1st Quarter 2015 3379
1st Quarter 2015 3379
1st Quarter 2015 3379
O n the Cover: Ryleigh, 10, is a student at Parkersburg Academy in West Virginia. She
enjoys reading to her friends at the Eagle Pointe Senior Center.
Dear Sabbath School Leader,
Welcome to a new year, a new quarter, church’s worldwide membership.
and a new division on which to focus our This quarter we’re featuring exciting
attention and our prayers. stories coming from some of the most
remote parts of this division—from
North American Division the warm tropical islands of Guam and
The North American Division includes Micronesia to the cool and beautiful state
Canada, the United States of America of Alaska and the rolling mountains and
and its territories of Guam and Wake rivers of Appalachia, you will see God’s
Island, the Federated States of Micronesia, hand moving in mighty ways through His
the island nation of Bermuda, and several people in NAD.
island possessions.
God raised up the Seventh-day Offering Device
Adventist Church in North America, The special children’s project will
where it was officially organized in 1863. help provide mattresses for the campers
Today the Adventist Church has more at Camp Polaris in Alaska. Print out
than 18 million members, and ministers 2 copies of the Alaskan flag (from our
in 216 countries around the world in more website) and paste one onto a large poster.
than 900 languages. Take the other copy and cut out the stars.
But growth of the church in North Invite the children to color the flag on
America, like much of Europe and the poster board, but leave the stars white.
Australia, has slowed. Today the North Then invite them to color the cut out
American Division (NAD) has a stars yellow/gold. As your class reaches
little more than one million members, its weekly or cumulative mission offering
comprising less than 7 percent of the goal, add a yellow star to the flag. When
your goal has been completely reached
add the large north star to the flag.
This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Special Feature
Offering will help: Mission Spotlight DVD contains
several stories from North America,
build bathhouses with showers and toilets including one specifically for children.
at Camp Polaris, near Dillingham, Alaska
Download a story or stories from
hold 35 evangelistic meetings www.adventistmission.org/dvd.
simultaneously across the Mountain View Thank you for all you do to help
Conference, West Virginia
children understand the joy of mission.
photo: Dr Random Factor, Wikipedia Commons
ALASKA | J a nua r y 3
A Guiding Star
M any years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Murray
and their four children lived in the
little town of Humptulips, Washington.
Things were going well for the Moody
family until one day, when something very
sad happened. As Mr. Moody and his son
Mr. Murray was a fisherman, but during were coming home, an accident happened
the 1930s, many people did not have jobs and they both drowned.
because of “The Great Depression.” Every day Mrs. Moody, and her two
One day the Murray family decided to remaining sons and daughter prayed
move to Alaska. Mrs. Murray’s brother together. On Sabbath they met with Mrs.
was there and he said that there was Moody’s brother’s family. During the week,
plenty of good fishing in Alaska. Mrs. Moody carried on the family fishing
So the Murrays traveled more than business, with the help of her younger sons,
2,500 miles (4,023 km) north, arriving at Lloyd, 14, and Roland, 13.
Dillingham, Alaska. From there, they took The two boys grew up fast and for many
Adventist Mission North American Division
a boat up the Wood River, finally arriving years they couldn’t go to school because
on the shores of Lake Aleknagik. they had to work as fishermen.
fire in the wood stove at school. During During the past 60 years, many
that time he enjoyed talking with the children have enjoyed Camp Polaris.
schoolteacher, Miss Jackie, who was about The parents, grandparents, and even
the same age as Roland. After he finished great-grandparents of the children of
school, Roland married Miss Jackie. today went to the camp as children, and
The Mission School many of them still enjoy coming to Camp
The new Mr. and Mrs. Moody built Polaris on Sabbath when they have a big
their own little home beside Lake potluck together every year.
Aleknagik. After a while, they built Many of the children who come to
a Seventh-day Adventist school on Camp Polaris don’t have very happy lives
at home. They look forward to their one
their property by the lake. They called
week of camp all year because they know
it “The Mission School.” So many
that they will eat good food, have fun,
students wanted to come to the mission
learn about Jesus, and feel that someone
school that soon the Moodys also built
loves and cares about them.
two dormitories for them. Before long
Unfortunately, the camp can only
the Moodys built the first Seventh-day
be open one week during the whole
Adventist Church in Aleknagik, Alaska.
summer because it is a very old camp.
As the school grew, Mr. and Mrs.
There are no toilets—only outhouses
Moody started a summer camp—a place
that have been there since the camp
where kids could come to have fun and
started more than 60 years ago. There
also learn more about God. They named
are no showers where the campers can
the new place “Camp Polaris”—after the
wash and get warm after swimming in
guiding light of the North Star.
the very cold lake. And many of the
beds have no mattresses to sleep on—
just wooden planks.
