Science Technology Based Agriculture Vision of Pak

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Article · January 2005


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2 authors:

Muhammad Iqbal Munir Ahmad

Rosehill College Pakistan Institute of Development Economics


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Muhammad Iqbal and Munir Ahmad1

Agriculture is the largest income and employment-generating sector of Pakistan’s
economy. About two third population of the country resides in rural areas and directly or
indirectly depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The sector provides raw materials to the
industrial sector and is an important source of demand for its products. The past experience
shows that periods of high/low agricultural growth have generally coincided with periods of
robust/poor performance of the national economy [Ali 2000]. The share of agriculture in
GDP of the country has though declined overtime as a result of ongoing process of structural
adjustment, its performance still have a major impact on the overall performance of the
economy because of its linkages with the rest of the economy. Therefore, a higher and
sustained growth in agricultural production is imperative for a rapid development of the
economy and poverty reduction in the country. A number of researchers including Naqvi et.
al. (1992, 1994) and Mellor (1988) believe that agriculture must maintain a growth rate of
more than five percent in order to ensure a rapid growth of national income, attaining
macroeconomic stability, effective employment of growing labor force, securing
improvement in distributive justice and a reduction in rural poverty in Pakistan.
The important factors that may contribute to a higher agricultural growth include
expansion in cultivated area, enhanced use of water and other agricultural inputs, increase
in cropping intensity, technological change, and technical efficiency. Various studies
show a positive growth in total factor productivity for agriculture in Pakistan. However,
the estimates differ widely and range from 0.37 [Kemal et. al (2002)] over the period
1964-2001 to 2.3 [Ali (2000)] for the period 1960-1995. Chaudhry et al (1996) estimated
a total factor productivity growth of 0.48 for crop sub-sector over the period 1950-1995;
the growth in aggregated inputs accounted for about 80 percent of the total increase in
crop output growth and the rest was contributed by improvement in agricultural
It is widely maintained that the potential for allocating more land and water
resources to agricultural production and/or scope of further increase in cropping intensity
is limited in Pakistan. Moreover, use of inputs like fertilizers and pesticides cannot be
increased beyond certain limits and also because of national health and environmental
concerns. Therefore, the country would have to depend more heavily on technological
change and improvement of technical efficiency for the desired rapid agricultural growth.
Technological change is the result of research and development (R&D) efforts,
while technical efficiency with which new technology is adopted and used more
rationally is affected by the flow of information, better infrastructure, availability of
funds and quality inputs, and farmers’ managerial capabilities. Empirical evidence shows
that R&D through its influence on productivity has been an important source of growth in
The authors are respectively Senior Research Economist and Chief of Research at Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad
agricultural production in many of the developed as well as developing countries [Evenson

In Pakistan, productivity in various sub-sectors of agriculture continues to be

rather low relative to the developed and many developing countries with similar resource
base. It is also argued that Pakistan’s economy would be more and more integrated into
the world economy and it would become increasingly difficult for the agriculture sector
to compete in the world market unless higher growth in agricultural productivity is
ensured on sustainable basis. This paper reviews the current status of Pakistan’s
agriculture and discusses the potential of various factors to contribute towards a higher
and sustained growth of the sector in future. The study would focus on the role that
science and technology can play towards achieving higher growth in agriculture and on
prioritizing the future research and development efforts. While R&D activities are
absolutely important, these alone cannot be expected to achieve the above goals unless
they are supported by favorable policy instruments, human resources development,
necessary physical and institutional infrastructure etc. The required supportive actions
have also been identified in the paper
The scope of the study is limited to crops, livestock, inland fisheries, and agro
processing. The paper is organized into six sections. Section 2 presents a brief
introduction of the agriculture sector and mainly deals with issues in crops sub-sector.
The livestock and inland fisheries sub-sectors are discussed in section 3. The agro
processing is deliberated in section 4. The state of agricultural research is reviewed in
section 5. The final section concludes the paper and suggests R&D activities and
supportive actions.


In Pakistan, agricultural output is dominated by crop and livestock production, which

respectively accounted for 56.5 and 38.9 percent of the total valued added in agriculture
during 2002-03; fisheries and forestry sub-sectors contributed just 3.5 and 1.1 percent
respectively. The respective shares of major and minor crops in total value added in
agriculture stood at 40.5 and 16 percent. The four major crops namely wheat, rice, cotton,
and sugarcane contributed 37 percent to the overall agricultural income and around 9 percent
of the GDP. Therefore, performance of these four crops has been crucial for agricultural
production and overall performance of the economy. Since there have been wide fluctuations
in their performance over time, the GDP growth rates have been quite unstable. Therefore,
more diversification in the agriculture sector is crucial both for stability of agricultural
income as well as GDP. Though the contribution of minor crops has been small relative to
major crops, they have the highest growth potential particularly for vegetables, fruits, and
flowers along with livestock and fisheries sub-sectors. The following sub-sections discuss
important issues confronting agriculture in general and crops sub-sector in particular and
assess the roles that various factors can play toward a rapid growth for the sector.
2.1 Low Yields and Large Unachieved Potentials
The national average yields of various crops are far below their potential yields
realized at the progressive farms and that demonstrated at research stations. Moreover,
research potential yields are lower than the potential demonstrated in many of the developed
and developing countries. Evenson (2002) discusses four yield levels and three yield gaps
associated with them. The first level is actually realized yield on the average farmer’s fields
(T0). The second is the “best practice” yield (T1), which can be realized using the best
available technology (Figure 1). It is possible that some farmers obtain best practice yields
but the average farmer does not. The third yield level is the “research potential” yield (T2),
i.e., it is the hypothetical best practice yield that would be expected to be attained as a result
of a successful applied research program directed toward this crop. The fourth is “science
potential” yield (T3). This is also a hypothetical yield. It is the research potential yield
attainable if new scientific discoveries (e.g., in biotechnology) are utilized in applied research
Associated with these four yields levels three “gaps” are defined. Firstly, extension
gap, the difference between best practice and average yields. The extension programs are
designed to close this gap. Secondly, research gap, the difference between research potential
yields and the best practice yields. Applied research programs, if successful, will close this
gap (and will thus open up the extension gap). Thirdly, science gap, the difference between
science potential and the research potential yields. The agricultural productivity growth
would thus require frequently shifting of T3 and T2 yields2 thus widening the “research gap”
and continually bridging this gap by enhancing the best practice yield (T1) through applied
research. This in turn would expand the “extension gap” to be continuously bridged through
effective extension services; improving access to institutional credit and quality inputs;

This would require adequate funding for the R&D efforts to make new discoveries, human resource
development/capacity building, creating working environment, and incorporating new scientific discoveries in
agricultural research, e.g. agricultural biotechnology.

markets; health facilities; resource conservation; and promoting the adoption of tested

Figure 1: Productivity Gaps in Agriculture

Output 3

Science Gap
New scientific discoveries are
made and utilized e.g. Science Potential
agricultural biotechnology etc
Gap from world’s
highest average
World Avg.
Successful applied research,
Funding & working environment Research Gap
Research Station

• Extension, education & Best Practice

Extension Gap
• Agricultural finance
• Availability of inputs T
• Soil quality –gypsum 0

• Proper Ratio of N&P

• Markets &Infrastructure Average
• Plant protection
• Sowing time and plant
population Inputs

In Pakistan, all the above discussed yield gaps exist and are quite wide. Due to
general inefficiency of our agricultural production system, the national average yields of
most of the agricultural crops are far below the demonstrated potentials at the progressive
farms and the research stations. The “extension” and “research” gaps range from 31 to 75 and
25 to 57 percent respectively (Table 1). The national level yields of selected crops are 50 to
83 percent lower than the highest averages attained in other countries of the world. The
realization of this unachieved potential could offer excellent opportunity for future
agricultural growth.

