Bizhub C754e - C654e Brochure LR 250713

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bizhub C754e & C654e

Next Generation Enterprise Document Solutions

Welcome to a better world
The next generation bizhubs:
High performance, class-leading usability, low power consumption

2 bizhub C754e / C654e

The new top-of-the-line multifunction bizhub C754e 60 ppm colour and 75 ppm monochrome (bizhub C754e)
and C654e models are designed to deliver outstanding and 60 ppm colour, 65 ppm monochrome (bizhub C654e).
performance and unparalleled productivity.
Setting new benchmarks in low power consumption
Primarily used as the central Multifunction Printers (MFPs) and offering innovative new features that reduce
in large and mid-sized offices, these machines set new environmental impact, these energy conserving MFPs are
standards in usability producing exceptionally higher kinder for the environment, and have one of the smallest
quality documents. They raise the bar for reliability and footprints in their class, so they’ll fit perfectly into
productivity, and are compatible with a variety of network your office.
With the bizhub C754e and C654e, everything has been
Seamlessly accommodating the way you work, their considered to make your world more productive. That’s
faster print speeds make short work of the most what makes the bizhub C754e and C654e the perfect
demanding high volume workflows. Peak demands can choice for a better world.
be handled with ease, with print/copy output up to

A more productive world

Improving efficiency is the only way to remain competitive Scanning times have been reduced thanks to
in today’s marketplace. With that in mind, the bizhub single-pass, high-speed duplex scanning. Both sides of
C754e and C654e are ready to spring into action at a a duplex document can now be scanned in a single pass.
moment’s notice. Scanning speeds up to 180 originals per minute colour
and monochrome (A4 400 dpi) make these new bizhubs
With the adoption of Warp Technology, we have achieved
virtually indispensable in office environments that store
a fast warm-up time of 22 seconds or less, and one of
numerous hard copy documents.
the fastest First Copy Out Times (FCOT) in their class
at 5.3 seconds (colour) and 3.6 seconds (monochrome).

A more user-friendly world

Our advanced, next generation design, InfoPalette, has

evolved from the previous InfoLine black and white identity,
delivering superior accessibility and improved status
The bizhub C754e and C654e feature a large
9" electrostatic touch panel with ‘flick and drag’ and
‘pinch and zoom’ operations, commonly used on tablet
devices, making life so much easier. Navigation is further
enhanced with a more user friendly horizontal scrolling
menu and pop-up menus. Frequently used settings can
be placed on the main screen for reduced operator steps
and everything is fully customisable to user requirements.
In addition, web browsing capability is available directly
from the touch panel, which also offers integration into
third party applications.

4 bizhub C754e / C654e

A more complete world

Today’s office printing requirements extend beyond MS Office Open XML support lets you print Office 2007
wired communication. The new bizhub C754e and file formats (docx, xlxs, pptx) via USB and Direct Print
C654e deliver faster output and offer cutting-edge print and you can select from a wide range of scan formats,
functions for greater versatility. including PDF, compact PDF, ISO 19005 accredited
archive quality PDF/A and more†.
The bizhub C754e and C654e both feature Microsoft
SharePoint connectivity, wireless and Bluetooth* printing A special highlight is the award-winning My Tab function
from mobile phones and printing from or saving to, in the print driver that lets users freely select their
flash-memory devices via a convenient USB connector. preferred print functions in a single screen, ensuring
Plus, you can take advantage of cloud services such quick and easy operation. The administrator will also
as Google Docs** and Microsoft Share Point server**. benefit greatly from our Universal Print Driver that
supports all Konica Minolta print devices, requiring
The PageScope mobile App enables busy professionals
only one installation and a single application for printer
to print and scan, to and from smartphones and other
portables directly to networked bizhub devices.
* Bluetooth requires optional EK-607 Local Interface Kit
** Available soon
† Requires LK-102 v3 or LK-110 i-Options

