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O n the Cover: Karna wished that he had a father who loved him in Nepal. He wished that
he had a mother who loved him. Then he learned about his Heavenly Father. Story, Page 27.

20 22
4 Christmas Miracle | Jan. 6

6 Happiest Boy in India | Jan. 13
8 Much-Awaited Child | Jan. 20

10 Loving Heavenly Father | Jan. 27 24 26
12 Once Poor, Now Rich | Feb. 3
14 Home for a Boy | Feb. 10
16 Peace in a Tin House | Feb. 17

6 10
18 Papaya Perscription | Feb. 24
20 Banged-Up Bike | March 2

22 Praying All Day | March 9
12 14 24 A Unique Name | March 16
26 Really Hard Test | March 23
28 13th Sabbath: School of Smiles | March 30
30 Future Thirteenth Sabbath Projects
31 Children’s Activities
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

35 Leader’s Resources
36 Map
16 18

©2024 General Conference of

Seventh-day Adventists ® • All rights reserved
12501 Old Columbia Pike,
Silver Spring, MD 20904-6601
1-800-648-5824 • AdventistMission.org

Dear Sabbath School Leader, Andrew McChesney

This quarter we feature the Southern Reaching 1.4 billion people is an enormous
Asia Division, comprised of four countries: challenge that can only be accomplished
Bhutan, India, The Maldives, and Nepal. The with God’s help. As part of the effort, the
region is home to 1.4 billion people, including Southern Asia Division has chosen 10
1.1 million Adventists. That’s a ratio of one projects in India to receive the Thirteenth
Adventist for 1,246 people. Sabbath Offering this quarter. The projects
are listed in the sidebar.

Special Features
If you want to make your Sabbath
School class come alive, we offer photos
Opportunities and other materials to accompany each
The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this mission story. More information is provided
quarter will support 10 projects in the in the sidebar with each story. For photos
Southern Asia Division: of tourist sites and other scenes from the
 Construct classrooms and labs at school, featured countries, try a free photo bank
Palakkad, India such as pixabay.com or unsplash.com. You
 Construct English church, Lowry could show the photos to the children on
Adventist College, Bengaluru, India your computer or mobile device while you
read the mission story, or you could print
 Construct Central English Church, the photos to decorate your Sabbath School
Bengaluru, India
room or church bulletin board.
 Construct high school, Aurangabad, India In addition, you can download a PDF
of facts and activities from the Southern
 Construct girls’ dormitory, school, Asia Division at bit.ly/sud-2024. Follow
Thanjavur, India us at facebook.com/missionquarterlies.
 Construct girls’ dormitory and children’s You also can download the PDF version of
auditorium, school, Pasighat, India the Children’s Mission magazine at bit.ly/
 Reconstruct church, conference center, childrensmission, and Mission Spotlight
and dining hall, youth training center, videos at bit.ly/missionspotlight. A printable
Manginapudi, India mission-bank image, which the children
can color, can be downloaded at bit.ly/bank-
 Reconstruct school building, Anni, India

 Construct classrooms at school, If you have found especially effective

Namunaghar, Andaman Islands, India ways to share mission stories, please let me
 Construct classrooms and administrative know at mcchesneya@gc.adventist.org.
building at school, Nepal Thank you for encouraging children to be

INDIA | January 6

Anura g

to the group. She was carrying her small

4-year-old boy in her arms.
“Please, pray for my son,” Mother said. “Pray

F our-year-old Anurag couldn’t walk. He

couldn’t stand. He couldn’t even sit.
Mother didn’t understand what was
that he will be able to sit, stand, and walk.”
The leader of the group was a Global
Mission pioneer named Sumanta. Global
wrong with her little boy. He had been born Mission pioneers are people who share the
a healthy baby boy in Kolkata, India. But gospel. Sumanta was an Indian sharing the
then he had grown weak. gospel with other Indians. He had gathered
Mother went to the doctor for help. She people to the river for a picnic to celebrate
didn’t understand what the doctor said was Christ on Christmas Day.
wrong, but she understood that Anurag He was touched by the Mother’s request
needed help. She took him to the hospital for for prayer for her boy. “I am nothing. God
treatments, but they didn’t seem to help. is everything,” he said to her. “If you know
Mother didn’t know what to do. How Jesus Christ, then your faith will increase,
could she help her precious boy? and your faith will save your son.”
On Christmas Day, Mother and Anurag Mother realized that she needed to have
were at home beside the big Ganga River. faith in the God named Jesus. She had
Then Mother heard some beautiful music. worshiped many gods during her lifetime,
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

She wondered where the music was coming but she had never worshiped Jesus.
from, and she looked out the window. She “If Jesus can heal my son, then I will
saw people sitting on the grass near the river accept Him,” she said.
and singing. She really liked the music. She The Global Mission pioneer prayed for
had never heard anything like it before. The little Anurag along the big river on that
people were singing about Jesus. “They must Christmas Day. He also invited Mother to join
be Christians,” Mother thought. an online Bible study group that met every
Mother wasn’t a Christian. She wondered if day. Mother joined the Bible study group.
the Christians might be able to help her son. One month passed. Two months passed.
Mother left the house and walked over Three months passed.

Mother faithfully studied the Bible with
Story Tips

the group every day at 10 o’clock at night.
While little Anurag was sleeping, members
 Show the children the location of India
of the Bible study group prayed for him
on the map. You can also show them the
and his health. The Global Mission pioneer
location of Kolkata, where Anurag lives
prayed for him and his health. in northeastern India.
When six months had passed, Mother had
a big announcement to make to the Bible  Pronounce Anurag as: AA-nu-raag.
study group.  Find more information about
“Anurag is able to sit up on his own!”
Global Mission pioneers online at:
she said. bit.ly/GMpioneers.
She was so happy. A smile as bright as
the sun filled her face. God was hearing  Download photos on Facebook:
their prayers. bit.ly/fb-mq.
Mother’s faith grew when she saw that  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
Anurag could sit up. She decided that she from the Southern Asia Division:
not only wanted to worship Jesus, but she bit.ly/sud-2024.
also wanted to give her heart to Jesus.
On a fine April day, Mother entered  This mission story illustrates the
the waters of the Ganga River. This was following objectives of the Seventh-
the same river where she had heard the day Adventist Church’s “I Will Go”
strategic plan: Mission Objective No. 2,
beautiful music about Jesus on Christmas “To strengthen and diversify Adventist
Day. As she went under the water, she gave outreach in large cities, across the
her heart to Jesus. She no longer wished to 10/40 Window, among unreached and
worship any other god. There was only one under-reached people groups, and to
God whom she wanted to worship: Jesus, the non-Christian religions,” and Spiritual
God who was helping her son. Growth Objective No. 5, “To disciple
individuals and families into spirit-filled
After Mother gave her heart to Jesus,
lives.” For more information, go to the
Anurag kept on gaining strength. Today, he website: IWillGo2020.org.
is 6, and he can sit, stand, and walk like any
other 6-year-old boy. Mother is so happy! She
is glad to worship Jesus every Sabbath with Thank you for your Sabbath School
Sumanta and other people who love Jesus. mission offerings that help spread the gospel
“This is one of the greatest miracles that in India around the world.
God has done for us,” Sumanta said.  By Andrew McChesney

Rabindranath Tagore was a

Bengali poet who wrote the

national anthems of India and


Bangladesh and won the Nobel

Prize in Literature in 1913.

