Arts Flyer
Arts Flyer
Arts Flyer
EPA Internships in Europe offers students the opportunity to study and intern in their choice of Arts and Humanities fields in London, Edinburgh, Brussels, Berlin, Bonn/Cologne or Madrid. EPA participants in the semester program take two courses while simultaneously completing a part-time internship, and summer participants complete a fulltime internship exclusively.
+ Internship at
I interned at the National Portrait Gallery, London in the publications department. The internship offered me hands-on experience in a worldrenowned art museum in the middle of Trafalgar Square. I worked alongside the editors, attended production meetings, took minutes at important board meetings with the Director, archived old files, edited upcoming works, met authors and artists, attended exhibition openings with the press, ran errands around London for the department, and attended book launches. I discovered that the publications department is essential to disseminating the works of artists and generating revenue to keep the Gallery open for years to come. I am now more certain than ever before that I want to work in publishing upon graduation this May. I have even decided to minor in Art History after this internship renewed my interest in art. The deadlines, the proofing, and the selecting of images and works is a thrilling process. Ashley Hull Albion College London
For complete program details, including internship and course descriptions, program dates, orientation information, policies and procedures, and an application visit our website: