3D Reconstruction 2021
3D Reconstruction 2021
3D Reconstruction 2021
Survey Paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The field of single-view 3D shape reconstruction and generation using deep learning techniques has seen
Received 19 September 2020 rapid growth in the past five years. As the field is reaching a stage of maturity, a plethora of methods has
Revised 28 November 2020
been continuously proposed with the aim of pushing the state of research further. This article focuses on
Accepted 29 December 2020
surveying the literature by classifying these methods according to the shape representation they use as an
Available online 5 January 2021
output. Specifically, it covers each method’s main contributions, degree of supervision, training paradigm,
Keywords: and its relation to the whole body of literature. Additionally, this survey discusses common 3D datasets,
3D Machine learning loss functions, and evaluation metrics used in the field. Finally, it provides a thorough analysis and reflec-
Geometric deep learning tions on the current state of research and provides a summary of the open problems and possible future
3D Synthesis directions. This work is an effort to introduce the field of data-driven single-view 3D reconstruction to
3D Representations interested researchers while being comprehensive enough to act as a reference to those who already do
Single-view 3D reconstruction
research in the field.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0097-8493/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
hand. This resulted in sub-optimal results that were not general- 2. Euclidean volumetric approaches
izable. Researchers have been trying to mitigate such drawbacks
using deep learning methods that are discussed in this survey pa- The seminal work done by Wu et al. [20] and Maturana and
per. Scherer [21] concurrently albeit separately is what paved the road
In the earliest endeavors, many researchers did not work di- for working on 3D volumetric data directly using 3D CNNs. Prior
rectly on 3D data but preferred to work on intermediate repre- to their work, 3D CNNs were used in video analysis tasks assum-
sentations such as projections [12,13] and 2.5D (e.g. RGBD images) ing time as the third dimension. However, the spatially volumet-
data [14–16]. The main reason behind this choice of representa- ric representation embedded in the architecture of 3D CNNs also
tion was the availability of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) fitted as a suitable representation for 3D objects as an occupancy
architectures that were by design capable of working on 2D im- grid of voxels. A 3D object can be represented as “a probabilistic
ages directly. However, other researchers envisioned the modifica- distribution of binary variables on a 3D voxel grid. Each 3D mesh
tion of conventional CNNs to work directly on 3D data. This survey is represented as a binary tensor: 1 indicates the voxel is inside the
focuses mainly on these endeavors that work directly on 3D data. mesh surface, and 0 indicates the voxel is outside the mesh” [20].
3D deep learning makes use of several 3D shape data repre- Despite that the purpose of these two projects was not 3D recon-
sentations that can be broadly divided into Euclidean representa- struction but more generic 3D analysis tasks like object recognition
tions and non-Euclidean (also referred to as geometric) represen- and retrieval, still they were instrumental in directing the research
tations of data. In 3D reconstruction literature, shapes are usually towards more specialized tasks like 3D reconstruction using the in-
represented as either voxel grids shown in Fig. 1a or octrees shown troduced volumetric voxel grid representation.
in Fig. 1b which belong to the Euclidean category, or as 3D point
clouds shown in Fig. 1c or 3D meshes shown in Fig. 1d which be- 2.1. Voxel grid as an output
long to the non-Euclidean geometric category. Fig. 2 shows the 3D
shape representations covered in this paper. For further discussion Most of the methods that fall under this category follow the
on different representations of 3D data and their use in deep learn- encoder-decoder pattern where an image is encoded into a learned
ing one can refer to these excellent surveys [17]–[19]. feature vector or a latent space and then decoded in an opposite
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: fashion into a voxel representation of the 3D shape as illustrated
Section 2 presents different single-image 3D reconstruction meth- in Fig. 3. This is usually done under the supervision of synthetic
ods that use Euclidean shape representations. Section 3 presents data of voxelized 3D meshes and their respective renderings. Other
methods that use geometric shape representations. Section 4 cov- methods relax this requirement by relying on 2D images only for
ers methods based on implicit surfaces and geometric primitive supervision. Using voxel grids as an output is a quite popular ap-
representations. It also covers hybrid methods that make use of proach and most of the body of literature on single-view 3D re-
different shape representations in their pipelines. Commonly used construction can be categorized under this approach.
3D datasets, loss functions, and evaluation metrics are discussed
in Section 5. Additionally, Section 5 provides a discussion on the 2.1.1. 3D Supervised methods
current trends, challenges, and possible future directions in the Methods that use 3D supervision require the availability of
field. Finally, Section 6 concludes this paper. 3D ground truth shapes during training. They can be further di-
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
vided into generative and non-generative methods. Non-generative In an attempt to recover 3D shapes from user-drawn sketches,
methods are only capable of reconstructing a shape given an input Delanoy et al. [26] proposed a novel method to seamlessly inte-
image. On the other hand, Generative models tend to learn the grate interactive 2D sketching and 3D visualization. Their model
probabilistic distribution of a range of shapes thus are capable of is made of a single-view shape predictor network and an updater
synthesizing novel shapes in addition to recovering shapes from network. The two work together to reconstruct shapes from one
images. or more user-drawn sketches. First, the single-view network takes
Non-generative Methods one sketch and predicts an initial 3D shape as a voxel grid, then
One of the first approaches (and widely used nowadays as a additional sketches even from different views can be used to
baseline for comparison) for 3D reconstruction using voxel repre- refine the prediction using the updater network iteratively. To
sentation was presented by Choy et al. [22]. The researchers, mo- simplify the training procedure, the single-view network is trained
tivated by the need for an end-to-end automatically learned and first on line drawings and their respective ground truth 3D shapes.
data-driven method that is able to reconstruct 3D shapes from After training the single-view network, its predictions are used as
both single and multi-view images, proposed 3D-R2N2 a Recurrent training data for the updater network. The researchers also built
Neural Network (RNN) to learn the mapping between images and a user interface that incorporates a 3D camera to aid the user
their underlying 3D shapes in a unified approach that is capable in sketching from different views with the option to convert the
of reconstructing the 3D shape from as few as a single image but drawing to a 3D prediction at any point of time during sketching.
also capable of refining the 3D representation when more views To produce higher resolution reconstructions, Richter and Roth
are available. [27] proposed a novel two-stage approach towards voxel-based re-
The main contribution of their work is the proposed 3D Con- constructions. The main idea of the work is to encode the 3D shape
volutional Long Short-Term Memory (3D-LSTM) which resides be- more compactly by representing a shape as an n-channel image,
tween the encoder and the decoder. Several 3D-LSTM units are as- where n is the number of voxels along the z-direction. This ap-
sembled in a volumetric grid structure, and each unit is restricted proach translates the problem into a 2D dense pixel prediction
in its connections to enforce spatial locality for each unit so that task, where each pixel represents a whole row of voxels (a voxel
it contributes to the reconstruction of only a small part of the tube). The decoder then predicts entire voxel tubes instead of in-
whole 3D shape. The 3D-LSTM unit can update its hidden state se- dividual voxels using such representation. The second stage allows
lectively by opening or closing its input and forget gates depend- for further higher resolution reconstructions where voxel tubes are
ing on the new view fed into it through the encoder. The encoder compressed by means of shape layers. Each shape layer is the re-
and decoder are standard feedforward convolutional networks, and sult of fusing six depth maps orthogonally projected from both the
the researchers also experimented with deep residual networks. positive and negative X, Y, and Z axes. Each pair belonging to a
The encoder contained a series of convolution, pooling, leaky ReLU specific axis are fused to construct a shape from this specific view.
(Rectified Linear Unit) layers followed by a fully connected layer. Finally, the three shapes are fused through their intersection. The
The deep residual variation has identity matching connections af- aforementioned shape layers can even be nested to compose more
ter every two convolution layers except for the fourth pair. The complex shapes through a series of additions/subtractions between
decoder also follows the same pattern except for unpooling lay- shapes in different layers. This novel approach allows for single-
ers instead of pooling ones until the required output volume size view reconstructions with resolution up to 2563 , an unprecedented
is reached. achievement using voxel representation.
The 3D-R2N2 is credited with being the first to work on 3D Shape plausibility and consistency was tackled by Wu et al.
voxel grids directly for 3D reconstruction. The researchers ap- [28] by introducing a network that learns shape priors. The re-
proached the problem in a way that made single and multi-view searchers’ work is an extension of their MarrNet [29] network
reconstruction possible in one architecture. Additionally, the exper- (discussed below under 2D supervised methods). They added a
iments show that their approach achieved better results over con- Shape naturalness network which is basically a 3D-GAN [30] with
ventional methods in multi-view reconstruction when the number Wasserstein distance and gradient penalty as a loss function. In
of views is limited. In single-view reconstruction, their work out- this adversarially trained network the discriminator learns to dis-
performed the work done by Kar et al. [23] which is discussed in tinguish between realistic shapes from unrealistic ones, thus can
this survey under mesh representations. be used as a naturalness discriminator since it has the ability to
Sun et al. [24] proposed Im2Avatar an architecture that recon- model the distribution of real shapes.
structs colorful 3D objects from single-view images. The problem Also exploiting shape priors to learn generic shape represen-
of recovering surface color along with predicting a 3D shape was tation that is class-agnostic, Zhang et al. [31] proposed General-
succinctly tackled in Tulsiani et al. work [25] as one form of weak izable Reconstruction (GenRe) framework. This framework divides
supervision from RGB images as will be discussed below, however, the reconstruction process into three different modules: a single-
Im2Avatar architecture is dedicated to recovering both shape and view depth estimator, a spherical map inpainting network, and a
color simultaneously. The researchers proposed two independent voxel refinement network. These learnable modules are connected
encoder-decoder networks, one for shape reconstruction and the through geometric projections. The depth estimator takes an RGB
other for estimating surface color. The color learning process is image and estimates a depth map. The role of the spherical map
further divided into two methods. The first method regresses the inpainting network is to take a partial spherical map projected
color from the image directly, and the other samples the color from from the depth map and learns to fill the missing data to represent
a projected 2D view of the 3D shape. The two methods are then the shape’s whole surface. The voxel refinement network takes two
blended to recover the final appearance of the 3D shape. projections in voxel space, one projected from the estimated depth
Another contribution of Sun et al. work is the modified form of map, and the other projected from the inpainted spherical map,
cross-entropy loss function for 3D shape learning which incorpo- then it reconstructs the final shape by integrating the two pro-
rates calculating both the false positive and false negative cross- jected shapes into one final output.
entropies separately to compose the Mean Squared False Cross- A different approach towards recovering shape from both
Entropy Loss (MSFCEL) which is a variant of Mean Squared False single-view and multi-view inputs that is also context-aware
Error (MSFE). The reason behind this new formulation is to balance was proposed by Xie et al. [32]. The researchers’ work can be
the accuracies of predicting both the empty and occupied voxels considered an attempt to overcome the drawbacks of RNN-based
since their losses are minimized together. methods like 3D-R2N2 [22]. The main problems with RNN-based
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
variable are concatenated at the end to represent the encoded image to a 3D voxel grid directly, the 2.5D sketch estimator is only
shape. The proposed generative model was jointly trained and was considered a component for intermediate representation, and the
used for single-view reconstruction as well as shape classification method targets 3D shape reconstruction in the voxel grid format.
and retrieval. The MarrNet model contains two main modules (2.5D sketches
To enforce structural consistency in a generative model, Bal- estimator and 3D shape estimator) and an additional reprojection
ashova et al. [44] proposed an additional structure detector net- consistency function. Both modules follow the encoder-decoder
work to a VAE based architecture. Their work aimed to retain im- pattern. Each module is trained separately on synthetic data then
portant structural elements within an object category (e.g. chairs) the whole model is fine-tuned with real data using the reprojec-
during reconstruction. The structure detector was used to learn tion consistency loss function, but with fixing the decoder of the
semantic landmarks of shapes from a specific category and then 3D estimator to prevent overfitting and to preserve the learned
was used as a guide for the generator to produce shapes consis- shape prior.
tent with the output of the structure detector. This was achieved MarrNet outperformed the baselines and proved to adapt well
by adding a structure consistency loss term to the generator’s loss to real data but still suffered from failure in images with com-
function. The encoder/generator and the structure detector were plex shapes and thin structures. Another achievement attributed
trained separately, then the encoder was fixed and the structure to MarrNet is its ability to reconstruct 3D shapes with a resolu-
detector and the generator were trained together, and lastly, the tion of 1283 , an unprecedented result within the voxel represen-
whole model was fine-tuned together. tation category at the time except for the work done by Johnston
et al. [47] where the researchers achieved the same result of 1283
resolution through replacing the decoder with an inverse discrete
2.1.2. 2D Supervised methods
cosine transform (IDCT) layer.