INDIA | January 13

Jo s hua

Happiest Boy in India

A 10-year-old boy wanted to go to school so
badly that he actually got sick.
Joshua lived in India, and he had never
saw children gathered for morning worship.
The boys wore the school uniform of navy-
blue pants and white shirts, and the girls
gone to school. He had a good mind. wore navy-blue skirts and white blouses.
Whatever he heard, he remembered. His They held schoolbooks in their hands and
parents tried their best to give him a good were singing about Jesus.
childhood, but they couldn’t afford to send Joshua stood by the gate to listen. His face
him to school. filled with longing to be with them, to wear
Joshua lived in a city where he was the uniform that they were wearing, to carry
surrounded by boys and girls just like him. the books that they were carrying, and most
The boys and girls had poor parents who of all to sing the songs they were singing.
couldn’t send them to school. So, while their Father and Mother saw his longing gaze.
parents worked in factories or on farms, the They went inside to ask about the school.
children played the whole day. A teacher told them that the school was
Joshua liked to play. But more than Christian and that there also was a church
playing, he wanted to learn. After a while, on the campus. He introduced them to the
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

Joshua stopped coming out of his house to church’s pastor.

play. He became sick as he sadly sat at home, Father and Mother were not Christian.
wishing to go to school. They did not know Jesus. But they knew
Father grew worried. Mother grew about prayer because they prayed to their
worried. Even the neighbors grew worried. own gods. Father asked the pastor to pray to
One day, Father and Mother took Joshua his God for Joshua.
to the market to buy food. As they were “Ask your God to help our son go to
walking to the market, they passed the gate school,” Father said.
of a Seventh-day Adventist school. Joshua The pastor prayed, “Dear Jesus, please help

Joshua to obtain a good education. Amen.”

After the prayer, the pastor told Father, Story Tips
Mother, and Joshua about the God to whom
he had just prayed.  Show the children the location of India
“Jesus is the God who created the heavens on the map. You can also show them
and the earth,” he said. “Jesus created you the location of Aurangabad, the city in
the central Indian state of Maharashtra
and me. Jesus created Joshua.”
where this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
Father asked if Joshua could study at Offering will help build a high school.
the school even though the family didn’t
have any money. He said the boy was sick  Know that the Adventist Church’s North
because he wanted so much to go to school. Maharashtra Section sponsors many
The pastor said that he would speak with children at Joshua’s school and helps
others find sponsors.
the school principal.
Joshua’s eyes lit up with hope. He had  Download other photos on Facebook:
listened carefully to the pastor’s prayer, and bit.ly/fb-mq.
now he resolved to pray to the pastor’s God
 Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
for help. “I will pray to Jesus to let me go to
from the Southern Asia Division:
school,” he said.
The pastor was impressed. “God answers
prayers of faith,” he said.  This mission story illustrates the
And God did. following objectives of the Seventh-day
Today, Joshua is 13 and perhaps the Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” strategic
happiest boy in India! He wears his navy- plan: Spiritual Growth Objective No. 5,
“To disciple individuals and families
blue and white uniform proudly and joins
into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual Growth
the other children in singing loudly and Objective No. 6, “To increase accession,
happily. The principal found someone to retention, reclamation, and participation
pay for his schooling, and Joshua is studying of children, youth, and young adults”;
hard. He dreams about becoming a pastor and Spiritual Growth Objective No.
when he grows up. 7, “To help youth and young adults
“The pastor and the principal were so place God first and exemplify a biblical
worldview.” For more information, go to
kind to us,” he said. “They introduced us to
the website: IWillGo2020.org.
Jesus. I’m so thankful that Jesus answered
my prayers.” 
you for planning a generous Thirteenth
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
Sabbath Offering.
Offering will help construct a high school at
Joshua’s school in Aurangabad, India. Thank By Andrew McChesney

The first Adventist worker, D. A. Robinson, came to India from the

United States in 1895.

Gerald Christo became the first division president from India in 1980.
Oriental Watchman Publishing House, the division’s only publishing house,
is located in Salisbury Park in Pune and prints materials in 20 languages.

INDIA | January 20

Da ni el

Much-Awaited Child
M ore than anything, a man and his
wife wanted to have a child in India.
They went to many doctors for help. But
Then the man’s brother and his wife had
an idea.
“We already have two children,” the
no child was born. brother said.
“We can’t go to the doctor anymore,” the “We would be happy to have a third child
man told his wife. “He said he can’t help.” and give the child to you,” his wife said.
But he had an idea. “Let’s just pray for God The idea was a big surprise to the man
to give us a child,” he said. and his wife. They were so happy that they
The man and his wife prayed and prayed. cried. They thanked God for giving them
But no child was born. such a wonderful brother and his wife.
A year passed. Two years passed. Twelve Nine months later, little Moses was born.
long years passed, and no child was born. The man and his wife grinned from ear to
Friends grew worried. Some tried to give ear when they saw the baby for the first time
advice to the man and his wife. Others teased in the hospital. The wife had never been
them for not having a child. happier in her life.
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

But the man and his wife kept praying. But then her happiness doubled. That
They knelt on their knees at 3 o’clock every same day, she learned that she was pregnant
morning and told God about their desire for with a baby of her own. “Finally, God has
a child. They spoke to God as if they were heard our prayers!” she said. “God has given
sharing a heavy burden with a friend. us not one child but two!”
“Dear God, we are being ridiculed,” the The man also was very happy. He was so
man said. “People are laughing at us. We need happy that he couldn’t sleep all that night.
a child.” Nine months later, little Daniel was born.
“Please help us,” the woman said. Today, the man and his wife are father and

mother to not one but two little boys. Moses

and Daniel have brought much joy into the
home. The boys are growing up together.
Story Tips
The boys have gone through sicknesses and  Show the children the location of India
good health together. Most importantly, the on the map. You can also show them
boys are learning about the God who hears the location of Aurangabad, the city in
prayers together.  the central Indian state of Maharashtra
where this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help build a high school.
Offering will help construct a high school
 Know that the photo depicts Daniel and
on the campus of the Seventh-day Adventist
his father, Solomon. His mother’s name
school where Moses and Daniel are is Manisha.
attending kindergarten in Aurangabad,
India. Thank you for planning a generous  Know that the Adventist Church’s North
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering. Maharashtra Section sponsors many
children at Moses and Daniel’s school
By Andrew McChesney and helps others find sponsors. Moses
and Daniel are among the recipients of
the aid.
 Download photos on Facebook
 Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
from the Southern Asia Division:
 This mission story illustrates the
following objectives of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” strategic
plan: Spiritual Growth Objective No. 5,
“To disciple individuals and families
into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual Growth
Objective No. 6, “To increase accession,
retention, reclamation, and participation
of children, youth, and young adults”;
and Spiritual Growth Objective No.
7, “To help youth and young adults
place God first and exemplify a biblical
worldview.” For more information, go to
Maharashtra has
the website: IWillGo2020.org.
several nature reserve

parks, including
two special
tiger reserves:

Melghat Tiger
Reserve and
Tadoba-Andhari Tiger

NEPAL | January 27


Loving Heavenly Father

K arna was born in remote mountain
village in eastern Nepal.
He doesn’t remember his mother very
At first, Karna felt scared when he saw
Father lying on the ground. But then Father
would wake up.
well. He remembers that Mother was sick During the day, Father worked in the field,
all the time. Whenever she felt really bad, growing crops. But he began to drink instead
she fainted. She would suddenly fall down of growing crops. He stopped coming home
to the ground and lie very still. It was like in the evening.
she was asleep. Karna sat at home, waiting for Father
At first, Karna felt scared when he saw to come and give him supper. But Father
Mother lying on the ground. But then Mother didn’t come. Karna waited for Father until
would wake up. it was late, and then he fell asleep with an
The doctor couldn’t figure out what was empty stomach.
wrong with Mother. The doctor gave many Many times, Karna cried himself to sleep.
medicines to her, but nothing helped. Then He wished that he had a father who loved
one day, Mother fell down and didn’t wake him. He wished that he had a mother who
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

up again. loved him.