Table 1: Various Levels’ Average Yields for Selected Agricultural Commodities and
Associated Yield Gaps (Yield in tonnes/hectare)
Commodity Highest Avg. Potential Progressive National Gaps (%)
(world) Yield Farms’ Yield Average** Extension Research From world
Wheat 7.5 (France) 6.8 4.6 2.3 50.0 32.4 69.3
Cotton 4.0 (China) 4.3 2.6 1.8 30.8 39.5 55.0
Sugarcane: Sindh 120 (Egypt) 300 200 60 70.0 33.3 50.0
Punjab 300 130 40 69.0 56.7 66.7
Maize 9.9 (France) 9.2 6.9 1.7 75.4 25.0 82.8
Rice 7.4 (USA) 5.2 3.8 2.0 47.4 26.9 73.0
Rapeseed/ mustard 3.4 1.5 0.8 46.7 55.9
Cow milk (tonne/Year) 5.5 (USA) 6.5 3.1* 1.2 61.3 52.3 78.2
Source: PCST (2003a); Iqbal and Ahmad (1999)
* Sahiwal Breed Potential ** National average yields in 2000-01

2.2 Degradation of Land and Inefficient Use of Water Resources

Land Resources: The growth in agricultural output in the past is mainly attributed to
development of irrigation infrastructure, increased cultivated area, enhanced land use intensity,
and augmented use of various inputs and to a lesser extent to improved productivity. Out of
79.61 million hectares of geographical area of Pakistan, 22.11 million hectares were cultivated
during 2002-03 as compared to 14.99 million hectares in 1949-50 (Table 2). Considering the
extent and severity of different soil related constraints, 26 percent of the arable land is classified
as very good, 35 percent good, 24 percent moderate, and 15 percent as marginal (PCST, 2003a).
The cultivated area increased by about 48.6 percent over a period of 52 years at a rate of
roughly less than one percent (0.76 %). A major proportion (82 %) of the cultivated area is
irrigated, while the rest (18 %) is rainfed. The cultivable wasteland of about 9 million hectares
seems to offer a good possibility of crop production if exploited in future through enhanced
water availability. Given the limited amount of unexploited water resources coupled with
political complications and heavy investments required for development of country’s water
resources, only a slow and partial exploitation of wasteland is possible.

Table 2: Distribution of Land Use in Pakistan (area in million hectares)

Area Categories Land Use in Percentage of Land Use in Percentage of
1949-50 Geographical area 2002-03 Geographical area
Geographical Area 79.61 100.00 79.61 100.00
Cultivated Area 14.99 26.33 22.11 27.77
Culturable Waste 9.32 11.12 9.00 11.31
Cropped Area 12.21 27.41 21.85 27.45
Forest Area 1.37 4.35 4.04 5.07

The cropped area increased from 12.21 million hectares in 1949-50 to 21.85 million
hectares in 2002-03, an increase of about 80 percent at a growth rate of about one percent per
annum. The national average cropping intensity increased from about 122 percent in 1980 to
142 percent in 2000 (see Agriculture Census). The provincial average cropping intensity stood
at 154, 130, 142 and 78 percent respectively in Punjab, Sindh, NWFP, and Balochistan
respectively (Annexure I). The cropping intensities increased over time in all the provinces

except Balochistan (where it was highest in 1990) but are declining with increase in farm sizes.
The national average cropping intensity on marginal and small farms was 162 and 151 percent
respectively during 2000. The average cropping intensity in irrigated area is expected to be even
higher and in certain areas may be in the vicinity of 200 percent. This implies that the pressure
on land resources is mounting overtime and especially on small and marginal farms (5hectares
or less). Such a high cropping intensity along with low use of farmyard manure and unbalanced
use of chemical fertilizers have serious implications for soil health and especially for
sustainability of marginal and small farms. Keeping this in view, further increase in agricultural
production through enhancing cropping intensity would have a slim chance.

Most of the soils in Pakistan are deficient in macro nutrients like nitrogen and
phosphorus. Increasing deficiencies of potassium and micro nutrients like zinc, boron and
iron etc have also been noted. The imbalanced use of fertilizer nutrients, lack of its
integration with organic sources along with poor management are the main factors affecting
fertilizer use efficiency. The other factors like salinity/sodicity, water logging, and soil
moister stress also affect the fertilizer use efficiency adversely but to a smaller extent. Most
of the farmers lack information regarding soils nutrients of their farm lands and with every
harvest more nutrients are being mined out than being added resulting in negative balance
[Hamid and Ahmad (2001)]. The strategy for a higher agricultural growth on sustainable
basis must address the issue of mismanagement of soil nutrients along with other
complementary measures like cross subsidy on DAP fertilizers to make it cheaper relative to
nitrogenous fertilizers (urea).
The other important issues that affect productivity of land resources in Pakistan
include water logging, salinity/sodicity, and soil erosion. Seepage from canals, distributaries,
watercourses and unleveled fields and poor drainage has created the problems of
waterlogging and salinity in the irrigated areas of the Indus plains. Presently, almost 30
percent of the irrigation water at the farm gate is derived from groundwater, whose quality is
far inferior to canal water. Out of over 562,000 private and 16,000 public tubewells in
Pakistan, 70 percent are pumping brackish water [PCST (2003)]. The salinity in root zone is
expected to increase with the application of marginal quality groundwater. According to
recent estimates, approximately 16 percent (2.4 million hectares) of irrigated land is
underlain by watertable that is within 5 feet of the surface and is thus classified as disaster
area. Out of this only 0.6 million hectares (1.6 million acres) are under various Salinity
Control and Reclamation Projects (SCARPs).
With regard to surface salinity, 14 percent of the land is affected at the surface. This
percentage, increases to approximately 20 percent if the salinity in the soil profile (in depth)
is also considered. There are 6.17 million hectares of lands affected with salinity and
sodicity. Out of this about 3.37 million hectares are uncultivated and are severely affected
with salinity/sodicity. About 2.80 million hectares of saline/saline-sodic lands are cultivated
out of which 0.97 million hectares are severely saline/saline-sodic and about 1.83 million
hectares are affected with slight to moderate salinity/sodicity (Table 3). Assuming the rates
of 20 and 35 percent lower productivity respectively on cultivated soils affected with slight
and moderate salinity/sodicity, it is estimated that nation is losing about 21.5 billion rupees
each year. Being under the canal commands, these lands offer very good potential for

agricultural production if they are reclaimed through provision of drainage facilities and use
of chemical and biological amendments.