The good news is that you can help
Fast Facts the children of Alaska by bringing your
The term Alaska native refers to Alaska’s Thirteenth Sabbath offering to Sabbath
original inhabitants including Aleut, School. Children and adults from around
Eskimo and Indian groups.
the world are giving to this special
Alaska officially became the 49th state mission offering so that Camp Polaris can
on January 3, 1959. have a new bath house with showers and
Alaska is the United State’s largest toilets, and mattresses for all of the camp
state and is over twice the size of Texas. beds. After these improvements, the
Measuring from north to south the state camp may be able to be open longer so
Jesus at
Ch i l d r e n a t Ca m p P o l a r i s
“Here, you can read my Bible,” said “I actually found some cool stories in
the boys’ counselor as he handed his there,” he told his counselors. “I really
Bible to Logan. liked the story of Joseph. How was he able
“OK,” said, Logan. “So I don’t have to to go through all that stuff?”
go to bed now?” he asked. Logan asked many questions, and his
“That’s right,” said the counselors. “As counselors patiently answered each one
long as you are reading the Bible.” of them, explaining how Joseph loved
* Not his real name. God and trusted Him, and that the same
God who cared about Joseph cared about
Logan, too. Mission Post
Jesus Can Help The Alaska Conference of Seventh-
Many of the kids who come to Camp day Adventists was established in
1901—58 years before Alaska became
Polaris don’t know the Bible stories. one of the states in the U.S.A.
Other kids might know the Bible stories,
The Alaska Conference covers one
but don’t really understand that Jesus of the largest territories in the world.
wants to be their friend. Many areas of the conference are
Another camper, Heather, was kind accessible only by boat or airplane.
of like that. Heather was from Delta As of 2013, there were 3,842
Junction, a small town way up north at the Adventist members in Alaska, and
end of the Alaska Highway. Heather loved 29 Adventist churches.
going to camp every summer, and she kept
a daily diary. One day during camp she
wrote in her diary, “And of course we had Polaris where she works as a life guard
to do worship, and that was dumb.” and counselor. And she tries to pass on
But as Heather kept coming back to the lessons that she learned when she was
camp each year, she started to like the a camper there.
camp worships. One worship talk she “I’ve lived in Alaska all my life,”
especially enjoyed involved a candle and Heather says, “and Camp Polaris is the
a balloon. most isolated place I’ve ever been. But,
The worship speaker put a candle on it’s definitely a place where you can
a table, then he lit the candle. After feel very close to God. I really love it
that he took a balloon out of his pocket, up there.”
blew it up, and tied it. Then he held the Let’s remember our Thirteenth
balloon right over the lit candle, and . . . . Sabbath Offering so that we can help the
BANG! The balloon popped right away. kids at Camp Polaris have better beds,
Then the speaker took another balloon and showers and toilets. Thank you.
and put some water in it before tying it.
He then held that balloon over the lit Campers carrying their “mattresses.”
candle, and . . . it didn’t pop! All of
the children were amazed.
“The presenter explained that we
are like the balloon and the water
represents Jesus,” Heather said. “If we
have Jesus in us, He calms us and gives
us peace and strength—He’s Someone
Ch a d
The moon was shining brightly and enough” for God to use you—you just
we could see the lake and the huge have to be willing.
mountains all around us. As I looked up Changing Lives
at those tall mountains, I remembered Camp Polaris is really old and worn
the Bible story about when Elisha’s down now, but I know that people are
servant was so afraid because they were trying hard to get money to build the
surrounded by their enemies. Elisha camp back up again. God has used that
prayed that God would open the eyes of place to help so many people who live
his servant, and God answered his prayer. here, and people from all over Alaska
Suddenly the man saw angels in fiery have heard about what a wonderful place
chariots all around them. it is. I believe that if we keep on building
Remembering that story, I suddenly it up, making it an even better place, God
blurted out to my friends, “You guys, look! will keep on using it to change people’s
Look at the tops of the mountains! All the lives for the better, like mine.
angels are on this mountain!” You could We are so happy that Camp Polaris was
just see my friends calming down. We went chosen to receive part of the Thirteenth
back into the cabin and fell asleep. Sabbath Offering this quarter. Even
The next morning, I felt so humbled though the children love coming to
that God would have actually used me to camp now, I know that they will be even
help my friends. I was telling myself, “I happier to have mattresses to sleep on,
can’t believe that I was a part of that— and real toilets and showers.
I’m too young for God to use me.” But Chad Angasan, a native Inuit/Aleut, is a Global Mission
now I know that God did use me to help Pioneer pastoring in the village of Togiak, Alaska.
Let’s Cook
Soup is very nice to eat during the long, cold winters in Alaska.
½ head cabbage, shredded 3 medium carrots, sliced
3 medium onion, chopped 1 cup canned green beans
1 medium bell pepper, chopped in 1 cup canned beets
medium chunks 1 ½ tsp. Italian seasoning
4 cups vegetable juice ½ tsp. garlic powder
1 can (16 oz.) tomato, chopped salt, to taste
Ke n a n d D e b b i e Re i s wi g
Fast Facts Lady found a way, and Sammy got to go
to camp.
The Alaska Conference operates three
camps—Camp Lorraine (on Vank Island),
Camp Tukuskoya, and Camp Polaris.
