2017-18 Eng
2017-18 Eng
2017-18 Eng
1. Background
b) The changes during the year in organizational structure and staff strength be
mentioned and analyzed with respect to their effect on efficiency.
During the year 2017-18 the staff strength of the Cooperative Department was as
1 Additional Registrar 05 05 00
2 Deputy Registrars 25 21 04
3 Joint Registrars 06 04 02
4 Assistant Registrars 83 53 30
To provide Short Term loan to members of cooperative societies through
Punjab State Cooperative Bank.
To provide Long Term loan to members through Punjab State Cooperative
Agricultural Development Bank.
To ensure timely supply of Fertilizers and Agrochemicals to the members.
Women Empowerment
To take care of the health of members and their family members.
To ensure good financial discipline in State Cooperative Societies and Apex
institutions .
To ensure transparency and accountability in day to day work.
IWDMS system implemented in the Department.
Court cases monitoring through IWDMS ensured.
New Agro Service Centres established in PACS and Existing Agro Service
Centres upgraded.
Ensured adequate supply of fertilizers to the members of the PACS, timely
Fertilizer Policy drafted and timely indenting and supply of fertilizers ensured
through Markfed and IFFCO.
Raised the economic status of Members through allied activities under
various parameters of Milkfed.
All the Central Cooperative Banks (CCBs) in the State are advancing Short
Term, Medium Term and Long Term loans, out of which the major proportion
is of Short Term Agri Crop Loans to farmers, in accordance with Scale of
Finance fixed by RCS, Punjab. In addition, the CCBs are advancing direct
loans to individuals, cash credit limits to traders, and Revolving Cash Credit
to farmers to fulfill their socio-economic needs. The CCBs are playing a
pivotal role in women empowerment through advancement to Self Help
All District Central Cooperative Banks in State have advanced Rs. 8643.12
crore during the financial year 2017-18.
1 Membership 91 91
2 Share capital 7716.65 7802.44
During the year 2017-18 bank has disbursed loan amounting to Rs. 289.08
Crore .
Bank charges simple interest on its loans.
Bank has recovered Rs 378.00 crore from the loanees during Rabi season.
Female loanees are exempted from loan fees.
Female loanees get 0.50% rebate in interest rate.
Computerisation of PADBs was done by NIC New Delhi which implemented
computerization in 4 phases in 89 PADBs. Bank has also implemented CCBS
Application password policy. Primary Banks have also completed the work of
verification of digitized data.
The Punjab State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation Limited is
known by its abbreviated name (MARKFED). Markfed was registered on
02.09.1954 with a membership of 53. As on 31.03.2018 the membership of
the Federation was 3101. It has enlarged its area of operation as its products
are marketed in India and other countries of the world. It is Asia's biggest
cooperative venture which helps the farmers in the marketing of their produce
through Primary Cooperative Marketing Societies. It has 20 Distt. Level
Offices with its Head Office at Chandigarh. It serves the farmers through its
affiliated PACS and Cooperative Marketing Societies and also through its
branches & Agro- Service centres by supplying quality fertilizers, pesticides
and insecticides to the farmers. It also works as a Government procurement
agency and ensures Minimum Support Price for the farmers' produce
especially for Wheat and Paddy. It is the single largest supplier of fertilizers
to the farmers in the cooperative sector in the State. The scheme to supply
fertilizer through it, has been modified from time to time so as to meet the
requirements of the farmers to the fullest extent through Primary
Cooperative Agricultural Service Societies.
The achievements of Markfed during the years under review are given here
(Rs.in lacs)
Sr.No. Particulars 2016-2017 2017-2018
b) PADDY & RICE: The details of paddy procured by Markfed during the period
under review are as under:-
Paddy Activity 2016-17 2017-18
Procurement 36.50 lac MT 38.99 lac MT
Delivery of Rice to 64.79% (Upto 92.69%
FCI (%) March 2017) (Upto March 2018)
b) AGRO CHEMICALS: - The Sale of Agro-chemicals for the period under review
is as under:-
Agro-chemicals 2016-17 2017-18
Sale (Rs. Crore) 39.06 37.63
a) Kapurthala Cattle Feed Plant: During the year 2017-18 the plant has earned a
profit of Rs. 10.14 Crore The sale during the year 2017-18 was Rs. 6618.27
b) Gidderbaha Cattle Feed Plant: During the year 2017-18 the plant has earned a
profit of Rs. 3.02 Crore. The sale during the year 2017-18 was Rs. 3889.91 lacs.
c) Mohali Plant: During the year 2017-18 the plant has earned a profit of Rs. 3.05
Crore. The sale during the year 2017-18 was Rs. 3722.74 lacs
At the end of 2017-2018, there were 83 Primary Cooperative Marketing
Societies in the State, out of which 77 Societies were functioning and 6 societies
were under winding up. The progress made by these cooperative marketing
societies is as under:
(Rs. In lacs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2016-17 2017-2018
1 No. of Coop. Marketing Societies. 84 83
2 Membership Actual 56998 55751
3 Share Capital 284.99 189.13
4 Owned Funds 4771.91 5075.92
5 Working Capital 9749.38 11695.26
6 Value of procured Agri. produce 196342.18 162920.2
During the year under report out of the above 83 cooperative marketing
societies, 62 earned a profit to the tune of Rs 647.48 lacs, 11 suffered a loss
amounting to Rs. 255.57 lacs.
Work of opening 110 booths has been started to strengthen the sales network
and also providing employment to unemployed youth in first phase.
Opened VIRSAGRAM to provide platform to self help groups for marketing of
their products.
Started its own retail chain in the name of Markfed Bazaar at Chandigarh,
Amritsar, Ludhiana and Jalandhar with a view to expand its market base.
Launched a Mobile APP and for sale of Markfed products in tri-city (Chandigarh,
Mohali & Panchkula) through online mode.
Calf starter feed has been launched in September, 2017. New variants of Cattle
feed i.e. Markfed 5000 and Markfed 8000 have been launched in October, 2018
Tender for setting up a new cattle feed plant with production capacity of 150 TPD
expandable up to 300 TPD has been awarded. The work is under process.
Covered Godowns for storing food grains by Markfed
Markfed is procuring approximately 20% to 25% of the food grains (wheat and
paddy) on behalf of FCI.
The Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited (Milkfed)
came into existence in the year 1973 to improve dairy farming in the state
of Punjab. The primary aim was to provide a lucrative milk market to the state
milk producers by value addition and marketing of produce. Another of its
objective was to provide technical inputs for the enhancement of milk
Though the federation was registered quite earlier, it came into its real form in
the year 1983 when the milk plants of the former Punjab Dairy Development
Corporation Limited were granted to the Cooperative Sector under Operation
Flood. The move was carried out in the state to provide better deal to the
farmers and better products to the customers.
Milkfed is set-up as a three- tier system with Federation as the apex body at
the State Level, Milk Unions at the District Level and Cooperative
Societies at the village level. The organization has continuously advanced
towards its coveted objectives well defined in its bylaws.
Milk Federation
Milk Procurement
Milkfed’s average daily milk procurement during 2017-18 was 17.80 lakh kg per
day as against 14.85 lakh kg per day in 2016-17 thereby registering an increase
of 19.8%.
III. Turnover
During the year 2017-18, the overall turnover of Milkfed and its affiliated Milk
Unions stood at Rs.3417 Crores as compared to Rs.2967 Crores during 2016-17
i.e an increase of 15% over previous year.
V. Financial Performance of Milk Unions ( Rs. in Lakhs )
Sr. No. Particulars 2016-17 2017-18
1 Share Capital 2,139.36 2,234.50
2 Total Turnover 2,72,203.54 2,91,406.31
3 Net Profit (Before Tax) 1,936.15 809.79
4 Wage Turnover Ratio 6.24 5.5
5 Short Term Bank 24077.85 49026.67
6 Long Term Borrowings 5,663.46 3,530.99
Chilling Capacity at the end of 2017-18 increased to 22.63 lakh litres per day
from 21.20 lakh litres per day in 2016-17.
New modern dairy with 12000 LPD ice cream unit was setup and commissioned
at a cost of Rs.22 Cr (GOI Grant & NCDC Loan) in Bathinda.
A new refrigeration unit & ice candy unit was installed at Chandigarh Dairy as
well as upgradation of the plant was done with a Project Outlay of Rs.10 Cr.