Table 3: Extent of Saline/Sodic Soils in Pakistan and Associated Productivity Losses

Area and Loss Categories Slightly Moderately Severely affected Total
affected affected
Cultivated (000 Ha) 598.7 1229.8 975.3 2803.8
Uncultivated (000 Ha) - - 3369.7 3369.7
Total land affected 598.7 1229.8 4345.0 6173.5
Rate of agricultural GDP loss @ 20 % @ 35 % Cultivated: @ 60 %
Uncultivated@ 100 %
GDP loss from cultivated area 4679.4 16821.0 22868.5 44368.8
(million Rs)
GDP loss from uncultivated - - 131686.0 131686.0
(million Rs)
Total GDP loss (million Rs) 4679.4 16821.0 154554.5 176054.8

A significant amount of arable land resources are being lost due to rapid expanding
urban centers and dumping of urban solid waste and untreated toxic industrial waste on
arable lands. There is an urgent need to devise and implement a proper land use policy to
arrest the rapid loss of fertile arable lands. Soil erosion is relatively a more serious problem
in rainfed and hilly areas. Rapid deforestation and increasing crop production along steep
hillsides result in heavy losses of soil and its nutrients. The problem is even more serious
where soil depth is shallow. The chemical runoff is polluting the water bodies and soil
erosion is creating silting problem in water reservoirs and canals.
Water Resources: Pakistan’s agriculture is mostly dependent on irrigation from
surface and ground water resources. The surface water supplies to Indus plain include rainfall
and flows from Indus river system. According to recent estimates, the Indus river system
accounts for 60 percent of the annual water supply while rainfall accounts for only 15 percent
of the total water requirements for crop production (Table 4).

Table 4: Average annual water supplies for irrigation of the Indus Plain
Source Volume Volume Proportion (%)
(billion cubic meter) (million acre feet)
Rainfall 31.98 26 14.8
Diversion to canal irrigation systems 129.15 105 59.6
Groundwater 55.35 45 25.6
Total 216.48 176 100
Source: PCST (2003a)
The surface irrigation system relies on water availability in the rivers and of the total
water available for irrigation annually about 84 percent flows during kharif season and only
16 percent flows in rabi season [IWMI (1999)]. Ground water development has played an
important role in agricultural growth in Pakistan. Ground water supplies account for over
1/4th of the annual water supplies for agricultural production. Three million hectares are
currently being irrigated by tubewells with about 70 percent of them pumping out hazardous
irrigation water.

Originally, the system was designed to fulfill irrigation water requirement for 75
percent cropping intensity, which has now exceeded 142 percent (Annexure I). The water
losses due to poor maintenance of the irrigation system, seepage, evaporation, and inefficient
use of water at the farm level are as high as 60 percent. The canal and watercourse
conveyance losses respectively account for 33 and 50 percent of the total water losses. The
overall irrigation efficiency is very low compared to other countries, e.g. Israel has quite high
efficiency under desert conditions.
The growth rate in overall farm gate water availability has declined after 1980 (Table 5).
The capacity of existing storage reservoirs is reducing due to sedimentation. According to the
historical records, the 27 years average rim-station inflow of water was 138.7 million acre feet
(MAF). The average water outflow to sea amounted to 36 MAF. A certain amount of water is
essential to flow continuously into the sea to preserve ecology of deltaic area and prevent
seawater intrusion into inland fresh water areas. However, exact quantification of this amount of
water need to be determined by conducting impartial comprehensive study. There is a need to
conserve every drop of water in excess of the optimal outflow to the sea by developing required
storage capacity in future. The main problems of water sector include reduced water
availability, water losses both due to inefficient use at the farms and institutional problems, rigid
warabandi and poor performance of public sector tubewells [MINFAL, PARC & FAO (2000)].

Table 5: Water Availability at the Farm Gate (in million acre feet)
Decade Surface water Change (%) Ground Change (%) Total Change (%)
1964-65 62.94 9.25 72.19
1969-70 59.51 -5.45 15.59 68.54 75.10 4.03
1974-75 51.86 -12.85 25.16 61.39 77.02 2.56
1979-80 61.64 18.86 31.00 23.21 92.64 20.28
1984-85 65.21 5.79 38.15 23.06 103.36 11.57
1989-90 74.16 13.72 42.98 12.66 117.14 13.33
1994-95 81.23 9.53 48.42 12.66 129.65 10.68
1999-00 83.37 2.63 49.91 3.08 133.28 2.80
Source: Pakistan 2003 and Previous Issues
A national water quality management program to monitor water quality and enforce
standards on effluent discharge into rivers and streams is extremely important. Sustainable
water use requires an integrated approach involving conjunctive use of surface and ground
water with appropriate price mechanisms reflecting scarcity of resource.

2.3 Faulty Post Harvest Handling

The use of poor harvesting and post harvesting technologies for handling agricultural
production result in significant income losses in terms of quantity lost as well as reduction in
value due to lower prices on account of quality fading. The post harvest losses in different
fruits range from 12 to 40 percent (Table 6). In most of the fruits losses are high due to
external and internal injuries occurred during harvest. The fruits are usually packed in jute
sacks, used fertilizer bags, and in wooden crates. Due to extreme heat, high humidity, and
improper packaging conditions, produce quality deteriorates rapidly resulting in high losses.
Most of the losses occur during transportation and marketing especially in case of banana,

jujube, and mango. Lack of adequate storage and cold storage facilities in wholesale markets
is the major factor causing high market level losses.

Table 6: Estimated Post Harvest Losses for Different Fruits in Sindh (Percent)
Horticultural Crop Harvesting Packing Transport Ripening Marketing Total
Mango 10 3 2 5 10 30
Banana 2 5 10 2 20 39
Jujube 10 5 10 5 10 40
Chiku 10 5 5 5 5 30
Guava 15 3 2 - 5 25
Papaya 5 2 - 5 5 17
Dates 5 5 - - 2 12
Source: Bukhari (2000)

The post harvest losses in fruits are estimated at Rs. 31 billion and in vegetables Rs.
18 billion per annum [MINFAL (2001)]. The value of wasted quantity in case of just three
fruits (mango, banana, and dates) amounts to over 4 billion rupees per year. The shelf life
and desired quality of horticultural crops need to be improved to meet the international
standards and preference of the foreign consumers especially for potential export crops. Take
the example of kinno, we have varieties which are best in taste, however, the consumers in
foreign countries prefer seedless citrus.
A combination of research efforts for evolving suitable varieties and developing
improved harvesting, transporting, storage, and packaging technologies in this regard would
save us a significant amount of otherwise lost agricultural income. The export of high quality
fruits and vegetables needs to be supported by cold chain infrastructure and reefer containers.
2.4 Low Use and Unbalanced Doze of Fertilizer
The present average consumption of fertilizers in Pakistan is about 138 kilograms per
cultivated hectare, which is higher than India, USA, and USSR, but it is lower than many
developing and developed countries like Egypt, France, Japan, Germany, and Netherlands. The
historical data on fertilizer consumption depicts that per hectare fertilizer use declined in
Netherlands, Germany, and France respectively from 805, 479, 312 Kgs in 1970-71 to 470, 232
and 225 Kgs per hectare in 2000-01 (Annexure II). In Pakistan, probably at this stage quantity
of fertilizer nutrients used is relatively less important (at least in certain area and/or on certain
crops) than the balanced use of nutrients. Presently, the use of fertilizer nutrients is in the N: P
ratio of 3.4:1 as against the recommended ratio of 2:1. Significant increase in crop output can be
achieved by moving fertilizer applications towards a more balanced doze.
Relatively high cost of phosphatic fertilizers is the main driving force for the imbalance
use of fertilizer nutrients. Government may exercise cross subsidy to encourage a move towards
the balanced doze. Many soils are also deficient in micronutrients due to continuous mining of
these nutrients resulting from continuous same crop rotations. It is recommended that testing of
farm soils and tubewell water should be made mandatory and the testing results be used for
determination of proper nutrient mix and water treatment.