A Little List
Another time, a boy who desperately
Visit the Alaska Camps website at www. wanted to go to camp came to see the
alaskacamps.org to see photos taken at
the camps. Camp Lady and explained his plan to her.
He would do all he could to earn as much
Watch stories from Camp Polaris on
our Mission Spotlight DVD at www.
money as possible so he could help pay for
adventistmission.org/dvd his time at camp. Mrs. Reiswig thought
that was a great idea and made a little list
the time he was finished, he had written to keep track of the money this boy was
four pages to the Camp Lady, telling her earning. Every few days he would come to
how much he wanted to come to camp her and empty out his pockets—pennies,
and asking for her help. Then he took his nickels, dimes, and quarters all came
letter and carefully folded the paper into a rolling out.
neat little packet. They all came from his hard work such
But then Sammy had another as washing cars, running errands, and
problem—how would he get the letter to other little jobs. Every few days he would
the Camp Lady? Being very shy, Sammy give the money to the Camp Lady, who
was scared to give his letter to her. What would carefully write it down on his list.
could he do? One day many weeks later, the Camp
Lady was happy to tell the boy that he
Hiding in the Bushes had earned enough to go to camp. Both of
Finally, he decided to take his letter
them were very happy!
to the Camp Lady. Carefully putting the
Mr. and Mrs. Reiswig—the “Camp
folded letter into his pocket, Sammy
started walking. But when he arrived at Lady” and the “Camp Man”— have
the Camp Lady’s office, he was too scared been looking after Camp Polaris and its
to go in so he hid in the nearby bushes for campers for the past 20 years. Even during
two hours! the rest of the year when camp isn’t going
But even though Sammy was trying to on, the children know that the Reiswigs
hide from her, the Camp Lady saw him still love and care about them, and that
and eventually went outside to see what they are always welcome to come to their
he was doing. Very shyly Sammy pulled home. The children and their parents
the folded paper packet out of his pocket. know that the Camp Lady and Camp
Handing the paper to Mrs. Reiswig, Man will do all they can to help them
Sammy quickly turned and ran away. with whatever problems they are having.
Unfolding the packet, the Camp Lady And most importantly, the Reiswigs teach
found Sammy’s hand-written letter. He the children and their parents about God,
desperately wanted to come to camp, but His love for them, and that He has a
he had no money, and his parents had no wonderful plan for their lives.
WEST VIRGINIA | J a nua r y 31
A Big Heart
my yard—Brayden and I dug his grave.” go with them to church the next day.
After Payton said a few words and prayed, Before long, Brayden’s cousin, Hunter,
the boys added the dog’s dish, collar, and wanted to stay too, so Payton had two
squeaky toy before filling up the grave. other boys sharing his room.
When Payton and his family first One day, Brayden, talked about how
moved into the neighborhood, he became much he appreciated Payton and his
friends with Brayden and learned about family. Here’s what he said:
* All names of neighborhood children have been changed. “A few years ago when Payton and his
family moved in, my step-grandfather
asked Mr. Brown if I could mow his Mission Post
yard. He agreed, and soon we became
friends and I found out what nice The Mountain View Conference
(MVC) encompasses nearly the entire
people they were. U.S. state of West Virginia, along with
“One day I asked Payton why they were two western counties of the state of
always away from home on Saturdays. Maryland.
I thought it was weird. Then Payton The MVC is the smallest conference in
invited me to come to church with them. the North American Division, with 33
“I also joined the Pathfinder Club, and churches, 3 companies, and 7 schools.
started going to the Highland Adventist As of 2014, there were 2,380 members
School here in Elkins. Mr. Brown found in the conference, with a population of
sponsors for Hunter and me. I like the 1,808,030.
school a lot. The teachers are really nice,
and the students are friendly.
“One day as we were going to church,
Payton said he wanted to get baptized.
Hunter and I said that we wanted to get had been kicked out of many schools.
baptized with him. So we all took Bible Payton invited Wyatt to come with him
studies together and were baptized on to Pathfinders and church, but Wyatt’s
November 2, 2013. mother would not let him go. Over
The church members are the nicest the next three years Payton kept being
people I’ve ever met. They are always friendly to Wyatt.
there for you. And the pastor, Don, One day, after hearing that Payton and
there’s something about his preaching his family might be moving away, Wyatt
that just sticks with me. I like the people
handed him and his sister, Stormy, a note:
here a lot—they are like my second
“Dear Payton and Stormy,
family that I’ve always wanted.
Being able to come here and know Before you move I want to thank
about the Seventh-day Adventist church you. When you first came I had lost
has been a real blessing to me. No one else my way. I stopped going to church and
in my family are Adventists. They don’t didn’t plan on coming back. When
understand why I don’t do some things I we became friends I was trying to act
used to do. My stepdad can’t understand tough, but on the inside, I wanted to
why I don’t eat pork—all my life I’ve eaten be more like you, Payton. When the
it, and at first it was hard not to eat it. But hard times came and I lost my father,
I’m glad I stopped eating it. I’ve seen a talking to you was a comfort. I learned
change in my weight and my personality.
Ms. Starr
and her students wanted to do something students get to choose the book or books
more for them—to become real friends. that they want to read to their partner.