A more convenient world
What makes the new bizhub C754e and C654e special The bizhub C754e and C654e boast 1200 dpi print
is the simplicity with which you can perform a host of resolution for reproducing small text and fine lines. They
convenient functions. Word, Excel and PowerPoint can accommodate a wide range of paper sizes and
presentations can be created directly from the MFP weights up to 300 gsm and can produce originals on
touch panel*. This new time-saving function enables SRA3 sheets to preserve margins and crop marks. The
scanned paper documents to be converted through OCR optional EFI Fiery image controller lets you handle specific
processing to text searchable documents that can be PANTONE colour requirements, manage print queues and
edited if required. fine tune colour output to suit the needs of any job. These
powerful additional functions make the bizhub C754e and
A tab printing function makes it easy to create binders.
C654e the perfect choice for in-house printing of short run
With the bizhub C754e and C654e you can print tabbed
documents and brochures.
pages from the multiple bypass tray and can use the
interleave function to insert tabs within the body of your The carbon copy-like print function on the bizhub C754e
document. and C654e is a brilliant timesaver that allows outputting
the same data continuously from multiple paper trays on
different paper types and colours - something typically
handled by dot impact printers.

* Possible with LK-110 i-Option

FS-535/FS-534 Finishing Tasks and Necessary Options FS-535 FS-534

Stapling Corner 2-point staple Finisher FS-535 Finisher FS-534

Function staple (Side) Up to 100 sheets Up to 50 sheets

Booklet Function Finisher FS-535 + Finisher FS-534 +

Centre staple Fold Tri-Fold Saddle Sticher Saddle Sticher
& Folding SD-512 SD-511
and folding (colour 3-sheet)
Function Up to 20 sheets Up to 20 sheets

Z-Folding Function Finisher FS-535 +

Z Folding Unit
& Hole Punching Z-Fold Hole Punching Z-Fold + Hole Punching ZU-606
Function 60 to 90gsm

Finisher FS-535 + Finisher FS-527 +

Hole Punching Punch Kit PK-521 Punch Kit PK-520
Function 2-hole 2-hole top 4-hole top 4-hole Punch Paper Punch Paper
Up to 300 gsm Up to 300 gsm

Standard or Finisher
Cover Sheets & FS-535 +
Cover Sheets Inter Sheets Standard
Inter Sheets Post Inserter PI-505

1,200mm Banner Paper Banner Paper

Setting Guide MK-715 Setting Guide

Long Length Paper Print banners up to Max. 1,200 mm long. MK-715

6 bizhub C754e / C654e

Dual-sided Scanning

Scans 180 originals per minute duplex

Scans 90 originals per minute simplex
150 sheets (80 gsm)

USB Port
Saves files between HDD
and USB

Multiple Bypass Tray

FS-535 100 sheet Max. SRA3
Staple Finisher*† 52–300 gsm
Up to 150 sheets
Max. 3,000 sheet output
capacity (80 gsm, 2,500 sheets
when SD-512 is installed)
Banner Printing*
Staples up to 100 sheets
(90 gsm) Holds 10 sheets of
A3-A5 lengthwise long length paper up
* Optional to 297 mm x 1,200 mm
† FS-534 50 Sheet Staple Finisher * Optional
also available

SD-511/SD-512 Saddle Kit*

Centre staple (Max. 20 sheets)
Half fold (Max. 5 sheets)
Tri-fold (Max. 3 sheets)
* Optional

Tray 4
A5 – A4
52–256 gsm
Up to 1,000 sheets
LU-204* †
Max. SRA3
Tray 3 Tray 2 Tray 1 52–256 gsm
2,500 sheets (80 gsm)
A5 – A4 Max. SRA3 Max. SRA3 * Optional
52–256 gsm 52-256 gsm 52-256 gsm † LU-301 High Capacity A4 Document
Up to 1,500 sheets Up to 500 sheets Up to 500 sheets Feeder also available