Karna no longer had a mother. He felt But he had goats. In the morning, when
very sad. he woke up, he took Father’s goats to the
Father also felt very sad. He no longer had pasture. Then he rushed back to the house to
a wife. eat whatever he could find for breakfast and
Father felt so sad that he began to drink ran off to school. After school, he returned
alcohol. He drank a lot. He drank so much home and took care of the goats again. The
that sometimes he fell to the ground and lay goats were his friends. He had no other
very still. It was like he was asleep. friends. Karna wished that he had friends.

An auntie saw how Karna was living
and felt sorry for him. She lived in a nearby Story Tips
town and couldn’t take care of him. She had
two children of her own. But she mentioned  Show the children the location of
the boy to the pastor of the Seventh-day Nepal on the map. You can also show
them the location of the Gadhi Rural
Adventist church.
Municipality in eastern Nepal where
The pastor also felt sorry for Karna. this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath

He told the auntie about an Adventist Offering will help a kindergarten
orphanage that cares for children just like expand into an elementary school.
Karna. He offered to take Karna to the
 Pronounce Karna as: KAR-na.
orphanage to live.
Auntie liked the idea very much. When  Download photos on Facebook:
Karna heard that he could live at the bit.ly/fb-mq.
orphanage, he also liked the idea very much.
Now he would be able to eat every day. Maybe  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
he would even be able to have friends. from the Southern Asia Division:
Karna’s life began to change as soon as he bit.ly/sud-2024.
arrived at the orphanage. He made friends. He  This mission story illustrates the
began to get to know God. He learned that God following objectives of the Seventh-day
is a wonderful Heavenly Father who loves. Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” strategic
Not so long ago, he gave his life to Jesus. plan: Spiritual Growth Objective No. 5,
“I never thought that my life would “To disciple individuals and families
change like this,” he said. “My life is good.” into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual
Growth Objective No. 6, “To increase
Karna is a happy boy today. He has
accession, retention, reclamation, and
friends and he has a Heavenly Father who participation of children, youth, and
loves him very much.  young adults”; and Spiritual Growth
Objective No. 7, “To help youth and
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath young adults place God first and
Offering will help establish a school exemplify a biblical worldview.” For
more information, go to the website:
where children like Karna can study in
Nepal. Thank you for planning a generous
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering.
By Andrew McChesney

Nepal closed its borders for many years, and Seventh-day Adventists
were not allowed to enter. However, Nepalese who traveled outside of
the country heard the church’s message and returned home to share it
with their friends and families.


In 1936, three Adventist missionaries visited villages in Nepal and

preached to them in the Hindi language. It was the first time many of
them had ever heard about Jesus and the Bible.

NEPAL | February 3


Once Poor, Now Rich

F ive-year-old Asmita lived in a very
poor family in Nepal.
Her parents were so poor that sometimes
and she loved them more than she loved
Asmita. Making matters worse, Father also
loved his two new children more than he
they couldn’t give her breakfast, lunch, or loved Asmita. So, when the family had food,
supper. They didn’t have enough rice or the two other children got to eat first. When
potatoes or cabbage to feed her. Sometimes the weather turned cold, the two other
Asmita spent the whole day hungry. children got warm clothes first. And the two
Sometimes she went to bed hungry. other children didn’t have to do household
Asmita’s parents were so poor that they chores. But Asmita did. Mother made Asmita
couldn’t give her warm clothes in winter. work hard around the house. Asmita
Winter gets very cold in Nepal, and snow washed dishes. She helped cook food. She
and ice cover the hills and mountains. cleaned the house. She tried to do her
Asmita’s parents didn’t have enough money best to please Mother, but Mother always
to buy Asmita a nice thick coat, wooly socks, seemed to be annoyed.
or warm boots. Asmita shivered in the cold When Asmita was 8 years old, a neighbor
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

in the winter. told her parents about a Seventh-day

One day, Asmita’s mother left home. She Adventist orphanage that cared for children
left Father and Asmita and married another who had no parents or had parents who
man. Asmita was very sad. She never saw couldn’t take care of them.
Mother again. Father and Mother looked at each other.
Father didn’t like living without a wife. They liked the sound of the place. Without
So, a few months later, he got married again. even discussing the matter with Asmita, they
Asmita was very happy that she had a new sent her off to the orphanage.
mother. But her happiness didn’t last long. Moving into a new home was a little
Her new mother already had two children, scary for the little girl. But she quickly

adjusted to life at the orphanage. She liked
it. She liked being fed breakfast, lunch, and Story Tips
supper, and being given warm clothes in
winter. She also liked going to school and  Show the children the location of Nepal
learning new things every day. She hadn’t on the map. You can also show them the
been able to go to school every day before. location of the Gadhi Rural Municipality
She especially liked going to church and in eastern Nepal where this quarter’s
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will

learning about God. She had never gone to help a kindergarten expand into an
church or heard about God before. elementary school.
Six years have passed since Asmita moved
to the orphanage, and today she is a very  Pronounce Asmita as: as-MEE-ta.
happy girl. Once she was poor, but now she  Download photos on Facebook:
is rich in Christ.
“I am very thankful to my Heavenly
Father who brought me here,” she said. “If  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
I were not here today, I would not have from the Southern Asia Division:
known God. Now I know who my Savior is.’” bit.ly/sud-2024.
She is studying hard and hopes to help  This mission story illustrates the
other little girls with difficult childhoods following objectives of the Seventh-day
one day. Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” strategic
“I would like to help people like me in plan: Spiritual Growth Objective No. 5,
the future,” she said. “So, I ask you to pray “To disciple individuals and families
for me. I want God to use my life for His into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual Growth
Objective No. 6, “To increase accession,
purpose. May His will be done in my life.
retention, reclamation, and participation
Thank you for your prayers.”  of children, youth, and young adults”;
and Spiritual Growth Objective No.
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath 7, “To help youth and young adults
Offering will help establish a school place God first and exemplify a biblical
where children like Asmita can study in worldview.” For more information, go to
Nepal. Thank you for planning a generous the website: IWillGo2020.org.
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering.
By Andrew McChesney

Nepal has eight out of

10 of the world’s highest
mountains, including

the very highest, Mount

Everest, which is 29,031

feet (8,848 meters) high.


NEPAL | February 10

Sudi p

Home for a Boy

E leven-year-old Sudip was frightened when
Father suddenly fell ill and was rushed to
the hospital in Nepal. What was wrong with
The doctor said he was doing all he could
to help Father.
“We are doing the best that we can,”
Father? What would happen next? he said.
The doctor carefully checked Father’s But the treatments didn’t help. Father’s
liver. It wasn’t working properly. The liver stopped working. His kidneys stopped
doctor carefully checked Father’s kidneys. working. His lungs stopped working. Then
They weren’t working properly. The doctor his heart stopped working.
carefully checked Father’s lungs. They It was a very dark day for Sudip and
weren’t working properly. Then the doctor Mother when Father died. Sudip cried and
carefully checked Father’s heart. It wasn’t cried. Mother cried and cried.
working properly. Several days passed. Sudip stopped crying,
“This is very bad,” the doctor said. “Father’s but Mother kept on crying. She was worried
organs are failing because of his drinking.” about how she would feed Sudip. She was
Father worked as a builder who built worried about who would pay for his school
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

homes. But he also had drunk a lot of supplies and new clothes.
alcohol in his life. When he got off work, Sudip didn’t know how he could help
he drank. At home in the evening, he Mother. He was only 11. So, he cried with
drank. Sometimes, when he woke up in the her. There was nothing else he could do.
morning, he drank. Alcohol had poisoned Mother and son cried and cried.
his body, and he was in very bad shape. Just when everything seemed hopeless,
Sudip wondered what would happen next. Mother heard about an orphanage where
Mother also wondered what would happen poor children could live and study. The
next. Father was the only person who earned orphanage was operated by Seventh-day
money in the family. Adventists from South Korea.

