(Group-1) Telling Methods

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Concern Teacher: Rev. Dr. B. Lalramhluna

Submitted by: GROUP I
Andrew Lalremsanga Ralte (roll no. 1)
C. Lalhmangaihtluanga (roll no. 2)
C. V. L. Awmpuizeli (roll no. 3)
Dano Mro (roll no. 4)
David Lalnunthara Darlong (roll no. 5)
Date of submission: 18th February 2022

1. Introduction:

The story telling methods helps to enhance student’s interest, motivation and achievement in
moral education. This method also increases students understanding of moral values because
they are engaged actively in peer discussion. There are many approaches towards storytelling.
Personification, third person storytelling, embedded Journalism, and metaphors are just four
ways to enliven content. Stories involve creating structure. Experienced writers understand that
structure in the form of the five narrative modes of fiction, intimately. These narrative modes of
fiction are action, dialogue, thought, description, and exposition.

2. What is telling methods or story telling methods?

Storytelling is the art of narrating a tale from memory rather than reading it is one of the oldest
of all art forms, reaching back to prehistoric times. Storytelling is the original form of teaching
and has the potential of fostering emotional intelligence and help the child gain insight into
human behavior.1

3. The concept of storytelling methods:

Story telling has long been a part of our culture, and teaches should recognize its value as a
pedagogical tool. While many people believe that telling stories requires substantial efforts and
skills, recent experience suggests that anyone interested can learn the art of telling a good tale.

Storytelling is an oral sharing of a personal or traditional story, told using the essence of
the tradition from which it originates. As a shared experience between teller and listener, it offers
natural language experiences for students.

Storytelling allows students to internalize important aspects of story beginning and

endings, settings, characters, and plot lines. It provides practice in expressing ideas in thought
units, using colorful and descriptive language, developing ideas in sequence, and choosing
effective action words.

4. Elements of storytelling methods:2

 Plot. The plot is the most important part of any story.

 Character. Characters are the elements that are living in the story.
 Theme. The theme is a word that can be defined in a few words.
 Dialogue. It is the way how characters connect with each other and to you, the audience.
 Melody
 Décor
 Spectacle

5. The purpose of storytelling method:

Storytelling methods bring language learning alive and creates a participatory and immersive
experience that allows young learners to enjoy hearing the language in a dynamic, sometimes
stylistic and entertaining way. Participation using key vocabulary and phrases can create an
awareness of rhythm and structure.3

6. Important of telling methods:

Telling story is one of the most powerful means that leaders have to influence, teach, and inspire.
What makes storytelling so effective for learning? For starters, storytelling forges connections

https://www.Sciencedirect.com/Science/article/pii/s1877042814008957/pdf? (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://uxplanet.org> (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://ihworld.com>issues>issue-43 (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
among people, and between people and ideas. Stories convey the culture, history, and values that
unite people. Some important of telling methods are as follows:4

6.1. Storytelling in education: Story telling is the oldest form of teaching. It bonded the early
human communities, giving children the answers to the biggest questions of creation, life, and
the afterlife. Stories define us, shape us, control us, and make us. Not every human culture in the
world is literate, but every single culture tells stories.5

6.2. Story telling important to indigenous culture: Traditional storytelling is a significant way
of expressing indigenous knowledge, culture, and oral traditions. Traditional storytelling
privileges holistic interconnectedness, collaboration, reciprocity, spirituality, and humanity; more
importantly, it impacts positively on practice.6

7. Effective of telling methods:

Storytelling is a powerful tool that great leaders use to motivate the masses and masterful writers
harness to create classic literature. If you’re just getting started writing and telling stories, here
are some stories telling tips that can help you strengthen your narratives and engage your
audience. Good stories do more than create a sense of connection. They build familiarity and
trust, and allow the listener to enter the story where they are, making them more open to learning
and stories are more engaging than a dry recitation of data points or a discussion of abstract

7.1. Choose a clear central message: A great story usually progresses towards a central moral
or message. When crafting a story, you should have a definite idea of what you’re building

7.2. Embrace conflict: As a storytelling you can’t shy away from conflict. Great storytellers
craft narratives that have all sorts of obstacles and hardships strewn in the path of their

7.3. Have a clear structure: There are many different ways to structure a story, but the three
ingredients a story must have are a beginning, middle, and end.

