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bizhub C253 and bizhub C353

Multiple combinations = customized solutions

Office systems bizhub C253 and bizhub C353

bizhub C253 and bizhub C353, office system

Combining technology,
functionality and applications
Efficiency in office communication is all about getting things done without fuss or delay. Productivity is
imperative – but so is keeping costs down and having one’s hands free for more important tasks than print-
ing or copying.

With the bizhub C253 and the bizhub C353, Konica ■ Advanced print, scan, user box and other net-
Minolta presents two highly modular colour and b/w working functions streamline every-day office
multifunctionals for busy workgroups and depart- tasks, save time and enhance the overall efficiency
ments. Both are easily adapted to fulfil any modern of every user.
office’s specific demands. Offering individual com-
binations of innovative technology, comprehensive ■ Thanks to Konica Minolta’s newest-generation
functionality and a wealth of advanced applications, Simitri® HD polymerised toner the bizhub C253
the bizhub C253 and C353 can be customized into and C353 deliver an impressive print quality. At
almost any all-round communication solution a busy the same time a 50% toner-save mode allows to
team or workgroup might require. economise, much increasing cost efficiency.

■ With identical b/w and colour speeds of 25 ■ Innovative security features, including biometric
respectively 35 pages per minute their perform- finger-vein authentication, keep critical information
ance is equally impressive as productive colour safe. And comprehensive device management
devices and as versatile b/w multifunctionals. is made easy with a generous range of software
tools and utilities.
■ To pair highest image quality with absolute relia-
bility Konica Minolta incorporated an array of With such versatility, flexibility and efficiency, the
cutting-edge technologies, such as the tandem bizhub C253/C353’s amazingly competitive printing
engine and four individual dual-beam laser units. costs might come almost unexpected – but will no
doubt be highly welcome by any team, workgroup or
office looking to economize!

Workflow options

Colour, Black&White Copying Scanning TWAIN network Scan-to-SMB Scan-to-Box/Personal Box

USB Local/network PCL/PS Colour, Black&White Printing Scan-to-eMail Scan-to-FTP Scan-to-USB

Reprint Sharing Box-to-Box Distribution Box Faxing IP-Fax i-Fax PC-Fax SIP-Fax Super G3 Fax
Simitri HD® polymerised toner Conventional toner

Combined technologies.
Advanced modularity.
In the bizhub C253 and C353 several cutting-edge tech-
nologies combine into a technically superior all-round
communication solution that stands for reduced job
times, increased efficiency and unsurpassed reliability.
Of particular note is the versatile optional finisher
which incorporates a range of proprietary Konica Minolta
technologies – making it extremely compact yet highly
modular. Enhancing and improving the bizhub C253/C353’s
performance, this modularity enables customized confi-
gurations that perfectly fulfil the most diverse demands.

Versatile finishing choices EmperonTM controller

Finishing on a multifunctional colour and b/w device At the core of the bizhub C253/353 system archi-
has never been so flexible! The optional finisher tecture an EmperonTM architecture controller of
for the bizhub C253/353 is extremely compact and the newest generation ensures their seamless
integrates almost completely into the device, keep- integration into any office network. The EmperonTM
ing its footprint conveniently small. And it impresses provides Windows, Mac, UNIX, Linux and Citrix
with unparalleled modularity: Upgrades to the fin- support which makes both devices compatible with
isher’s stapling and offset sorting functions include virtually any infrastructure. And with its universal
a punching kit; a booklet option to produce centre- driver interface for both PCL and PostScript the
stapled and folded booklets; or a mail-bin unit which EmperonTM also stands for enhanced convenience
allows to separate output e.g. for different depart- and ease of use.
ments or distinguish prints, copies and incoming
faxes. Ranging from automatic booklet making via
the creation of stapled and punched reports to Simitri HD® polymerised toner
oversized banner printing the bizhub C253/353’s
versatile document production capabilities are truly Konica Minolta’s unique Simitri® HD toner features
impressive and quite unique in their class. Where tiny, uniformly shaped toner particles to achieve
requirements are less complex, a job separator tray an outstanding image quality. Both black & white
offers a welcome alternative to separate e.g. printed and colour documents benefit from razor-sharp text
from faxed output. and finest lines as well as a highly durable print
finish. An innovative edge enhancement mode
further supports the excellent print quality in the
bizhub C253/353, particularly improving the repro-
duction of faded text, fine lines and very small
characters. And to facilitate economic printing e.g.
of samples or document drafts, both systems boost
a clever 50% toner-save mode that much increases
cost efficiency.
bizhub C253 and bizhub C353, office system