2.5 Unjust Use of Pesticides and Increasing Production Costs
The use of biocides and chemical fertilizers per cropped hectare has declined in a
number of countries and a few of them are returning to organic farming. However, in
Pakistan the use of chemicals and fertilizer nutrients are increasing and some of the
chemicals being used are banned in other countries. The residual effect of pesticides applied
on crops appears in the food chain. The analysis of samples of food and animal feed products
produced in high pesticide use zones showed that a high proportion of these commodities
contain pesticide residue beyond the maximum residue limits set for marketing and
consumption [Khan et. al. (2002)]. Excessive use of chemicals is not only costly but the
national health, environment, and ability of the country to export agricultural products in
future are also at risk. The use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach and
techniques of biotechnology can reduce production costs and enhance quality of the products.
There is also a need of establishing an effective network of chemical and toxic residues and
quality testing labs in Pakistan. The use of biotechnology techniques to develop disease
resistant varieties and integrated pest management technologies may reduce production costs
and increase yields of various crops.
2.6 Poor Accessibility to Quality Inputs and Services

Most of the farmers in Pakistan, especially those operating marginal and small farms,
generally lack access (physical as well as financial) to quality inputs and extension services
and generally have to pay higher prices. Improvement in access of the farmer to these inputs
and services would enhance agricultural production. Presently, institutional credit covers
only 15 percent of the farmers and meets 30 percent of the total credit requirements. The
formal financial institutions advanced an agricultural credit of Rs. 44 billion against a total
credit requirement of Rs. 146 billion during the last year with the current year’s target for
loan disbursement fixed at 100 billion rupee. Moreover, the institutional lending is skewed
towards large loans and farmers. The coverage needs to be increased with main focus on
farmers operating farms of size 12.5 acres or less.
2.7 Limited Certified Seed Production Capacity
Seed production and distribution remained mostly in the public sector that mainly
focused on major crops and here too had a limited capacity. Since 1994 role of private seed
companies has significantly increased as a result of more liberal policy of the government.
Presently 376 seed companies including four public sector seed agencies and five
multinationals are involved in the seed business in Pakistan. The problem of seed
adulteration, insignificant difference in yield performance of certified seed and farmers’ own
seed, and to some extent higher cost of certified seed are the main reasons that the farm level
use of certified seed and seed replacement rate remained low. The Seed Act 1976 restricts
production of pre basic and basic seed by the private sector while the capacity of production
of pre basic and basic seed at the public sector agricultural research institutions is limited due
to lack of funds, technical staff, seed processing plants, and seed storage facilities. There is a
need to either amend the Seed Act 1976 incorporating changes that allow the private sector to
start production of pre basic and basic seed or enhancing the capacity of research institutions
to produce the pre basic and basic seed in sufficient quantities to meet the full requirement of
the public and private sector organizations involved in seed production. We prefer the latter

under which foundation seed production be continued at research stations with an effective
private-public partnership where basic seed and technical guidance is provided by the
research institutions and Federal Seed Certification and Registration (FSC&R) Department
and actual seed multiplication by the private as well as public sector organizations with the
following alternative arrangements:
a) On quantity of certified seed marketed by the private sector royalty or seed cess be
charged by research institutions with a greater autonomy to use this money for seed
production purposes and research or
b) Entering into a buyback contract with private companies for purchase of agreed
quantity of seed of a specified quality of particular variety at a pre-settled price.

Presently, seed multiplication is mostly confined to few varieties of a small number of

major crops. Certified seed for a wider range of varieties and other crops (major and minor)
especially the fodders, oilseeds, and vegetables need to be produced and distributed.
Moreover, the country lacks capacity in production of hybrid seed and strengthening of
research efforts for development and commercialization of hybrid seeds varieties is needed.
To start with hybrid seed for canola, sunflower, fodders, vegetables, flowers, rice, and wheat
may be developed.

2.8 Government Interventions in Agricultural Markets

Heavy intervention by the government in agricultural markets did not let market
forces to play their role and it failed to provide proper signals to the producers and incentive
for private investors. As a result private sector investment in marketing infrastructure like
storage and cold storage etc. remained limited and that too mostly confined to Punjab. The
producers of crops like wheat, basmati rice, and cotton etc. were mostly offered lower than
the world prices.

2.9 Declining Average Farm Size

The average size of farm reduced from 5.28 hectares in 1972 to 3.1 hectares in 2000 and
the declining trend was observed in all the provinces after 1972 (Table 7). According to
Agricultural Census 2000, farms of size 2 hectares or less (hereafter marginal farms) constitute
about 58 percent of the total farms and operate only 16 percent of the total farm area whereas 5
percent of farms (of large size with farm area greater than 10 hectares) operated 37 percent of
the total area (Table 8). The division of land as a result of law of inheritance is major factor
resulting in reduced size of holdings. Thus increased numbers of farms are being operated as
uneconomic holdings, which cannot provide acceptable levels of living to a large chunk of
farming community. The farms of very large size may also be inefficient. Therefore, there is an
urgent need to conduct studies determining optimal farm size and optimal cropping intensity in
various agro-ecological regions of the country and to provide required incentives so that
majority of farms move towards the optimal size.

Table7: Average Farm Size in Pakistan (in hectares)
Years Punjab Sindh NWFP Balochistan Pakistan
1960 3.55 5.94 3.28 9.96 4.07
1972 5.29 5.12 3.69 10.16 5.28
1980 4.75 4.69 3.14 7.80 4.68
1990 3.71 4.34 2.21 9.63 3.78
2000 2.91 4.04 1.67 7.83 3.10
Source: Pakistan (2003a and previous issues)

Table 8: Percentage of Farm Numbers and Farm Area by Farm Categories in 1999-2000
Census 2 hectares or less 2 to <5 hectares 5 to <10 hectares Above 10 hectares
% farms % area % farms % area % farms % area % farms % area
1980 34 7 40 27 17 25 9 41
1990 47 12 34 28 12 22 7 40
2000 58 16 28 28 9 19 5 37
Source: Pakistan (2003a)


There are five crucial factors for the development of livestock. These include good
genetic potential, availability of feed resources, improved husbandry practices, effective disease
control, and fair marketing. Government efforts in all these areas have been half-hearted and fall
short of sector’s needs and requirements. The development expenditure in livestock sub-sector
has been minimal and has never exceeded 0.5 percent of the total development outlays
indicating government’s apathy towards livestock development [Afzal (no date)].
Pakistan has good milk yielding local breeds like Nili Ravi and Kundi in buffalo; and
Sahiwal and Red Sindhi in cow. Unfortunately, neither the public sector nor the private sector
took any significant initiative to improve these breeds through selection (or breeding) and
maintain the purity. As a result, the interested dairy investors cannot get animals of needed
breed in desired number from any place in the country. Moreover, a large number of high yield
milk animals (mostly in their early prime stage of production) are transported from rural areas
(especially of Punjab) to the peri-urban dairy centers working in suburb of large cities within or
out side the province. These animals rarely come back and are often culled when run dry or
smuggled. Theire young stock are slaughtered usually soon after the birth. This practice is a
serious threat to the genetic resource of these breeds and need to be given a serious thought.
The country is 30 percent deficit in feed resources to sustain the existing livestock
population. The animals are underfed and merely body maintenance requirements are being met
with little left to be converted into milk or for rapid body growth. Green fodder along with
roughages (crops by-products), weeds, and grasses are being fed to the animals with little
supplement from home grown grains, kitchen wastes, some concentrates/commercial livestock
feed etc. The roughages and fodders have poor nutritional values/digestibility and are rarely
treated to improve these factors.