Yan et al. [45] approached the problem of single-view 3D re-
An approach similar to MarrNet and PTN but depends on
construction from a different perspective, from the learning agent’s
weaker multi-view supervision instead of direct 3D supervision or
point of view. Two assumptions were made: first, the learning
reprojection was proposed by Tulsiani et al. [25]. The researchers
agent has a built-in camera to convert from 3D objects into 2D
motivated by how active agents perceive the 3D world proposed
observations. Second, the learning agent can disentangle the ob-
multi-view supervision from 2D images in different modalities
ject’s intrinsic properties like geometry and material from exter-
(RGB - foreground masks - depth maps). This weaker form of su-
nal factors relating to view-point changes like orientation, position,
pervision guides the network to learn geometric consistency be-
and illumination. The proposed method then handles the problem
tween the predicted 3D shape and 2D observations. They formu-
as a dense prediction problem. The researchers devised two ap-
lated the Differentiable Ray Consistency (DRC) loss to achieve this
proaches: one required 3D supervision and the other depended on
geometric consistency.
2D silhouettes only for supervision, with the possibility of com-
However, instead of using the 2D image as a whole for comput-
bining both approaches. The network architecture called Perspec-
ing the loss function, they reduced the loss to be the sum of con-
tive Transformer Network (PTN) followed the encoder-decoder pat-
sistency losses between rays traversing through the predicted voxel
tern with the decoder divided into a volume generator and a per-
grid and the predicted 3D shape, where each ray corresponds to
spective transformer layer which is a differentiable dense sampling
a pixel in the image and is associated with a specific observation
layer. The aim of this additional layer is to transform a 3D shape
with known camera intrinsic parameters. For each ray, the prob-
into a 2D observation from a particular point of view. An extensive
abilities of the ray’s termination at each voxel along its path are
ablation study was performed with single-class, multi-class, and
assigned a random variable each and grouped in a ray termina-
out-of-category (unseen classes). Also, different loss functions were
tion event. Then event probabilities are computed to determine the
compared in each variation. The performance of the network with
likelihood of termination at various voxels. For each termination
the perspective transformer layer proved to be superior even with-
point, event costs determine how inconsistent is stopping there
out 3D supervision and also generalized better than other variants
with respect to the observation associated with the ray. This novel
in the out-of-category tests.
loss function was used to train the model and outperformed the
As an alternative to using full 3D supervision, Gwak et al.
baselines. One should notice that despite multi-view supervision,
[46] further extended their work done on 3D-R2N2 architecture
the DRC model is used to infer the 3D shape from a single image
with an additional Raytrace Pooling layer that renders the recon-
at test time.
structed voxel shape into a 2D mask. The 2D masks are then used
Another attempt to decrease the reliance on expensive 3D
for 2D supervision against ground truth 2D masks in a similar
supervision was investigated by Yang et al. [48]. The researches
manner to the perspective transformer layer described above in
proposed a unified model that can handle different modes of
Yan et al. [45] work. However, the researchers also added an ad-
supervision (e.g. images annotated with camera pose from a
versarial constraint to ensure the plausibility of the reconstructed
single category, images annotated with camera pose from multiple
shape. To this end, they framed the problem as a constrained
categories, unlabeled images). The model contained an encoder,
optimization problem. The adversarial constraint aims to restrict
a generator, a discriminator, and an additional projection module.
the reconstruction to lie inside the manifold of the plausible
The training paradigm was based on alternating between different
and realistic shapes within a category or class. This constrained
modes of supervision in each training iteration. While each mode
optimization problem was solved using the log barrier method, by
of supervision required a different loss function, the same model
formulating a function similar to the GAN discriminator and its
got updated in all iterations. In the iterations with pose annota-
loss function.
tion, the loss function was a combination of a reconstruction loss
The researchers at MIT CSAIL2 - noticing the noisy and blurry
and a pose-invariance loss (for both encoded representations and
reconstructions of their 3D-GAN model - tried to tackle the 3D re-
voxels separately). The iterations that used unlabeled images the
construction problem differently. This time Wu et al. [29] proposed
loss function was a typical adversarial loss.
the MarrNet model to first estimate 2.5D sketches (depth and sur-
A self-supervised method for voxel-based shape prediction
face normal maps) from a 2D image then estimate the 3D shape
was proposed by Mees et al. [49]. The researchers approach uses
from the 2.5D sketches. Although this method does not regress an
only image silhouettes as a supervisory signal. However, it also
requires a class-specific mean shape. The proposed model has a
https://www.csail.mit.edu/. convolutional image encoder, an upconvolutional shape decoder, a
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
viewpoint regressor, and a 3D to 2D projection module. The train- dence between features at different levels is managed through a
ing is performed in multiple steps: first, the viewpoint estimator is label array, and a hash table is built to facilitate searching for the
trained for a number of epochs, then the whole network is trained local neighborhood of octants for 3D convolution to be performed.
on synthetic images. The second step involves fine-tuning the It is worth mentioning that both OctNet and O-CNN use a fixed
network using real images. The shape decoder predicts only the depth for the octree structure which makes these models suitable
difference between the class-specific mean shape and the desired for 3D shape analysis tasks at a higher resolution but are not capa-
shape to be predicted. The predicted shape is then projected ble of performing reconstruction or generation of 3D shapes since
into camera space and the loss is computed between the ground the depth of the octree structure is not known beforehand in re-
truth silhouette and the projected shapes silhouette using squared construction tasks but needs to be predicted.
Euclidean loss. The researchers validated the usefulness of their To perform 3D reconstruction using an octree-like structure,
shape estimation model in the field of robotics by integrating it in Hne et al. [53] proposed the Hierarchical Surface Prediction (HSP)
a grasp planning experiment. method. The key idea was to extend the network prediction from
In general, voxel-based methods constitute a huge part of the binary labeling of free vs. occupied voxel to a three-label predic-
work done in data-driven single-view 3D reconstruction. How- tion adding the prediction for ‘boundary’ voxels. The HSP model’s
ever, this approach suffers from a major drawback. Voxel-based ap- decoder is used then to predict a data structure, the researchers
proaches are quite popular because they are intuitive and straight called ‘voxel block octree’, in a coarse to fine hierarchical manner.
forward, but they are not able to attain high-resolution reconstruc- The coarse level is decoded in a straight forward manner, then the
tions. The highest resolution attained from purely voxel-based ap- decoder predicts the new and finer level through three steps.
proaches is 643 due to GPU memory constraints. This is mainly Given the feature block at the coarse level which contains in-
because the memory requirements grow cubically as the voxel res- formation about all children nodes, the first step is to crop the
olution increases. Additionally, the representation space is ineffi- feature space around the child octant of interest, then upsample
ciently used since voxels inside the shape take up memory and the cropped feature map to a higher-resolution feature block, then
computational resources without contributing to the final appear- lastly, generate a higher-resolution voxel block. The generation step
ance which depends on boundary voxels only. is performed under the supervision of ground truth labels (i.e.
boundary, empty, occupied) at this specific level of the tree, which
2.2. Octree as an output means ground truth labels must be available for all levels of the
tree. The decision to further subdivide a node or not is based on
Due to the mentioned limitations of voxel-based methods, the the number of predicted boundary labels at the current level, if it
research community had to explore other representations for 3D is above a certain threshold then children nodes are added, oth-
shapes that might not be as straight forward as voxels but more erwise, no more children nodes are added and the final output is
memory and computationally efficient. Among these alternative generated from the cropped features at the previous level.
representations is the octree representation [50]. The first to ex- Another method that predicts 3D shapes using octrees is the
plore using an octree data structure as an alternative to regular Octree Generating Network (OGN) proposed by Tatarchenko et al.
voxel grids were Riegler et al. [51] then Wang et al. [52] briefly [54]. The researchers proposed to start the OGN decoder with a
afterwards. An octree is a 3D space partitioning data structure, standard voxel prediction block (called dense block) until a cer-
where each node can subdivide the space it represents into eight tain resolution is reached, after that the feature maps of the dense
octants depending on the density of the space represented. Oc- block, which already represent large uniform regions of the shape,
trees are more efficient spatial representation than standard voxels are converted to an octree structure using a hash table for further
as they can represent any arbitrarily shaped object and they can processing to reconstruct finer details. The subsequent blocks of
represent fine-grained details through recursively subdividing any the decoder are responsible for handling the octree-based feature
node into eight more children nodes instead of resorting to the maps through custom-built convolution and up-convolution layers.
uniformly sized voxels in a regular voxel grid. The limitation of oc- Octree blocks are arranged in a sequence where each block is re-
trees is that they are still considered an approximation to the 3D sponsible for predictions at a single level of the generated octree.
shape regardless of the number of subdivisions since they cannot At each octree level, the block responsible for it convolves the pre-
fully represent surface curvature. vious features with learned weight filters then predict occupancies
Riegler et al. [51] made two critical observations regarding the as either filled, empty, or mixed. The features of the empty and
standard voxel-based approaches. (1) Because of the sparsity of filled cells are discarded and the features of the mixed cells are
3D data, and since the voxel occupancy percentage decreases as propagated to the next octree block. The process continues until
the voxel resolution increases, much of the computation power is the desired output resolution is attained.
wasted on empty voxels. (2) Highest activations occur at the object Wang et al. [55] further developed their previously proposed
boundary thus it is more efficient to focus computation power and O-CNN into Adaptive O-CNN. The researchers adopted the same
memory allocation near the surface of the object. The researchers octree-based approach but proposed to represent the shape with
proposed OctNet which incorporates space partitioning function adaptive planar patches instead. To this end, they designed a
within the network architecture. Specifically, they placed a num- decoder to predict the occupancy probability (patch approxima-
ber of shallow octrees, with a fixed depth of three, in a grid struc- tion status) of octants as either empty, surface-well-approximated,
ture, where a large octree cell can cover a number of voxels away or surface-poorly-approximated. Only octants with surface-poorly-
from the surface, and finer octree cells cover voxels near the sur- approximated labels are further subdivided into the next tree level
face. This efficient placement of different sized octree cells made while propagating their features to their children nodes. Two loss
working on high-resolution shapes possible up to 2563 , however, functions are incorporated in the network: a structure loss and
it required redefining the common network operations like con- a patch loss. The structure loss evaluates the difference between
volution, deconvolution, pooling, and unpooling in a way that can the predicted octree structure and the ground truth using cross-
work on this hybrid and irregular structure. entropy loss, while the patch loss measures the difference between
Motivated by the same observations, Wang et al. [52] proposed the predicted plane parameters at all leaf octants and the ground
the octree-based O-CNN which varies slightly from OctNet. In O- truth using squared distance error.
CNN network operations are performed only on the surface bound- The novel idea of representing leaf octants as planar patches
ary represented by the leaf octants at the finest level. Correspon- and terminating the subdivision process when these patches
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
adequately approximate the surface at the associated octant re- and part segmented point clouds. Another point cloud based au-
sulted in a generated octree representation that is more compact toencoder is FoldingNet proposed by Yang et al. [59]. FoldingNet’s
and adaptive. However, the resultant shapes are not seamless and encoder is similar to PointNet. Its decoder works by deforming a
require further post-processing. Additionally, since planar patches 2D uniform grid of points into the desired output through a two-
are used, surface curvature is not well represented nor adequately step-folding network of MLPs.
approximated. An extensive study on generative models learning latent rep-
In conclusion, Euclidean 3D shape representations provide a resentation using point clouds was done by Achlioptas et al. [60].
structured way to represent 3D shapes for 3D reconstruction tasks. The researchers explored autoencoders, GANs, and Gaussian Mix-
Regular voxel grids are simple to process using 3D CNNs but are ture Models (GMM). They also experimented with different evalua-
inefficient in terms of computation and memory consumption, thus tion metrics: the Jensen-Shannon Divergence (JSD), coverage (COV),
are limited in their output resolution. On the other hand, Octrees and Minimum Matching Distance (MMD). The coverage and MMD
provide a structured and hierarchical representation of 3D shapes are calculated using both Chamfer Distance (CD) and Earth Mover’s
and are more efficient. However, both representations cannot cap- Distance (EMD). Their proposed model was tested on shape com-
ture the smoothness of the represented surface, nor can they pre- pletion and classification tasks. A different approach toward using
serve its intrinsic geometrical properties. These limitations encour- GANs as a generative model for point cloud sets was proposed by
aged the researchers to experiment with geometric representations Li et al. [61] with the possibility of incorporating an image regres-
for 3D reconstruction tasks. Table 1 provides a summary of the dis- sor for image to point cloud transformation. More recently, Sun
cussed Euclidean-based methods. et al. proposed PointGrow [62], an autoregressive model for gener-
ating point cloud shapes with the possibility of generating shapes
conditioned on 2D images.
3. Non-Euclidean/geometric approaches
Closely related to the work done by Achlioptas et al. [60] is the
generative model recently proposed by Valsesia et al. [63]. The re-
The main types of non-Euclidean geometric data used in 3D
searchers however proposed a graph-convolutional GAN for point
analysis and synthesis tasks are point clouds and 3D meshes. Point
cloud generation. Their main contribution is the generator that
clouds are sets of unstructured and unordered points scattered in
is capable of learning localized features using graph convolutions
a 3D space that represent the surface of 3D objects. 3D polyg-
even when the structure of the graph is not known a priori. The
onal meshes represent surfaces through connected vertices with
researchers defined a graph convolution operation based on edge-
coordinates in 3D space. 3D meshes can also be represented as
conditioned convolution [64] for graphs, where at each layer and
graphs, where nodes represent vertices and edges represents the
for each node in the graph, the feature vectors of the next layer are
connectivity between them. In comparison to Euclidean data, non-
computed by performing a weighted local aggregation of the fea-
Euclidean data lack a rasterized grid structure thus there is no
ture vectors of the node’s neighbors. An upsampling operation was
global parameterization which makes processing such data chal-
also defined based on local aggregation in a similar fashion to the
lenging. Additionally, since there is no intrinsic ordering of indi-
graph convolution operation but with using diagonal weight ma-
vidual points or vertices, it is hard to extract neighborhood infor-
trices instead of dense matrices. The researchers incorporated the
mation from such points which makes convolutions nontrivial to
same discriminator proposed by Achlioptas et al. [60] and trained
a Wasserstein GAN with gradient penalty.
The first to explicitly use point clouds for single-view 3D re-
3.1. Point clouds as an output construction were Fan et al. [65]. The researchers proposed the
Point Set Generation (PSG) network, and in their work, they exper-
PointNet [56] and its successor PointNet++ [57] are the first ar- imented with different network design alternatives and different
chitectures that were able to perform 3D analysis on point clouds loss functions. They proposed a simple vanilla architecture shown
directly. These models learn features directly from point cloud in- in Fig. 5(a), a two-branch version shown in Fig. 5(b), and an hour-
puts and are capable of performing shape classification, part seg- glass version shown in Fig. 5(c). The encoder was the same in the
mentation, and scene segmentation. PointNet solved two chal- three architectures and was fed an input image and a random vari-
lenges inherent in point cloud representation. (1) The network able. The purpose of the random variable is to be incorporated in
needed to be invariant to permutations since points are unordered. modeling shape uncertainty and in generating a distributional out-
(2) The network needed to be invariant to geometric transfor- put instead of a single output. The predictor in the vanilla ver-
mations so that results are not altered by point cloud rotations sion is a fully connected network that produces a matrix where
for example. These two properties were achieved by proposing each row is the Cartesian coordinates of a single point. The two-
an architecture that consisted of a series of individual and iden- branch predictor has the fully connected network of the vanilla
tical layers of Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP), a symmetric max- version to predict the shape’s intricate and fine structures and an
pooling function, then another MLP to output a global feature upconvolution network to predict the shape’s main body. The two
vector. For transformation invariance, the researchers incorporated results are combined through a set union to generate the final
within the architecture a small network that predicts an affine shape. The hourglass version is a deep network that performs en-
transformation matrix and applies it to the coordinates of input coding and decoding recurrently to make better use of local and
points. PointNet++ introduced hierarchical feature learning by us- global information. The researchers experimented with two loss
ing PointNet on local regions then aggregating the local features. functions the CD and EMD. The result of their work outperformed
Nash and Williams proposed ShapeVAE [58], a point cloud- the 3D-R2N2 architecture using three different metrics: CD, EMD,
based generative model for describing and generating part seg- and Intersection-over-Union (IoU).
mented 3D objects. This model is based on an autoencoder and The ShapeMVD proposed by Lun et al. [66] is a model that is
a low-dimensional embedding space. Novel shapes can be sam- capable of reconstructing 3D shapes from both single-view and
pled from the embedding space. Additionally, since points’ orienta- multi-view sketches through intermediate depth and normal maps
tions are part of the shape representation, 3D mesh reconstruction that are eventually fused into a point cloud output. The network
can be performed on the sampled points. However, this approach has a separately trained convolutional encoder for different input
is capable only of synthesizing new shapes but not reconstruct- view configurations (only front view sketch available, only side
ing shapes from images, since it depends on an input of oriented view sketch available, both front and side view sketches available,
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif
Table 1
A summary of the methods that use Euclidean representations. First section: Non-generative 3D supervised methods. Second section: Generative 3D supervised methods. Third section: 2D supervised methods. Fourth section:
Octree methods. Method name links to official code (digital version). IoU: Intersection over Union, AP: Average Precision, CD: Chamfer Distance, EMD: Earth Mover’s Distance, PSNR: Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio.
Method Year 3D Representation Model Architecture Loss Function Output Dataset(s) Evaluation Metric
https://github.com/chrischoy/3D-R2N2 2016 Voxel Encoder - 3D convolutional LSTM - Voxel-wise cross entropy 323 ShapeNet IoU
3D-R2N2 [22] decoder
Online Products
IDCT [47] 2017 Voxel Encoder - inverse discrete cosine Voxel-wise cross entropy 1283 ShapeNet IoU
transform decoder
https: 2018 Voxel Encoder - decoder (for both shape and Mean Squared False Cross-Entropy 643 ShapeNet IoU (shape)
//github.com/syb7573330/im2avatar color) Loss
Im2Avatar [24]
(CVN) Colorful Human Surface PSNR
http://ns.inria.fr/d3/3DSketching/ 3D 2018 Voxel Single view CNN: U-net encoder-decoder Multinomial logistic loss 643 Shape COSEG IoU
sketching [26]
Updater CNN: unrolled recurrent network Procedural shapes
https://bitbucket.org/visinf/ 2018 Voxel Encoder - decoder (with residual blocks) BCE, L1, L2, 2563 ShapeNet IoU
projects- 2018- matryoshka/src/master/
Matryoshka Network [27]
cosine Similarity, approx. IoU
https://github.com/xiumingzhang/ 2018 Voxel 2.5D sketch estimator (encoder: Voxel loss (BCE) 1283 ShapeNet IoU
Method Year 3D Representation Model Architecture Loss Function Output Dataset(s) Evaluation Metric
https://github.com/jiajunwu/marrnet 2017 2.5D depth/normal 2.5D sketch estimator (encoder: BCE 128 ShapeNet IoU
MarrNet [29] maps ResNet-18 - decoder)
Voxel (output) 3D shape estimator (encoder-decoder) Depth/normal reprojection loss Pascal3D+
https://github.com/shubhtuls/drc DRC 2017 Voxel Encoder - decoder Ray consistency loss 323 ShapeNet IoU
Pascal VOC
https: 2018 Voxel Encoder - generator - discriminator - Reconstruction loss 323 ShapeNet IoU
//github.com/stevenygd/3d-recon projection module
3D-recon [48]
Pose invariance loss AP
Shape Estimation for robotics [49] 2019 Voxel Image encoder shape decoder Squared Euclidean loss 323 ShapeNet Shape estimation
(IoU Hausdorff
viewpoint regressor Pix3D Viewpoint
(Median Angular
Fig. 5. The three different PSG versions as originally shown in [65]. The three versions have the same encoder architecture. (a) The vanilla version has a fully connected
decoder. (b) The two-branch version has additional deconvolutional operations. (c) The hourglass version performs encoding and decoding simultaneously.
etc.). The encoded image features are then fed to a 12-branch de- multi-view geometric loss that acts as a global shape constraint
coder that outputs depth and normal maps from 12 different view- and a conditional adversarial loss that acts as a semantic con-
points. The encoder and decoder are linked in a U-Net [67] pat- straint. The multi-view loss requires first projecting the predicted
tern where each layer in the decoder is connected with the cor- and ground truth shapes into multiple 2D images from different
responding layer in the encoder. To ensure output plausibility an views using a projection function, then the loss is computed in two
adversarial training is also incorporated. The final outputs of nor- modes: a high-resolution mode and a low-resolution mode. The
mal and depth maps are fused into a consolidated point cloud. high-resolution mode loss aims to force the predicted points to lie
Further post-processing is proposed to reconstruct a mesh-based in the manifold of ground truth shape. The low-resolution mode
shape and refine it. loss aims to enforce geometric consistency as a result of the bi-
Kurenkov et al. [68] approached the problem of single-view 3D directional geometric constraint which makes the predicted points
reconstruction through first performing an image-based shape re- cover the whole shape of the ground truth model. The multi-view
trieval, then by applying a learned deformation on the retrieved loss is then computed as the sum of the two modes’ losses. To
shape template. The proposed DeformNet model is composed of compute the conditional adversarial loss, a discriminator is built
two encoders, a decoder, and a differentiable Free-Form Deforma- with two components: a PointNet [56] 3D point cloud feature ex-
tion (FFD) layer. The first encoder is a 2D image encoder for encod- tractor and a pre-trained VGG [71] 2D feature extractor. The ex-
ing the input image. The second encoder is a 3D-CNN that encodes tracted features from both networks are concatenated and the dis-
the retrieved shape template in a voxel grid structure. The decoder criminator loss is computed by least squared error as in LSGAN
is connected to the 3D encoder through skip connections in a U- [72]. The total objective function then incorporates all these losses
Net hourglass pattern and is fed the combined input of the two to enforce both global and local consistency in the predicted point
encoders to predict a deformation vector field used as the offset cloud shape.
for the control points of the subsequent FFD layer. Lastly, the FFD Again using a generative model, Lin et al. [73] proposed a
generates the final deformed shape in point cloud representation method that uses 2D convolutional networks to efficiently gen-
using the deformation vector field. erate 3D shapes in dense point cloud representation. The pro-
Mandikal et al. [69] explored creating a probabilistic latent posed model has a convolutional image encoder, a convolutional
space for reconstructing multiple possible shapes from a single structure generator, and a pseudo-renderer. Given the latent repre-
image by proposing 3D-LMNet, a latent embedding matching net- sentation produced by the image encoder, the structure generator
work. The simple model incorporates a 3D point cloud autoencoder uses 2D convolutional operations to generate a number of multi-
and an image encoder. A two-step training process is carried out. channel images representing the coordinates of points on the 3D
First, the 3D autoencoder is trained by minimizing a CD-based re- shape surface from different viewpoints. All the generated views of
construction loss, and in the second step the 3D encoder param- the shape structure are then fused into canonical coordinate space
eters are fixed and the difference between the two latent codes through orthographic projection. The pseudo-renderer is then used
produced from the 3D encoder and 2D encoder is minimized using to produce depth maps that are used along with silhouettes in cal-
a latent matching loss (L1/L2 loss). The probabilistic variant of the culating the loss using cross-entropy for silhouettes and L1 loss for
model has the same 3D autoencoder and a modified image encoder depth maps.
that learns to map the image into a probabilistic representation by Along the same lines, Insafutdinov and Dosovitskiy [74] pro-
predicting the mean and standard deviation of the distribution just posed an architecture that jointly learns both pose and shape of
like VAEs but without constraining the mean of the distribution. 3D objects represented as point clouds also using only 2D projec-
To enforce global geometric consistency, Jiang et al. [70] pro- tions for supervision. This category-specific approach learns from
posed a Geometric Adversarial Loss (GAL) model that incorpo- a multi-view unlabeled image collection. The proposed architec-
rates an adversarial loss function in addition to the local point- ture contains a convolutional image encoder followed by two fully
wise CD-based loss function. The adversarial loss has two terms: a connected layers, then it branches into a shape predictor which
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
is an MLP, and a pose predictor which is also an MLP. The model Lu et al. [77] recently proposed an attention-based approach to-
also incorporates a differentiable point cloud renderer that projects ward dense point cloud generation from single-view inputs. The
the learned shape using the learned pose into a 2D view which is proposed framework that can be considered an attempt to improve
used in loss calculations using Mean Squared Error (MSE) against [75] has also two separately trained networks that are fine-tuned
ground truth projection. To avoid the possibility of the pose pre- together. The role of the first network, which follows an encoder-
dictor getting stuck in local minima caused by pose ambiguity, the decoder pattern, is to generate a sparse point cloud shape from a
researchers proposed a more robust way of estimating the pose single image. This network’s encoder has a series of consecutive
by using an ensemble of pose regressors that learn to predict the convolutions and attention modules with residual blocks. The at-
pose individually and only updating the weights of the network tention mechanism ensures that the encoder learns specific details
that predicts the best matching pose to that of the ground truth of the shape’s structure (such as edges and legs in the chair cate-
projection. Additionally, the ensemble is distilled into a single re- gory) which improves the learnability of the network for synthesis
gressor that is used at test time instead of the whole ensemble. tasks over the regular image encoder networks used for classifica-
Mandikal and Radhakrishnan [75] proposed a hierarchical ap- tion tasks. The second network densifies the output of the sparse
proach toward dense point cloud reconstruction using a deep pyra- network to produce a 16 times denser shape. The dense point
midal network. The proposed framework progressively scales up cloud generation network has two dense modules each contains
the resolution of an initial sparse point cloud generated by a sep- a feature extraction module and a feature expansion module that
arate sparse reconstruction network using EMD loss. This is con- are connected through a feature interpolation mechanism. The role
sidered the first step in a multi-stage reconstruction process. Then of the feature extraction module is to learn both local and global
the sparse reconstruction is fed into a dense reconstruction net- features and concatenate them. The role of the feature expansion
work that has three modules: one for global feature learning, one module is to increase the number of output points through a repli-
for local feature learning, and one for feature aggregation and grid cation and concatenation process with a number of 2D grids which
conditioning. The global feature learning module utilizes a number allows the module to learn how to distribute the dense points
of shared MLPs that work on individual points on the shape fol- along the shape’s surface and the final point cloud coordinates are
lowed by a point-wise max pooling operation to eventually learn achieved through a number of MLPs. In contrast to [75] which has
global shape properties. To learn local shape features, a number a similar intention as mentioned before, this approach applies an
of shared MLPs operate on a neighborhood of points to produce attention mechanism, does not require intermediate ground truth
neighborhood features. These features are then pooled to produce shapes for loss calculations, and provides a communication mech-
local features for each individual point. To increase the resolution anism between the dense modules.
