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SET – 1

Name: Roll No:

Camellia Institute of Technology & Management

B.Tech 1st Internal Even Sem-2023
Pavement Materials( CE(PE)801D )
Stream: Civil Engineering Sem:8th Full Marks:25 Time:1 Hour

I. Choose the correct answer:(1x5=5)

1. How many types of methods are there to design a flexible pavement?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
2. Empirical method is dependent on the strength of
a) Soil b) Sub base c) Base d) Surface
3. The stress strain approach is used in
a) Empirical method b) Semi empirical method c) Theoretical d) CBR method
4. CBR is a
a) Measure of soil strength b) Flexible pavement design method
c) Rigid pavement design method d) Measure of soil characteristics
5. The design charts are prepared based on
a) Climate b) Past experience c) Location d) Traffic

II. Choose the correct answer:(2x10=20)

6. For which material the semi empirical method is useful?
a) Elastic b) Plastic c) Rigid d) Semi rigid
7. The CBR method was developed by
a) California division of highway b) IRC
8. The soaking period in CBR sample is
a) 2 days b) 3 days c) 4 days d) 5 days
9. What is the total thickness of the pavement?
a) Constant b) Changes with sub grade c) Changes with sub base
d) Changes with base
10.As per MORTH the specified compaction of density is
a) 95% b) 96% c) 100% d) 99%
11.The top 500mm of soil sub grade should be compacted at
a) OMC b) MDD c) Dry density d) Saturated density
12.For how much amount of rainfall soaking of specimen is not required?
a) 100 mm b) 200 mm c) 300 mm d) 500 mm
13. What is the maximum aggregate size in CBR method?
a) 20 mm b) 30 mm c) 40 mm d) 50 mm
14.The critical stress is considered in
a) Surface b) Sub base layer c) Sub grade d) Both sub grade and surface
15.The design factor not considered in CBR is
a) Weather b) Traffic c) VDF d) Growth rate
SET – 2
Name: Roll No:

Camellia Institute of Technology & Management

B.Tech 1st Internal Even Sem-2023
Pavement Materials( CE(PE)801D )
Stream: Civil Engineering Sem:8th Full Marks:25 Time:1 Hour

I. Choose the correct answer:(1x5=5)

1. The heavy commercial vehicles are considered if their weight exceeds
a) 3.0 t b) 4.0 t c) 5.0 t d) 6.0 t
2. Axle load studies are carried out on a minimum sample of
a) 10% b) 15% c) 20% d) 25%
3. The overlay design is laid for a maximum life span of
a) 5 years b) 7 years c) 9 years d) 10 years
4. What is the most commonly used overlay?
a) Flexible over rigid b) Rigid over flexible c) Flexible over flexible d) Rigid over rigid
5. The VDF of a lane if the CVPD is greater than 1500 in plain terrain is?
a) 4.5 b) 2.5 c) 3.0 d) 4.0

II. Choose the correct answer:(2x10=20)

6. The VDF in hilly terrain for CVPD less than 1500 is?
a) 1 b) 1.5 c) 2.0 d) 2.5
7. The depth of rutting criterion is obtained by
a) Micro strain b) Macro strain c) Traffic d) Elasticity modulus
8. The lane distribution factor on undivided roads with single lane carriage way is
a) 0.5 b) 1 c) 1.5 d) 2
9. The least lane distribution factor value is least for
a) Single lane b) Double lane c) Three lanes d) Four lanes
10. The joint filling sand should have fines are
a) 75 microns b) 85 microns c) 95 microns d) 100 microns
11. The PQC denotes
a) Paved quality cement b) Paved quality concrete c) Pavement quality concrete d) Paved quantity
12. The layer not required in cement road is
a) Sub grade b) Sub base c) Base d) Surface
13. The cement slab is provided with
a) Long joints b) Longitudinal joints c) Transverse joints d) Both Longitudinal and
transverse joints
14. The soil sub grade design is done by
a) Plate bearing test b) CBR c) Plate load test d) Shear test
15. Failure in rigid pavement occurs due to
a) More compaction b) Less compaction c) More load d) Less load
SET – 3
Name: Camellia Institute of Technology & No:
ManagementB.Tech 1st Internal Even Sem-
Pavement Materials( CE(PE)801D )
Stream: Civil Engineering Sem:8th Full Marks:25 Time:1 Hour

Choose the correct answer:(1x5=5)

1. The PQC denotes
a) Paved quality cement b) Paved quality concrete c) Pavement quality concrete d) Paved
2. The layer not required in cement road is
a) Sub grade b) Sub base c) Base d) Surface
3. The cement slab is provided with
a) Long joints b) Longitudinal joints c) Transverse joints d) Both Longitudinal
andtransverse joints.
4. How many factors contributing to the flexural stress of a pavement?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
5. The life span of a rigid pavement depends on
a) Magnetic action b) Frictional action c) Location of loading d) Seasonal change

II. Choose the correct answer:(2x10=20)

6. What is the size of particles preferred in GSB layer of
pavement?a) 0.075 mm b) 0.150 mm c) 0.300
mm d) 0.600 mm
7. What is the failure in GSB layer of rigid pavement?
a) Pumping b) Blowing c) Pumping and blowing d) Fatigue
8. The drainage layer of pavement can
a) Increase the pavement life b) Decrease the pavement life
c) Increase the pavement thickness d) Decrease the pavement thickness
9. What is the gap provided in slabs?
a) 20 mm b) 30 mm c) 35 mm d) 40 mm
10. The stress in pavement changes
a) Daily b) Seasonally c) Annually d) Depends on pavement
11. The spacing of joint depends on
a) Type of joint b) Type of construction c) Type of material d) Same for all joints
12. The term ‘a’ denotes?
a) Radius of wheel b) Radius of the area of contact
c) Radius of the equivalent area of contact d) Radius of axle
13. The stresses are found in how many places of rigid pavement?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
14. What is the maximum fatigue ratio of rigid
pavement?a) 0.45 b) 0.65 c) 0.8 d) 0.9
15. The ratio of flexibility strength applied due to a load and the flexural stress is called
a) Stress ratio b) Strain ratio c) Stress and strain ratio d) Bulk modulus

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