The Crucible Anticipation Guide

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Anticipation Guide For

The Crucible
Agree or Disagree? Read the following statements. Then on the line provided to the left of each theme, write an A if you agree, or a D if you disagree. When you have completed the assignment, you will have a chance to explain your stances. Remember, there are no right answers, but you will have to defend your thoughts and opinions.

Write an A if you agree or a D if you disagree: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 1. Honesty is always the best policy. 2. Authority is always right. 3. If you commit a sin, you are a bad person. 4. I would rather die than confess to a crime I did not commit. 5. Ones outer actions always determine what type of person one is. 6. Love and passion are the same thing. 7. Going against the crowd is an easy thing to do; public opinion of us should not matter. 8. We are not always responsible for the choices we make. 9. If you notice someone doing something wrong, it is your duty to tell them.

Brian Rich, 2003

Brian Rich, 2003

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