That’s when she got the reading idea. Sometimes, if they finish reading the
Ms. Starr shared her idea with her books that they brought, they trade books
students, and all of the children were with another student and then read the
excited and wanted to learn how to read new books to their friend at Eagle Pointe.
so that they could read to their new As the students read, they are also
friends at Eagle Pointe. By January the developing friendships. “My partner’s
name is Miss Jane,” says
Sophia, who is 6. “One day
I was reading to her about
animal tracks, and I read
about a red fox. She told
me that she once had a red
fox as a pet!”
The people at Eagle
Pointe are very happy when
the children come to read
to them, and the students
are happy, too. “I like
seeing my partner smile,”
Ben said.
In appreciation
Kindness Comes Back of the students’
The students in grades 3 to 8 also come visits, Eagle
to Eagle Pointe and read to their new Pointe held
friends. “I really like going there,” says a banquet in
Ryleigh, who is 9 years old. “There’s one their honor, and
man I read to—Mr. Mark. He’s always presented Ms.
happy to see me, and says, ‘God loves Starr with an
you.’ I really like him and wish we could award plaque
go more often.” that said: “Junior
Volunteers of the
Academy. You’ve
warmed the hearts
Fast Facts of many by the
Nearly 75% of West Virginia is covered caring that you
by forests. show. Volunteers
One of the first suspension bridges in the are Shining Stars.”
world was completed in Wheeling, WV As they think about their “kindness
in November, 1849. experiment,” Ms. Starr and the students
The first electric railroad in the world know it was a success. “Kindness did
was constructed between Huntington and come back. We tried to give them joy, but
Guyandotte, WV. they gave more to us.”
Mrs. Minnie Buckingham Harper, a Have you ever tried a “kindness
member of the state’s House of Delegates experiment?” Maybe you and your
by appointment in 1928, was the first class can do something like what the
African American woman to become students and teachers in Parkersburg did.
a member of a legislative body in the
United States. What other ideas can you think of for a
“kindness experiment?”
photo: Ser Amantio di Nicolao, Wikimedia Commons
an interesting story about how
one young lady and a pair of
The Missing Shoes
Becky came back to the store on
shoes to teach a very important lesson to a Wednesday afternoon, but her shoes
shoe salesman. Here is his story: weren’t there. I told her that I was sorry,
One day a young lady entered the shoe but that I was sure her new shoes would
shop where I worked. Something seemed come by the next day. But on Thursday,
different about her—she wasn’t wearing Becky’s shoes still weren’t there! I quickly
any makeup or jewelry, but she seemed telephoned the company and asked what
to be very happy and glowing. Her name had happened. The manager told me that
was Becky. he was sure the shoes would arrive the
I brought out some shoes for her to try next day.
on, and she found a pair that she liked. When Becky came to the store to get
Adventist Mission North American Divisio
Unfortunately, we didn’t have them in her shoes, I explained the problem, and
her size. she was very nice. “I don’t live very far
“That’s not a problem,” I told her. “We away,” she said. “I can come tomorrow.
can order them and have them in the Are you sure the shoes will be here by
store in three days.” Becky ordered the tomorrow?” she asked. “I really do need
shoes, and I told her to expect them in by them on Saturday morning.” I told her
Wednesday afternoon. “That’s great,” she that the manager said her shoes would
said. “I don’t need them until Saturday.” really be there by Friday.
her shoes still weren’t there.
Mission Post Just 15 minutes after Becky left the
store the driver arrived with Becky’s
The Guam-Micronesia Mission (GMM)
was organized in 1948 and reorganized shoes. Quickly I called Becky and told her
in 2012 when it was transferred from the that her shoes had arrived.
Southern Asia-Pacific Division to the “Why don’t you come back and pick
North American Division. them up?” I asked her. “That way you can
The GMM has 20 churches and a wear your new shoes tomorrow!”
membership of 4,773. The population of But suprisingly, Becky said, “It’s OK.
its territory is 410,000 (2014 figures). I’ll wear my old shoes tomorrow and pick
GMM has two health clinics—one on up the new ones on Saturday night.”
Guam, the other in Saipan. The Mission
also operates schools located on the A Big Surprise
islands of Chuuk, Majuro, Ebeye, Guam, “But why don’t you get them this
Palau, Pohnpei, and Yap. evening?” I kept asking her. “The shoes
The Mission owns and operates are here just waiting for you.”
two radio stations, known as JOY “It’s OK,” Becky kept saying. “I’ll get
G UA M | M I C R O N E S I A
FM (KSDA-FM and KORU-FM) them on Saturday night.”
broadcasting from Guam. Finally, I gave up and said goodbye.
The GMM owns and operates “Simply A few minutes later, I was surprised to
Food”—a successful vegetarian see Becky walk into the store!
restaurant/grocery store on Guam. “I wanted to come back to tell you
that I’m really not angry that the shoes
didn’t come in time. I know that you did
When Becky came to the store on everything you could to get them to come
Friday afternoon, I was very embarrassed. earlier,” she said. Then, she turned around
The delivery truck was late and hadn’t and started walking back to the door.
come to the store yet. “But wait!” I said. “What about
“Why don’t you wait here just a little your shoes?”
