the date of forum specified in their employment and labour relations court, section applicable termination notice period,
termination; contract) against the employer. 12 (3) of the Employment and Labour in addition to damages of up to an
• accrued leave up to the date of Relations Court Act 20 of 2011 amount equal to 12 months’ pay.
Do the remedies for a substantive grants the Labour Courts power to
termination; and
dismissal differ from where a order reinstatement of a dismissed
• any other earned and accrued dismissal is only found to be
benefits under the employment employee within three years of
procedurally unfair? What is the dismissal, subject to such conditions
contract e.g., bonuses maximum compensation that can be as the employment and labour
• Where the misconduct does not awarded to an employee? relations court thinks fit to impose.
warrant summary dismissal, an
employer must pay the following Kenya’s labour laws require that Kenya’s labour laws do not provide
amounts (terminal dues) to dismissal must satisfy two principal for re-employment. In practice,
the employee; requirements, namely (i) the dismissal reinstatement is sparingly applied in
• payment in lieu of notice or in must be for valid reason and (ii) the private sector but is common in
the alternative give the employee the statutory prescribed procedure the public service.
a termination notice. The notice for termination must be followed.
period must be the period agreed Where one of these requirements
upon in the employment contract is not satisfied, the dismissal is
and where no period was agreed deemed to be unfair termination
upon, the statutory notice is of employment. An employee may
one month; be awarded damages of up to a
12 months’ pay in addition to earned
• salary and bonuses up to the date
wages, bonuses and any other
of termination;
accrued benefits due to the employee.
• accrued leave up to the date of
termination; and
• gratuity pay (optional).




What is incapacity in the employment If it is clear that the employee iii. If at the end of the PIP the is done by subjecting the employee
context? What is an employer will not be able to resume their employee has not improved, to specific medical examination. In
required to prove? duties, the employer must give the the employee is taken through addition, the employer is required
employee specific notice of the a disciplinary hearing before to consider all possible alternatives
Courts have interpreted incapacity as
impending termination. the decision to terminate his before dismissing an employee on
inability to perform contractual duties.
The Employer is required to establish Failure to follow this procedure employment can be made. The grounds of incapacity.
using medical reports that the even where there is overwhelming disciplinary hearing would be
preceded by a letter: (i) explaining What interventions are required on
employee is not capable of resuming evidence of an employee’s inability to the part of the employer where it is
work in the foreseeable future. work amounts to unfair termination to the employee in a language he
or she understands the reason found that an employee is unable to
for want of procedural fairness. perform their functions either due to
What is the process that must the employer is considering
be followed when dealing with a Is incapacity limited to poor work termination; (ii) informing the a medical condition or as a result of
dismissal on the basis of incapacity? performance and/or ill-health? employee of his right to have poor work performance?
another employee or union With respect to incapacity due to
The employer is required to first Incapacity is limited to medical representative of his choice
support the employee as they recover grounds (ill health/injury). a medical condition, the employer
present during this explanation is required to consider all possible
from the incapacity and provide such
Poor performance is a distinct ground alternatives before dismissing
reasonable accommodation as the How serious must the employee’s
for termination of employment. an employee.
employee may require in order to illness or injury be before his/her
An allegation of poor performance
resume duty. employer may dismiss him/her for With respect to poor work performance,
should be supported by evidence
Once the employer begins to of specific performance, targets incapacity? the employer is required to make
consider termination, they must and appraisal of performance. The reasonable efforts in assisting the
An employer is required to establish,
subject the employee to medical following steps should be followed employee improve. An employee will
by way of a medical examination
examination aimed at establishing where there is poor performance; typically be placed on a performance
report, that the employee’s ability to
the employee’s ability to resume improvement plan and have specific
i. The employer must call the resume work in the foreseeable future
work in the foreseeable future. performance targets for the duration
employee for a review or appraisal is not possible.
Treatment notes and sick off of the performance improvement plan.
before taking any action that is Is an employer expected to undertake At the end of that period, an appraisal
sheets do not qualify as medical
likely to result in termination of an investigation when becoming of the employees performance has
reports for purposes of termination
employment. The performance aware that the employee is no to be conducted before termination
of employment on medical
appraisal must involve active longer able to perform his/her work proceedings are considered.
grounds. The employer has a
participation of the employee. according to the requisite standards
duty to investigate the extent of What, if any, notice periods
the incapacity and consider all ii. The employer places the employee demanded by the employer? Or may
are applicable?
the possible alternatives short on a performance improvement the employer simply proceed with
of dismissal. plan (PIP). disciplinary processes? There is no prescribed notice period
for incapacity. Since incapacity is
The employer has a duty to investigate
based on medical grounds, the
the extent of the incapacity and this
employee can proceed to be placed


on sick leave. Where an employee Are there any termination benefits payable in the event of a dismissal for Incapacity?
has been employed for at least two
An employee dismissed on grounds of incapacity is entitled to:
consecutive months, the employee is
entitled to thirty days of sick leave with
full pay and thereafter fifteen days with
half pay. The employer may then issue a
notice of termination if the employee is
still incapable of performing his/her work
according to the requisite standards. The
notice period applicable is usually the
period agreed upon in the employment
contract and where no period was agreed
upon, the statutory notice is one month.

Salary and Accrued leave Gratuity pay A notice of

bonuses up up to the date of (optional) termination
to the date of termination
termination (if any)

This guideline sets out our opinion on certain
matters of Kenyan law as at the date of publication,
being 5 May 2022. Subsequent changes in the law
may affect the opinions set out herein.
We have not made any investigations of, and do not
express any opinion on, any law other than Kenyan
laws or on any matters of a specific nature. Please
note that difference in facts and circumstances
A termination A certificate may affect our analysis and opinions as they are
letter of service based on current law, practice, and interpretations
of the KRA as we understand it as at the date of this
questionnaire. We shall not accept any duty of care
(whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or
otherwise) with respect to this questionnaire.


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1 Protea Place, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196. Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010, South Africa.
Dx 154 Randburg and Dx 42 Johannesburg.
T +27 (0)11 562 1000 F +27 (0)11 562 1111 E jhb@cdhlegal.com

11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001. PO Box 695, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. Dx 5 Cape Town.
T +27 (0)21 481 6300 F +27 (0)21 481 6388 E ctn@cdhlegal.com

Merchant Square, 3rd floor, Block D, Riverside Drive, Nairobi, Kenya. P.O. Box 22602-00505, Nairobi, Kenya.
T +254 731 086 649 | +254 204 409 918 | +254 710 560 114
E cdhkenya@cdhlegal.com

14 Louw Street, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600.
T +27 (0)21 481 6400 E cdhstellenbosch@cdhlegal.com

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CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR | cliffedekkerhofmeyr.com

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