Healthy Benefits of Drinking Water

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Healthy Benefits of Drinking Water

Every system of the body needs water in order to survive.

Water helps to regulate body temperature, keeps the joints

lubricated, prevents infections, and carries nutrients to the cells of
the body. In addition, the liver and kidneys work to get rid of toxins
in the body and these organs rely on water to complete their job.

Approximately sixty percent of your body weight is made of water.

While a person can survive without food for many weeks,
dehydration can kill you in just a few days or possibly hours
depending on the environment and temperature.

Dehydration is caused by more water moving out of the cells of

your body than into them. When this happens it is not just water
that is being lost. Electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, which
are critical for cell function are also being lost.

Staying hydrated is important and is just one of many reasons that

you should be drinking water. Here are 20 other health benefits of
drinking water.

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

When you drink plenty of water the more fluids that will leave
the blood vessels. When more fluid is leaving the blood vessels
your blood vessels will then relax. When your blood vessels are
relaxed your blood pressure is going to be lower. If you eat too
much salt or if you do not drink enough, water can accumulate in
your blood vessels. This can contribute to your blood pressure. If
your blood pressure becomes too high it can cause the blood vessel
to burst and this may lead to kidney disease or a stroke.
2. Reduces Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack, and Lowers Cholesterol

Drinking adequate amounts of water can help reduce

your cholesterol levels. Lower cholesterol levels will reduce your
risk of developing arteriosclerosis, which is the blockage of your
coronary arteries. When your arteries become blocked it can lead to
having a heart attack or a stroke.

As mentioned above, water helps to clear the blood vessels and

allows them to relax. It is recommended to drink at least eight
glasses of water each day. This in combination with gentle exercise
such as walking will help to lower these risks a great deal.

3. Moisturizes the Skin

Drinking enough water is very important for the health of your skin.
Water helps deliver important nutrients to your skin. When you
drink water it helps improve skin elasticity. The elasticity of your
skin is important as this is what prevents wrinkles.
Essentially, drinking plenty of water can help delay the process of
aging as it will ward off the appearance of fine lines as well as
wrinkles. Drinking water will also help get rid of any toxins that are
picked up through the skin. This can help make the appearance of
the skin much clearer.

4. Reduces Acne

If you have acne, chances are your first thought is to purchase an

over the counter treatment to help get rid of it. In reality, drinking
more water can actually not only reduce the appearance of acne, but
it can also help get rid of any acne scars that you may have.
Water helps detoxify the body from the inside out, which helps
speed up the healing process of your skin. In addition, water also
reduces the amount of oil found on your skin. Oil is one of the main
causes of clogged pores and acne.

4. Energy Levels

Drinking plenty of water will reduce fatigue and boost your energy
levels overall. Once again, staying hydrated is important as it
provides your body with all that it needs to function at optimal


Not getting enough water in your body can cause you to have low
energy levels. When you have low energy levels, chances are you
are going to feel bad. This means that if you are suffering from
depression or simply feeling down, drinking some water can help
improve your mood overall and may even be a simple solution for
those suffering from depression.

Improves Sleep

When you do not drink enough water throughout the day you may
find that you have difficulty sleeping at night. The reason for this is
because when you do not have enough water in your system your
body will not produce melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for
regulating your sleeping patterns. When your body is not producing
melatonin it can cause all sorts of problems. When you do not drink
enough water you may struggle with sleeping well.

When you are not sleeping well you may experience other health
problems as well. In addition, sleep problems could also cause
depression to worsen.

Water is a very important part of your digestive system. As

mentioned, drinking enough water will help increase your
metabolism. In addition, water is used throughout the entire
digestive process as a way to break down the food that you eat.
When you are drinking plenty of water you will be less bloated and
your body will be getting rid of excess toxins regularly.

This includes producing bowel movements regularly, which is

extremely important in the elimination process. Eating enough fiber
and drinking enough water are both important parts of ridding your
body of harmful toxins.


Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of drinking plenty of water is

the fact that it can help boost your immunity. Drinking water will
help fight off diseases such as the flu as well as other ailments like
heart attacks and kidney stones. Water with lemon is used for
ailments such as intestinal problems, respiratory disease, arthritis,
etc. Overall, drinking enough water can greatly improve your health
overall as it will boost your immunity levels and help you feel
better overall.

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