“It’s OK. I didn’t come back to pick
while?” I asked Becky. “I’m sure that the
up the shoes now. I’ll be back tomorrow
driver will come any minute.”
night to get them.”
“I’m sorry,” Becky said, “but I need to
Maybe she doesn’t have enough money
be home some so I can’t wait very long.” today to buy the shoes, I thought. “If you
“Why do you need the shoes would like, I’d be happy to lend you
tomorrow?” I asked her, hoping that her some money so that you can get your
shoes would come as we were talking. shoes tonight.”
“I’m playing the organ, and my old Becky smiled, but still said no. “Don’t
shoes are almost worn out. It was time to worry,” she said. “I’ll come tomorrow
buy a new pair,” she said. night and get them.” Then she walked
Becky waited a few more minutes, then out of the store.
left the store without her shoes. Although
she was very nice, I knew she was sad that To be continued next week.
photo: BigStock.com
D wi g h t
wondered. Suddenly, I had to know the day.” “But it’s only Friday,” I said with
answer. I ran out of the store and caught conviction. “The Sabbath isn’t until
up to Becky. Sunday.” “No,” she smiled again. “The
“Please, just tell me why you wouldn’t Sabbath is the seventh day of the week,
take the shoes today,” I asked her. “I know not the first day. Check your calendar.”I
you wanted them for tomorrow, and now invited her to come with me back to
that they have come in, you won’t take the shoe store where I had a calendar
them. It doesn’t make any sense.” on my desk. We walked back together,
the Bible, I’d like for you to come.”
Fast Facts “No, I’m not afraid,” I said bravely. “As
a matter of fact, the book of Revelation
Together with Guam, Micronesia
includes the Commonwealth of the
is totally confusing, and I’ve never heard
Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic anyone even attempt to explain all the
of the Marshall Islands, the Federated symbols and beasts and kingdoms and
States of Micronesia and Palau. things. Yes, I think I will go.”
Guam, a U.S. territory, is the largest So the next morning I rode my
and most populous island, considered motorcycle to Becky’s house and followed
the “gateway” to Micronesia and a hub
for the region. her family van to church. As I was riding
along, I started to worry.
Guam does not have sand! What
appears to be sand is actually ground “What are you doing following strangers to
coral. This ground coral is mixed with a religious meeting in a church you’ve never
cement in order to make Guam’s paved even heard of?” I asked myself. “This could
roads. This is much more economical be a boring waste of time, or maybe it could
then importing sand from thousands of
miles away. be something even worse!”
G UA M | M I C R O N E S I A
I kept thinking about these things
Guam was a colony of Spain for
300 years, and the Spanish left a for several minutes. Then I thought, “I
great impression on local customs, could take the next highway exit and forget
especially religion. this foolishness.
I asked God to help me decide, and all
of a sudden I felt very peaceful. I decided
and I pointed to the calendar. “See?” I to attend the seminar. The truth that I
said. But then I looked at my calendar learned there shocked me, and I spent the
again—Saturday was the seventh day, next seven years trying to show that the
not Sunday. How could I have not seen this things I had learned weren’t true.
for 25 years? I muttered to myself. Then How could so many Sunday-keeping
I told her, “But today is still Friday, not people be so wrong? I asked myself. But the
Saturday. You can still get your shoes.” more I studied, the more I realized I could
not argue against the truths I had learned
An Invitation to Understand in the Adventist church. Finally I could
“I’ll still wait to buy the shoes until
not deny the truth any longer. I stopped
tomorrow night,” she said. “It is a little
fighting and became an Adventist.
more complicated than that, but the
I’m so happy that this young lady
Bible explains it quite well. Would refused to do something she knew wasn’t
you be interested in learning about right—to break the Sabbath and buy the
it? The church event that I will play shoes she had wanted so much. Her faith
for tomorrow is actually a Revelation led me to truths in the Bible that I had
Seminar presented by a visiting pastor. never heard of. I am so thankful that I
He’ll be talking about Bible prophecy, learned about the true Sabbath.
and about the Sabbath and Sunday. If
you’re not afraid to learn the truth from Dwight McKeever lives with his family on the island of Guam.
photo: Alonzo Scott, Jr. Wikipedia Commons
CALIFORNIA | Fe br ua r y 28
Ch i l d r e n wa t c h i n g p u p p e t s
The Puppeteers
Bible the Apostle Paul wrote
young friend Timothy, telling
let anyone say that he was
puppeteer after going to practice with her
father and sister.
Before Austin and Faith could work
too young to tell others about Jesus (1 with puppets, they joined Puppeteers
Timothy 4:12). Two young children in in Training. They learned how to hold
California have found a fun way to share props such as butterflies and fish in the
God’s love with children and adults. background while the main puppeteers
presented the skit. It looks easy enough
Puppet Ministry to hold up a prop, but Austin and Faith
“Music ready . . . Arms up . . . Listen learned that it takes lots of practice to get
for the cue!” Every week at puppet it just right.
practice, Austin and Faith listen for these And it takes muscles, too. “We had to
commands as they learn how to make do special exercises called puppet aerobics
puppets seem alive during their puppet to strengthen our arms,” Austin explained.