Mother had heard about Adventists
many months earlier, and she had wanted Story Tips
to go to an Adventist church on Sabbath.
But Father had forbidden her from going.  Show the children the location of Nepal
He had said to her, “My father was on the map. You can also show them the
not a Christian, and my grandfather was location of the Gadhi Rural Municipality
in eastern Nepal where this quarter’s
not a Christian, and our ancestors were
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will

not Christians. We are not Christians. We help a kindergarten expand into an
worship our own god, and we will not go to elementary school.
a Christian church.”
But now Father was gone. The Adventist  Pronounce Sudip as: SOO-dip.
orphanage seemed like the only answer.  Download photos on Facebook:
Mother sent Sudip to the orphanage.
Two years have passed since Sudip
arrived at the orphanage, and today he is a  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
happy boy. from the Southern Asia Division:
“I’m very happy because now I am bit.ly/sud-2024.
growing up in a Christian orphanage,” he  This mission story illustrates the
said. “I know who my Savior is, and I want following objectives of the Seventh-day
to know more and more about Him. I want Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” strategic
to become a pastor and serve the Lord for plan: Spiritual Growth Objective No. 5,
the rest of my life.” “To disciple individuals and families
Every day, Sudip prays and thanks God into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual Growth
Objective No. 6, “To increase accession,
for His blessings. retention, reclamation, and participation
Every Sabbath, Sudip goes to church. of children, youth, and young adults”;
Mother also goes to church every Sabbath. and Spiritual Growth Objective No.
But some of Father’s relatives are angry 7, “To help youth and young adults
that Sudip and Mother are going to church. place God first and exemplify a biblical
They are trying to persuade them to stop worldview.” For more information, go to
the website: IWillGo2020.org.
going to church.
“Please pray for my relatives,” Sudip said.
“I hope and believe that one day they will
come to God. Thank you for your prayers.”  where children like Sudip can study in
Nepal. Thank you for planning a generous
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Thirteenth Sabbath Offering.
Offering will help establish a school By Andrew McChesney

Nepal is home
to nearly 6,000

flower species.


NEPAL | February 17

As m i ta

Peace in a Tin House

A smita lived in a small tin house on a
small piece of land in a small town in
eastern Nepal.
They wanted to relax. They tried to relax by
drinking alcohol.
But when Father and Mother drank, they
Five people lived in the small house: began to argue. When they drank, they began
Father, Mother, Grandmother, Asmita, and to fight. The more they drank, the more they
Asmita’s little brother. Many families grow fought. The more they fought, the more they
their own food on the land around their drank. Soon Father and Mother seemed to be
houses in Nepal. But the small piece of land drinking and fighting all the time.
around Asmita’s house was too small to grow Neighbors heard the fighting and came
enough food to feed her family. to the small tin house to try to help. Then
So, Father and Mother had to work extra the leaders of the small town tried to help.
hard to feed the family. Father and Mother Even the police came and tried to help. But
had never gone to school, so they couldn’t nothing changed. Father and Mother kept
read or write. They had never studied to work drinking and fighting.
as a bus driver or a plumber or a teacher. Then Mother left. She got tired of drinking
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

So, they worked with their hands — picking and fighting. She wanted a better life. She
things up, putting things down, and moving moved away to India to work. Asmita was
things around. Sometimes, they carried bricks left at home. Now only four people lived
or dug ditches. Other times, they planted and in the small house: Father, Grandmother,
harvested crops. Asmita, and Asmita’s little brother.
It was difficult to pick things up, put things With Mother gone, Asmita was put in
down, and move things around every day. charge of the house. She cooked the meals
After a long day of work, Father and Mother and cleaned up. It was hard work to pick
were very tired when they came home. things up, put things down, and move things

around all day. It also was difficult living
with Father. He kept on drinking. When he Story Tips
drank, there was no peace at home.
It seemed like life would never get better.  Show the children the location of
Then Grandmother started going to Nepal on the map. You can also show
church on Sabbath. Asmita had never heard them the location of the Gadhi Rural
Municipality in eastern Nepal where
about church. But Grandmother was happy
this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath

when she returned home from church Offering will help a kindergarten
on Sabbath. Asmita liked to see her smile. expand into an elementary school.
Grandmother told her stories about the God
of heaven whom she had heard about at
 Pronounce Asmita as: as-MEE-ta.
church. Asmita had never heard of this God.  Download photos on Facebook:
Her family worshipped gods of stone and bit.ly/fb-mq.
wood. Asmita liked the stories.
One Sabbath, Asmita decided to go to  Download Mission Posts and Fast
church with Grandmother. She left her Facts from the Southern Asia Division:
housework and took her little brother by the
hand. They went to church together.  This mission story illustrates
Other children warmly welcomed the following objectives of the
Asmita to the children’s Sabbath School. Seventh-day Adventist Church’s “I
The teacher gave her a big smile. Asmita Will Go” strategic plan: Spiritual
Growth Objective No. 5, “To
immediately knew that she wanted to go to
disciple individuals and families
church every Sabbath. into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual
Today, Asmita is 12 years old, and every Growth Objective No. 6, “To increase
week she sings songs and recites Bible accession, retention, reclamation, and
verses in Sabbath School. She is so happy. participation of children, youth, and
Life has become so much better with God. young adults”; and Spiritual Growth
Objective No. 7, “To help youth and
Every Sabbath, Asmita asks Father to
young adults place God first and
come to church, too, and she is praying exemplify a biblical worldview.” For
that he will agree. “I think that if Father more information, go to the website:
comes to church, he will stop drinking, and IWillGo2020.org.
we will have peace at home,” she said. 
Nepal. Thank you for planning a generous
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Thirteenth Sabbath Offering.
Offering will help establish a school where
children like Asmita can study in eastern By Andrew McChesney

A lot of Nepali food is

vegetarian because many

religious groups avoid violence

toward all forms of life.


INDIA | February 24

Joy l i n

But the doctor had not noticed that Joylin

had dengue fever earlier, and now it was
important to treat the illness quickly.

S even-year-old Joylin was playing blocks Father called to Mother for help, and
with Father in the living room of their she quickly packed a suitcase with clothes,
home in India. She liked using the yellow, medicine, and food. She packed lots of
blue, green, and red blocks to build tall towers papaya, kiwi, and raw beets. Joylin didn’t like
and then hitting the towers and watching papaya. She thought that the red fruit tasted
them fall down. disgusting. She also thought that red beets
As Joylin and Father played with the tasted disgusting. But she liked sweet green
blocks, he told stories about when he was kiwis. Mother packed papaya, kiwi, and raw
a little boy. He told about how he used to beets because the doctor said they were a
play with his brothers and sisters. It was fun good medicine for Joylin.
playing with Father. Then Joylin, Father, and Mother got into
But Joylin didn’t feel quite well. She felt a the car and drove to the hospital.
little warm, like she had a slight fever. She Joylin felt uneasy when she arrived at the
also felt a little tired. But she didn’t want to hospital. She was surrounded by people she
go to bed. It was fun playing with Father. didn’t know. She didn’t like the smell of the
Then Father’s cell phone rang. He hospital air. Someone put an IV drip into her
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

listened to it for a moment and got serious. arm, and it hurt. Then a nurse took her to a
He turned to Joylin. bed in the hospital ward.
“We have to go to the hospital,” he said. Joylin looked around. She couldn’t
Joylin didn’t know what was happening. understand why she was there. She saw
She didn’t realize that it was serious. A doctor children who looked much sicker than her
had called from the hospital and said that lying in the beds.
she needed to be hospitalized immediately. Mother saw that she looked confused and
She had dengue fever. Dengue fever is an tried to encourage her.
illness that comes from mosquito bites. It isn’t “You are strong,” she said.
difficult to treat the illness if it is caught early. For the next six weeks, Joylin stayed at