A more environmentally-friendly world
Our design philosophy helps you meet energy and
environmental standards without loss of performance.
Recycled plastic and bio-plastic components are used
in manufacture, smart energy saving technology is built-in
and the use of paper and toner is efficiently managed Colour
and reduced.
Conventional toner | Simitri HD toner
Our impressive low power consumption is achieved
through a number of intelligent features including LED
scanner lighting, 3 Watt sleep and 0.5 Watt power save Simitri® HD polymerised toner is another Konica
mode, enhanced induction heating fuser technology and Minolta core technology that aids sound
the wake-up for scan-only technology that avoids heating eco-performance. The latest generation of this
the fuser unit when unnecessary. high quality toner delivers better prints than ever,
while its biomass ingredient helps reduce the
These new bizhubs feature an innovative dynamic eco- bizhub C754e and C654e’s carbon emission further.
timer which can be programmed on a weekday, date or Another environmental plus of Simitri HD is its easy
time basis. It automatically analyses machine usage and deinking, which is essential to enable recycling of
improves settings. For example, it will automatically switch used paper.
to sleep mode during a recurring lunch break. A special
built-in sensor wakes up the device from sleep mode
when it senses the user approaching the panel surface,
and thanks to the extremely short warm-up time of just
22 seconds, users need not be hindered by a lengthy wait
before printing.
Information on toner and paper savings, energy
consumption and CO2 emissions are also displayed on the
new Eco Meter, making it easy to assess environmental
contributions by device, department and user.
A blank page removal function also helps prevent paper
wastage by detecting and preventing blank pages found
within a set of originals from being copied or scanned.
The new XPS Print Driver provides a detailed and accurate
preview function, allowing users to view text placement,
hole punch and staple positions. In addition, a real-time
scan and copy preview on the control panel allows the
user to preview one page at a time, to confirm the position
of each document and perform post-scan editing.

8 bizhub C754e / C654e

A more efficient world
Simply secure
Simplified security features let you choose the level
of document protection and authorised access that
suits your working environment. If you are running an
administered network of devices you can remotely set
each printer’s hard drive security to prevent unauthorised
use. The bizhub C754e and C654e offer the following
security options:
• Automatic job overwrite
• HDD encryption
• Lock password
• Auto delete jobs once printed
• HDD overwrite
• Copy Guard and Password Copy to restrict
or prevent unauthorised copying*
Efficient capture and distribution * Requires option
Beyond the standard functionality of the bizhub C754e
and C654e, Konica Minolta’s bizhub Extended Solution Reliable authentication
Technology, bEST, offers a gateway to extended Today, administrators expect to save time and increase
document capturing and distribution capabilities. their efficiency when administering the output
It makes these multifunction devices ideal input tools in infrastructure. Users on the other hand, seek instant
high-volume environments. The bizhub C754e and C654e yet secure access to MFPs. This functionality is
feature full touch panel integration with related software, available on the bizhub C754e and C654e with an
making them ideally suited as they do not require efficient authentication technology that simplifies job
separate hardware. Document archiving processes can management, increases job security and helps prevent
be started directly from the colour touch screen panel, unauthorised processing.
inputting all required information, like document type and
additional index fields, during the scan process so that
Enhanced administration
the scans need no further treatment in a PC.
The bizhub C754e and C654e come with a built-in
Complete cost management remote panel that facilitates device management and user
support, and can be accessed through a standard web
Konica Minolta offers a variety of accounting applications browser. To change administrative settings, the panel can
that manage the central collection of detailed meter be locked so that users cannot follow those operation
readings of all registered devices, together with the steps. In the unlocked mode the remote panel aids user
resulting cost calculation. Administrators can easily support, letting the user view the settings made remotely
set up output volume limitations that help reduce print by the administrator. The PageScope Net Care Device
volumes and output costs. Users’ volume limitations are Manager enables the central implementation of system
reliably tracked across all networked output devices. network configurations and central status monitoring.
Detailed usage reports can be generated, facilitating the
optimisation of the overall output infrastructure. Considerably reducing administrative efforts, this
application provides fast access to and simple monitoring
of individual or all devices on the network. This helps
maximise the uptime of all monitored equipment and has
a positive impact on the overall office productivity.