Adventist Mission North American Divisio
presentations. Austin and Faith are “It can be hard to hold your arm up high
puppeteers with a puppet team in their enough for the audience to see for an
hometown in California. entire skit.”
Austin used to go with his grandfather
to puppet practice. “When I saw that it Puppeteer Graduation
was a fun way to tell others about Jesus, Austin and Faith learned well and were
I wanted to do it too,” he said. Faith, a promoted to working with real puppets.
friend of Austin’s, wanted to become a “My first puppet was named Dude,” says
Austin. “Dude plays the guitar and sings
songs.” The puppets are heavier than Class Questions
the props, so the children continue to do
their puppet aerobics to strengthen their How is presenting a puppet program a
way to share your faith with others?
muscles. “Sometimes our arms get tired,
but with practice we can do it,” Faith said. What other ways can you think of to
share your faith this week? [List on a
Puppeteers don’t move just the puppet’s
board or large paper the suggestions that
mouth; they also move the puppet’s arms children make. Plan to act on at least one
and legs with special rods. This makes the suggested way in the coming weeks, either
puppets’ actions look more natural, but it as a class or individually.]
takes lots of practice to know when and
how to move the rods just right. And if
the puppeteer speaks their own puppet’s Austin likes to use puppets to tell others
parts, they must learn how to use a how much Jesus means to him. Faith
microphone headset. It’s hard work being adds that while puppets may not be for
a good puppeteer! everyone, she hopes every child will find
a way to share God’s love with others.
Sharing God’s Love “There are lots of ways to witness,” she
The puppet troupe performs short skits
says. “Find something you enjoy and use it
in schools, churches, and even in city
parks. Sometimes when children come to tell others about Jesus.”
up to talk to the puppeteers after the We all can find ways to share God’s love
performance, Austin and Faith tell them with others. And one great way to tell
how much Jesus loves them. When they others about Jesus is to bring your mission
can, they pray with the children. offering to Sabbath School every week.
to be busy bees
and share His R L O Y A L L T O L
love with others. U F R I E N D L Y O
The puzzle lists 11
ways you can be a
busy bee for Jesus. K O H E L P E R U I
How many can I R C A R I N G L N
photo: iStockPhoto.com
Wy a n
the school held, and there he learned would have to close my shop while we are
that Sabbath was God’s special day. Wyan gone. We can’t afford that.”
wanted to attend Sabbath School and “God will work it out, Mom,” Wyan
asked his mother to take him. But she said. “We just have to trust Him.” Wyan
explained that Saturday was the busiest prayed about the mission trip. And soon
day at her shop. “I don’t think I can Mother learned another lesson in faith.
afford to close my shop to attend church,” Some church members learned of
she said. But Wyan prayed, and in time Wyan’s wish to go on the mission trip.
His mother decided to follow Jesus and
Class Questions be baptized too. And to their surprise,
Wyan’s grandmother decided to be
What helped Wyan’s mother and
grandmother learn to trust in God?
[Wyan’s deep faith that God would Wyan loves to tell others that Jesus
answer his prayers and provide their loves them. His advice to others is, “If God
needs according to His will.] How can is telling you to tell someone about Jesus,
we influence our parents and other do it. Don’t be afraid; just trust God, and
relatives to trust in God?
He’ll help you say the right words.”
Short-term (two to four weeks) We can do that. And when we give
mission trips are a popular method of our mission offering on Sabbath, we’re
sharing God’s love with others while
seeing firsthand how people in other telling others about Jesus without saying
cultures live. a word.
trip, Wyan’s mother still worried about
her business. When they returned
home, God had a surprise for Wyan’s
mother. “In the first week that Mom
was back at her shop, she earned
enough to make up for the three weeks
the shop was closed!” Wyan said. “And
photo: iStockPhoto.com
CALIFORNIA | Ma r c h 14
for Jesus
love with people. I’ve been doing this for reader hope for the future,” he says.
three years. When we go out to share Jesus
with others, we are learning how to be Prayer Ministry
a witness for Him. We go out in pairs. I Prayer is an important part of Provi
usually let my friend carry the tracts, and I and his classmates’ ministry. “We always
do the talking.” ask people if we can pray for them,” Provi
When someone answers their knock says. “If they agree, I ask them if they have
on the door, Provi smiles and introduces any special prayer requests. Then I ask
God to be with them and help them with
any problems they are having. Mission Post
“I enjoy meeting people and telling
Provi attends an Adventist school
them about Jesus,” Provi says. “I especially where mission is part of the students’
like to see their smiling faces when I offer lives. His parents also share God’s
them a tract that talks about something love with others, so Provi has grown
they are struggling with in their lives.” up telling others about Jesus. There
are lots of ways to share God’s love.