the hospital. Mother gave her lots of papaya

and beets to eat. She didn’t want to eat them, Story Tips
but she had to. She wrinkled her nose and
swallowed them, hoping not to taste them  Show the children the location of India
as they went down. She also ate lots of kiwi. on the map. You can also show them
She enjoyed the kiwi much more. They the location of Bengaluru, in south-
central India, where this quarter’s
tasted so sweet and yummy.
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help
Mother and an aunt took turns staying build a church on the campus of Lowry
with Joylin. Many people from church Adventist College.
visited and prayed with her.
 Pronounce Joylin as: JOY-lynn.
Sometimes she was bored.
But she was never all by herself.  Download photos on Facebook:
Finally, the day came when Joylin could bit.ly/fb-mq.
go home. She was so happy! She was tired of
lying in the same bed in the same room for
 Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
from the Southern Asia Division:
so long. She was happy to return home.
When she arrived home, a teenage cousin
was waiting to welcome her with a gift of  This mission story illustrates the
delicious red pomegranates. Joylin was happy following objectives of the Seventh-day
that it wasn’t papaya. She loved pomegranates. Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” strategic
Today, Joylin is 14, and she still doesn’t plan: Spiritual Growth Objective No. 5,
“To disciple individuals and families
like papaya, even though it helped her get
into spirit-filled lives,” and Spiritual
better when she was sick. She said it was Growth Objective No. 7, “To help youth
God who completely healed her. and young adults place God first and
“God healed me,” she said. “I was too exemplify a biblical worldview.” For
young at the time to realize who had healed more information, go to the website:
me. But as I grew up and came to know IWillGo2020.org.
God more, I realized that it was He who had
healed me. He is a mighty healer.” 
Lowery Adventist College and several other
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Adventist schools. Thank you for planning a
Offering will help construct a church generous offering.
near Joylin’s school in Bengaluru, India.
Joylin’s school is on the same campus as By Andrew McChesney

Cows are sacred

in India and cannot

be harmed. They are


allowed to wander
through city streets,
which often causes
traffic jams. BigStockPhoto.com

INDIA | March 2


Banged-Up Bike
J udah usually walked to church. The church
was just up the road from his house, and
it only took five minutes by foot. Usually he
church. The road went straight up a hill from
his house to the church. He didn’t even need
to turn. It didn’t seem dangerous.
walked with his parents. As Judah pedaled as fast as he could up
But one day, while he was waiting for his the hill, he quickly got tired. He stopped for
parents to get ready, Judah had a bright idea. a moment at an intersection to catch his
He would ride his bicycle to church. Father breath. At that moment, he heard the roar of
and Mother had told him not to take his a big motorcycle.
bicycle to church. They said he didn’t need to The motorcyclist didn’t even try to stop. He
go by bike because the church was so close. was coming too fast. Just as Judah stopped
They also were worried about an accident. his bike, the motorcycle slammed into him.
But Judah loved to ride his bike. It was a The yellow bike with black trim was
marvelous bike painted yellow with black crushed. Judah felt OK. He looked over at
trim. He thought, “If I go now, they won’t the motorcyclist. He hadn’t been wearing a
know. They won’t see me.” He didn’t stop to helmet, and his head was bleeding.
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

think what would happen when his parents Judah saw the blood and was scared.
saw the bike at church. He just wanted to go. “If he dies, I’ll go to jail,” he thought. “If I
Judah went outside and very, very quietly go to jail, my parents will kill me.”
pushed the bicycle to the front gate. Once Neighbors came running. Someone gave
outside the gate, he got onto the bike. He water to the motorcyclist. Someone washed
felt excited. He felt like he should go very his head and asked how he felt. Then
fast to church, so he pedaled as fast as he someone asked Judah how he felt.
could. He didn’t understand why his parents “I’m fine,” Judah said.
had forbidden him from riding the bike to Then he heard the neighbors arguing

over who had caused the accident. Some
Story Tips

said Judah was to blame. Others said the
motorcyclist was at fault. Someone ran to
 Show the children the location of
Judah’s house and told his parents.
India on the map. You can also show
Father came and helped clear the crowd. them the location of Bengaluru,
“Why didn’t you listen to me?” he in south-central India, where this
asked Judah. quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
The boy didn’t say anything. will help build a church on the
“If something happens to you, what will campus of Lowry Adventist College.
your mother and I do?” Father said.  Download photos on Facebook:
Judah hung his head. bit.ly/fb-mq.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
 Download Mission Posts and Fast
Father picked up the mangled bike and
Facts from the Southern Asia Division:
carried it home. Mother met the pair on the
way. At the house, Father, Mother, and Judah
prayed. “Thank You, God, for saving my son,”  This mission story illustrates
Father said. the following objectives of the
Then Mother treated Judah’s cuts. She Seventh-day Adventist Church’s “I
Will Go” strategic plan: Spiritual
declared that he was fine. Growth Objective No. 5, “To disciple
That night, however, Judah woke up individuals and families into spirit-
with a pain in his arm. He went to the filled lives,” and Spiritual Growth
hospital the next day and learned that Objective No. 7, “To help youth and
he had a fractured elbow. It was painful, young adults place God first and
exemplify a biblical worldview.” For
but he got better after a while. The
more information, go to the website:
motorcyclist also recovered. IWillGo2020.org.
After the accident, Judah was banned
from riding bicycles until he is 16. Now
he is 13, and that seems like a long time to
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
wait. He remembers the accident every time Offering will help construct a church near
he walks to church. He wishes that he had Judah’s school in Bengaluru, India. Judah’s
obeyed his parents. He misses his bicycle. school is on the same campus as Lowery
But he is grateful to God for protecting him. Adventist College. Thank you for planning a
“God saved me,” he said. “It could have generous offering.
been a lot worse. Everyone who looks at my
wrecked bike says, ‘God saved you.’”  By Andrew McChesney

The beautiful Mysore Palace,

in Mysore, Karnataka, is one

of the most famous tourist


attractions in India, after the Taj

Mahal, with more than 6 million
visitors every year.

INDIA | March 9

All Day
Jenni fer

Then she picked up her backpack filled

with textbooks on Math, English, Social
Studies, Sanskrit, and Handwriting. The
J ennifer is 12 years old and lives in
northern India. More than anything, she
backpack also contained pens, pencils,
notebooks, and her lunchbox.
likes to pray. At school, 450 children gathered in a big
At home, Jennifer prays as soon as she room for morning worship. Jennifer often
gets up in the morning. “Thank you, Jesus, for leads the children in prayer from the stage,
the good night’s sleep,” she said on a recent and she did again that day. All the school
morning, sitting on the brown-and-pink classes are in English, and she prayed in
bedsheet on her bed. “Thank You for the new English. “Our Father in heaven,” she said
day,” Jennifer said, praying in Hindi, her and then paused so the other children could
native language. “Please bless me throughout repeat after her. “Our Father in heaven,” the
the day. Please also bless my uncle, my 450 children repeated in chorus.
aunt, my cousins, and our neighbors. Please “Hallowed be Your name,” Jennifer said,
especially bless Father and Mother. Amen.” and all the children repeated after her.
When Jennifer sat down for breakfast, she Together, Jennifer and the children
prayed. “Dear Jesus, bless this food. Amen,” completed the prayer, saying, “Your kingdom
she said, again speaking in Hindi. come. Your will be done on earth as it
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

Then she eagerly ate her breakfast of rice, is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
dahl lentils, and chapati flatbread. She is bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive
an only child, and she eats breakfast with our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation,
Mother. Father eats later. but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours
When Jennifer was ready to leave for is the kingdom and the power and the glory
school, she prayed, again in Hindi. forever. Amen” (Matthew 6:9­­–18, NKJV).
“Dear Jesus, please bless the day,” she said. At 1 p.m., Jennifer unpacked her lunchbox
“Please help me as I learn in school today. in the school classroom and prayed. “Dear
Help me to remember what I have studied Jesus, bless this food. Amen,” she said,
for my quiz today. Amen.” again in English. She had been studying in