7.4. Mine your personal experiences: Whether or not you are telling a real story directly based
on personal experience, you can always look to your life for inspiration when coming up with
new stories.

https://www.harvardbusiness.org> (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://www.edutopia.org>blog>st (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://journals.sagepub.com>pdf (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://www.harvardbusiness.org> (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
7.5. Engage your audience: Great storytelling requires you to connect with your audience, but
much of how you captivate your audience depends upon the modes of storytelling you’re using.

7.6. Observe good story tellers: Your personal stories will always be unique and specific to
you, but there’s no better way to learn how to craft and deliver a narrative than by watching story
tellers you admire relate their own stories.

7.7. Narrow the scope of your story: If you’re telling a true story from your own life, it can be
hard to choose the important main points that you should include. Many people have a tendency
to include every detail and end up inundating their audience with fact that dilutes the central
story arc.8

8. Story telling cognition:

Experience has an important place in the process of knowledge construction or understanding of

a concept. Story telling method is perhaps the most important process/method through which
individuals can be made to feel, reflect and arrive at ideas. New experience could be organized
for children in several ways. It could be through a process of storytelling method.

9. Story telling in language classroom:

Stories are very important for children in learning their mother tongue, and they are important in
learning any foreign language a well. That is why it is good to start using stories in teaching
English as soon as possible. This helps children to remember every detail, so they can gradually
learn to anticipate what is about to happen next in the story.9

10. The value of telling methods:

Telling story is one of the most powerful means that leaders have to influence, teach, and inspire.
They increase our understanding and empathy. Stories provide structure and order. They make
ideas and experiences familiar, predictable, and comforting. Stories trigger our imaginations,
tapping into creativity, discovery and exploration.10

11. A list of telling methods:

Different methods for storytelling:11

 Storytelling with movement

 Storytelling with a magnetic board or left board
 Recorded stories
 Storytelling with accessories

https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-tell-a-story-effectively (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-tell-a-story-effectively (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://www.asapora.com>what-ma (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://www.educatall.com/page/683/different-methods-for-storytelling.html (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
 Storytelling with puppets
 Storytelling using picture clues
 Marie-Josee thibert

12. Choosing of methods:

The choosing of the method is a very important step. On the other hand, if we “hope to move
beyond the minimum learning level we must approach our class with a well thought out plan,
utilizing a variety of telling methods.12 On the other hand, in all our variety and fun, we want to
make sure that the method is not “so overwhelming in its complexity or dramatic presentation
that it overshadows the lesson aim and becomes the message itself.”Richards and Bradfield
suggest the following list of six methods that all bible teaches “should seek to develop and
eventually master.”

 Storytelling
 Provocative questions
 Case studies
 Discussion
 Buzz groups
 Lecture13

13. Cultural issues related to telling methods:

Cultural issues are problems that occur when culture conflicts with system, goals or other
cultures all groups develop a culture with time including nations, cities, organizations and
interest groups such as a music scene. 14 It occurs in every culture and from every age. It exists
(and existed) to entertain, to inform, and to promulgate cultural traditions and values. Oral
storytelling is telling a story through voice and gestures. The oral traditional can take many
forms, including epic poems, chants, rhymes, songs, and more.15

14. Conclusion:

The story telling methods helps to enhance student’s interest, motivation and achievement in
moral education. This method also increases students understanding of moral values because
they are engaged actively in peer discussion it has become a popular method used in a variety of
fields and industries. This conclusion refers to the overall of the students speaking achievement
score. Because design, itself is a process of telling a story. It has an audience, problem,
characters, backdrop, solution, and a conclusion.

Haburn, P. 178
Choun, Teaching and Learning Strategies, p.195
https://simplicable.com>cultural-1ss (Accessed on 31 January 2022)
https://www.nationalgeographic.org> (Accessed on 31 January 2022)

1. https://www.Sciencedirect.com/Science/article/pii/s1877042814008957/pdf?
2. https://uxplanet.org>
3. https://ihworld.com>issues>issue-43
4. https://www.harvardbusiness.org>
5. https://www.edutopia.org>blog>st
6. https://journals.sagepub.com>pdf
7. https://www.harvardbusiness.org>
8. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-tell-a-story-effectively
9. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-tell-a-story-effectively
10. https://www.asapora.com>what-ma
11. https://www.educatall.com/page/683/different-methods-for-storytelling.html
12. https://simplicable.com>cultural-1ss
13. https://www.nationalgeographic.org>
14. Choun, Teaching and Learning Strategies
15. Haburn

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