Combined functionalities
enhance communication
The efficient and streamlined performance of an Advanced scanning
office much depends on what technical and
functional support is available. The bizhub C253 Busy offices these days depend on comprehensive
and C353 leave little to be desired where powerful scanning functionality to streamline the distribution
office multifunctionality is concerned. Providing and sharing of information. With the bizhub C253
comprehensive scan, fax, box, printing and and C353 scanning is possible to eMail, FTP,
copying functions, they speed up procedures and SMB and user box, with scan formats including
workflows and increase overall office productivity. multi-page PDF and XPF, JPG and TIFF. In addition
This elaborate combination of functionalities Konica Minolta’s unique ultra-compact PDF feature
effectively helps reduce the running costs of any considerably reduces the size of large files before
office. transmission – ideal for internal and external
communication and the fast sharing of documents.

Flexible faxing
The fax communication capabilities on the
bizhub C253 and C353 are impressive: Included
are Digital Fax and Digital Store, with a choice of
forward as eMail, save-to-box, save-to-PC. Internet
Fax enables the sending and receipt of fax data
as eMail attachments. IP Fax lets users send faxes
in colour to other bizhub devices on the Intranet.
Various security features make confidential fax
communication reliably safe. And wherever required,
both devices can be upgraded with a conventional
fax kit option enabling the transmission and receipt
of paper originals.
Elaborate box functionality Enhanced colour imaging
Konica Minolta’s unique User Box approach makes The Emperon controller includes a highly efficient
the storing and managing of information on the automated colour management for routine tasks.
bizhub C253/353’s internal hard disc truly efficient. Thanks to its ICC profile support ICC profiles can
Up to 1,000 user boxes can be set up with flexible easily be uploaded and taken advantage of – this
access rights and boxes defined as public, for group streamlines colour reproduction and ensures more
use or private; where required passwords are easily precise colour output. And for even more versatility
assigned. In addition the PageScope Box Operator and performance, the optional IC-409 Fiery controller
allows the direct accessing and downloading of the makes available a range of flexible colour manage-
stored data from the PC, while multi-file preview ment tools that give professional users plenty of
enables fast searches via thumbnails, helping users room for their creativity promising individual results.
find files quicker and more easily.

Cost-effective automation
Productive printing
Offering a special b/w mode, the bizhub C253/353
Busy offices need to eliminate delays wherever are still able to perform even after the colour toner is
possible. With the bizhub C253/353’s comprehen- depleted. This is just one aspect of their attractively
sive printing functionality waiting times at the printer economic performance which is aided by a high
are a thing of the past. Their efficiency begins with degree of automation: Auto-colour recognition
generous paper handling features, including up to ensures that colour is printed only where required.
5 paper sources and the processing of heavy media. Automatic paper selection avoids misprints on the
A newly designed duplex mechanism with a unique wrong format, while thanks to automatic paper
reversing roller system achieves 100% duplex rotation production of a job can continue even if the
productivity, speeding up the completion of longer required size in the correct orientation is no longer
double-sided print runs. And the ingenious banner available.
printing function facilitates the creation of display
materials – oversized formats of up to 1.2 metres
length can be produced with ease.

New in both devices is the highly convenient USB

direct scan and direct print functionality that lets
the user bypass any application software: With
the bizhub C253/353 it’s possible to scan paper
originals directly on to a USB stick; likewise printing
directly from the stick is also possible. This feature
is extremely practical e.g. to collect information
during visits, meetings etc. and only print it if and
when required.

Finishing options

corner 2-point duplex combined sheet insertion, booklet offset sorting banner
stapling stapling mixplex/ report printing
bizhub C253 and bizhub C353, office system

Combined applications for

streamlined administration.