Milkfed also introduced the concept of Clearing & Forwarding Agent for avoiding
non sales activities by setting up 1 C&FA at Guwahati for looking after the sales
of Verka Milk Products in the virgin markets of NE States.
(b) E-office
With the objective of achieving less paper work, Milkfed implemented eoffice in
the year 2017-18 which enables scanning, registering and routing of the
correspondences along with the creation of files noting, referencing,
correspondence attachment, draft for approvals and finally movement and
tracking of files as well as receipts.
(c) Digital Records Knowledge Management
In order to increase the knowledge base of not only its employees but also of the
consumers of Verka milk and milk products , information related to various
activities pertaining to dairying and allied activities being taken up by Milkfed is
shared in Verka’s website. Further, various policy related, official orders are
being circulated in PDF formats to all the concerned employees on a regular
basis through email.
Mohali Dairy received “NDDB Dairy Excellence Award” for the Best Milk
Cooperative for Management Excellence, Value to Farmers, Social & Gender
Inclusion in Northern India.
Sugar Cooperatives were set up to ensure remunerative price of
sugarcane to the sugarcane growers. The Punjab Stare Federation of
Cooperative Sugar Mills Ltd, (Sugarfed Punjab) is an Apex Cooperative
Institution established in 1966 under the Punjab State Cooperative Societies
Act 1961 as an advisory body to facilitate and coordinate the working of
Cooperative Sugar Mills in the State of Punjab. Sugarfed Bye-Laws had
been framed in the year 1966 and subsequently amended from time to time
which lay down objects of the federation, share Capital Funds, Membership,
Liabilities, Cessation from Membership, Maximum Credit Limit, Transfer of
Shares, Generals Body, Board of Directors, Disqualification for the Members
of the Board, Powers and Functions of the Board, Powers and Duties of
Chairman and Managing Director, Allocation of Profits, Audit and Inspection
The membership of the Federation as on 31.3.2018 was 16, consisting of 15
Cooperative Sugar Mills and 01 State Government. Out of 15 Cooperative
Sugar Mills , nine at Ajnala, Batala, Budhewal, Bhogpur, Fazilka, Gurdaspur,
Morinda, Nakodar & Nawanshahr are operational and three at Patiala, Zira
& Tarntaran are closed and are presently under Liquidation since 3.11.2005,
7.4.2005 & 10.3.2006 respectively. The land of other three Cooperative
Sugar Mills under Liquidation at Jagraon, Budhlada & Faridkot has already
been transferred to PUDA under OUVGL Scheme, while the machinery of
Jagraon & Budhala was disposed off and that of Faridkot shifted to Bhogpur.
The details of membership and comparative figures of SUGARFED,
Punjab, are as under: -
(Amount: Rs. in lacs)
Sr.No. 2016-17 2017-18
1 Membership (units)
Govt. 1 1
Sugar Mills 15 15
Total 16 16
2 Share Capital
Govt. 20.00 20.00
Govt 168.38 -
(For Citric Acid project)
Sugar Mills 475.64 475.64
Total 664.02 495.64
3 Own Funds 1389.56 1227.73
4 Working Capital 308.04 339.94
5 Business Turnover 357.62 337.36
The Punjab State Cooperative Labour & Construction Federation Ltd. was
registered on 17.7.1956 with 6 members. The membership of the Federation
was 18 as on 31.3.2018.
The overall position of the Federation is as under: (Rs. in lacs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2016-2017 2017-2018
1 Share capital 30.85 30.90
2 Owned funds 134.61 473.64
3 Working capital 671.59 395.25
4 Business Turnover 1836.94 1701.7
5 Commission earned during the 241.99 124.19
6 Profit +222.18 +110.75
Out of these 18 Labour & Constructions Unions, 15 were in profit to the tune
of Rs. 271.96 lacs.
i) To advance housing loans to the Primary Urban & Rural Cooperative
House Building Societiesin the State of Punjab.
ii) To develop Cooperative Housing Colonies and provide built up
houses/flats. Housefed constructed various Projects in the State of
Punjab i.e Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Kapurthala, Bathinda,
Mohali and Banur.
iii) To undertake construction work of other Cooperative Institutions
on deposit work basis. Housefed constructed WEAVCO office and
Sehkarita Bhawan Hoshiarpur on deposit work basis.
Women Cooperative Societies are also playing a very significant role in the
Cooperative fold to promote and develop economic and social position of
women.. The overall position of Women Coop. Societies is as under:-
(Rs. in lacs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2016-2017 2017-2018
1 Total No. of Coop. Societies 915 762
2 Membership 58762 63382
3 Share capital 233.01 217.58
4 Owned funds 379.51 278.33
5 Business turnover 4058.56 2619.59
6 Working capital 1246.46 672.59
Puncofed has made its own website. Puncofed has also provided SMS
service for the members of CASS. The secretary and 5 members of the
society are sent SMS about the arrival of fertilizer in their society and
also about the quality and quantity of the fertilizers. Its achievements
during the year 2017-2018 in comparison with the last year are as under:-
(Rs.in lacs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2016-2017 2017-2018
1 Share Capital 25.49 25.49
2 Working capital 862.11 1009.33
3 Business turnover 85.96 94.98
4 Profit/Loss +156.02 -98.6
The work relating to cooperative education and also about publicity and
propaganda of cooperatives at the district level is taken up by the District
cooperative unions. During the year, there were 17 District Cooperative Unions
in the State. The members of these unions were 5301 as on 31.3.2018.
The Punjab State Cooperative Bank Ltd., Chandigarh established the Punjab
State Cooperative Bankers Training Institute in 1969 for providing training to
its officers/employees and that of the Central Cooperative Banks in the State.
Later on the Punjab State Cooperative Agricultural Development Bank and
Markfed, Punjab became its members. This Institute was given the name of
"The Punjab Institute of Cooperative Training". Time to time other institutions
became its members and this Institute was registered in 1999 under Punjab
Cooperative Societies Act, 1961.
Every year in the month of November, training needs of the Officers/Officials
of Cooperative Apex Institutions are asked for the coming year. After
receiving their training needs, the programmes are chalked out after
discussing with the concerned officers of respective institutions and there
after the course calendar is placed before the Governing Board of the
Institution for consideration and approval. Detail of training programmes and
trainees for the last three years is as under:-
b) Describe how data driven decision making and policy formulation has
been used to improve processes and programs in your organisation.
By comparing various parameters of Performance of the Department in the
previous years their specific results have been used to provide:-
Better Loaning i.e advancement to the beneficiaries by PSCB and SADB.
In time policy finalization regarding fertilizers, Timely indenting of fertilizers
and ensuring timely and adequate supply of fertilizers to the members of the
Better health cover to the members of the PACS under the Bhai Ghaniya
To meet the credit requirements of the farmers and also supplying
Agricultural Inputs.
To establish more Agro Service Centres and upgrading existing Agro Service
Centers for the benefit of the farmers.
To help in raising the standard of living of farmers and other weaker sections
of the Society through milk cooperatives and also to provide better animal
health care through Milkfed.
To provide up-to-date training on various aspects to the members and
employees of cooperative societies/Department.
5 4-year Strategic Action Plan (2019-23) Annual Action Plan (2019-20) and
actions there under
A) Sustainable Development Goals, Progress of Achievement of Goals, Targets
and Indicators
Sr. Targets Achievement
Indicator Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(The 4SAP of the department was approved on 30.10.2019 .Hence this
annexure does not apply to year 2017-18)
Any Notable Achievements over and above what is reported under 5(A)
and (B) above (Accreditation, quality certification, publication,
conferences, presentations, and any other related Information):
Debt Relief Scheme.
Other Achievements:-
During the year 2017-18, total 285 posts were filled in the office of Registrar,
Cooperative Societies, Punjab.
100% Supply of DAP in term of percentage of indent and 92% supply of UREA
in term of percentage of indent to the members of Cooperative Societies was
ensured during the year 2017-18.
3600 personnel of staff of Cooperative Societies/Institutions were trained by
1.64 lakh main members of Cooperative Societies were given benefit of Health
insurance under Bhai Ghaniya Sehat Sewa Scheme of the Department.
No. of Self Help Total No. of women No. of women Loan amount in
Group during this member loanee members (lacs.)
year (PACs/SHGs)
97 2168 733 151.37
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12