of the point cloud, the feature aggregation module is used to con- Point clouds offer a convenient and efficient representation for
catenate all the learned features and the sparse point cloud pre- 3D shapes since they capture the shapes surface only. They are also
diction and tile them, and to disperse the extra generated points easy to acquire using depth-sensing devices, which makes it feasi-
a local 2D grid deformation is applied to help in feature propaga- ble to collect large datasets of ground truth point clouds. However,
tion. The concatenated and tiled features along with the 2D grid because of their unstructured nature, lack of connectivity, and ir-
are fed to yet another set of shared MLPs to predict a four times regularity, they still pose a challenge for tasks that go beyond pure
denser shape. The whole dense reconstruction network is applied 3D reconstruction. Table 2 provides a summary of the discussed
twice to eventually obtain a 16 times denser point cloud. The out- point-cloud-based methods.
put of each dense reconstruction step is compared to an equivalent The point cloud output of 3D reconstruction models requires
sized ground truth shape using CD loss instead of EMD loss to ease further post-processing to be usable in computer graphics, virtual
memory consumption. reality, and robotics domains. These domains can directly utilize
A self-supervised learning approach for single-view reconstruc- 3D meshes, which motivated the researchers to work on recon-
tion was proposed by Sun et al. [76]. The researchers proposed SSL- structing shapes using 3D mesh representation.
Net which performs the final point cloud generation from a single
image but uses components from two other pre-trained networks 3.2. 3D Mesh as an output
that autoencode point cloud shapes and binary image masks sep-
arately. The 3D point cloud autoencoder contributes the shape de- The methods that utilize a 3D mesh representation as an out-
coder and shape latent features to the final SSL-Net model, while put can be further divided into two subcategories: 2D supervised
the 2D binary image autoencoder contributes the image decoder methods and 3D supervised methods. Most 3D supervised meth-
and binary mask latent features. The end-to-end training process ods rely on learning the deformation of a shape template or a base
involves encoding the input image using a different image encoder mesh to generate the desired output shape. On the other hand,
to produce new shape latent features which are to be approxi- most 2D supervised methods rely on integrating a differentiable
mated to the shape latent features of the pre-trained 3D autoen- neural renderer in their pipeline to compute an image-based loss
coder (using L1 loss). The pre-trained shape decoder then uses the function.
approximated shape latent features to generate a preliminary point
cloud shape. After that, a different shape encoder is used to encode 3.2.1. 2D Supervised methods
the preliminary point cloud shape into new binary mask latent fea- One of the pioneering works in learning mesh-based 3D recon-
tures which are to be approximated to the binary mask latent fea- struction from a single image was proposed by Kar et al. [23]. The
tures of the pre-trained 2D image autoencoder (using L1 loss). The proposed model is class-specific and learns from a number of an-
pre-trained image decoder takes the approximated latent features notated images a deformable shape model that is capable of cap-
and predicts a binary mask. The difference between the predicted turing intra-class shape variations. Annotated images are used to
mask and the mask of the input image is minimized using 2D MSE jointly estimate camera viewpoints for all instances within a class
loss function and used to achieve self-supervision by minimizing using a non-rigid SfM [78] model and Expectation-Maximization
the difference between the rendered image of the generated point (EM) algorithm for maximizing the likelihood of the model. Then
cloud and the binary mask of the input image to the network. A the deformable shape model is formulated by utilizing the cam-
pose estimation network is also needed to learn the pose of the era parameters, keypoint correspondences, and image silhouettes.
input image so that the generated point cloud can be rendered in The objective function used enforces several forms of consistency
the same pose as the input image. such as silhouette consistency, silhouette coverage, and keypoint
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Table 2
A summary of the methods that use point cloud representation. Method name links to official code (digital version). IoU: Intersection over Union, CD: Chamfer Distance,
EMD: Earth Mover’s Distance, JSD: Jensen-Shannon Divergence, COV: Coverage, MMD: Minimum Matching Distance.
Output Evaluation
Method Year Model Architecture Loss Function Resolution Dataset(s) Metric
consistency. The researchers further refined their work [79] and create consistent geometry images to be fed to the network. The
proposed an alternative CNN based system for viewpoint predic- network itself is a deep residual network that follows the encoder-
tion. decoder pattern with upsampling, downsampling, and standard
The work done by Sinha et al. [80] was an extension of their residual blocks. Each channel in the geometry image needed a sep-
work done in [13] which was based on geometry images as an in- arate network with the same architecture. The experiments done
termediate representation for 3D surfaces. Geometry images were with this model included both rigid and non-rigid meshes but
used to map arbitrary surfaces into a regular grid structure with were limited to genus-0 surfaces only.
three different maps for x, y, and z axes. The researchers created A slightly different approach towards 3D mesh reconstruction
the geometry images by first performing an authalic parameteriza- uses the inverse rendering method in which an approximate
tion of a single shape per class, then establishing a correspondence differentiable renderer is integrated into the neural network as
between the other shapes and this base surface. This was done to shown in Fig. 6. Kato et al. [81] adopted this approach in a fashion
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
silhouette of the shape. The neural mesh renderer [81] is again are finally used to deform the selected CAD model to produce the
used to render the normal maps in specific viewpoints that are final 3D shape reconstruction.
used in the normal mismatch objective function. In addition to the Along the same lines of using the FFD approach, Jack et al.
normal loss function, smoothness and edge length geometric con- [95] proposed a simple lightweight CNN that simultaneously learns
straints are incorporated to regularize the deformation of the out- how to select and deform a shape template from single image in-
put mesh. put to reconstruct a 3D mesh that best fits the input image. The
Li et al. [90] tackled the problem of 3D mesh reconstruction proposed CNN is a slightly modified MobileNet [96] with initial
using a self-supervised approach. The proposed work extends CMR weights from ImageNet [36]. The Network learns to map the in-
[82], however, without the need for 2D keypoint annotations nor a put image to a shared feature space, which in turn is mapped to
class-specific mean shape as supervisory signals. To perform self- the deformation parameters of each individual shape template. The
supervised training, the researchers divided the task into two ob- researchers experimented with different training regimes for im-
jectives each is achieved using a separate module and both mod- posing diversity in model selection by introducing explicit entropy
ules are trained using a progressive training paradigm using the penalty and/or deformation regularization. They also evaluated the
Expectation-Maximization approach. The first module aims at re- results using different metrics including IoU, CD, and EMD.
constructing mesh instances along with textures and camera pose A novel approach proposed by Groueix et al. [97] targets di-
using only a collection of category-specific images and their sil- rectly learning to reconstruct 3D meshes from either a single im-
houettes for supervision. The second module aims at learning a age or point clouds. The main contribution of their work is their
category-specific semantic mesh template. The proposed model decoder that takes a latent representation and outputs parametric
also incorporates the Soft Rasterizer [85] differentiable renderer. surface elements. The researchers built a decoder that is based on
The main contribution of this work is the semantic consistency the PSG model [65] with an additional prior that points sampled
constraint that allows for self-supervision without the need for 2D should belong to a 2D surface. To enforce this prior, they proposed
annotations while minimizing shape-camera ambiguities. The main an architecture that constitutes a number of MLPs, each learns to
intuition behind this is that instances across a category can share deform a 2D surface by being fed the latent shape representation
the same semantic part segmentation despite their differences in and the coordinates of a point sampled from a 2D patch and out-
shape. The researchers proposed wrapping a learned category- puts the 3D coordinates of that point. When this process is re-
specific canonical semantic UV map unto the learned shape tem- peated with several points from the same 2D patch, the resultant
plate to describe the part segmentation shared by all instances of 3D points would also belong to an implicit surface with connectiv-
the category at hand. During training, the difference between the ity between these points preserved. The number of learned patches
semantic rendering of the predicted shape and the semantically deformations resembles learning an atlas of charts which helps in
segmented input image is minimized thus achieving semantic con- meshing, tessellation, and texture mapping, hence the name of the
sistency. proposed model AtlasNet.
Another work that targets direct 3D mesh reconstruction was
proposed by Liao et al. [98]. The researchers integrated a Differ-
3.2.2. 3D Supervised methods entiable Marching Cube Layer (DMCL) to their decoder as an al-
The works by Kong et al. [91] and Pontes et al. [92] explored ternative to the otherwise non-differentiable Marching Cube (MC)
the idea of graph embedding CAD models using local dense algorithm [99] for mesh construction. This integration allows end-
correspondence to eventually create a deformable dense model for to-end surface learning and prediction instead of resorting to per-
single image 3D reconstruction. The core concept of these meth- forming the MC algorithm as a post-process. The proposed de-
ods is creating a deformable model from local correspondences coder takes point cloud input (with the possibility of adapting it
between a collection of shapes from a single category and fitting to be fed a volumetric or image representation) and outputs occu-
the best shape model to be similar to the image at hand. The pancy probabilities and vertex displacement that are comparable
input to the model is a segmented image from a known category to the output of the traditional MC algorithm of topology estima-
with landmark annotations and silhouette. Landmark registration tion and vertices locations. The model incorporates geometric and
and silhouette fitting are performed to ensure the fitting of the occupancy losses in addition to smoothness and curvature losses
best matching shape from the graph and the input image. The to ensure a highly detailed and smooth surface prediction.
shape model is deformed using a linear combination between the The first to propose the use of Graph Convolution Networks
best-selected CAD model and its neighbors in the correspondence (GCN) [101,102] for mesh-based reconstruction were Wang et al.
graph through the non-rigid Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm [103]. In this approach, dubbed Pixel2Mesh, a 3D mesh is repre-
[93]. Pontes et al. extend the work by using FFD in addition to ICP sented as a graph, where nodes represent vertices and the connec-
to deform the shape thus resulting in more detailed, less distorted, tions between the nodes represent the edges between the vertices
and more realistic results. directly and straightforwardly. However, for this representation to
To eliminate the requirement of landmarks and silhouettes, be learned in an end-to-end manner from single color images, spe-
Pontes et al. [94] again extended their work to make use of their cial consideration has to be given when designing the model to
previously proposed graph embedding model within a learning bridge the gap between the image representation and this graph
framework. The framework has three distinct networks. The first representation. Wang et al. propose a perceptual feature pooling
one is a convolutional autoencoder that is fed the input image layer to bridge the two representations. The proposed model has a
to learn the image latent space, a lower dimension representa- VGG-16 [71] image encoder to extract image features and a GCN to
tion that has the useful features extracted from the image. The perform cascaded mesh deformation with the feature pooling layer
latent representation is fed into two networks, a multi-label clas- in between to allow the extraction of features to be leveraged in
sifier, and a feedforward network. The role of the multi-label clas- mesh deformation. Given an image and an initial polygonal ellip-
sifier is to learn the mapping between the latent representation soid shape. The mesh deformation network, which has three de-
and the different shapes that are present in the CAD graph em- formation blocks, is initialized with the coordinates of the vertices
bedding model, so this network predicts which 3D CAD model is of the ellipsoid. It then pools features from the image encoder and
closest to the image by giving a specific index from the graph em- predicts the new vertices locations, then these features are fed to
bedding. The feedforward network estimates the FFD parameters the next deformation block. Between each deformation block, there
and the sparse linear combination parameters. These parameters is a graph unpooling layer with the task of increasing the number
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Fig. 7. The components of the GeoMetrics model as originally shown in [100]: Feature extraction (Left), zero-neighbor graph convolution mesh deformation (middle), and
adaptive face splitting (Right).