Milk is the major product of the sector and only a small portion of total production is
marketed (through a long chain of intermediaries) for urban consumption and commercial
processing. Absence of cooling centers, long distances involved, poor road infrastructure,
inadequate transport facilities, and high diesel prices result in high transportation cost to the
dairy gates and urban centers. The high prices of energy coupled with low capacity utilization
and inefficient processing cause high prices of the processed milk and its products relative to the
fresh milk or traditionally processed milk products. As a result the demand for processed
products is discouraged and at the same time, farmers do not get due price for their produce.
For increasing meat supply, there is a need to develop local beef breed with high meat
yield per animal. This will require increase in feed supply through encouragement of
commercial production of cattle feed. At present the cattle feed industry is still in the early stage
of development. The major constraints limiting livestock production include shortage of fodder
coupled with its poor quality, poor genetic potential, nondescript breeds, long gestation period,
long calving interval, lack of proven sires, low adoption of artificial insemination and
vaccination, low yielding fodder varieties, inadequate health care, poor management practices,
inadequate marketing facilities along with consumer price control, heavy initial investment
requirements and low returns.
Fish production of inland sector is projected to increase at 6.2 percent growth rate per
annum [MINFAL, PARC & FAO (2000)). Indus River and its tributaries, a large canal
irrigation system, natural lakes and storage reservoirs besides farm fish pounds of varying sizes
can generate high value added in the sector. The potential for inland fisheries in NWFP, Punjab,
and Sindh provinces can be realized through development of aquaculture by promoting the
private sector. The major problems and bottlenecks limiting inland fish productivity in the
country are inadequate institutional and infrastructural facilities, lack of trained manpower,
shortage of quality fish seed, non-availability of modern fishing gears, aquatic toxicity, shortage
of proper storage and marketing facilities, and inadequate extension facilities.

4.1 Milk Processing
Pakistan is ranked as the 5th largest milk producing country in the world. Buffaloes
and cows contribute the major share to milk production and are raised in rural subsistence
and market oriented smallholdings, rural commercial farms, and peri-urban commercial dairy
farms. During the last two decades of the past century, milk production increased at a growth
rate of over 6 percent. Despite a reasonable growth there are major concerns in the area of
milk production faced by the dairy sector in Pakistan. The national average milk yield is
quite low as compared to the potential yield demonstrated at the research stations or realized
at progressive farms and in the developed and other developing countries (Tables 1). The
animals are generally underfed and use of quality feed is limited. Only a small proportion of
total milk production is marketed and the rural households traditionally process most of the
produce to make “ghee” (butter oil) and other milk products. The raw milk marketed through
a large chain of intermediaries often lack quality due to non-adoption of clean milk
production practices at the farm level, lack of chilling facilities, use of substandard
containers, and adulteration.

Small/cottage scale businesses as well as large-scale private companies are involved
in the processing of milk in Pakistan. Presently, there are 38 major dairy plants in the
commercial sector with a daily rated capacity of 2.18 million litres. However, only 13 plants
are in operation with milk processing capacity of over one million litres per day. In addition,
two military dairy plants are in operation on non-commercial basis. The capacity utilization
of dairy plants in operation is around 40 percent mainly due to depressed demand for
processed milk and milk products [Experts Advisory Cell (2003)]. Higher frequency of milk
collection due to inadequate chilling facilities; increasing energy costs; inefficient milk
collection, processing, and distribution system; and costly packaging result in high prices of
processed milk and milk products relative to the fresh milk or traditionally processed milk
products. As a result, the processed milk products have a depressed demand and there is
considerable under utilized processing capacity in the industry.
Less than 2 percent of the total milk produced in the country is being processed at the
dairy plants while in India 12 percent of the milk production is processed in the organized
sector. The processed milk products include HTST pasteurized milk, UHT treated milk,
condensed milk, dry milk powder, yogurt, butter, cheese, and some other milk product.
About half of the available milk to the industry is processed into UHT milk, 40 percent into
powdered milk, and the rest into other milk products like pasteurized milk, yogurt, cheese,
and butter etc. Despite a fairly long list of processed products the diversification (flavor and
fat based) byproduct extraction and value addition has been low. Especially, the value added
cheese has the immense potential for local as well as the international market. However, to
make it viable, the byproduct whey needs to be utilized fully for further product development
rather than wasting.

4.2 Fruits and Vegetable Processing

The production of fruits and vegetables is increasing in Pakistan. However, low yields
and inferior quality are frequent problems in horticultural crops. Non-standardized nursery
plant, non-availability of disease free seeds, poor management and cultural practices, and high
post harvest losses are the main issues related to production of fruits and vegetables. The
availability of high quality planting material is a serious problem faced by the growers all over
the country and even the growers who would like to procure better quality planting material are
unable to do so. The post harvest losses are reported as high as more than 30-40 percent for
horticultural crops causing a loss of over Rs.49 billion every year. Our horticultural farm
products often have short shelf lives and the quality usually falls short of being suitable for
processing. A long chain of marketing agents are involved before the produce reaches in the
hands of final consumers. These marketing intermediaries claim a major share in consumers’
rupee leaving the growers with very low returns. A major chunk of the total production of
vegetables and fruits is consumed or exported in raw/fresh form and only a small proportion of
it is processed.
In Pakistan, fruit and vegetable growing is highly dispersed with a large number of
(usually small) farmers involved in production of these crops. They usually grow poor planting
material of different species/varieties of fruits and many among them follow diverse and usually
un-standardized cultivation practices. As a result, the quality of fruits and vegetables is not
uniform. This affects quality of processed products and their acceptability by the consumers,
specifically in the international markets. Moreover, no distinct varieties are being developed for

table consumption and processing purposes. For example, mango which have firm pulp
containing little if any fiber are most suitable for table consumption and mangoes with soft pulp
(may be more of less fibrous) will be good for juice. The color of pulp may be less important in
table mangoes and more important in juicy mangoes. Similarly, mangoes making raw material
for pickles, jams and canned slices may be of totally different color, taste, and aroma.
In horticultural crops harvesting is mostly done manually with age-old tools. While the
manual harvesting of fruits may continue, improved hand tools and with a possible training of
the pickers to reduce fruit injuries during harvest may be employed. The use of effective pre-
cooling techniques is rarely employed and most of the growers/contractors use conventional
method of storing in shade and sprinkling it with water. Grading of the produce is done rarely
and mostly by visual inspection. In main production areas for some fruits (e.g. citrus) and
vegetable (e.g. potatoes), mechanical grading has started. The farm level storage facilities are
improper and markets usually lack adequate cold storage capacity. The limited available cold
storage capacity in the country is mostly confined to Punjab. The processors depend on a large
number of markets and growers to meet their needs resulting in operational difficulties of
coordinating with a large number of growers and monitoring raw material quality. The
processing industry comprises of generally small cottage businesses though there are also large
scale processing units. The traditional technologies used for preservation and processing
especially in small units need to be improved.
Due to high prices of processed food items and seasonal availability of one or the other
fresh fruit/vegetable throughout the year, demand for the processed products is low. The high
energy and packaging costs are among the major reasons for high prices of processed products.

