Knowledge Silo Matrix Template AGRiP
Knowledge Silo Matrix Template AGRiP
Knowledge Silo Matrix Template AGRiP
The Knowledge Silo Matrix inventories the current areas of expertise (“silos”) in use at your pool as well as each employee's
level of expertise within each silo.
1. Most of your active work will be on the "Knowledge Silo Matrix" tab. Input your pool name in Cell B1 of this tab.
2. The angled titles in Row 2 are a draft set of silos. More detail about these silos is in the "Pool Silo Descriptions" tab. Edit
the silo names and descriptions in both places to reflect your pool's vocabulary and current state. Remove silos that do
not apply and add any that are missing.
3. In Column B, replace the sample names and titles with the people working with your pool right now (whether employed
or contracted). Consider the scope that makes sense for your pool. Larger pools might create a separate matrix for each
department or operating unit as well as one for the overall leadership team.
4. In each silo column, indicate the expert to be replicated (the one who will set the standard for the silo) by typing the
letter "p" in the appropriate cell and pressing Enter. The cell will turn purple.
Then indicate how all listed staff are operating in each silo by typing a letter from the list below within each silo cell.
Typing in the letter will auto-add color. Leave the cell blank if the person does not work in that silo.
Expert to be replicated p P
Consistent with expert g G
Actively learning y Y
5. Read the questions below in the specific context of your pool to identify at-risk silos and individuals. Then identify areas of
risk by column and row by changing silo and individual names to red text. (You can do this by putting an "r" or "R" in
Row 1 or Column A.)
• Is the expert in this silo at risk of leaving or being unavailable? Do they sit outside
the team? Are they ready to retire? Are they at risk of burnout or needed elsewhere?
• Would it take a lot of time or money to train another expert resource in this silo?
• Are there too many purples in this silo (which might create confusion and
conflicting directions)?
• Is this person purple in too many silos? Are they at risk of burnout? Have they
announced retirement/departure? Are they a bottleneck?
6. For each silo you marked red, indicate in Row 4 the urgency of mitigating the risk according to the scale below.
7. Transfer all at-risk silo names and at-risk individual employee/vendor names to the Action Plan tab. Continue work on
that tab according to the instructions there at the top.
Silo Grouping
v er
Bu nan
sin ce
Ad ess
vo Str
c a
Re acy teg
gu , L y
l o
Pe ator bby
op y i
l C ng
Pr e M omp , Po
oc an l li
e a ian tic
Co ss M gem ce s
r an e n
Fin act age t
an Ma me
c n n
Bu ial ag t
dg Ma em
eti na en
Un n ge t
de g m
r en
Ac wri t
tu tin
i g
Re al
in I
su nte
Cl ran rpr
m ce eta
Ri s an ns
sk d
M Li
M an tiga
e m ag tio
b e n
M er men M
em Re t an
be lati Ser age
Pu r o v m
bl De ns ices en
ic v t
In En elo
su tit pm
ra y O e
nc n
e per t, M
Ex a
pe tio ark
rti ns eti
se ng
a nd
n s
A silo is a narrow working area that requires deep expertise. A silo takes between a month and a year to learn and usually consists of 20 to 100 skills and tasks that must be mastered
to work independently in that area. A silo description should clearly describe the work of the silo. A description should have two to four phrases that include verbs and outputs. The
phrases should describe activities and outputs that are core to, or representative of, the work of the silo.
Silo/Individual at Risk Risk Justification and Impact of Risk Mitigation Plan Priority Mitigation Timeframe KT Expert/Apprentice(s) Mitigation Plan Notes Status