I have a head, a__________ , two arms and two legs. I can __________
things around me with my eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. I should
take care of my body.
We should keep our __________ hands. We must wash our hands before
_______________ , after going to the __________ or touching something
Put the toothbrush _______________ the gum line. Brush back and
forth. Put the toothbrush __________ the teeth
We should brush our teeth once in the ______________ and once before
going to__________.
We should keep the body clean. We should have a shower, and wash our
hair and faces_______________.
Keeping ourselves clean can keep us_______________. We should wash
our __________ , brush our ____________and have a ____________
every day.
We should also wash our hands often, and keep our hair and
____________ items clean.
Growth exercise permanent balanced
learn Milk take care of meals
childmyself accept food
Boys and girls have different ____________ parts. We should protect our
private parts.
Good touches make us __________ good, Bad touches make us feel bad.
We all have different________________ . There are no ‘boyish’ or girlish’
We should protect our private parts and take care of our bodies. Boys
and girls can have the same or different qualities and _______________ .
We should _____________ and ____________ each other.