STA Electrical
STA Electrical
STA Electrical
STAs will be maintained in the work area throughout the duration of the task. Each crew member involved with the task will sign the STA prior to starting work and initial upon completion
of the task.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency No. 0112127111 Assembly Point Rest Area
Fire Extinguisher Location Multiple Places Eye Wash Location Rest Area
Fire Aid Location Rest Area Other N/A
Emergency Response
Implemented as per plan
Task Steps
Area Preparation.
Installation of Electrical devices (Db Panels, AC)
Wiring and Cabling
Work without PTW
Unauthorized Technician
Electric Shock
Physical injuries
Trip, Slip, Fall
Hazard Controls
Pre-Task Briefings, Ensure PTW
De-Energized all electrical path and implement LOTO
All power supply and connection must be installed by a competent Technician
Workers shall ensure that a SSOW is implemented to reduce the possibilities of accident/incident
Ensure all personnel which is involved in activity must have trained about Electrical safety and LOTO training
Ensure all electrical material for required work should be as per required standards
For cable protection provide the cable hanging stands, which is above from ground cable stands will protect the cable from damaged and
reduce the risk of trip and tall
Measure appropriate lengths of cable instead bundles, for the prevention of unattendent cable place on ground every time
Ensure all tools should be insulated type
Ensure that the work being carried out is closely monitored and supervised by qualified, experienced and trained Engineer/Supervisor.
PPE (Ensure that suitable PPE’s is worn all time when working on electricity)
Post STA
Foreman/chargehand Date Date Time
Was anyone injured or did an unplanned incident (near miss) occur today? Yes No
If yes, explain?
General Foreman/Supervisor Direct Supervisor
HSE Department Other/s
Management Participation
Did a member of management participate? Yes No Review only
If a member of the management participated in this STA meeting or reviewed this STA, complete the following:
Name Signature Date