of vertices of the shape to produce higher resolution mesh. The module is an MLP network that learns to deform a spherical base
researchers adopted the Chamfer and normal loss functions with mesh, and the second deforms the mesh modified by the topology
additional Laplacian and edge length regularization terms. modification module. The role of the topology modification module
Closely related to Pixel2Mesh is the method proposed by Smith is to modify the coordinates and the connectivity of the vertices by
et al. [100] called GEOMetrics, which introduces a number of removing the faces that produce high reconstruction error above
improvements to mesh-based reconstruction methods using GCN. a certain threshold, which dynamically changes the overall mesh
The main insight behind their modifications is that reconstructed topology and allows meshes to go beyond genus-0 despite that the
meshes need to be adaptive, where the density of the vertices can input base mesh is genus-0. The last module enhances boundary
vary instead of being uniform depending on the surface’s curva- edges and smoothes them. One drawback of this approach is that
ture. This insight led the researchers to apply an adaptive face it produces non-closed meshes due to face pruning, which can be
splitting algorithm based on the curvature of the surface at a spe- managed afterwards by a post-process.
cific region in it. Another improvement proposed is their composite In general, using 3D mesh representation as an output for 3D
loss function that incorporates novel point-to-point and point-to- reconstruction models has drawn more attention recently. Models
surface losses instead of the traditional CD loss function. An addi- that output 3D meshes are producing significant results in terms of
tional loss component is a latent loss that requires a pre-trained shape resolution, smoothness, and overall quality. However, several
mesh-to-voxel mapping network where the learned latent code is open problems require further attention from the research commu-
used in the global loss computation. One final modification is the nity. These open problems are discussed extensively in the discus-
zero-neighbor update method for vertices during graph convolu- sion section. Table 3 provides a summary of the discussed mesh-
tions which ensures that each vertex maintains enough informa- based methods.
tion about itself without being smoothed out by information from Generally, geometric approaches towards 3D reconstruction
its neighbors. Fig. 7 shows the end-to-end model with its three provide a more fitting alternative to Euclidean approaches. These
components: feature extraction, mesh deformation, and adaptive approaches can be more efficient in their memory and com-
face splitting. putation consumption. Also, their outputs can provide a better
Similar to AtlasNet, Pan et al. [104] also proposed using MLPs approximation to ground truth shapes. They handle curvature and
but in a cascaded hierarchical manner for 3D mesh reconstruction. smoothness better than the Euclidean approaches. Moreover, with
The proposed architecture includes a ResNet-18 [83] image encoder the addition of shape regularization terms to the loss functions,
for feature extraction and three blocks of stacked MLPs for hier- better results can be achieved. The research community is actively
archical mesh deformation. The first block contains one MLP and engaged in coming up with better models and training paradigms
is fed the coordinates of a 2D mesh primitive and image features that will help push the current state of research further. See
to perform the primary shape deformation. The consequent blocks Section 5.4 for further discussion on these efforts.
have several stacked MLPs that perform deformations on the previ-
ously deformed mesh in parallel. The reason behind using parallel 4. Approaches based on other representations
paths for mesh deformations is to enrich the mesh representation
and parameters using this deep architecture. The output points of While the previously covered approaches based on voxel, point
the MLPs in each block are concatenated to produce a higher res- cloud, and mesh 3D representations comprise the majority of the
olution mesh. The model makes use of shortcut connections that work done in the 3D analysis and synthesis domains, researchers
form the residual net structure. The researchers adopted CD loss endeavored to explore and propose other approaches and relevant
with an additional pair-wise consistency loss between the final de- network architectures for representing 3D data for such tasks. With
formed mesh outputs to enforce consistency across the meshes. respect to 3D reconstruction, two notable approaches can be in-
To address the limitations of template-based deformation tech- cluded to permit for more comprehensive coverage of the subject.
niques, especially being restricted to a predefined topology and These approaches represent 3D shapes as either implicit surfaces
their inability to recover meshes beyond genus-0, Pan et al. such as Signed Distance Functions (SDF) or as a collection of geo-
[105] proposed a novel network architecture that is capable of per- metric primitives (e.g. cuboids). This section also includes hybrid
forming learning-based topology modifications dynamically within methods that utilize more than one 3D shape representation in
the network. The proposed encoder-decoder architecture has a their pipeline.
ResNet [83] image encoder and three subnets that act as the de-
coder to progressively reconstruct the mesh from a single image. 4.1. Implicit surface representations
The first and second subnets contain a mesh deformation module
followed by a topology modification module. The third subnet con- The notable work by Li et al. [106] utilized 3D fields as the un-
tains a boundary refinement module. The first mesh deformation derlying representation for 3D shapes. The researches proposed a
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Table 3
A summary of the methods that use 3D mesh representation. Top section: 2D supervised methods. Bottom section: 3D supervised methods. Method name links to official
code (digital version). IoU: Intersection over Union, CD: Chamfer Distance, EMD: Earth Mover’s Distance, MSE: Mean Squared Error.
Method Year Model Architecture Loss Function Output Dataset(s) Evaluation Metric
https://github.com/sinhayan/surfnet 2017 Encoder - decoder with deep Euclidean loss NA ShapeNet Euclidean distance
SurfNet [80] residual blocks
Shape aware loss Pascal 3D+
https://github.com/hiroharu-kato/ 2018 Encoder- decoder Smoothness loss - silhouette 642 verts. ShapeNet IoU
mesh_reconstruction Neural loss
renderer [81]
https://github.com/akanazawa/cmr 2018 ResNet image encoder + Keypoint reprojection loss + 642 verts. CUB IoU (masks)
CMR [82] camera, deformation, texture silhouette mask loss +
predictors camera regression loss
Pascal 3D+
Mesh Generation & Reconstruction 2018 Encoder - decoder - Image likelihood loss 98 verts. ShapeNet IoU
[84] differentiable renderer
Pose estimation
error and
https://github.com/ShichenLiu/SoftRas 2019 Mesh generator (encoder - IoU loss + Laplacian loss + 642 verts ShapeNet IoU
SoftRas [85] decoder) - Soft Rasterizer flattening loss
VPL [86] 2019 ResNet image encoder - shape Reconstruction loss + view 1352 verts ShapeNet IoU
decoder - texture decoder - discrimination loss +
discriminator internal pressure loss
Pascal3D+ CD EMD
Pix2Vex [87] 2019 Reconstructor (ResNet + 2FC Binary cross entropy + L2 & 162 verts ShapeNet
layers) - smooth renderer - L1 regularization
discriminator (RAN)
Generative Normal Map [88] 2019 Normal map (CGAN) GAN adversarial loss 642 verts ShapeNet IoU
Mesh reconstruction Normal map loss (L1 loss - L1 distance
(encoder-decoder) angular distance loss)
Geometric Loss (Smoothness &
edge length regularization)
https://github.com/NVlabs/UMR 2020 Reconstruction network (CMR) Reconstruction network (-IOU Pascal3D+ Mask reprojection
UMR[90] semantic template module perceptual loss) CUB accuracy (IoU)
Differentiable renderer (Soft Semantic consistency (CD ImageNet Keypoint transfer
Rasterizer) MSE) OpenIm- accuracy
https://github.com/jhonykaesemodel/ 2018 Convolutional autoencoder - Classifier: soft margin loss NA ShapeNet Classifier: accuracy,
image2mesh Image2Mesh [94] function precision, recall
multi-label classifier - CAE: MSE PASCAL3D+ FFN: MSE
feedforward network FFN: MSE Reconstruction:
surface distance,
https://github.com/jackd/template_ ffd 2018 Modified MobileNet CNN Weighted chamfer loss + NA ShapeNet CD
Template FFD [95] entropy penalty /
deformation regularization
https://github.com/ThibaultGROUEIX/ 2018 Image/point cloud encoder - CD Loss Up to 125 ShapeNet CD
AtlasNet AtlasNet [97] decoder (MLPs) patches
Hausdorff distance
https://github.com/yiyiliao/ 2018 Encoder (PointNet++) - Geometric loss + occupancy NA ShapeNet CD - accuracy -
deep_marching_cubes DMC [98] decoder with skip loss + smoothness and completeness
connections curvature loss
https: 2018 Image encoder (VGG) - graph Chamfer loss + normal loss + 2466 verts. ShapeNet F-score
//github.com/nywang16/Pixel2Mesh convolution network
Pixel2Mesh [103]
Laplacian regularization + CD EMD
edge length regularization
ResMeshNet [104] 2018 ResNet image encoder - CD + pair-wise consistency Up to ShapeNet CD
stacked blocks of MLPs regularizer 30,000
https://github.com/EdwardSmith1884/ 2019 Mesh-to-voxel network Surface sampling loss Mean 574 ShapeNet F-score
GEOMetrics GEOMetrics [100] (encoder-decoder) (point-to-point loss / verts.
point-to-surface loss)
Mesh reconstruction (CNN + latent loss + Laplacian
image encoder - GCN) regularization + edge length
Topology Modification Network [105] 2019 ResNet image encoder - CD loss - quadratic loss 2562 verts ShapeNet CD
decoder (MLP based
Smoothness - normal - edge Pix3D EMD
length regularization
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Field Probing Neural Network (FPNN) that operates on 3D fields the resolution of the shapes in the training set. The researchers
for the extraction of 3D shape features for 3D analysis tasks. The evaluated the proposed implicit decoder by embedding it in sev-
proposed model, motivated by the inefficiency of the voxel-based eral task-dependent networks: an autoencoder, a GAN for shape
approaches, samples the input 3D fields using a number of prob- generation and interpolation, and a single-view reconstruction net-
ing filters instead of 3D convolutions in a more computationally work. The researchers also proposed using the Light Field Descrip-
tractable manner. 3D distance fields are first obtained by apply- tor (LFD) [110] as a visual similarity evaluation metric in addition
ing a distance transform on the cells of a binary voxel grid of to the commonly used CD and IoU metrics.
the shape. The features are then extracted through the field prob- Instead of posing SDF prediction as a binary classification prob-
ing layers to produce an intermediate representation of the shape. lem like in [108,109], Xu et al. [111] proposed to directly regress
These layers can be integrated/extended with task-specific infer- continuous SDFs values. To this end, the researchers proposed
ence layers to have a complete inference model based on 3D dis- the Deep Implicit Surface Network (DISN), a network architecture
tance fields. This discriminative model despite being efficient, it that has individual modules for camera pose estimation, global
lacked the capability of capturing finer shape details, but still was feature extraction, local feature extraction, and for point location
a step toward using distance fields in discriminative 3D learning to feature space mapping. Global feature extraction is performed
tasks. via a VGG-16 [71] image encoder. To extract local features, first
To learn signed distance functions for shape representation, camera pose has to be predicted using the camera pose estima-
Park et al. [107] proposed DeepSDF a network architecture that tion network, then each query point is projected into the image
learns to represent shapes as a continuous 3D field where a space using the predicted camera parameters, then through a pro-
shape’s boundary is encoded as the zero-level set of the learned cess of locating and retrieving local features at each layer of the
function and the whole surrounding space is encoded as either global feature map, multi-scale local features are extracted and
positive or negative signed distance denoting wither a specific concatenated. Points are also mapped to a higher-dimensional fea-
point is either outside or inside the shape’s boundary. This gen- ture space and concatenated with both the local and global fea-
erative model is capable of representing a whole class of shapes tures. Each local/global feature vector is fed into a separate de-
as opposed to classical SDFs that represent single shapes. The re- coder, and the results are added together to finally regress the SDF
searchers investigated several architectures, a deep feedforward value of each query point. Final explicit surface reconstruction is
network for single shape representation, an autoencoder, and for then achieved through identifying the isosurface and applying the
the first time in the 3D learning literature, proposed an auto- Marching Cubes algorithm [99].
decoder (encoder-less architecture). The proposed model produced Michalkiewicz et al. [112] proposed to integrate Level Sets im-
exceptional results for shape completion tasks and latent shape plicit representation into a learning framework in which individ-
interpolations with regard to its representational ability and sur- ual layers in the neural network are used to output a level set of
face quality. However, DeepSDF is best suited for shape completion a continuous embedding function that implicitly represents a 3D
tasks not for single-view reconstruction. surface. The proposed architecture contains two modules: an au-
Mescheder et al. [108] proposed Occupancy Networks (OccNet), toencoder for 3D shape generation and a CNN for image encoding.
a network architecture that is capable of reconstructing 3D shapes The two modules are connected through a 64-dimensional embed-
from diverse input modalities in function space. The researchers ding space. The researchers formulated a variational loss function
formulated the reconstruction task as a binary classification prob- that is based on energy functionals that quantify both the differ-
lem where the shape’s surface is implicitly represented as the con- ences between points and normals at these points in the predicted
tinuous decision boundary of the classifier. To train the model for shape and their respective counterparts in the ground truth shape.
