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Volume-9, Issue-4, December 2019

Experimental Investigation of Eco-Friendly

Mortar Using Industrial Wastes

S.Lavanya Prabha, 2 M.Surendar, 3 M.Neelamegam
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Easwari Engineering College,
Ramapuram, Chennai, India.
E-mail: 1 lavanya.prabha@gmail.com,3 mnmegam@gmail.com
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Easwari Engineering
College, Ramapuram, Chennai, India. E-mail:m.srndr@gmail.com


The main objective of this paper is to develop a cement free sustainable Eco-
friendly mortar for prefabricated construction, ferrocement application, etc. Now-a
days the prefabrication industry gains importance because of the labour shortage
and material savings. This paper presents the development of industrial wastes for
prefabricate the modules and ferrocement applications. Fly ash, copper slag and
alkali activator solution were identified as the primary materials for developing
eco-friendly mortar. The parameters considered for design mix proportions are, (i)
the ratios of fly ash to copper slag, (ii) binder liquid to flyash and copper slag and
(iii) various molarities of Alkaline Activator Solution (AAS). The fresh and
hardened stage properties of the developed E-Mortar were tested as per Indian
standards IS 516:1959. Based on the results obtained from the study fly ash:
copper slag: binder was 1:1:0.6 attaining the target compressive strength was
considered as the first standard mix. The concentration of sodium hydroxide
solution was optimized by using it in different proportions to the standard mix. The
AAS of molarity 16 was found to be cupboards, canal lining, construction of boats
and water tanks.

Keywords: Alkaline Activator Solution, Copper slag, Eco- friendly mortar, Fly
ash, Molarity.

Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 9_4, 626–637. Alpha Publishers

This is an Open Access publication. © 2019 the Author(s). All rights reserved
627 S.Lavanya Prabha et al

1 Introduction
The construction industry has been widening its scope with prominent
use of precast structural elements for saving time and money. With walls in
the structures being just an infill element, precast method was adopted on a
larger scale for its manufacturing. Some of the recent advancements in the
field of civil engineering mainly focussed upon the usage of sustainable
materials. In that line-up, Eco- friendly mortar has been gaining momentum
from its time of invention, owing to the reason that it reduces pollution
caused due to the emission of carbon dioxide during cement manufacture.
The replacement of conventionally used construction materials by
industrial by-products is on increase to save natural resources. These by-
products when dumped in higher amounts, would lead to environmental
pollution and health hazards. Copper slag is one such material, which has
excellent properties that makes it adoptable in replacing the aggregates.
Earlier, products of geopolymer concrete were not made by 100%
replacement of source materials by industrial by-products. In this work, the
source materials are totally industrial by-products. So the combined use of
alkaline activator solution (AAS) and copper slag in preparing eco-
friendly mortar is a better alternative to conventionally developed ones.

2 Literature Survey

Day by day the World‟s Portland cement production increases with the
increasing demand of construction industry which crossed one thousand million
tons per year. Fly ash is the waste material of coal based thermal power plant,
Copper slag is another waste material from copper smelting plant. One ton of
copper extraction results in 2.2 T of slag production. All the above said waste
materials are available abundantly but creates serious disposal problem. Also
several hectors of valuable land is required for their disposal. It is observed in most
of the research papers that NaOH and Na 2 SiO3 alkali were used as an
activator[1,2,3,4]. The optimum molarity and optimum curing temperature for
Eco-Friendly mortar to get the required compressive strength is discussed in this

3 Materials Used

The materials used in Eco- friendly mortar are Fly ash, Copper slag and
Alkaline Activator Solution (AAS). The constituents of AAS are Sodium
hydroxide and Sodium silicate.
Experimental Investigation of Eco-Friendly Mortar Using Industrial Wastes 628

3.1 Fly Ash

Fly ash is an inorganic mineral residue obtained after burning of coal/lignite in

the boilers. Low-calcium ASTM class F Fly ash (FA) has been used as the binder
material[8]. The physical properties of fly ash found to be specific gravity of 2.62,
and bulk density of 708.51 kg/m3 .