Rewards of Service Provi likes sharing literature. Other
ways include helping those in need,
Several people who have been and making friends at school and in
contacted by Provi and his classmates the neighborhood and telling them
have contacted the church and asked for about Jesus.
Bible studies. “It’s exciting to hear that GLOW tracts are produced by
people I have talked to really do want the Adventist Church. For more
to learn more about Jesus,” Provi says. information on this program, visit
“Some even attend church. That’s really www.glowonline.org
special! I know of at least five people that
are coming to church on Sabbath because
I gave them a tract.” but Jesus has asked us to tell others that
Missionaries for Jesus He loves them. And if He asks us, He will
Provi and his father also distribute give us the courage and ability to do it.”
tracts on weekends. Provi hopes that Let’s see who we can share God’s love
other children will find ways to be with this week. And let’s not forget that
missionaries in their communities. “It giving our mission offering helps tell
isn’t hard,” Provi says. “We are just kids, others about Jesus too.
Stripes: Alternate red
and white, beginning
and ending with red
Stars: White
Background: Dark blue
photo: iStockPhoto.com
NAD | Ma r c h 21
Like A
Ka y l e a
week for people who needed some food members teach their guests how to eat
more healthfully. Kaylea likes to visit with
and friendship. Kaylea liked the idea and
the people who come to share a meal.
wanted to help.
“That makes it seem more like home,” she
“My parents taught me that helping
says. “I like making people happy.”
others is a big part of a Christian’s life,”
Kaylea says. “And helping fix a meal every More than a Meal
week for those who need one sounded like But many people in the community
fun. We call our meal ‘Soup’s On’ because can’t get to the church for a hot meal.
“We have lots of elderly people in the
community who can’t drive,” Kaylea adds. Mission Post
“So we take a meal to them. My family
So many people don’t know Jesus. Some
helps deliver more than 30 meals every feel no need for God; others want the hope
week to people in the community who that Jesus can give them.
can’t come and join us at the church.” There are many ways to tell others about
This is Kaylea’s favorite part of the God. We can join a ministry in our
meal program. She helps prepare the church, as Kaylea did. Or we can find
food and then delivers the meals to each our own ministry. We can write letters to
people who are lonely, offer to help our
home. “I like to sit and visit with the
neighbors by watching their pet. We can
people,” she says. “Many of them are rake leaves or shovel snow or do other
lonely and just want to talk to someone. good deeds. When people ask why we do
Sometimes they are sad, so we cry these things, we can tell them that Jesus
together,” she adds. “I pray with them and loves them and so do we.
let them know that Jesus loves them. I’m
really happy when I can help others, and I
love visiting with everyone.”
We can all do something special to
Making Friends for Jesus share God’s love with someone. What
“Our church isn’t very big,” Kaylea would you like to do? Our mission
says. “We have a small church, but we offerings are another way to tell people
can make a big difference for Jesus in our that Jesus loves them. Let’s give our
community. I am glad I can help.” offering faithfully.
Let’s Cook
1 tablespoon canola oil ¼ teaspoon salt
1 small onion, chopped 1 tablespoon lime juice
1 tablespoon chili powder 4 tablespoons reduced-fat sour cream
1 teaspoon ground cumin (optional)
2 15-ounce cans black beans, rinsed 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
3 cups water (optional)
½ cup prepared salsa
Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring, until
beginning to soften, 2 to 3 minutes. Add chili powder and cumin and cook, stirring 1
more minute. Add beans, water, salsa and salt. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer
for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in lime juice. Transfer half the soup to a
blender and puree (use caution when pureeing hot liquids). Stir the puree back into the
saucepan. Serve garnished with sour cream and cilantro, if desired.
Thirteenth Sabbath Program
Mission Quiz
Narrator: This quarter we have heard Q 4: The Alaska Conference of
many wonderful stories coming from Seventh-day Adventists was established
places in the North American Division— _____ years before Alaska became one of
Alaska, West Virginia, Guam/Micronesia the states in the U.S.A. (a) 12, (b) 29, (c)
and others. We would like to share a quiz 36, (d) 58 [Answer: 58]
with you to see if you have learned about
this quarter’s mission emphasis as well as Q 5: Which territories in the North
the children have. The children will ask American Division will receive part of
the questions. If you think you know the today’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering?
answer, raise your hand. [Answer: Alaska, Mountain View
Conference (West Virginia), Guam/
Q 1: What countries make up the
Micronesia Mission]
North American Division? [Answer:
Bermuda, Canada, Guam and the
Q 6: If every Adventist in NAD shared
Micronesian islands, and The United States
their faith with _____ person(s) and led
of America]
_____ person(s) to give their heart to
Adventist Mission North American Divisio
Q 2: The North American Division has Jesus this year, the number of Adventists
just over ______ million members. (a) 1, in North America would double!
(b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4 [Answer: 1] [Answers: 10, 1]
Next quarter the Northern Asia-Pacific Division will be featured. Projects include
a youth training center in South Korea, centers of influence in Taiwan, church plants
in China, an international evangelism center in Japan, and a library for a school in
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
e e !
is back!