single-view reconstruction, the input images are fed into a pre- They also proposed a number of shape priors such as surface area
trained ResNet image encoder to produce an embedding of the and volume as regularization terms to the loss function. To handle
input. The network also requires the input shapes to be sampled numerical instabilities, the researchers added another regulariza-
into points. The researchers used a uniform sampling technique tion term that promotes the unit gradient property similar to that
to produce a number of points sampled from inside the bound- of SDFs.
ing box of each input shape with small additional padding on the Genova et al. [113] explored the idea of representing 3D shapes
sides. A fully connected layer is fed the sampled points represent- as a collection of oriented 3D Gaussians. This representation
ing the shape to produce a feature vector for each point. Both (termed Structured Implicit Functions) provides several advantages
the image embeddings and the points’ features are passed to a over other implicit representations including the ability to be used
number of fully connected ResNet blocks which use Conditional in shape correspondence, interpolation, and segmentation applica-
Batch Normalization (CBN) to condition the network on the im- tions. The researchers proposed a model that learns to fit a num-
age embedding. The output of the network is projected to a one- ber of axis-aligned anisotropic 3D Gaussians (geometrically, can be
dimensional vector, and after applying the sigmoid function, the viewed as a number of ellipsoids) to form a shape template that
occupancy probabilities are obtained. For inference, the researchers can approximate objects of varying geometry and topology. The
proposed a Multi-resolution IsoSurface Extraction (MISE) algorithm shape template is acquired by fusing a number of depth maps that
that allows for the efficient extraction of high-resolution meshes are then fed to an encoder-decoder network that directly regresses
from the predicted occupancy network. to the parameters of the shape elements that constitute the shape
A concurrent and closely related work was proposed by Chen template approximating the original shape. Among other tasks, the
and Zhang [109] where the researchers focused on introducing a researchers investigated the task of single-view 3D reconstruction
generative model for implicit-field-based shape generation and re- using a distilled network that regresses from an input image to
construction by building an implicit decoder that classifies whether the shape elements parameters under the guidance of the orig-
a point is outside the shape or not using a simple structure of only inal template-learning model. This shape representation was fur-
MLPs and ReLU activations, essentially resembling the structure of ther extended [114] to include localized shape information in the
a binary classifier. The implicit decoder is fed a concatenated in- form of local latent codes that are acquired by sampling points
put of both sampled points coordinates and encoded shape fea- within the region of each shape element thus increasing its rep-
tures and outputs the classification of a point with regard to the resentational capacity to capture local details of shapes.
given shape. It is worthy to note that these output decisions can Similar to Genova et al. [113], Yamashita et al. [115] also pro-
be used to extract a shape at any desired resolution regardless of posed to use 3D Gaussians to analytically and implicitly represent
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
a 3D shape. However, Yamashita et al. proposed to use a Gaussian combinedly learns not only reconstruction and interpolation of
mixture distribution in 3D space instead of axis-aligned 3D Gaus- structures but also a plausible generation of novel ones. In addi-
sians. To this end, the researchers proposed an image encoder that tion to box structure synthesis, the researchers also introduced a
contains a series of convolution layers followed by a series of fully network that learns voxelized part geometry synthesis from part
connected layers and a final layer that outputs the Gaussian mix- codes.
ture parameters. Additionally, the researchers incorporated a dif- Zou et al. [120] proposed a generative recurrent network,
ferentiable para-perspective projection module [116] that projects named 3D-PRNN, that is capable of reconstructing 3D shapes from
the 3D Gaussians into 2D Gaussians to be able to leverage an ad- single depth maps by approximating the shape using a number
ditional multi-view 2D loss in addition to a 3D loss based on KL of cuboids. To obtain ground truth shape primitives required for
divergence. The analytical properties of the Gaussian mixture rep- training, the researchers proposed a method that takes 3D point
resentation can also be leveraged to solve the problems of relative clouds and fits a number of cuboids to them using Gaussian fields
pose estimation and multiple level-of-details reconstruction. and energy minimization consecutively. Given an input depth map
One of the few methods that extensively explored the effect of during inference, the proposed network encodes the input into a
the object coordinate frame on the generalization abilities of 3D feature vector then it feeds the feature vector to a recurrent gener-
reconstruction models is the SDFNet proposed by Thai et. al [117]. ator which is composed of a number of LSTM and Mixture Density
The proposed method involves several properties that contribute to Network (MDN) units. At each step, the network predicts a set of
better generalization capabilities towards unseen objects, unseen shape primitives where each primitive has shape, translation, and
classes, and even completely different datasets. The researchers ar- rotation attributes to be predicted. In addition, the network also
gue that using a 3-DOF viewer centered coordinate frame is con- predicts a binary signal denoting whether more shape primitives
ducive to better generalizations. Additionally, they incorporate an are needed to be predicted or not.
intermediate 2.5D sketch estimator, where the shape features are To recover shape structure from single RGB images, Niu et al.
encoded based on depth, normal, and silhouette information, then [121] proposed a framework, named Im2Struct, which has two sep-
the SDF values are regressed in a similar fashion to [108]. A note- arate networks: a structure masking network and a structure re-
worthy observation made by the researchers is regarding the need covery network. The structure masking network is a two-scale CNN
to train on images with high visual variability, where images vary with the task of predicting a binary mask representing the shape’s
in lighting, reflectance, and backgrounds, in addition to pose vari- silhouette given an input of a single image. The features of the in-
ability offered by the 3-DOF viewer centered frame. All of this vari- termediate layers of the two scales of the network (full resolution
ability in pose and appearance contribute to the generalization ca- scale and quarter resolution scale) are fused using jump connec-
pabilities of 3D reconstruction models. tions, and the output of the smaller scale network is the binary
mask prediction. The structure recovery network first fuses two
4.2. Geometric primitives sets of features: one coming from a VGG-16 image encoder encod-
ing the input image, and the other is the last feature map pro-
The rather classical approach of approximating 3D shapes using duced by the structure masking network just before the mask pre-
geometric primitives has recently resurfaced, however, using mod- diction layer. The fused features are then fed to an RvNN decoder
ern data-driven and learning approaches. This line of work aims to that was introduced in the GRASS framework [119] to finally pre-
learn shapes’ semantic structures and/or generate compact repre- dict the hierarchical box structure of the object depicted in the in-
sentations and descriptions. This representation has different po- put image. Some highlighting is due concerning the internal work
tential applications such as learning shape abstractions, learning of this decoder. At each node in the recursive decoder, a decision
part-level shape similarity and correspondences, and performing has to be made regarding the status of each part code, whether
structure-aware shape manipulations. it represents a leaf node, an adjacency relationship between two
Tulsiani et al. [118] proposed to use a CNN for learning shape parts, or a symmetry. This decision is made utilizing a classifier
abstractions from both volumetric shapes and from images. The and based on the classification the part code is fed into a corre-
main idea is to generate a number of cuboids that can efficiently sponding adjacency/symmetry/box decoder. The adjacency decoder
and accurately approximate a shape’s structure. The researchers splits the part code into two child codes. The symmetry decoder
experimented with representing the input shape using both a fixed recovers the symmetrical properties of a part. The leaf decoder re-
and a variable number of primitives. The proposed model predicts covers the box properties with regard to its dimensions and rota-
for each primitive shape its probability of existence (for the vari- tion.
able number of primitives), its shape, and its rotation and transla-
tion. This prediction is governed by two loss functions: a coverage 4.3. Hybrid methods
loss that forces the predicted shapes to completely cover the input
shape, and a consistency loss which forces the predicted shapes to Tang et al. [122] proposed an elaborate model that makes use
completely lie inside the input shape. of different representations in order to recover complex structures
To learn a generative model for hierarchical shape structures, Li and topologies. The main intuition behind this setup is that each
et al. [119] proposed Generative Recursive Autoencoder for Shape representation suffers from some drawbacks that can be mitigated
Structures (GRASS), a framework that can learn a topological, ge- by augmenting it with other representations. More specifically, the
ometric, and hierarchical structure of 3D shapes in a single, gen- proposed setup makes use of point clouds, volumetric, and mesh
erative, and fixed-dimensional representation. To this end, the representations in three different modules each is built on the
researchers introduced a Recursive Neural Network (RvNN) that output of the previous and refines it. Given an input image, the
parses the layout hierarchy of shape parts (represented by ori- first stage aims at recovering the main topological structure of the
ented bounding boxes) in a bottom-up fashion and merges the shape in the form of skeletal points (skeletal curves and skeletal
children nodes to form parent a node moving up the hierarchy to sheets). These skeletal points are then voxelized into a coarse
finally produce a fixed-length code representing the whole struc- volume and a high-resolution volume. The two volumes are then
ture. This parsing mechanism takes into consideration encoding progressively refined under the guidance of the original image.
both the symmetrical and adjacency properties of the parts’ struc- Afterwards, a base mesh is extracted from the refined volume
tures in relation to each other. To recover/generate shape struc- using Marching Cubes [99]. Finally, the base mesh is refined using
tures, the researchers implemented a VAE-GAN architecture that a mesh deformation network that again uses the guidance of the
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
input image to add geometric details. The main strength of this of each network branch showed to be superior to the output of its
setup is that the output mesh is capable of capturing complex original vanilla counterpart which proves the effectiveness of this
topologies and thin structures and can go beyond genus-0 without hybrid training approach.
the need for a shape template unlike most of the other approaches The methods that use implicit surfaces and geometric primi-
that output mesh-based reconstructions. tives vary in nature and their use cases may differ from the pre-
Deng et al. [123] proposed a novel hybrid 3D representation viously covered Euclidean and geometric methods. It is notewor-
based on convex decomposition that is simultaneously implicit and thy that recovering the structure of shapes from images is a whole
explicit in order to inherit the advantages of both representations. discipline on its own. Despite this, the previously covered methods
The main intuition behind this new representation is that a shape are closely related to the topic of single-view 3D reconstruction
can be represented implicitly during training and at inference time and they overlap in their approach towards the problem of recov-
can be represented explicitly as a polygonal mesh directly with- ering shape properties from images. A summary of the discussed
out the need for further post-processing steps (for example iso- methods using implicit surface representation and geometric prim-
surface extraction). In the proposed representation, a generic non- itives is provided in Table 4.
convex shape is implicitly represented as a composition of convex
polytopes and each convex polytope is constructed by a collec- 5. Discussion
tion of learned hyperplanes parameters that specify its indicator
function. On the other hand, a convex polytope can also be inter- In the previous sections, we covered the methods based on
preted explicitly after applying a line to point duality transform the 3D representation used for their output, highlighting the de-
on its hyperplanes, then computing a convex hull, then applying tails of each method. This section focuses more on what is com-
another duality transform and another convex hull computation mon between these methods. Section 5.1 discusses the com-
to achieve the final corresponding polygonal mesh. The network mon 3D datasets used in training and validating these methods.
architecture that the researchers proposed is capable of encoding Section 5.2 covers the common loss function and regularization
both depth images and single RGB images, thus capable of per- terms. Section 5.3 covers common evaluation metrics used in the
forming single-view shape reconstruction with results on par with field. We finish this section with a discussion about the current
supervised methods in addition to its inherent shape decomposi- challenges, trends, and possible future directions in Section 5.4.
tion capability.