Competent administration and comprehensive security ■ Konica Minolta has incorporated the technology for
are both essential to the smooth running of busy an innovative biometric authentication option into
offices. With the PageScope software tools and utilities the bizhub C253/C353: Finger vein authentication
Konica Minolta offers a complete administration works with images of finger vein patterns captured
software suite that is much appreciated as valuable by scanning the finger – this is highly secure as
support to the administrator’s complex task. And it’s virtually impossible to falsify! And as users no
users of the bizhub C253/353 need never fear for their longer need to remember passwords, this biometric
critical data: the extent of Konica Minolta’s security measurement is very fast and convenient. Alter-
standards is renowned; both devices adhere to the natively, authentication by non-contact IC card is
Common Criteria and are certified to ISO 15408 EAL3. also available.

■ Other important security features include secure

printing, ensuring that a print job is only processed
once the user has entered his individual password
directly at the bizhub C253/C353 – with this feature
Essential security leaving confidential documents lying around is
a thing of the past! PDF encryption prevents the
The bizhub C253 and C353 come equipped with unauthorised tampering with PDF data. With
comprehensive security functionality – and it’s all encrypted communication (SSL) confidential data
standard, because Konica Minolta is well aware are useless if intercepted during transmission.
of the importance of keeping customer data and Encryption is also available to make data storage
information safe! on the internal system hard disc secure.
Administrator competence features like central counter collection and analy-
sis, defining and managing access limitations and
The generous PageScope suite of administrator print volume limits per user, plus many more, the
tools helps to automate set-up procedures, stream- Account Manager enables complete cost control
lines network integration and provides reliable status related to document in- and output from copying,
monitoring as well as efficient device management. printing, scanning and faxing.

■ Enabling fast access and simple monitoring of ■ Konica Minolta’s proven remote diagnostic system
individual or all devices on the network, Page- ensures pro-active and highly flexible service
Scope Netcare satisfies essential administrator support. CS Remote Care helps to keep output
demands. Automatic eMail notifications alert devices running smoothly, minimising interruptions
users to the status of each device, so that any and maximising system availability. All relevant
problem can be dealt with immediately and the system data are transmitted directly to the
uptime of all monitored equipment is maximized. Konica Minolta service in an automated process
that never needs user intervention.
■ Comprehensive account and data management
can be a real challenge – not so with the Page- There can be no doubt that the bizhub C253
Scope Data Administrator! It makes the integration and C353 are highly competent to handle each
of new equipment into existing workflows and the and every communication task a busy office
programming of eMail addresses fast and simple. might face. In these models Konica Minolta has
Authentication and account data can be individ- combined a high degree of versatility, flexibility
ually programmed per user, including limited and efficiency – and yet focused on absolute
access rights to specific functions such as colour cost efficiency as well.
printing. With that the Data Administrator can also
help to cut costs and control output volumes.

■ An ideal central administration tool for all bizhub

devices in the network is the PageScope Account
Manager. Its web-based interface offers easy
access to the server software from anywhere in
the network, providing the administrator with one
unified platform for all accounting tasks. With