A more integrated world
The bizhub C754e and C654e feature bizhub Extended
Solution Technology (bEST). This open platform OPS Standard Monitoring Suite
technology allows seamless integration with software OPS Standard Monitoring Suite is included as a
programs from Konica Minolta and third party developers standard free service with the bizhub C754e and
- software that speeds up business workflow, manages C654e.
print production, performs account tracking and cost
recovery, creates direct-mail promotions and more. Benefits include elimination of manual meter readings
from each device, as it instantaneously sends them to
bEST supports a wide variety of applications, including: Konica Minolta’s remote server.
• PageScope Enterprise Suite - Konica Minolta’s solution With the feature of high level support, OPS Standard
software series Monitoring greatly increases the device’s security and
• eCopy - Scanning solution offered by multiple vendors reduces administration efforts:

• SafeQ - An accounting solution application for tracking • Meters can be read automatically
and managing device output • Billing is streamlined
The built–in Emperon® Controller is an advanced An optional upgrade is available to OPS Advanced
technology that ensures seamless integration into any Monitoring. This chargeable service offers automated
standard network setup and virtually any customer consumables ordering and device monitoring that
environment. enables proactive solving of maintenance issues,
Both devices also feature an Internal Web Server (IWS), minimising the need for user intervention and
a simple web-based customisable user-interface that reducing downtime.
allows connections to web-based applications without For more information on our Optimised Print Services
the need for external servers, such as OpenAPI. It can please visit our website or
create and utilise applications that work closely with contact us on 1800 789 389.
the bizhub’s basic functions, something which is not
possible with OpenAPI. Our devices have a variety of
connectors available, including Google’s Cloud Service
and Microsoft’s SharePoint Server*.
The user interface is also fully customisable to suit end
user requirements.
* Available soon

A more reliable world

The bizhub C754e and C654e set a new industry
benchmark for reliability. Expect an extraordinary machine
life of 5 million pages.
With three consecutive BLI ‘Line of the Year’ Awards,
where our devices’ reliability was hailed as class-leading,
the new bizhub C754e and C654e continue to set the bar
at a higher level for our competitors and make life better
for our end users.