In order to reconstruct low-poly compact meshes with sharp 5.1. Datasets
details, Chen et al. [124] proposed a hybrid representation that is
based on Binary Space Partitioning (BSP). The main idea behind Training and evaluating data-driven learning-based models re-
this representation is to dynamically learn the tree structure of a quire a huge amount of data. Deep learning methods are data-
collection of binary partitions of space and their connectivity to hungry and their success depends on the availability of large
produce convex polytopes that can eventually be merged to pro- amounts of high-quality training data. In the task of image-based
duce the final polygonal shape via Constructive Solid Geometry 3D reconstruction and generation, the learning-based approaches
(CSG) operations. To achieve this, the researchers proposed a de- require datasets that contain 3D models and their corresponding
coder that has three main modules. Given a shape/image features ground truth images. This is especially true in methods that adopt
code, the first step is to extract hyperplane parameters, then for 3D supervision in their training paradigm. Table 5 provides a sum-
any given point, a signed distance vector can represent the loca- mary of the common 3D shape datasets used in single-view 3D
tion of the point in relation to each of the planes. Then, these reconstruction.
hyperplanes are to be grouped into convex polytopes, which are The main dataset used in training most of the discussed
finally grouped to form more complex and possibly non-convex methods is ShapeNetCore [126]. ShapeNetCore is a subset of the
shapes. The training is done in two stages: first with continuous ShapeNet dataset which does not seem to be publicly available up
but bounded weights then training is fine-tuned using discretized till the time of writing this paper. ShapeNetCore V1 has more than
weights and an additional loss function that discourages overlap- 51,0 0 0 3D models in 55 object categories. The 3D models are pro-
ping convexes. An image encoder can be integrated to achieve vided in the OBJ file format and their corresponding materials in
single-view reconstruction using this representation. This method MTL files. All the 3D models are object-centered, pre-aligned, and
bears some similarity to CvxNet [123] in that both methods de- normalized to the unit cube. Renderings are not readily provided in
compose a shape into convex polytopes. However, CvxNet has a this first version of ShapeNetCore, however, researchers usually re-
fixed structure and number of hyperplanes and produces smoother lied on the renderings provided by Choy et al. [22] which provide
meshes. On the other hand, BSP-Net learns the structure and tends renderings of all the models in ShapeNetCore V1 from 24 differ-
to produce sharper more compact shapes. ent views and follow the same categorization and naming conven-
Another approach that makes use of different shape represen- tions of the original dataset. The second version of ShapeNetCore
tations is the one proposed by Poursaeed et al. [125]. This hybrid provides an update to the first version with improved mesh and
approach is built upon coupling the explicit AtlasNet [97] with the texture qualities. In addition, ShapeNetCore V2 has voxelized rep-
implicit OccupancyNet [108] through consistency losses. The main resentations of the meshes and renderings from different views.
idea is to jointly train both networks and use the output of each However, the currently available dataset is incomplete as it is in
network to enhance the output of the other through encouraging its preliminary stage and what is provided at the time of writing
surface and normal consistencies between the outputs of each net- is only a part of an upcoming release.
work. The proposed hybrid model has two branches with two im- ModelNet [20] is another widely used dataset in 3D reconstruc-
age encoders, one for each branch. Given the output of AtlasNet, a tion and generation tasks. The full dataset which contains over 660
cross-entropy-based consistency loss encourages the surface points categories and almost 128,0 0 0 models is rarely used. Two subsets
of AtlasNet to align with the level set of the implicit function of are however used: the ModelNet10 and ModelNet40 datasets, each
OccupancyNet. Normal consistency is achieved by penalizing the has 3D models belonging to 10 and 40 categories respectively. The
misalignment between the direction of the normals of AtlasNet 3D models are provided as OFF (Object File Format) files. The Mod-
surface points and the gradient of the implicit function at the same elNet10 3D models come readily aligned, while the ModelNet40
points. An additional image-based loss is incorporated through the models do not. An aligned version of ModelNet40 is provided by
use of a neural renderer based on Soft Rasterizer [85]. The output Sedaghat et al. [127]. The renderings of ModelNet40 are provided
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Table 4
A summary of the methods that use implicit surface (first section), geometric primitives (second section), and hybrid (third section) representations. Method name links to
official code (digital version). IoU: Intersection over Union, CD: Chamfer Distance, EMD: Earth Mover’s Distance, MSE: Mean Squared Error, LFD: Light Field Descriptor.
https://github.com/autonomousvision/ 2019 SDF Image encoder - fully Cross entropy loss ShapeNet IoU CD
occupancy_networks OccNet [108] connected ResNet blocks
Generative model (negative Normal
log likelihood + KL Consis-
divergence) tency
https://github.com/czq142857/IM-NET 2019 SDF ResNet image encoder - Weighted MSE ShapeNet MSE CD
IM-NET [109] decoder (MLPs- ReLU IoU LFD
https://github.com/Xharlie/DISN DISN 2019 SDF Camera pose estimation (VGG SDF (Weighted L1-norm) ShapeNet CD EMD
[111] image encoder - Two FC IoU
SDF prediction (VGG image Camera pose (MSE)
encoder - two branches of
1x1 convs)
LevelSets [112] 2019 Level Sets Image encoder (CNN) Variational loss (points and ShapeNet IoU CD
normals) +
Shape generator (3D surface area, volume, & unit
autoencoder) gradient regularization
https://github.com/google/ldif SIF 2019 Oriented Gaussians ResNet50 V2 + 2 FC layers L2 (via network distillation) ShapeNet F-score
3D-GMNet [115] 2020 Gaussian Mixture Image encoder (CNN + FC Gaussian mixture loss (KL ShapeNet CD EMD
layers) divergence) IoU
para-perspective projection 2D multi-view loss (L2) Pix3D
https://github.com/ 2020 2.5D depth/normal Depth, normal, silhouette Depth, normal, silhouette ABC CD EMD
rehg-lab/3DShapeGen SDFNet [117] maps estimation (U-ResNet18) estimation (MSE)
SDF (output) Shape feature encoding SDF estimation (L1) ShapeNet IoU F-score
SDF estimation (MLP with
https://github.com/shubhtuls/ 2017 Geometric CNN Coverage loss (L1) ShapeNet Qualitative
volumetricPrimitives Volumetric Primitives
Primitives [118] (cuboids)
Consistency loss (L2)
https://github.com/junli-lj/grass 2017 Geometric RvNN VAE-GAN VAE (reconstruction loss - KL ShapeNet
GRASS [119] Primitives (OBB) divergence)
GAN (Standard generator - ModelNet
discriminator losses)
https://github.com/ 2017 Geometric Depth map encoder - MDN loss (log likelihood) ModelNet IoU
zouchuhang/3D-PRNN 3D-PRNN Primitives recurrent generator (LSTMs -
[120] (cuboids) MDNs)
Rotation loss (MSE) Surface-to-
https: 2018 Geometric Structure Masking (Two-scale Structure Masking (SoftMax ShapeNet Mask
//github.com/chengjieniu/Im2Struct Primitives CNN connected by jump loss) (Accuracy)
Im2Struct [121] connections)
Structure Recovery (VGG Structure Recovery
image encoder - RvNN (reconstruction loss - Cross Reconstruction
decoder) entropy loss for classifier) (Hausdorff
https://github.com/tangjiapeng/ 2019 Hybrid Skeleton learning (ResNet18 Skeleton learning (CD ShapeNet CD EMD
SkeletonBridgeRecon image encoder two-stream Laplacian regularization)
SkeletonBridgeRecon [122] MLPs)
Base mesh network (ResNet18 Mesh refinement (CD edge &
3D CNNs) normal regularizations) ShapeNet-
Mesh refinement network
(VGG-16 image encoder
graph CNN)
https://github.com/tensorflow/ 2020 Hybrid ResNet 18 image encoder MLP Stochastic approximation loss ShapeNet IoU CD
graphics/tree/master/ sequential decoder + auxiliary losses F-score
CvxNet [123]
https://github.com/czq142857/ 2020 Hybrid ResNet18 image encoder Reconstruction loss (least ShapeNet CD
BSP- NET- original BSP-Net [124] Dense MLP squares) + overlap loss Edge-CD
Hybrid-AN-ON [125] 2020 Hybrid 2 ResNet18 image encoders Occupancy loss + Chamfer ShapeNet CD
AtlasNet loss + Consistency loss
(cross entropy) +
OccupancyNet Neural renderer normal consistency loss + Normal
image loss (L2) Consis-
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Table 5
Common datasets used in single-view 3D reconstruction models.
Dataset Image Type No. of images No. of categories Total No. of models
by Wang et al. [128]. ModelNet has been used extensively for eval- allows for generating 3D models in mesh formats at varying reso-
uation purposes to test the generalization capabilities of models lutions through a sampling process. The authors of the ABC dataset
trained with the ShapeNet dataset. also provide the 3D models as OBJ and STL files, renderings of
Another large-scale dataset that is used for testing and evalua- these 3D models from canonical viewpoints, and several features
tion purposes is ObjectNet3D [129]. This dataset was compiled for and statistical information.
3D object recognition and pose estimation tasks. The ground truth
images are natural images that contain more than one object de- 5.2. Loss functions
picted, and the 3D models are aligned with these objects in the
images. The dataset contains more than 90,0 0 0 images depicting In the task of shape reconstruction from images, the learning
more than 20 0,0 0 0 objects. models are usually trained to minimize the difference between the
It also contains more than 44,0 0 0 unique 3D models in 100 cat- ground truth shape and the predicted shape. This is done through
egories. Despite that ObjectNet3D is not tailored towards 3D recon- the use of different cost or loss functions that must be differen-
struction tasks, 2D images-3D models pairs can be used in evalu- tiable. The choice of a loss function depends on the type of 3D
ating 3D reconstruction models. However, the authors of Object- shape representation used and the training paradigm. As discussed
Net3D advise against using ObjectNet3D for training such models above, training shape reconstruction models can be done using ei-
since the 3D shapes are used to annotate both the training and test ther 3D supervision only, 2D supervision only, or a combination of
image sets which would result in data leakage that can produce bi- both 2D and 3D supervision.
ased results.
Similarly, other datasets that serve the same purpose as Ob- 5.2.1. 3D Loss functions
jectNet3D have been used in evaluating 3D reconstruction models. When 3D supervision is used, the loss function directly mea-
The Ikea [130] and Pascal3D+ [131] datasets were curated specifi- sures the difference between two 3D shapes: the predicted and
cally for fine pose estimation and 3D detection/recognition. These the ground truth shapes. This can be done using an appropriate
datasets contain a limited number of 3D models. However, they distance metric. In Euclidean representations such as when using
also provide natural images for these 3D models. As with Object- voxels, the volumetric loss or reconstruction loss can be calculated
Net3D these datasets are suitable for testing the behavior of 3D re- using Euclidean distance measure as L2 distance. In probabilistic
construction models with natural images rather than the synthetic predictions of occupancy of voxel grids, the Binary Cross Entropy
images that have been used in training such models. Researchers loss is often used which is defined as:
have used these datasets to evaluate the generalizability of their
trained models to unseen classes and/or cluttered natural images LBCE = − yi log ( p(yi ) ) + (1 − yi ) log (1 − p(yi ) ), (1)
as inputs. N
Sun et al. [132] released Pix3D, a dataset that is specifically
where yi is the ground truth occupancy of voxel i, p(yi ) is the pre-
built for image-based 3D reconstruction tasks. The researchers
dicted occupancy probability, and N is the total number of voxels.
had in mind the limitations of the previously discussed datasets.
Note that only the sum can be used instead of the mean as in [22].
Pascal3D+ and ObjectNet3D have natural images but the align-
In geometric representations, such as point cloud representa-
ment between the 2D-3D pairs is rough and the 3D models do
tions, the distance between the ground truth and predicted shapes
not 100% match the image objects. ModelNet and ShapeNet have a
can be measured by Chamfer distance, which is defined as [65]:
large number and diversity of 3D models but do not have ground
truth natural images. Ikea dataset has natural images and precise dCD (S1 , S2 ) = min x − y22 + min x − y22 , (2)
2D-3D alignment, but lack in number and diversity of 3D models. y∈S2 x∈S1
x∈S1 y∈S2
In Pix3D the researchers used a large number of natural images
and aligned exactly matching 3D models to these images with high where S1 , S2 are the two point cloud sets representing the pre-
precision. The Pix3D dataset comes with rich information about dicted and ground truth shapes, x and y are two corresponding
points belonging to S1 and S2 respectively. The correspondence is
each image-shape pair: 2D and 3D keypoints, voxel representation,
based on the nearest neighbor search.
image mask, rendering camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters,
and flags stating whether a specific object in an image is occluded, Alternatively, the distance between two point cloud sets can be
measured by the Earth Mover Distance, which is defined as [65]:
slightly occluded, or truncated.