Plus short video mission stories for use before or during church,
in classrooms, on lobby monitors, prayer meetings, or even
embedded on your church website.
DownLoAD AT www.MISSIonSPoTLIgHT.org
Alaska Craft
Cardstock, small stones no
bigger than thumb size, and glue.
H O W TO M A K E :
Have your children collect
small flat stones no bigger
than their thumbs. Then have
them experiment with different
placements of the stones to see
what designs they can come up
with. When they have come
up with a design they like,
photo: Teles, Wikipedia Commons
have them glue it to a piece of
cardstock with tacky glue.
From: www.daniellesplace.com/html/statesalaska.html
Let’s Cook
½ cup apple juice ½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon cinnamon 3 large sweet potatoes, cooked
Cut sweet potatoes in half lengthwise. Pour apple juice into a skillet over low heat.
Stir in cinnamon and salt. Add sweet potatoes. Cook over low heat, turning sweet
potatoes several times until they are well coated and most of the juice is absorbed,
about 6 minutes. Serves 6, 1⁄2 cup vegetables per person. Approximate preparation
time: 30 minutes
Serves 2
1 cup fruit per person
Approximate preparation time: 25 minutes
1 green-skinned apple 2 Tb. Lemon-flavored non-fat yogurt
1 cup seedless grapes—red, purple, 2 Tb. Slivered almonds
green, or mixed
Core and chop apple. Mix together the apple, grapes, yogurt and almonds.
Serve in small bowl.
Recipes from: “Fruit and Veggies Quantity Recipe Cookbook,” http://wvde.state.wv.us/child-nutrition/smart-foods/recipe-box.html
West Virginia Crafts
M AT E R I A L R E Q U I R E D :
Sheets of white paper (tracing paper works the best) and crayons of all
kinds of color.
Find a tree with interesting looking bark and hold a piece of paper tight on the
bark. If you have difficulty holding the paper, get someone to hold it while you
do the rubbing or tie the paper to the tree with a piece of string. Take a crayon
and remove the paper wrapper around the crayon. Then, rub the crayon sideways
on the paper until a pattern appears. Try different colored crayons and different
trees to obtain unique pictures. Collect all of your rubbings and make a book of
as many trees as you can. What kind of tree gives the best result? Bigger trees will
work the best and remember not to remove the bark from the trees.
Here’s a fun way to find out who walks about the woods when you’re not
looking! Pick an area of the woods (or at the wood’s edge) where you can clear an
area about the size of a hula-hoop. Carefully move away any plants and debris to
make a nice level surface of earth.
Test the earth with your own hands to see if a print will show up when pressure
is applied. Then smooth down the surface again gently. If some more loose soil
needs to be added to make the area impressionable, do so.
Place some sardines or cat food (the stinkier the better) in the center of the dirt
circle. Leave the area alone overnight, then come back to see what animals checked
out the food. Use a field guide such as Peterson Field Guide to Animal Tracks or Stokes
Nature Guides, to identify the paw prints of the critters who walked about. Looking
at the tracks, try to determine how that animal walks. Are there visible “toenails”
or claws? Some animals, like raccoons and bears walk on their hands while others
walk or run on their toes, like cats and coyotes. Also look for tracks near the edge of
a pond where mud often makes excellent casts of prints.
art: BigStock.com
Guam | Micronesia Craft
M AT E R I A L R E Q U I R E D :
An empty glass jar with lid
Some moss and charcoal
Some pebbles and soil
A small and slow-growing plant. Ensure the
photo: BigStock.com
plant can fit into the glass jar.
Colorful seashells (optional)
Soak moss in some water to make it damp. Put all pebbles into glass jar. Add
the charcoal followed by some damp moss. Add the soil and small plant. Put the
final layer of damp moss on top of soil. Do not cover the plant with the moss.
Ensure the moss and soil is compact. Decorate with seashells if you want.
Sprinkle some water before covering it with the jar’s lid. Put glass jar in a
sunny spot.
To care for this miniature ecosystem in a jar, sprinkle water into the jar if it
looks dry. Rotate the jar every couple of days to ensure every side gets an even
amount of sunlight.
Adapted from “Kids Activities Learning Games,” www.kids-activities-learning-games.com/nature-crafts-for-kids.html
Leader’s Resources
Following are sources of information that E D I TO R I A L
Gina Wahlen Editor
have proved helpful in preparing for the
Karla Rivera Assistant to the Editor
mission segment of Sabbath School. Hans Olson Projects Manager
Emily Harding Layout Editor
church around the world to tell people about Jesus. The commercial use must be authorized in writing by
remaining 25 percent goes directly to the special projects the editor at the above address.
listed on the back cover of the quarterly.
For subscription inquiries, e-mail Steve Hanson
at shanson@rhpa.org or call 1-800-456-3991 or
1-301-393-3247. Annual subscription rates per
edition: domestic, US$7.50; international, US$14.50.
2 4 Harvest Time Appalachia Evangelism Program, West Virginia
2 Bath houses and restrooms for Camp Polaris
Youth Camp, Alaska
Federated States
of Micronesia
U. S. A. 1
Washington D. C.