10 bizhub C754e / C654e

bizhub C754e/C654e General Specifications Image Controller IC-414 (Optional) *Optional Video Interface Kit VI-506 is required.
Type Console Full Colour Printer/Copier/Scanner Type Embedded
Colour Support Full-Colour CPU Intel Pentium E5300 2.60 GHz
Copy Resolution Scan Main: 600dpi × Sub: 600dpi Memory 2 GB
Print Copy: Main; 600 dpi × Sub; 600 dpi HDD 160 GB
Print: Main; 1,200 dpi × Sub; 1,200 dpi Print Speed Same as Copy Speed (when using the same original)
Gradation 256 Print Resolution 600 dpi, 1,200 dpi
Memory Capacity (Std./Max.) 2GB/4GB PDL Adobe PostScript3 version3019, PCL6/PCL5
HDD 250GB Protocol Ethernet (Apple Talk, TCP/IP), HTTP/HTTPS, SSL/TLS for HTTPS,
Original Type Sheets, Books, Objects SMB, Port9100 (Bi-Directional), IPP, LDAP, IPV6, SNMP v3
Max. Original Size A3 (11” × 17”) Support OS Windows XP (32/64) Windows VISTA (32/64) Windows 7
Output Size SRA3 to A5, B6S1, A6S1 Thick paper, Foolscap2 (8-1/2” × (32/64) Windows 8 (32/64) Windows Server 2003 (32/64)
13-1/2”, 200 mm × 330 mm, 8-1/8” × 13-1/4”, 8-1/2” × Windows Server 2008 (32/64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (64)
13”, 8-1/4” × 13”, 8” × 13”), 8K, 16K, Long Length Paper Windows Server 2012 (64) Macintosh OS 9.x/10.x
(210 × 457.3 mm to 297 × 1,200mm) Fonts Adobe PS 138 Roman fonts, Agfa PCL 80 Roman fonts and 1
Image Loss Max. 4.2mm or less for top edge (5 mm for thin paper), Max. bitmap font, Additional PCL 35 fonts, Euro Currency Resident
3.0mm or less for bottom edge, Max. 3.0mm or less for Font
right/left edges *A loss of 4.2 mm each during printing. Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T), USB
Warm-Up Time (23°C, std. voltage) 22 sec. or less
(May vary depending on the operating (The time required to start printing when the main power
environment and usage.) switch is ON and the sub-power switch is turned from Scanning Function Specifications (*Optional)
OFF to ON.)
Type Full-Colour Scanner
First Copy Time3 Colour C754e : 5.3 sec. or less C654e : 5.3 sec. or less
Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T)
B/W C754e : 3.6 sec. or less C654e : 3.7 sec. or less
Driver TWAIN Driver, HDD TWAIN Driver
Copy Speed Colour C754e : 60 ppm C654e : 60 ppm
Protocol TCP/IP (FTP, SMB, SMTP)
(A4 Crosswise)
B/W C754e : 75 ppm C654e : 65 ppm Scanning Speed ( Colour/B&W) (300dpi, Simplex: 90 opm Duplex: 180 opm
A4 Crosswise)
Copy Magnification Fixed Same 1:1±0.5% or less
Magnification Scanning Size Max. A3 (11” × 17”)
Scaling Up 1: 1.154/1.224/1.414/2.000 Output Format TIFF, JPEG, PDF, Compact PDF, XPS, Compact XPS, PPTx, DOCx*,
XLSx*, Searchable PDF*, PDF / A*, Linearised PDF
Scaling Down 1: 0.866/0.816/0.707/0.500
Scanning Resolution Push 200dpi/300dpi/400dpi/600dpi
Preset 3 types
Pull 100dpi / 200dpi / 300dpi / 400dpi / 600dpi
Zoom 25-400% (in 0.1% increments)
Main Functions Scan to E-Mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to BOX (HDD), Scan to PC
Lengthwise Crosswise 25-400% (in 0.1% increments)
(SMB), Network TWAIN, Scan to WebDAV, Scan to Me, Scan to
Individual Settings
Home, Scan to USB, Scan to Scan Server, Scan to Web Service
Paper Capacity Tray 1/2 : 500 sheets (up to SRA3), Tray 3 : 1,500 sheets (WSD-Scan), Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS)
(80g/m2 paper) (A4),
Other Functions Multi-Method Send, Authentication at the time of E-Mail send
Tray 4 : 1,000 sheets (A4),
(SMTP authentication, POP before SMTP), S/MIME, Annotation
Multiple Bypass Tray : 150 sheets (up to SRA3)
Max. Paper Capacity (80g/m2) 6,650 sheets * Optional
Paper Weight Tray 1 - 4 52-256g/m2
Multiple 52-300g/m2
Fax Kit FK-511 (Optional)
Bypass Tray Communication Super G3
Multiple Copy 1-9,999 sheets Compatible Lines Public Switch Telephone Network, Private Branch Exchange,
Auto Duplex Type: Non-Stack Paper Size: Width/100-320mm, Fax Communication Line
Length/148-457.2mm Paper: Weight 52 to 256g/m2 Line Density G3 (8 dot/mm × 3.85 line/mm, 600 × 600 dpi)
Power Requirements AC 230 V 10 A (50 to 60Hz) Modem Speed 2.4 to 33.6 kbps
Max. Power Consumption 2.1kW or less Compression MH/MR/MMR/JBIG
Dimensions [W] × [D] × [H] 650mm × 799mm × 1,155mm (25-1/2” × 31-1/2” × Sending Paper Size Max. A3 (Long Length Support: Max.1,000 mm)
45-1/2”) Recording Paper Size Max. A3 (Long Length Max. 1,000 mm - following the page
Weight Approx. 221 kg (487-1/4 lb) division)
Space Requirements4 [W] × [D] 988 × 1,525 mm (39” × 60”) Transmission Speed Less than 3 sec. (A4, V.34, 33.6 kbps, JBIG)
Memory Shared with the copier
S: Short edge feed 2 Set by Customer engineer Number of Abbr. Dials 2,000
A4 crosswise full size/using the first tray/scanning from the original glass surface.
Number of Program Dials 400
Without options, with paper trays pulled out, and multiple bypass tray, auxiliary tray and ADF opened.
Number of Group Dials 100
Sequential Multiple Station Transmission Max. 600