A database named ABC (A Big CAD) [133] was recently re-
leased specifically for geometric deep learning tasks including dEMD (S1 , S2 ) = min x − φ ( x )2 , (3)
φ :S1 →S2
shape reconstruction. It is a huge collection of over one million
CAD (Computer-Aided Design) models explicitly parameterized as where S1 , S2 are the two point cloud sets of equal size (|S1 | = |S2 |)
curves and surfaces in B-rep (Boundary representation). While this representing the predicted and ground truth shapes, and φ : S1 →
representation is not readily suitable for deep learning models, it S2 is a bijection. This one-to-one correspondence between points
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
is based on an optimal assignment. In practice, the computation of An example of a projection loss that uses silhouette loss is pro-
EMD is relaxed through an approximation algorithm. vided in PTN [45]. The loss is defined as:
When 3D mesh representation is used, CD can be applied
n (k ) ( j ) ( j )
to measure the distance between the vertices of predicted and L pro j I (k ) = L(pro
I ;S ,α
ground truth meshes. Another technique used is sampling points j=1
from both the ground truth mesh and the predicted mesh, then
calculate the distance using CD on the sampled points. However, = P f I (k) ; α ( j ) − S( j ) 2 ,
using CD only in computing the loss function is not sufficient since n 2
mesh connectivity and neighborhood information are not taken
into consideration. Researchers proposed adding more regulariza- where f (I (k ) ) is the learned volume from image k, j is the index of
tion terms to the loss function to take advantage of the readily output 2D silhouettes, α ( j ) is the camera viewpoint corresponding
available connectivity, face, and edge information. to j, P (· ) is a 3D-2D projection function, S( j ) is the jth ground truth
A normal loss can be incorporated in the loss function, which silhouette. Here L2 distance is used as the distance measure.
aims at enforcing the consistency of surface normal. This is Another distance metric that can also be used with silhouette-
achieved by enforcing the orthogonality between each edge formed based losses is the negative IoU as in [81]. Negative IoU is defined
between a vertex in the predicted mesh and its neighboring ver- as:
tices and the normal at the closest vertex in the ground truth sˆi si
mesh. Normal loss is defined as [103]: Lsl (x | φi , si ) = − 1 , (8)
sˆi + si − sˆi si
Ln = p − k, nq 22 , s.t. k ∈ N ( p), (4)
where si is ground truth silhouette, sˆi is reconstructed silhouette,
q (
p q=arg min p−q2
2 ) and is an element-wise product.
where p is a vertex in the predicted mesh, q is the closest vertex
5.3. Evaluation metrics
to p in the ground truth mesh, N ( p) is the set of p’s neighboring
vertices, and k is a vertex that belongs to N ( p), nq is the normal
The role of evaluation metrics is to assess the performance of
at q, and ·, · is the inner product of two vectors. Note that this
the learning models and to compare different reconstruction mod-
loss term does not reach zero unless on a planar surface, but opti-
els. The most commonly used evaluation metric in 3D reconstruc-
mizing it leads to a more consistent surface normal.
tion tasks is the Intersection over Union metric. This is especially
Another regularization term that can be added to the loss
true in volumetric approaches that use voxels as shape representa-
function is Laplacian regularization [103], which aims at giving a
tion. The IoU is defined as [22]:
smoother predicted mesh through restraining the movement of its
vertices during deformation. Laplacian regularization is applied be- I p(i, j,k ) > t I y(i, j,k )
tween the mesh before deformation and the mesh after applying IoU =
i, j,k
, (9)
i, j,k I I p(i, j,k ) > t + I y(i, j,k )
the deformation in each deformation block. First, graph Laplacian
is computed on each mesh to calculate the average difference be- where t is a voxelization threshold, I (· ) is an indicator function,
tween each vertex and its neighbors: y(i, j,k ) is the ground truth voxel occupancy, and p(i, j,k ) is the pre-
dicted voxel occupancy.
δp = p − k. (5) For 3D meshes and point clouds, both CD and EMD can be used
k∈N ( p)
N ( p ) for evaluation purposes in the same way they are used as distance
functions in calculating loss functions (see Section 5.2.1). Simi-
Then, the Laplacian loss can be calculated through: larly, Hausdorff distance [134] can also be used in evaluating mesh
and point clouds, however, it differs from CD and EMD in that it
Llap = δ p − δ p 2 , (6) does not require a point-to-point correspondence while still being
able to measure the similarity between the two shapes. Hausdorff
distance between two surfaces S and S is computed as follows:
where δ p and δ p are the Laplacian coordinate of a vertex after and
First, we compute a point to surface distance
between point p and
before a deformation block.
surface S , where p is point in S : d p, S = min p ∈S p − p ,
Additionally, an edge length regularization [103] can also be in- 2
corporated in the loss function which restricts the length of edges then the distance between surfaces S and S becomes: d S, S =
thus reduces flying vertices. Edge regularization can be computed max p∈S d p, S . However, this distance is generally not symmet-
through: rical. The symmetrical Hausdorff distance can then be defined as:
Ledge = p − k22 . (7) dsymHausdor f f S , S = max d S , S , d S , S . (10)
p k∈N ( p)
Light Field Descriptor (LFD) [110] has been proposed to eval-
uate the visual similarity between 3D shapes. A light field is a
5.2.2. 2D Loss functions function that represents the radiance at a given 3D point along a
When learning models are trained under 2D supervision and given direction. To obtain LFD for a 3D shape, a number of ren-
the 3D ground truth is not available, the loss functions become a derings of this shape are acquired from different angles (usually
distance metric within a reprojection loss. The distance measure is the rendering camera is positioned at the vertices of a dodecahe-
done between silhouette masks, normal maps, and/or depth maps dron surrounding the 3D shape). Then from these silhouette ren-
of the input image and the projected image that the model learns. derings, two shape descriptors are used in combination. Zernike
The reprojection loss depends on the projection operator embed- Moment Descriptors (ZMD) are used as region-based descriptors
ded in the model’s architecture. The projection operators range and Fourier Descriptors (FD) are used as boundary-based descrip-
from basic non-learnable orthographic/perspective projection mod- tors. It is argued that using LFD as an evaluation metric on recon-
ules and differentiable renderers to learnable projection operators structed shapes can give a better intuition regarding visual similar-
that learn camera parameters. ity since it is inspired by the human vision [109].
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Fig. 8. Visual Summary of selected methods categorized according to output representation and showing the supervision paradigm, being generative vs. non-generative, and
being class-specific vs. class-agnostic.
The F1 score or F-score has been proposed as a more robust in- Despite the significant progress, the variety of approaches, and
dicator of the quality of reconstruction [135]. The F-score works on the nuances in how these methods handle the problem of single-
points and calculates the harmonic mean between precision and view 3D reconstruction, it is reported that a simple image clas-
recall. In this case, the precision quantifies the accuracy of the re- sification and nearest neighbor shape retrieval method can outper-
construction and the recall quantifies the completeness of the re- form the state-of-the-art methods of single-view 3D reconstruction
construction. To compute the recall term, we compute first a point [135]. While this may not be necessarily true and applicable to all
to surface distance between point surface S , where
p and p is methods, it is always a good idea to analyze the current research
point in the reconstructed S : d p, S = min p ∈S p − p , and trends and pinpoint those areas that need more experimentation
the recall value becomes: where there is room for improvement to advance the state of re-
100 search.
Recall r = d p, S < r , (11) The choice of representation is clearly crucial to the quality
|S | p∈S of shape reconstructions. While volume-based methods comprise
where r is the threshold radius from a point that defines a hit. most of the work done in single-view 3D reconstruction, these
To compute the precision term, the same calculation is repeated methods lack the scalability needed to reconstruct high-resolution
in the opposite direction, in other words, we compute a point to and detailed shapes due to its memory consumption constraints.
Point-cloud-based methods have less memory footprint, but points
distance between
point p and the ground truth surface S:
d p , S = min p∈S p − p , and the precision value becomes: lack connectivity information, and they require post-processing to
2 acquire a shape from these points. Mesh-based methods utilize
100 connectivity information but hugely depend on the base model
P recisionr = d p ,S < r . (12)
|S | p ∈S
that they deform. Generally speaking, there is no straightforward
method to change the topology of the base mesh during recon-
The final F-score is calculated as follows: struction to achieve better edge and mesh flows which are con-
ducive to a better shape quality. Additionally, going beyond genus-
P recisionr · Recall r
F scorer = 2 · . (13) 0 mesh reconstruction is still a matter that needs to be tackled
P recisionr + Recall r
in future research. Implicit-surface-based methods usually result
in overly smoothed reconstructions due to the sampling method
5.4. Current trends and future directions inefficiency. A solution to this problem has been very recently pro-
posed by Tancik et al. [136] by incorporating Fourier feature map-
The discussed methods above show the significant progress that ping to control the frequencies that an MLP can learn which results
the field of single-view 3D reconstruction has achieved. Fig. 8 in increasing the network’s capability to learn high frequency de-
presents a visual summary of these methods and for each method, tails of 3D shapes.
the figure shows its category according to its output, whether Implicit-surface-based methods have been gaining traction re-
it uses 3D or 2D supervision, whether it is generative or non- cently. This is because of their desirable properties in the context
generative in nature, and whether it is considered class-specific or of single-view 3D reconstruction. However, isosurface extraction is
G. Fahim, K. Amin and S. Zarif Computers & Graphics 94 (2021) 164–190
Table 6
A summary of the properties of implicit vs. different explicit representations in single-
view shape reconstruction context.
still a huge drawback because it is computationally expensive and The issue of using an object-centered versus a viewer-centered
hinders the integration of implicit surfaces into other applications coordinate frame is also related to the generalizability of 3D recon-
that consume 3D shapes. Also, implicit surfaces methods lacked struction models. This issue has been studied [140] and validated
the ability to learn shape correspondences, but solutions have in [135]. It is reported that a viewer-centered coordinate frame is
also been recently proposed to this issue by using 3D Gaussians better for reconstructing novel shapes, while an object-centered
[113] and Gaussian mixture [115] based techniques. Another recent coordinate frame performs better with familiar shapes. This inter-
trend gaining traction is the hybrid approach towards single-view esting discovery requires more investigation since almost all of the
3D reconstruction which tries to make the best of both the im- methods depend on the object-centered coordinate system during
plicit and explicit representations (Section 4.3). The properties training as the prediction problem is simplified when all training
of implicit and explicit surfaces in relation to single-view recon- data is aligned to a canonical pose. However, since generalizabil-
struction are summarized in Table 6. It is worth noting that new ity is a desired quality in reconstruction models, more research
implicit representations are being continuously proposed. One of needs to experiment to leverage both the generalizability of the
the most promising recent representations is the Neural Radiance viewer-centered coordinate system and the better performance of
Fields [137]. One has yet to see their adoption in single-view 3D the object-centered coordinate system.
shape reconstruction pipelines. A major factor contributing to the success of data-driven meth-
A successful data-driven 3D shape reconstruction model pre- ods is the availability of large amounts of quality training data.
sumably needs to learn low-level image cues, structural knowl- Due to this demand and because the research in 3D and geomet-
edge, and high-level shape understanding, then combine these ric deep learning is growing, the available 3D shape datasets are
features in its inference workflow. Learning image features has getting bigger and new datasets are being introduced. However,
reached an unprecedented level of robustness through architec- Pix3D [132] is the only dataset that is created with shape recon-
tures like VGG [71] and ResNet [83], that is why we see a lot of struction in mind. The lack of reconstruction-focused 3D datasets
VGG-based and ResNet-based image encoders incorporated in 3D has been partially addressed by relying on other suitable 3D shape
shape reconstruction models as, for example, in [82,103]. datasets, by using 2D supervision mechanisms, and by applying
Incorporating shape structure within the scope of shape re- data augmentation techniques. However, there exists a need for
construction has also been tackled in [44,100,121] and within the bigger datasets with natural images along with 3D annotations. An
scope of shape generation in general in [138,139]. However, there optimal 3D shape dataset for shape reconstruction may contain a
is room for improvement and this is an important future research large number of shapes, a balanced number of shapes in each rep-
direction. Integrating shape structure will result in a more plausi- resented category, and in each category, it is desirable to have a
ble shape generation. This has to be integrated with learning both degree of intra-class variations.
global shape features and local shape features to be able to avoid With regard to 2D supervision as an alternative to full 3D
reconstruction artifacts such as holes and the inability to recon- supervision, it has achieved interesting results and has relaxed
struct thin shapes (e.g. thin legs of a chair). the training process. However, this training paradigm inherently
There is also a pressing need to create models that are gen- relies on visual hull reconstruction-from-silhouettes and space
uinely generalizable and/or able to scale to novel shape categories carving techniques, so the emphasis is basically on the boundary
using natural images captured in-the-wild. Some of the previously information, and dependent on the number of views used in train-
discussed methods are considered category-specific in which the ing, which might not be enough to recover the whole 3D shape
learned model is trained on one shape category only. This decision faithfully. One solution to mitigate shape-camera ambiguities has
is usually made to be able to leverage prior knowledge pertain- been recently proposed in [90] as discussed above. Additionally,
ing to a specific object category. However, there is a chance that with differentiable rendering techniques, realistic renderings, and
the model memorizes the training shapes since there is a small domain adaptation techniques, 2D supervision can achieve superb
intra-class variation between the shapes in the training set. Addi- results while benefiting from the relaxed training requirements.
tionally, these models may not be able to handle out-of-class re- One last issue that requires further work is seeking a more rep-
constructions. On the other hand, some category-agnostic models resentative shape quality metrics for quantitative evaluation pur-
learn from many object classes. While in theory these models are poses. While there is already a number of shape evaluation met-
supposed to generalize gracefully to unseen categories, there is still rics, they suffer from some drawbacks that make them fall short
no straight-forward way to incorporate shape structure and high- of being optimum for shape reconstruction evaluation and bench-
level shape understanding in the learning process. In both cases, marking. CD metric is sensitive to outliers, EMD is computationally
whether the model is class-specific or class-agnostic, it is required intensive. IoU is not an accurate indication of shape discrepancies
to be capable of reconstructing the 3D shape out of natural images below a mid-range value [135]. Thus, F-score has been proposed as
leveraging its generalization capability. a more indicative evaluation metric. Still, there is room for coming
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