Expemo code:
1 Warm up
4. You use this password when you start using a new computer for the first time; it’s a
5. People need to make sure the information on their computers is safe; they need good
Do you ever have problems remembering your passwords? Why / why not?
2 Reading
Part A: You are going to read an article about strong passwords. Before you read the article, decide
if each statement is true or false. Then read the article to check your ideas.
3. If you can’t remember your password, you should store it on your computer as a plain text file, for
example in a Word document.
5. Companies should have more relaxed rules about how customers create passwords.
Part B: Read the article again and find verbs in bold which match these meanings. One word in bold
is extra.
3. think about
Complex passwords don’t usually stop attackers, but People often use complex passwords because of
they make everyday life much more difficult for organisations’ rules. For example, to be considered
computer users, says the UK security agency GCHQ. "strong", passwords must be a certain length or
They recommend using a simpler approach. include numbers or special characters, like ! or *.
Companies should allow people to use their own
GCHQ gives some helpful advice for people who simpler passwords.
work in IT, as well as normal users. They warn people
These simple passwords might consist of just three
not to keep their default passwords. They also say
short words, for example. Or people could consider
that people should avoid storing passwords as plain
using password managers, software that creates
text because other people, including attackers, can
and stores passwords. The passwords might be
easily read these documents.
complex, but people will never need to remember
them because their computer will do that for them.
The organisation says we should stop using too many
Computers don’t mind storing and remembering
complex passwords if we don’t want to suffer from
complex passwords - it’s what they’re designed to do.
"password overload". This is what happens when
people create too many long passwords for different The report says that software password managers
websites and write them down so they can remember can help, but, like all security software, they can be
them. Writing down passwords is unsafe. hacked and are an attractive target for attackers.
3 Language point
Part A: Study the sentences from the article and choose the correct ending. All the sentences have
verb + verb combinations.
They also say that people should avoid storing passwords as plain text ...
The organisation says we should stop using too many complex passwords if we don’t
want to suffer from "password overload".
1. The verbs avoid and stop are followed by a verb + -ing / an infinitive with to.
2. The second verbs in the sentences with warn and want are verbs + -ing / infinitives with to.
3. In these examples, the use of warn is different to the use of want because warn is immediately
followed by the second verb / an object.