Printer Specifications Internet Fax

Type Embedded Protocol SMTP, POP
CPU MPC8536 1.2 GHz Connection Mode Full-Mode
Memory Shared with the copier Sending Paper Size A3, B4, A4
Print Speed Same as Copy Speed (when using the same original) Recording Paper Size Max. A3
HDD 250 GB (Shared with the copier) Resolution 200 × 100 dpi, 200 × 200 dpi, 400 × 400 dpi, 600 × 600 dpi
Print Resolution 1,200 × 1,200 dpi Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T)
PDL PCL5e/c Emulation, PCL XL Ver. 2.1 Emulation, Colour Support Colour Internet Fax
PostScript 3 Emulation (3016), XPS Ver. 1.0 Format Send: TIFF-F, Receive: TIFF-F Colour/Grey Scale: TIFF
Protocol TCP/IP, IPX/SPX (NDS support), SMB (NetBEUI), LPD, IPP1.1, (RFC3949 Profile-C)
Support OS Windows 2000 / XP / XP 64bit / Vista / Vista 64bit / 7 /
7 64bit / 8 / 8 64bit / Server 2003 / Server 2003 64bit /
Server 2003 R2 / Server 2003 R2 64bit / Server 2008 / IP Address Fax (Optional) *Optional Fax Kit FK-511 is required.
Server 2008 64bit / Server 2012 / Mac OS 9.2 / Mac OS X Protocol Transmission SMTP
10.2 / 10.3/10.4 (Power PC) / Mac OS X 10.5 Power PC/Intel
Sending Paper Size A3, B4, A4
/ Mac OS X 10.6 / 10.7 / 10.8 Intel Linux
Resolution 200 × 200 dpi, 400 × 400 dpi, 600 × 600 dpi
Fonts PCL 80 Roman fonts
Format Send: TIFF-F, Receive: TIFF-F Colour/Grey Scale: TIFF
PS 137 Roman Type1 fonts
(RFC3949 Profile-C)
Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T), USB 1.1,
USB 2.0, USB Host

Konica Minolta
Business Solutions Australia Pty Ltd
Free Call 1800 789 389
New South Wales
4 Drake Avenue
Macquarie Park NSW 2113
(02) 8026 2222
21-29 Moray Street
Southbank VIC 3006
(03) 8699 0777
64 Brookes Street
Bowen Hills QLD 4006
(07) 3872 9100
1/55 Wentworth Avenue
Kingston ACT 2604
(02) 6206 6500
South Australia
255 Gilbert Street
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 8231 2911
Western Australia
140 Hay Street,
Subiaco, WA, 6008
(08) 6380 3700

Product appearance, configuration and/or specifications Konica Minolta copiers and multi-functional ISO15408 (EAL Level 3) Certification (In evaluation)
are subject to change without notice. peripherals are designed with the environment in mind. These products comply with the security requirements
The Konica Minolta logo and the symbol mark, and "The essentials of Have Earned ENERGY STAR for Energy Efficiency of ISO15408 (EAL Level 3).
imaging" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Konica Minolta The Use of Recycled Materials * The ISO 15408 certification applies only to IT security
Holdings, Inc. Production at ISO-Certified Factories capabilities. This certification is NOT a product guarantee.
bizhub, PageScope, Simitri and the Emperon logo are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS This product has earned the ENERGY STAR for energy efficiency.
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ENERGY STAR is a U.S. registered mark. Requirements for safe use
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
• Please read and follow the instruction manual to ensure safe operation.
United States and other countries.
Blue Angel Mark (BAM) • Only operate using appropriate power supply and voltage.
Adobe and PostScript are registered trademarks or trademarks of (In evaluation)
• Connecting the earth wire to an inappropriate place may cause
Adobe Systems Incorporated.
The world’s first environmental-protection label, explosion or electric shock. Please connect accordingly (Taiwan and the
All other brand and product names are registered trademarks or
introduced in Germany in 1978, certifies that products Philippines only).
trademarks of their respective owners.
and services have low environmental impact.

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