5. Agricultural Research in Pakistan

Pakistan has a sizeable national agricultural research system (NARS) consisting of
federal as well as provincial research institutions. Overall, there are 74 research
establishments at the federal level and 106 research institutions/agricultural research stations
at provincial level [PARC (1996)]. Each province has its own commodity-
based/multidisciplinary agricultural research institutes/research stations and substations,
covering crops, livestock, forestry, and, in some cases, fisheries. There are 63 research
establishments in Punjab, 22 in Sindh, 15 in NWFP and 10 in Balochistan [MINFAL, PARC
& FAO (2000)]. The provinces have also established mono-crop institutes concentrating on
specific crops.
All the provinces except Balochistan have agricultural universities where applied and
basic research is a vital part of their academic activities. These universities are financed by
the federal government through the Higher Education Commission (HEC) but are under the
administrative control of the provincial governments.
The indicators of research staff and research funding sufficiency include ratio of
agricultural scientists to population, percentage of Ph. Ds in total scientific manpower, per
scientist funding, and agricultural research expenditures as percentage of agricultural GDP.
In Pakistan agricultural research is poorly staffed and under funded in all the above senses.
The proportion of agricultural scientists with Ph. D degree is only 10 percent in Pakistan,
which is low compared to other developed and developing countries. The limited number of
highly qualified scientists is not evenly distributed and about 50 percent of the Ph. Ds are

located in universities, 33 percent in the federal institutions and the rest of them are in
provincial research institutions [FAO-GOP (2002)]. This shows a severe lack of qualified
manpower in provincial research systems.
In Pakistan, there were 44 agricultural scientists per million people during 1988 as
compared to 2360, 1400, and 300 agricultural scientists per million people respectively in
USA, UK, and Egypt [John Mellor Associates (1994)]. The number of agro-ecological zones,
types of agricultural production systems, and 130 commercial crops that the country’s
agricultural research deals with, demands for a much greater number and more qualified
scientific staff to be engaged in agricultural R & D activities [PARC (1996)].

The recent number of agricultural scientists and estimates on the level of funding for
agricultural research are not readily available. The research expenditures per agricultural
scientist in Pakistan were 8.9 thousand US dollars (240 thousand rupees) during 1980 as
compared to 56.4, 30.2, and 21.8 thousand dollars per agricultural scientist respectively in
Malaysia, Indonesia, and India (Annexure III). It came down to Rs. 194 thousands per
scientist during 1992 in real terms (at 1990 prices).
Research funding level is around 0.2 percent of agricultural GDP as against 1.5
percent recommended by the Pakistan National Commission on Agriculture [Pakistan
(1988)]. The ratio of salaries to operating cost is at about 85:15 compared to internationally
accepted ratio of 60:40. Most of the budget allocation is meant for research on crops (mainly
for the major crops) whereas disproportionately small amounts are allocated to research on
livestock, horticultural crops, natural resource management, and fisheries etc. The share of
agriculture in total PSDP/ADP declined from 12.78 percent in 1980-81 to as low as 0.13
percent during 2001-02 and at percent is 0.94 (Annexure IV). The share of agriculture in total
PSDP should be increased to at least 6-8 percent if agricultural production has to be
enhanced by a considerable margin.
It is also identified that the research system in Pakistan offers limited career growth
opportunities and little financial incentives even to the highly qualified scientists [FAO-GOP
(2002)]. The high level research leadership often lack skills of human resource management.
There is rapidly aging profile of agricultural scientists and a continuous brain drain from the
system. Most of the institutions lack access to quality literature and modern lab equipment to
undertake quality research. The scientists have inadequate links with the international and
national research and educational institutions, entrepreneurs, extension agents, and the
farmers. The science gap is widening due to fast moving scientific development
internationally. The present national research system is ill-equipped to meet even the present
challenges not to speak of 2020 and beyond. Pakistan must introduce a more knowledge-
intensive agricultural research system that focus on technological innovations at the system
level and has access to modern biological sciences.
It is widely accepted that the conventional breeding, extensively used during the
Green Revolution era, no longer offer any significant breakthroughs in the yield potentials
and in providing solution to the complex problems of pests, diseases, and drought stress. The
recent achievements in the field of biotechnology offer the potential to increase the crop and
livestock productivity; improve nutritional quality, broaden crop tolerance against biotic and
abiotic stresses, and enhance crop resistance against pests and diseases. The tools of modern
biotechnology are precise and make development of new strains of improved crop and

livestock more rapid [Asian Development Bank (2001)]. It is envisaged that the next
breakthrough in agricultural productivity would be due to recent developments in plant
molecular biology, genetic engineering, and rapid advancement in genomics [Zafar and
Malik (2003)].
Traditional biotech activities particularly related to plant tissue culture have been carried
out in few academic and research institutions of Pakistan since 1970s. An exclusive national
center of Molecular Biology (CEMB) was established in 1983-84 at Lahore. The National
Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) started work at Faisalabad in
1994. During the past few years, there is growing interest in establishing Biotech centers in
major cities. Despite all these developments, there is no coherent national policy regarding
biotechnology in general and agriculture biotechnology in particular.

Agricultural Biotechnology: Agricultural Biotechnology R&D is suggested to focus

areas of traditional biotechnology as well as modern biotechnology like genetic engineering and
plant genomics. The techniques of modern biotechnology can be applied to diagnosis of pests,
diseases, contaminants, vaccine development, and quality traits; micro-propagation to provide
disease free plantlets of vegetatively propagated species (that do not readily produce seed);
generating genetic markers, maps, and genomic information in marker assisted selection and
breeding; and in developing transgenic plants with higher yields, disease and pest resistance,
tolerance of environmental stresses, and improved nutrition in crops.
The agriculture sector has so far not benefited from the full potential of tissue culture
technology except potato and to some extent in banana, as research effort at public and private
levels is small. The size of these efforts in term of researchers and financial resources are still
very small and unable to reach commercial scale in other plants.
Biological pest control is another promising area for research in agricultural
biotechnology. The high use of chemical pesticides to control pests and diseases has not resulted
only in high production costs but also has serious implications for environment and national
health. The chemical pesticides are highly inefficient as most of the sprayed chemical are
washed away from plant surface and end up in the soils. The chemical residues have already
started appearing in our food chain and feeds of livestock. In these circumstances, it is
particularly important that efforts are made to substitute chemical pesticides with bio-pesticides,
which are environmentally friendly and are more target specific (do not destroy beneficial
organisms) and do not leave harmful residues.
In Pakistan, soils are generally deficient in organic matter and essential plant nutrients,
due to high temperature and intense microbial activity. The application of organic fertilizer
(farmyard manure and green manure) is limited and that of chemical fertilizers is increasing.
This coupled with unbalanced use and faulty management practices the fertilizer efficiency is
quite low. It results not only in rising production costs but also in degradation of land and water
resources. The development and use of bio-fertilizers in combination with organic and chemical
fertilizer may improve crop yields, reduce costs, and conserve land and water resources. In
Pakistan, the government directly or indirectly supports much of the production of bio-
fertilizers. NIAB/NIBGE, Faisalabad, NARC, Islamabad, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
and several provincial institutes are involved in research on bio-fertilizers.