3.2 Copper Slag

Copper slag is a by-product obtained during the copper smelting and refining
process. The physical properties of copper slag found to be specific gravity of 3.50,
bulk density of 2196.56 kg/m3 and water absorption of 1.39%. Copper slag is used
as one of the alternative materials for sand as the copper slag percentage
increases, the workability also increases. Some researchers showed that a
substitution of 50% copper slag yielded more compressive strength than
the other mixtures and control mortar mixtures [9,10,11,12].

3.3 Alkaline Activator Solution (AAS)

3.3.1 Sodium Hydroxide

Generally, the sodium hydroxides are available in solid state by means of

pellets and flakes. In this investigation, the sodium hydroxide pellets are

3.3.2 Sodium Silicate

Sodium silicate is available in liquid (gel) form. In present investigation

sodium silicate (1: 2 ratio between Na 2 O to SiO2 ) were used.

3.3.3 Preparation Process

The preparation process involves the use of alkaline activator solution

(AAS) which is a combination of solutions of NaOH and Na 2 SiO3 . The
primary reactive material used is fly ash. NaOH solutions were prepared one
day prior to casting. After allowing NaOH to cool to room temperature,
sodium silicate solution was added to make up the alkaline activator
solution[13,14]. The properties of Na 2 SiO3 are Na 2 O 12.93% and SiO2
25.88% the weight ratio for Si2 O/Na2 O is 1:2.
From the results of the trial mixes the following combination was
finalised for Eco-friendly mortar.
(FA: CS) as 1:1 to have a sufficient flow able consistency
Liquid to dry mix ratio is fixed as 0.6.
629 S.Lavanya Prabha et al

NaOH of concentration [molarity -M] 10M, 12M, 14M and 16M were
Dry mixing of fly ash and copper slag for 5 to 7 minutes until a uniform
mix is obtained.
AAS was slowly added to the dry mixture and continuation of mixing for
another 10 minutes until a uniform mix was achieved.
70mm mortar cubes were cast using the prepared E-mortar.

The cast specimens were cured under different curing condition. The
average compressive strengths of trial mixes are tabulated in Table 1.

Table 1: Average Compressive strength of trial mixtures

28th day
Liquid/ NaOH: Density
Sl.No. Mixture id Molarity FA : CS strength
Binder Na2 SiO3 (kg/m3 )
(N/mm2 )
1 GP16M1 16 1:1.5 0.6 1:0.75 2383 15.5
2 GP16M2 16 1:1.5 0.6 1:0.25 2379 11.5
3 GP16M3 16 1:1.4 0.6 1:2.5 2375 22.31
4 GP16M4 16 1:1.4 0.6 1:0.25 2329 29.8
5 GP16M5 16 1:1 0.6 1:2.5 2319 25.4
6 GP16M6 16 1:1 0.6 1:1 2365 9.61
7 GP16M7 16 1:1 0.6 1:0.75 2345 5.79
8 GP16M8 16 1:1 0.6 1:0.5 2357 8.92
9 GP16M9 16 1:1 0.6 1:0.25 2308 15.2
10 GP16M10 16 1:0.85 0.6 1:0.25 2297 13.43
11 GP16M11 16 1:0.75 0.6 1:0.25 2286 11.22
12 GP14M1 14 1:1 0.6 1:2.5 2310 24.28
13 GP12M1 12 1:1 0.6 1:2.5 2338 25.51
14 GP10M1 10 1:1 0.6 1:2.5 2327 23.61