English all day, so it was easy to also pray in

English. Then she ate her lunch of cabbage, Story Tips
cauliflower, potatoes, and chapati flatbread.
In the afternoon, she had a math quiz.  Show the children the location of
She prayed, “Dear Jesus, please help me to India on the map. You can also show
remember what I have studied and to get a them the location of Anni, the city in
the northern Indian state of Himachal
good grade.”
Pradesh where this quarter’s Thirteenth
At home, Father prayed for supper. He Sabbath Offering will help build a new
joined Jennifer and Mother for the meal of school to replace an old structure built
rice, paneer cheese, and vegetables. Jennifer in 1976.
liked to hear Father pray. “Dear Lord, please
 Challenge the children to be like
bless this food,” Father said in Hindi. “Bless
Jennifer and pray about everything.
the hands that prepared it. Bless those who Remind them that the Bible teaches
have provided us with the food, and please us to “pray without ceasing” (1
give us good health as we eat. Amen.” Thessalonians 5:17).
At bedtime, Jennifer prayed with Father
 Download photos on Facebook:
and Mother at family worship. “The
Creator of heaven and earth, we thank you
for keeping us safe throughout the day,”  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
Jennifer said in Hindi. Then she prayed for from the Southern Asia Division:
the family, for relatives, for neighbors, and bit.ly/sud-2024.
for a good night’s rest.  This mission story illustrates the
After that, she lay down under her brown- following objectives of the Seventh-day
and-pink bedsheet and closed her eyes to Adventist Church’s “I Will Go” strategic
sleep. It had been a good day. It had been a plan: Spiritual Growth Objective No. 5,
day spent talking to Jesus.  “To disciple individuals and families
into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual
Growth Objective No. 6, “To increase
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath accession, retention, reclamation, and
Offering will help construct a new school participation of children, youth, and
building for Jennifer and the other students young adults”; and Spiritual Growth
in Anni, India. The 450 students now Objective No. 7, “To help youth and
study in an old building that was built by a young adults place God first and
German missionary who founded the school exemplify a biblical worldview.” For
more information, go to the website:
in 1976. Thank you for helping give Jennifer
and her classmates a new school building.

By Andrew McChesney

The state bird of Himachal

Pradesh is the Western

tragopan, locally known as the

jujurana ­— one of the rarest
pheasants in the world.

INDIA | March 16


A Unique Name
O n Kalvin’s first day at the new school,
Teacher saw something was different
about him. Kalvin sat quietly and listened
how it sounded. So, he said, “Hello, Kalvin.
Hello, Kalvin.”
Kalvin always smiled when he heard
respectfully while the other children talked Teacher’s greetings. He was happy.
and shouted. But that wasn’t what caught Soon other teachers also learned Kalvin’s
Teacher’s attention. It was Kalvin’s name. name. They also learned that his name was
Kalvin is not a common name in India. It is a Kalvin because he was a Christian. They
Christian name. also liked his name, and they greeted him
At the beginning of the class, Teacher asked whenever they saw him.
all the new students to introduce themselves. “Hello, Kalvin,” they said. “Hello, Kalvin.”
When it was Kalvin’s turn, the boy said “Hello, Kalvin.”
with a big smile, “My name is Kalvin.” Kalvin always smiled when he heard their
Teacher looked surprised. greetings. He was happy.
“Why is your name Kalvin?” he asked. How did Kalvin get his name? When he
“It’s because I’m a Christian,” Kalvin said. was born, his parents asked the church
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

Teacher looked even more surprised. pastor to name him. In India, Christian
Other Christian children studied at the families think that it is a good thing for a
school, but they had Hindi names. This new pastor to name a child.
student had a Christian name. Teacher liked “Let’s call him Kalvin,” the pastor said.
Kalvin’s name. Every time he saw the boy The name Kalvin comes from a famous
after that, he called Kalvin by his name. Christian theologian named John Calvin.
“Hello, Kalvin,” he said. The pastor also gave Kalvin a second
He liked to say Kalvin’s name. It wasn’t name. He saw that the baby smiled a lot, so
a common name in India, and he liked he gave him a nickname. “Let’s also call him

Joy,” he said. In India, all boys have a first

name and a nickname. So, from that day,
Kalvin was nicknamed Joy.
Story Tips
When Kalvin was old enough, he started  Show the children the location of
going to an Adventist school. He loved the India on the map. You can also show
school. He started in kindergarten and them the location of Anni, the city in
the northern Indian state of Himachal
studied all the way through eighth grade. It
Pradesh where this quarter’s
was at the Adventist school that he learned Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help
to sit quietly and listen respectfully. build a new school to replace an old
When he graduated, he felt sad. He structure built in 1976.
could no longer attend the Adventist school
 Know that Kalvin is a Christian name
because it didn’t offer ninth grade. He had
that means “the bald one.” It became
to go to public high school. It was on his first popular after the 16th-century French
day of public high school that the teacher theologian John Calvin.
asked all the new students to introduce
themselves and Kalvin gave his name.  Ask the children what their names
Today, Kalvin is the only Kalvin at school. mean. Ask the children if people know
their characters through their names
He also is the only boy nicknamed Joy.
just like Kalvin’s teachers and friends
Kalvin is a witness at the school. The knew his character through his name.
teachers call him Kalvin when they see him. Remind them that actions speak
When they say his name, they remember louder than words and encourage
that he is a Christian. His name reminds them to display a Christ-like spirit.
them that he is a Christian. His friends call  Tell the children that names are very
him Joy when they see him. When they say important in the Bible. The names that
his nickname, they remember that he is parents gave their children reflected
filled with joy. His nickname reminds his the characters that the parents
friends that he is filled with joy. hoped their children would have.
For example, Joshua means “God is
But his names are not the only witness.
salvation,” Daniel means “God is my
Kalvin’s actions also are a witness. Teachers Judge,” and Solomon means “peace.”
remember that Kalvin is a Christian because
he sits quietly and listens respectfully. His  Download photos on Facebook:
friends remember that he is filled with joy
because he is always smiling.  Download Mission Posts and Fast
“I feel good being the only Kalvin and Facts from the Southern Asia Division:
the only Joy at school,” Kalvin said. “I’m a bit.ly/sud-2024.
Christian, and I’m happy.”   This mission story illustrates
the following objectives of the
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Seventh-day Adventist Church’s “I
Offering will help construct a new school Will Go” strategic plan: Spiritual
building for Kalvin’s old school in Anni, Growth Objective No. 5, “To disciple
India. The 450 students at the Adventist individuals and families into spirit-
filled lives,” and Spiritual Growth

school now study in an old building that

Objective No. 7, “To help youth and
was built by a German missionary in 1976. young adults place God first and
Thank you for helping give a new school exemplify a biblical worldview.” For
building to the children. more information, go to the website:
By Andrew McChesney

INDIA | March 23
K a s hi s h

Really Hard Exam

K ashish is only 13 years old, but she
is already learning one of the oldest
languages in the world. Kashish is learning
But then Kashish fell sick the day before a
big exam in Sanskrit. She needed to study for
the exam when she came home from school.
Sanskrit at a Seventh-day Adventist school But her forehead felt really hot. She felt too
in northern India. weak to stand. She didn’t feel any better
Sanskrit is the ancient language of India. lying in bed. She could only think about the
No one knows exactly how old it is, but dreaded Sanskrit exam. She decided to pray.
people were using the language in India “Heavenly Father, please heal me soon,”
at least 1,500 years before Jesus was born. she prayed. “Please help me to pass the exam
Today, all Indian schoolchildren have to and get a good grade tomorrow. Amen.”
learn Sanskrit because Hindi and many other As soon as she finished the prayer, she felt
languages in India are based on Sanskrit. better. She opened her textbook and studied
But Sanskrit is a hard language to learn. for the exam as best she could. She also
The words are difficult to pronounce. The reviewed notes that she had taken in class.
way a word is pronounced depends on if She wasn’t able to study much, just a few
there is a dot below the word, a dot above things here and there.
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

the word, or a dot at the end of the word. A The next morning, Kashish felt strong
child has to look at the word very carefully to enough to go to school. But she felt nervous.
see where the dot is in order to know how to She knew that she wasn’t ready for the
pronounce the word correctly. exam. Before leaving the house, she prayed
Not many people speak Sanskrit. It is to God for help.
usually only spoken by Hindu priests when At school, the teacher gave Kashish
they recite chants for religious rituals. a piece of paper with a list of questions
Kashish comes from a Seventh-day written in Sanskrit.
Adventist family. She never heard anyone Kashish looked at the questions. She
speak Sanskrit except in school. It was hard! looked carefully to see if there was a dot

below the word, a dot above the word, or a
Story Tips

dot at the end of the word.
She blinked.
She looked again.  Show the children the location of
She couldn’t believe her eyes. India on the map. You can also show
them the location of Anni, the city in
The questions on the exam were
the northern Indian state of Himachal
exactly what she had studied the previous Pradesh where this quarter’s
day. She knew all the answers! God had Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help
heard her prayers. build a new school to replace an old
Kashish was so happy! structure built in 1976.
An hour later, Kashish finished the exam  Pronounce Kashish as: KASH-ish.
and handed it in.
Two days later, she got the results back. The  Challenge the children to be accept
teacher had given her 13.5 points out of 15 Kashish’s challenge and pray.
points. It was a very good grade.  Download photos on Facebook:
Kashish smiled. bit.ly/fb-mq.
After that experience, Kashish wants to
encourage other boys and girls to pray.  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
“I would like to say that there is power from the Southern Asia Division:
in prayer,” she said. “Once I had an exam
in Sanskrit. It is a really hard language, and  This mission story illustrates
I wasn’t ready. I didn’t prepare well. But I the following objectives of the
prayed, and God gave me a good grade on Seventh-day Adventist Church’s “I
the exam.”  Will Go” strategic plan: Spiritual
Growth Objective No. 5, “To
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath disciple individuals and families
into spirit-filled lives”; Spiritual
Offering will help construct a new school
Growth Objective No. 6, “To increase
building for Kashish and other students in accession, retention, reclamation, and
Anni, India. The 450 students at Kashish’s participation of children, youth, and
school now study in an old building that young adults”; and Spiritual Growth
was built by a German missionary in 1976. Objective No. 7, “To help youth and
Thank you for helping give Kashish and her young adults place God first and
exemplify a biblical worldview.” For
classmates a new school building. more information, go to the website:
By Andrew McChesney

The game of chess is said to

have come from India 1,500
years ago.



13 th SABBATH | March 30
Am i ra

School of Smiles
W hen Amira turned 6, Father began to
look for a good school for his daughter
in India. He didn’t want Amira to go to just
learned. She told Father about the stories that
she had heard from the Bible. She showed
Father how she was learning to pray.
any school. He wanted the little girl to go to Father liked to hear about what Amira was
the best school. But where could he find such learning at school. But what amazed him
a school for her to start first grade? most was Amira’s smiles. He had never seen
The question bothered Father as he ate her so happy. Before she had started going
breakfast. The question bothered Father as to the school, she had always looked sad. But
he went to work. The question bothered now she was smiling as brightly as the sun.
Father as he got his hair cut after work. Father was delighted that his little girl
“What is a good school where I can send was so happy. He wished that he could be
my daughter?” he asked the barber. as happy as her. But he couldn’t because he
“Send her to the Seventh-day Adventist didn’t feel well. His stomach often hurt, and
school,” the barber said. “It’s a good school.” the pain made him feel very sad.
Father had never heard of Seventh-day Amira noticed that Father wasn’t smiling
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

Adventists. He was not a Christian. He had like her. She wanted him to be happy. Even
been raised in another world religion. though she was only 6, she had an idea.
But he was impressed that the barber had “Come to the school,” she said. “Someone
recommended the Adventist school. will pray for you.”
He sent Amira to study at the So, the next time Father took Amira
Adventist school. to school, he followed her inside. Would
Amira loved the school. She came home someone pray for him?
after school every day, talking about Jesus. Near Amira’s classroom, Father saw the
She sang joyful Christian songs that she had school accountant. The accountant helped

count the school’s money.
Story Tips

“Would you pray for me?” Father asked.
The accountant gladly prayed for Father.
He asked God to give Father good health  Know that Amira is a pseudonym. The
and happiness. accompanying photo is a stock image.
After the prayer, the accountant told  Download photos on Facebook:
the school pastor about Father. The school bit.ly/fb-mq.
pastor contacted Father and asked if he
would like to study the Bible. Father agreed,  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
and he and the pastor began to meet to from the Southern Asia Division:
study the Bible. bit.ly/sud-2024.
Father was amazed as he learned about  This mission story illustrates the
Jesus. Amira had told him some things about following objectives of the Seventh-
Jesus. But now he was reading things that he day Adventist Church’s “I Will Go”
had never known. strategic plan: Mission Objective No. 2,
“Did you know this all your life?” he asked “To strengthen and diversify Adventist
the pastor. “I wish that I had known this outreach in large cities, across the
10/40 Window, among unreached and
many years ago.”
under-reached people groups, and to
Father began to grow happier and non-Christian religions,” and Spiritual
happier. He smiled more and more. He and Growth Objective No. 5, “To disciple
Amira read the Bible together. They went to individuals and families into spirit-
church on Sabbath together. Soon, he and filled lives.” For more information, go
Amira were perhaps the happiest Father and to the website: IWillGo2020.org.
daughter in India.
But Mother wasn’t happy. She didn’t know
Jesus, and she didn’t want to know Jesus. She dream. This time, he saw Jesus smiling
belonged to another world religion, and she reassuringly at him.
didn’t want Father and Amira reading the After that, Father had no more doubt
Bible or going to church on Sabbath. about what to do. He wanted to give his
“Stop going to church,” she told Father. heart to Jesus.
“Stop reading the Bible.” When Mother heard the news, she
Father didn’t know what to do. became very angry. She was so angry that
As Mother complained, Father’s stomach she went to another room to sleep at night.
pains grew worse. Adventist friends took Alone in bed, Father couldn’t fall asleep.
him to the hospital and cared for him there. He wondered if he had made the right
The doctor said Father needed an operation. decision in giving his heart to Jesus.
Something amazing happened as Father Then he felt like Jesus came into the room.
waited for the operation. As he lay in bed, he He didn’t see Jesus. But it was like Jesus
had a dream that he saw Jesus. came in and touched him on the shoulder.
Father had never seen such a kind face. It He felt complete peace. Father decided to
was so beautiful. One look at His face filled follow Jesus no matter what.
Father with peace and calmness. When Mother saw that Father had made
“Do not be afraid,” Jesus said. “I am up his mind to follow Jesus, she began to

with you.” calm down. She remembered that Adventists

In the dream, Father also saw the pastor. had helped care for Father in the hospital,
He understood that the pastor was a good and she decided that they must be good
man who was bringing him closer to Jesus. people. When the Adventist church offered
After the operation, Father had another some free medical care, she went with

Father to the church for the first time.
Mother was impressed with the people Before 13th Sabbath
that she saw at the church. She saw that they
 Send home a note to remind parents
were kind and loving. She stopped being
of the program and to encourage the
angry with Father and Amira. children to bring their Thirteenth
Today, Father is praying for Mother to Sabbath Offering on March 30. Remind
accept Jesus. Amira is praying for Mother to everyone that their mission offerings
are gifts to spread God’s Word around
accept Jesus. They want Mother to be happy
the world and that one-fourth of our
like them. Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help 10
Father is happy that he sent Amira to projects in two countries of the Southern
the Seventh-day Adventist school. Amira is Asia Division. The projects are listed on
page 3 and on the back cover.
happy that she goes to the school. It changed
Amira’s life. It changed Father’s life. And they  The narrator doesn’t need to memorize
believe it will change Mother’s life. They the story, but he or she should be
familiar enough with the material so as
think it is the happiest school ever. 
not to have to read it. Alternatively, the
children can act out the story.
Thank you for your Sabbath School mission
 Before or after the story, use a map to
offering today that will help spread the gospel
show the two countries in the Southern
in India and Nepal. Seven of the 10 Thirteenth Asia Division — India and Nepal — that
Sabbath projects involve Adventist schools will receive the Thirteenth Sabbath
like the one where Amira studies. Thank you Offering. You can download a mission
map with the projects on Facebook at
for your generous offering.

By Andrew McChesney

Future Thirteenth Sabbath Projects

The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this quarter
will support five projects in the
Euro-Asia Division:

 Center of influence for families,

Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

Yerevan, Armenia
 Center of influence for youth,
Minsk, Belarus
 Health center, Tskaltubo, Georgia
 Spiritual and social center,
Salekhard, Russia
 Elementary school, Tashkent,
Color The Flag

Color the border
dark blue. Color
the inside of the
flag red. Leave the
two figures white.


Color the top stripe
yellow. Leave
the middle stripe
white. Color the
bottom stripe
green. Color the
wheel, spokes, and
hub in the center
dark blue.

Let’s Play


This is often played by elementary schoolchildren. Four corners are designated,
and a player is chosen as “it.” The rest of the players go into the corners. At a signal,
the players have to swap corners without being caught. If a player is caught by “it,”
he or she becomes “it.”

Langdi is played by two teams. Toss a coin and the team that wins the toss
defends first. The teams face each other, and the opposing team sends a player
to tag as many defenders as he or she can, while hopping on one foot. The team
that tags the most defenders wins.
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division

Let’s Create
( N E PA L )

Crayons, colored pencils, or colored markers
Two 8–10 inch (20–25 cm) wooden rods or unsharpened pencils

Paint the wooden rods and let
them dry. Cross the rods to form
an X, and bind them together
securely with string.
Print off or trace four tiger
figures onto paper. Color tigers.
Cut out figures.
Cut five 18-inch (45-cm)
lengths of string. Tie one length of
string to the end of each arm of the
mobile, and one to the center of the
X to hang the mobile from.
Attach each of the
dangling ends of the
strings to the back of a
tiger with a piece
of tape.
Hang up mobile
and enjoy! AdventistMission.org


Tiger Printable Template by SuperColoring, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-

NonCommercial 4.0 License at https://www.supercoloring.com/paper-crafts/tiger-printable-template-0.

Let’s Cook!

1 cup (240 ml) plain yogurt, chilled 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) cardamom powder
1/2 cup (65 g) powdered sugar 2 tbsp (30 ml) fresh cream, chilled
1 cup (240 ml) mango puree

Mix yogurt and powdered sugar
in a bowl until the sugar is dissolved.
Add mango puree, and mix well. Add
cardamom powder and cream, and mix
until you have a thick, creamy, and smooth
texture. You can add a little water or milk
if it is too thick to drink easily.
Pour into a glass and serve chilled.
Adventist Mission Southern Asia Division


Leader’s Resources
Be sure to download your free Mission Spotlight video, featuring Andrew McChesney Editor
video reports from around the Southern Asia Division and beyond. Wendy Trim Editorial Assistant
Download or stream from the Adventist Mission website at bit.ly/ Emily Harding Layout Editor
Online Information
Gary Krause Director
Following are sources of information that may be helpful in Rick Kajiura Communication Director
preparing for the mission segment of Sabbath School. For more Gregory Whitsett Global Mission Centers
information on the cultures and history of the countries featured in Director
this quarterly, visit: Jeff Scoggins Program Director
Nepal: government website bit.ly/GovtNepal Andrew McChesney Editor, Mission
Lonely Planet bit.ly/LP_Nepal Laurie Falvo Editor, Mission 360
National Geographic Travel bit.ly/NatGeo_Nepal
Ricky Oliveras Video Producer
India: government website bit.ly/GovtIndia
Caleb Haakenson Video Producer
CNN Travel bit.ly/CNN_India
Earley Simon Project Manager
National Geographic Travel bit.ly/NatGeo_India
West Bengal
Web site: AdventistMission.org
Rough Guide bit.ly/RG_WBengal
Himachal Pradesh Children’s Mission (ISSN 0190-4108) is
Himachal Tourism Official Website bit.ly/HimachalTourism produced and copyrighted © 2024 by the Office
Karnataka of Adventist Mission, General Conference of
Karnataka Tourism Official Website bit.ly/KarnatakaTourism Seventh-day Adventists, 12501 Old Columbia
Maharashtra Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904, U.S.A.
Lonely Planet bit.ly/LP_Maharashtra
Printed in U.S.A.

Seventh-day Adventist First Quarter 2024

ADRA Nepal bit.ly/ADRANepal Volume 113, Number 1

Oriental Watchman Publishing House bit.ly/FB_OWPH
Spicer Adventist University bit.ly/SDA_SpicerAU
Pune Adventist Hospital bit.ly/SDA_PuneAH ADVENTIST® and SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST®
Adventist Media Centre-India bit.ly/SDA_AMCAWR are the registered trademarks of the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®.
An offering goal device will help focus attention on world missions Permission is granted to reproduce
and increase weekly mission giving. Determine a goal for your class’s material from this quarterly for use in
local Sabbath Schools and children’s
weekly mission offering. Multiply it by 14, allowing a double goal for
ministries programs. Permission to
the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering, which will be collected on March reproduce any portion of this material for
30. Remind the children and their parents that their regular weekly sale, publication in another periodical, or
mission offerings help the missionary work of the world church, and other commercial use must be authorized
in writing by filling out the online form
that one-quarter of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will go directly
located at: bit.ly/AMpermission.
to the projects in the Southern Asia Division. On March 23, report
on mission giving during the quarter. Encourage the children and For subscription inquiries, e-mail Rebecca
their parents to double or triple their normal mission giving on the Hilde at rebecca.hilde@pacificpress.com or call

upcoming Thirteenth Sabbath. Count the offering and record the 1-800-545-2449 or 1-208-465-2527. Annual
subscription rates per edition: domestic,
amount given at the end of Sabbath School.
U.S.$7.50; international, U.S.$14.50. North
NKJV. Bible texts credited to NKJV are from the New King James American Division churches can receive a
Version ® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by complimentary subscription by contacting the
Permission. All rights reserved. above telephone numbers or e-mail address.

Armenia Azerbaijan Uzbekistan
Turkey Tajikistan

Syria Afghanistan


Iraq 2
East-Central India 2,595 575,200 132,275,131 Pakistan
Northeast India Kuwait 224 54,065 49,974,819 New Delhi
Nepal Thimphu 9
Northern India 474 161,389 819,854,211 Kathmandu 8 Bhutan
South-Central India 256 65,588 73,613,446
Southeast India 488 Qatar 131,838 81,938,520
Southwest India 240 37,551 32,250,759 Bangladesh
Western India 257
U.A.E.107,177 202,668,440
Saudi Arabia
Andaman and Nicobar Island Region 1 295 434,675 1
East Himalayan Field 14 893 756,000 India
Himalayan Section 26 9,350 30,369,000
Maldives (not included in any field) 0 0 543,000
TOTAL 4,575 1,143,346 1,424,678,000 7
1 High school, Aurangabad, India 4 5 10
3 6
2 School, Anni, India

3 School, Palakkad, India

4 English church, Lowry Adventist College, Bengaluru, India

5 Central English Church, Bengaluru, India Sri Lanka
6 School, Thanjavur, India

Youth training center, Manginapudi, India
8 School, Gadhi Rural Municipality, Udayapur, Nepal

9 School, Pasighat, India Maldives

10 School, Namunaghar, Andaman Islands, India

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