The demand for bio-fertilizers is nominal due to poor and uneven quality, short shelf
life, absence of distribution system, and small contribution to crop yield. The research efforts to
increase the shelf life and effectiveness of bio-fertilizers through genetic manipulation of strains
are crucial for enhancing acceptance and use of bio-fertilizers in the country.
The modern biotechnology has widened the range of useful traits that can be applied
to develop new varieties by the virtue of technical ability to transfer genes conveying
desirable traits from any organism into any other. Moreover, it reduces time in which desired
changes in plant characteristics can be made to about half of that required through traditional
methods. These techniques can be applied to develop disease and insect resistance, tolerance
to abiotic stresses, product quality, and increasing yield potential. Incidence of pest and
insect attacks, diseases, drought, high temperature, and salinity/sodicity are among the most
important constraint to agricultural production in Pakistan. Development of varieties resistant
to pests and diseases and with improved tolerance to abiotic stresses should be the main
focus of future crop breeding research.
In Pakistan, crop improvement efforts using modern technology started as early as 1985
at CEMB, Lahore and later NIBGE initiated genetic engineering of plants during early
1990s. Most of the activities are related to rice and cotton but recently tomato and potato are
also taken up. Although transgenic plants have been developed at these centers, work on
field evaluation is blocked due to absence of biosafety rules. Further, delay and uncertainty is
expected due to actual performance of genetically engineered crop in the field and difficulties
to protect it from further use by various public and private seed agencies. According to the
most optimistic estimates, it will take at least 2-3 years before plants with desired traits can
be produced and used in breeding programs [Zafar and Malik (2003)].
The delivery of the products is strictly regulated by various international conventions thus
co-current national capacity building for application of biosafety guidelines, handling of GM
products and import/export of GM crops/foods are equally important and vital for its
commercial applications. The national efforts except development of GM crops are much
below the desired level.
Construction of genetic linkage maps is fundamental step for detailed genetic study and
marker assisted breeding approach in any crop. In Plant Genomics, the country is yet to take
a start. NIBGE, Faisalabad, has conducted research for estimating genetic diversity among
different crop plants. Efforts are being made to develop genetic linkage maps for different
traits of interest in cotton as well as of wheat. The uplift of the genomic research in the
country is needed.


Agriculture is the largest sector of the economy and would stay important for quite
some time. The higher growth rate for the agriculture sector than performed in the past is
imperative for a rapid overall growth of the economy, macroeconomic stability, employment
generation, and reduction in rural poverty in Pakistan. The leading factors in terms of their
contribution to agricultural growth in the past are less likely to play the same important role in
growth of the sector in future. The shortage of irrigation water would be the most limiting factor
in the coming years and there is a dire need to maximize output per drop of water through
developing/adopting water conserving technologies, enhancing irrigation efficiency, and

rationalizing the acreage under crops that use water more extensively and in which the country
does have comparative advantage. Additional reservoirs need to be built soon to store every
drop of water in excess of what is required to regularly flow in the sea for deltaic conservation.
Of course, this optimal flow requires a proper quantification by the impartial experts/agency.
The expansion of cultivated area has already slowed down. The culturable waste lands
of 9 million hectares may offer good opportunity for bringing in more lands into production
however it would require huge investments and enhanced water availability. Improvement of
1.83 million hectares of cultivated saline/sodic lands being in canal commands may make a
cheaper potential source. The factors like higher cropping intensity, increased fertilizer, and
intensive use of pesticides are expected to play relatively a less important role in future. Thus
Pakistan has to rely more heavily on productivity enhancement through technological change
and improvement of technical efficiency for the desired rapid agricultural growth in future.
While the conventional breeding need to be continued in future it no longer offer any
significant breakthroughs in the yield potentials and in providing solution to the newly
emerging complex problems like pests, diseases, and drought stress. Therefore, the
application of recent advances in the field of agricultural biotechnology is crucial to increase
the crop and livestock productivity, improve nutritional quality, broaden crop tolerance
against biotic and abiotic stresses, and enhance crop resistance against pests and diseases.
The tools of modern biotechnology are more precise and involve shorter time for
development of new strains of improved crop and livestock. It is envisaged that the next
breakthrough in agricultural productivity would be due to recent developments in plant
molecular biology, genetic engineering, and rapid advancement in genomics
The national agricultural research system (NARS) is poorly funded, ill equipped,
weakly linked with international and national stakeholders, thinly staffed with mostly low
capacity and unmotivated scientific manpower, lack autonomy, and generally mismanaged.
The NARS cannot deliver up to the future expectations without funding at a higher level,
essential human resource development, provision of modern laboratories and good library
facilities, creation of a nice working environment, and offering the scientists good career
opportunities and financial incentives.
Various issues identified/discussed in previous sections and the suggested R&D
efforts and other essentials are summarized in the following

Low Yields and Unachieved Potential
Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ 67 to 83 75 % unachieved potential with existing ¾ Strengthening of agricultural extension
technology system
Extension Gap= 31-75% ¾ Development of HYV varieties resistant to
Research Gap= 25-57% biotic and abiotic stress (use of agricultural
Gap world’s Highest Avg.= 50-83% biotechnology)
¾ Stresses like drought, high temperature, and pest and ¾ Strengthening seed production and
diseases reduce yields distribution system
¾ Inadequate and poor quality seed production: ¾ Development of hybrid seeds
¾ Formal seed industry produces seed for few varieties ¾ Production of virus free seed through tissue
of certain crops culture
¾ Meets only 40% of yearly seed requirements ¾ Development of technologies for organic
¾ Costly hybrid seed and monopoly of multinationals food production
¾ Low exploitation of potential in organic farming ¾ Development of effective bio-fertilizer
¾ Increasing costs/use of pesticides/ fertilizers and their ¾ Search of novel bio-pesticides with improved
adverse effects on health and environment efficacy, potency, and increased shelf life
¾ Low use of agricultural biotechnology and limited ¾ Development of genome maps
capacity in research ¾ Strengthening plant genomic research
 Lack of bio safety regulations  Approval and enforcement of bio safety
 Insufficient institutional credit regulations
 Increased supply of institutional credit at
competitive rates.

Degradation of Land Resources: Nutrient Mining and Salinity

Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Mismanagement of plant nutrients and declining soil fertility ¾ Integrated plant nutrient system
¾ Unbalanced fertilizer use (IPNS)
¾ Slight to moderate salinity/sodicity on ¾ Gypsum application for treatment
Area : 1.83 million Ha of saline / sodic lands
Losing: yearly Rs. 21 billion of GDP ¾ Crop and soil nutrient indexing
¾ Tube wells pumping brackish water
70 % tube wells -- adding to salinity
¾ Nutrient/fertility status of most of soils unknown
Low fertilizer use efficiency, yield, and
quality of produce

Inefficient Use of Irrigation Water

Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Low field level water use efficiency ¾ Using of laser leveling technology
Unleveled fields and traditional irrigation ¾ Water conserving irrigation
¾ Low overall irrigation efficiency: technologies
Overall water losses = 60% ¾ Lining of canals and water
Watercourse level = 50% of total losses channels
Canal level = 33% of total losses ¾ Studies on proper water pricing
¾ Deteriorating canal system due to lack of funds for proper reflecting scarcity of resource
Burden on Govt. exchequer

Low Milk and Meat Yields per Animal
Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Low milk yield: ¾ Improvement of local breeds of
Extension Gap=61% buffalo and cows
Research gap=52% ¾ Vaccine development
Gap world’s highest Avg.= 78% ¾ Improvement of non descript breeds
¾ Underfed livestock: through artificial insemination
Feed shortage by 30-40% ¾ Strengthening/up gradation of
¾ Infectious diseases outbreaks semen production units
Vaccination only 10% ¾ Development of beef and mutton
¾ Large number of non-descript breed: breeds
70% cattle ¾ Promotion of balanced feed for milk
¾ Low use of artificial insemination production
Only 10% ¾ Fodder and range land management
¾ Lack of breeds for mutton and beef production

High Post Harvest Losses

Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ High post harvest losses: ¾ Improvement of post harvest
Range in Fruits/Veg. =12 to 40% handling technologies
Yearly loss: ¾ Development of storage, cold
Fruits = 31 billion storage, and transport infrastructure
Vegetables 18 billion ¾ Improving shelf life of fruits &
¾ Short shelf life of fruit and Vegetable varieties vegetables
¾ Lack of cold chain infrastructure