4 Optimization

From the compression test results of fourteen trial Mixes, two of the
Mixes were selected for further experimental investigation. The final Mixes
considered for further mechanical tests are GP16M5 and GP10M1 with 16M
and 10M molarities respectively. It was observe that the presence of higher
NaOH solids would affect the polymerisation process.
The mechanical properties of the design mix were carried out as per Indian
standards IS 516:1959 to find the cube and cylinder compressive strength
under axial compression[15]. The compression test on cylinders included the
determination of stress-strain behaviour under both static and cyclic load
conditions. The compressive stress-strain variation under static loading is
Experimental Investigation of Eco-Friendly Mortar Using Industrial Wastes 630

represented by Figure 1. Flexure tests were carried on 100 x 100x 500mm

beam specimens, Figure 2 represents the flexural test setup. Stress-
compressive and tensile Strain curves for flexural beam under four point
loading were represented in Figure 3. Moment-Curvature curve for the
design mix is represented in Figure 4 and moment curvature for the
controlled mix is represented in Figure 5.
The non-destructive test Viz., Rebound hammer test and Ultrasonic Pulse
velocity test were done on the design mix in according to IS 13311 (part 2) –
1992. To assess the compressive strength, uniformity and quality by relating
the rebound index, strength homogeneity and integrity of mortar.
Water absorption test on specimens (beams) was taken and are oven dried
for 24hrs. After drying the specimens were immersed in water for a period of
72 hrs for full saturation and weighed.
The mechanical properties values are tabulated in Table 2.

Stress (N/mm2)

4 GP16M5
3 GP10M1
0 1 2 3 4 5
Strain (x10-3)

Figure 1. Comparison of Stress-Strain for both Mixes

Figure 2. Flexure test setup

631 S.Lavanya Prabha et al

Stress(N/mm 2 )
-0.002 -0.001 0 0.001 0.002
Compressive strain Tensile

Figure 3. Stress-compressive and tensile Strain curves for flexural beam under four
point load test.

0 0.00001 0.00002 0.00003 0.00004
Figure 4. Moment-Curvature curves

Moment (KNm)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Curvature (x10-3)

Figure 5.Moment curvature for M30 mix.

Experimental Investigation of Eco-Friendly Mortar Using Industrial Wastes 632

Table 2. Mechanical Properties of Mixes

Cube Cylinder Split- UPV –

Young‟s Flexural Water
compressive compressive tensile Rebound Velocity
Property Modulus strength Absorption
strength strength strength Number of waves
(N/mm2 ) (N/mm2 ) (%)
(N/mm2 ) (N/mm2 ) (N/mm2 ) (km/s)
Mix 13.39 4421.9
27.79 4.16 2.88 52 3.19 7.1
Mix 11.32 3262.24
24.87 2.35 2.48 45 2.36 8.46
21.33 11.16 2036.16 2.137 2.26 29 4.2 6.23

4.1 Acid Resistance test

Acid resistance test is carried out by immersing the Weighed Specimens in

3% Hydrochloric (HCl) acid for 72 hrs. Observations are made at 7, 14, 21
and 28 days for changes in appearance and loss of weight[16]. Fig.6 shows
the tested samples in acid. Table 3 shows the loss in weight of different

Figure 6. Samples after Acid test

633 S.Lavanya Prabha et al

Table 3. Loss in weight of different specimens

Mix GP16M5 Mix GP10M1

Weight Loss in
% Loss Loss in Weight (gms) % Loss
Weight (gms)
7days 2 0.729 1 0.365
14days 3 1.095 2 0.729
21days 4 1.459 2 0.729
28days 5 1.825 3 1.095