Windows Vista Support

Includes the easy installation
via DPWS (Device Profile
for Web Services) as well as
direct scanning and printing
of XPS files.
Technical specifications
Copier specifications Scanner specifications Automatic document feeder
Up to 100 originals
Copying process Scan speed
Electrostatic laser copy, Tandem, indirect Colour up to 70 opm (300 dpi via DF) Paper size
Mono up to 70 opm (300 dpi via DF) A6–A3 full bleed
Toner system
Banner paper max. 1,200 x 297 mm
Simitri® HD polymerised toner Scan resolution
Customised paper sizes
Copy/print speed A4 Max.: 600 x 600 dpi
Paper weight
Colour/Mono up to 25 ppm (bizhub C253) Scan modes
64–271 gsm
Colour/Mono up to 35 ppm (bizhub C353) Network TWAIN scan
Scan-to-eMail Paper input capacity
Copy/print speed A3
Scan-to-FTP Standard: 1,150 sheets
Colour/Mono up to 12.5 ppm (bizhub C253)
Scan-to-SMB Max.: 3,650 sheets
Colour/Mono up to 17.7 ppm (bizhub C353)
Scan-to-Box Paper output capacity
1st Copy/print time (A4) Scan-to-DPWS Max.: 1,200 sheets
Colour 11.7 sec/Mono 7.7 sec. (bizhub C253) Scan-to-USB (optional)
Colour 8.5 sec/Mono 5.9 sec. (bizhub C353) Automatic duplexing
File formats A5–A3 full bleed
Warm-up time JPEG, TIFF, XPS, PDF, Compact PDF, 64–256 gsm
Approx. 80 sec. (bizhub C253) Encyrpted PDF
Approx. 75 sec. (bizhub C353) Finishing modes (optional)
Scan destinations Offset, Group, Sort, Staple, Punch,
Copy resolution 2,100 (single + group), LDAP support Centre-fold, Booklet
600 x 600 dpi
Scan functions Copy/print volume (monthly)
Gradation Annotation (text/time/date) for PDF Rec.: 30,000/Max.: 45,000 (bizhub C253)
256 gradations Up to 400 job programs Rec.: 40,000/Max.: 60,000 (bizhub C353)
Power consumption
1– 999, interruption mode
Fax specifications 220-240 V / 50/60Hz
Original format Less than 1.5 KW (system)
A5 – A3 Fax standard
Super G3 (optional) System dimensions (W x D x H, mm)
Magnification 640 x 849 x 770
25 – 400% in 0.1% steps, Autozooming Fax transmission
Analogue, i-Fax, IP-Fax, SIP-Fax System weight
Copy functions Approx. 99 kg
Chapter, cover and page insertion, Fax resolution
Proof copy, Adjustment test print, Max.: 600 x 600 dpi (ultra-fine)
Digital art, Job Recall, Job setting memory, Fax compression System features
Poster Mode, Overlay, Stamping, MH, MR, MMH, JBIG Security
Copy Protection Fax modem ISO 15408 EAL3 (in evaluation)
Up to 33.6 Kbps Accounting
Printer specifications Fax destinations Up to 1,000 user accounts
2,100 (single + group) Active Directory support
Print resolution
(user name + password)
Equivalent to 1,800 x 600 dpi Fax functions
User function access definition
Controller CPU Polling
Biometric Authentication
PowerPC MC7447 @ 1 GHz, 64 BIT Time shift
(finger vein) (optional)
Page description language IC Card reader (optional)
Receipt to confidential box
PCL 6c (PCL 5c + XL3.0), PostScript 3 Acount Manager server (optional)
Receipt to eMail, FTP, SMB
Operating systems Software
Windows 2000/XP/XP64 PageScope NetCare
Windows VISTA 32/64 System specifications PageScope Data Administrator
Windows VISTA DPWS support System memory PageScope Box Operator
Server 2000/2003/2003 x64 1,024 MB PageScope Workware (Trial)
Macintosh 9.x/10.x Direct Print Utility
System hard disc
Unix/Linux/Citrix Print Status Notifier
60 GB
Log Management Utility
Print functions Interface Driver Packaging Utility
Direct print of PCL, PS, TIFF, XPS, PDF and 10-Base-T/100-Base-T/1000-Base-T
Encrypted PDF files Ethernet
Print from USB memory (optional) USB 2.0
Mixmedia and Mixplex
Job programming “Easy Set”
Overlay, Watermark, Copy Protection,
Toner safe mode

All specifications relating to paper capacity refer to A4-size paper of 80 gsm quality.
All specifications relating to scanning, copying or printing speeds refer to A4-size paper that is scanned, copied or printed crosswise in multipage, simplex mode.
Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.
Konica Minolta does not warrant that any prices or specifications mentioned will be error-free. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks, of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
All other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.
Printed in Germany on chlorine-free bleached paper.

Your Konica Minolta Business Solutions Partner:


Konica Minolta
Business Solutions Europe GmbH
Europaallee 17
30855 Langenhagen • Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 74 04-0
Fax: +49 (0) 511 74 10 50

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