5 Discussions

The test results on the developed eco-friendly mortar were found to be

fruitful and the following observations were discussed.
The optimum binder ratio of NaOH: Na 2 SiO3 was 0.6 which possessed
good workability for all the mix ratios and the minimum time period required
to prepare the binder liquid was 4 days. Out of the trial mix proportions two
mixes viz. GP16M5 and GP10M1 were chosen based on their workability
property and further studied for their strength properties.
The stress-strain and moment-curvature curves exhibited linear
characteristics for both the selected mixes. This shows that stress is directly
proportional to strain and the nature of the failure was sudden fracture
Based upon the non-destructive rebound hammer tests for the
conventional mixes the strengths ranging from 20 to 30 N/mm2 , the rebound
number of varied between 25 and 32. Whereas for selected eco-friendly
mixes the rebound values were in the range of 42 and 52 at 28 days. This is
due to the higher strength of developed concrete and high strength of copper
slag filler particles as fine aggregates.
The UPV values varied between 2.4 and 3.2 km/s, which is slightly
lower to conventional cement mortars whose values varied between 3.8 and
4.5 km/s for strengths varying from 20 to 30MPa. This indicates there is
porosity in the concrete. Supporting observations were made through water
absorption tests.
The percentage of water absorption is lower for higher molar and the
vice versa, which in turn is equivalent to conventional mixes, ranging
between 5 and 7%. The mixture with lower concentration has relatively
higher water content at the time of casting, which after 28 days of
polymerisation creates more pores due to the expulsion of water during
Experimental Investigation of Eco-Friendly Mortar Using Industrial Wastes 634

Acid resistance test showed gradual decrease in weights of the specimens

at the end of each week i.e. at regular intervals, after immersion. However,
the percentage losses in weights were not appreciable. The developed mortar
has a good wear and tear resistance to acidic environment.

6 Conclusions

The following conclusions were obtained from the present study.

The objective of the paper is to develop an Eco friendly mortar Alkaline

Activator Solution (AAS) with strength of more than 20MPa which is ideal
for mortar for ferrocement construction. This is achieved from the mixes
developed using AAS solution and recycled Industrial wastes.
Thus the use of cement and natural resources (like sand, gravel) is
avoided and the desired strength was achieved by making use of the recycled
wastes (fly ash, copper slag).The developed mortar doesn‟t require curing
since Water used only in preparation of Alkaline Activator Solution (AAS).
Cement is replaced by 100%, which reduces atmospheric pollution due
to emission of carbon dioxide; thereby making the material developed an eco
The developed mix has shown strength parameters equal to the control
mix. So the developed eco friendly mortar can replace the cement based
mortar. The developed eco friendly mortar replaces the natural sand will
helps in depletion of natural resources.
When compared to control mortar mix, mixtures content 16M and 10M
showed higher in properties except in UPV and water absorption. Reason
may be properties of ingredients.
The moment curvature of the selected mix is equal to the control mix
which implies the use of copper slag as an alternate for sand.
The selected optimum Eco friendly mortar highlights the sustainability of
implementation in prefabricated construction, ferrocement wall panels and
lightweight concrete.


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Experimental Investigation of Eco-Friendly Mortar Using Industrial Wastes 636


Lavanya Prabha S, holds M.E. and earned PhD in Structural Engineering.

Ultra high performance cementitious composites, Cementitious composites
Composites, and Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious composites are her areas of
interest. She has 25 years teaching experience, 5years research experience
and has been a Professor in Easwari Engineering College for the past 7 years.
She has publications in 12 International journals and 3 National journals. Her
most significant contribution is that she applied for Patent for the project

Surendar M, holds M.E degree in structural Engineering from Anna

University.He is currently working as an Assistant Professor, Department of
Civil Engineering, SRM Easwari Engg College, Ramapuram, Chennai. He
has 7 years of teaching experience. And 4 years of industrial experience.
Published 04 International papers in scopus indexed journal, 03 paper
presented in national Conferences, and 01 paper presented in International

Neelamegam M, holds a PhD in Nihon University, Japan. Actively working

in the field of Cementitious composites composites, polymer ferrocement
composites, fiber reinforced polymer composites and Non Destructive testing
637 S.Lavanya Prabha et al

of cementitious composites structures. He has 35 years of research

experience and 8 years of teaching experience and now working as a
professor in Easwari engineering college. He has more than 150 publications
in international and national journals and conferences. He also published
more than 150 technical reports.

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