Lack of Proper Quality Control System

Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Lack of proper quality control system ¾ Establishment of 16 quality testing
¾ Inadequate number of quality testing labs and residue testing labs

Weak National Agricultural Research System

Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Poorly funded agricultural research ¾ Human Resource
Research budget = 0.2 % of Agri. GDP Development for NARS
Ideal = 1.5 % of Agri. GDP ¾ Access to digital library
¾ Share of Agri. in PSDP facilities
declined from 12.8 % in 1980-81 to 0.13 % in ¾ Upgrading of laboratory
2001-02. Currently 0.94 % facilities
¾ High Establishment Expenditures: ¾ Service structure for
Est. to Non-Est. Expenditure ratio = 85:15 NARS scientists similar to
Ideal = 60:40 PAEC
¾ Small number of Ph D scientists unevenly distributed
Ph D scientists only 10% mostly in Universities and federal
¾ Lack of lab equipment and library facilities
¾ Poor service structure and lack of incentives

Low Exploiting of Potential of the Inland Fisheries
Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Limited institutional/human resource capacity ¾ Strengthening of fisheries research
¾ Poor quality fish seed ¾ Improving the quality of fish seed
¾ Over exploitation of shrimp resources ¾ Aquaculture and cage culture for shrimps
¾ Lack of proper fish feed ¾ Use of brackish water for fish production
¾ Development of fish feed

Milk Processing
Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Low proportion of milk production processed ¾ Milk chilling units at village
Processing = only 2% level and use of LPS for milk
¾ High price of processed milk depress demand preservation in remote areas
¾ Most of milk production not marketed due to lack of chilling facilities ¾ Promotion of demand for
¾ Large unutilized processing capacity processed milk and powder
Out of 38 major plants only 13 operate milk
Out of 10 powder milk plants 6 operate at 50% capacity ¾ Product diversification
¾ High collection, processing, and packaging cost ¾ Development of packaging
¾ Limited product diversification and low extraction of byproducts capacity

Fruit and Vegetables Processing

Issues Actions/Technologies
¾ Lack of certified nurseries and poor quality planting materials ¾ Establishment of certification
¾ Heterogeneous quality of horticultural produce system for nursery plants
¾ Limited grading and faulty packaging ¾ Establishment of irradiation plants
¾ High cost of processed products ¾ Development of grading and
¾ Limited cold storage capacity packaging capacity
¾ Development of cold chain


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PCST (2003a) Report of the National Commission on Agriculture, Pakistan Council of Science
and Technology, Islamabad.
Zafar, Yusuf and K.A. Malik (2003) Working Paper on Biotechnology in Agriculture.
National Commission on Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology,
Government of Pakistan.

Annexure I: Cropping Intensity at Various Farm Sizes (Percent)
Province and Farm Sizes 1980 Census 1990 Census 2000 Census
) Punjab
Private Farms Total 123.60 141.48 154.15
Under 2.0 143.11 160.30 168.95
2.0 to under 5.0 130.73 148.15 159.89
5.0 to under 10.0 122.22 138.13 151.48
10.0 and above 115.40 131.35 141.22
) Sindh
Private Farms Total 129.52 139.91 129.60
Under 2.0 157.12 161.31 145.63
2.0 to under 5.0 140.86 150.52 140.06
5.0 to under 10.0 123.49 130.52 130.52
10.0 and above 112.13 126.07 113.63
Private Farms Total 120.59 132.06 141.51
Under 2.0 154.56 156.36 160.27
2.0 to under 5.0 133.63 138.69 144.67
5.0 to under 10.0 114.34 121.69 126.72
10.0 and above 90.42 102.16 112.15
) Balochistan
Private Farms Total 31.51 94.38 77.86
Under 2.0 38.41 107.64 91.62
2.0 to under 5.0 34.67 105.10 92.61
5.0 to under 10.0 33.52 98.84 82.92
10.0 and above 29.29 89.25 68.68
) Pakistan
Private Farms Total 121.71 136.66 142.14
Under 2.0 146.23 158.51 161.54
2.0 to under 5.0 131.86 145.89 151.07
5.0 to under 10.0 120.06 132.93 140.20
10.0 and above 109.19 122.68 123.79
Source: Pakistan (1983, 1993, and 2003)

Annexure II: Fertilizer Consumption in Selected Countries (Kgs per Hectare)
Year Netherlands Germany Japan France Egypt Italy USA USSR Pakistan India
1979-80 805 479 478 312 212 189 111 75 51 30
1980-81 789 471 372 301 232 170 112 81 53 31
1981-82 767 418 387 298 248 163 102 83 53 39
1982-83 738 435 412 299 335 161 87 87 61 35
1983-84 789 431 437 312 361 169 105 99 59 39
1984.85 841 445 452 326 387 178 126 - 63 -
1985-86 770 428 427 309 319 169 92 114 86 57
1986-87 688 421 433 299 351 190 93 182 83 54
1987-88 702 433 491 328 388 254 95 120 83 53
1988-89 685 468 468 335 448 231 94 119 84 67
1989-90 663 467 467 341 452 201 100 109 91 70
1990-91 610 394 451 316 401 200 96 111 92 72
1991-92 599 - 431 309 405 220 71 85 91 77
1992-93 599 239 395 253 339 156 101 42 101 72
1993-94 560 221 407 237 - 148 108 - 97 73
1994-95 554 240 400 242 304 159 103 12 103 80
1999-00 - 243 - 248 355 - - - 117 99
2000-01 470 232 - 225 - 211 106 - 138 103
Source: Pakistan 2003a. Data from 1995-96 to 1998-99 not available
Note: - Not Available

Annexure III: Research Expenditure per Scientist in Selected Asian Countries (1980)
Country Thousand US dollars
Malaysia 56.4
Papua New Guinea 45.9
Indonesia 30.2
India 21.8
Bangladesh 16.2
Philippines 15.5
Thailand 15.3
Nepal 12.4
Sri Lanka 10.9
Pakistan 8.9
Source: Azam et. al. (1991)

Annexure IV: Share of Agriculture and Water in Total PSDP/ADP
Years Amount in million rupees Percent Share
Agriculture Water Total Agriculture Water Agriculture + Water
1980-81 3340 1616 26137 12.78 6.18 18.96
1981-82 3427 2808 27000 12.69 10.40 23.09
1982-83 3457 3840 29563 11.69 12.99 24.68
1983-84 2798 3381 28161 9.94 12.01 21.94
1984-85 2920 3541 32606 8.96 10.86 19.82
1985-86 4435 4589 37576 11.80 12.21 24.02
1986-87 3221 4129 42579 7.56 9.70 17.26
1987-88 3493 4538 46548 7.50 9.75 17.25
1988-89 3990 3389 47844 8.34 7.08 15.42
1989-90 3012 5440 57705 5.22 9.43 14.65
1990-91 3042 6815 88412 3.44 7.71 11.15
1991-92 3692 5554 89629 4.12 6.20 10.32
1992-93 3461 8461 119890 2.89 7.06 9.94
1993-94 2164 12265 145252 1.49 8.44 9.93
1994-95 2004 14109 153720 1.30 9.18 10.48
1995-96 1561 14947 172816 0.90 8.65 9.55
1996-97 1210 15740 139743 0.87 11.26 12.13
1997-98 940 11233 141495 0.66 7.94 8.60
1998-99 431 12319 152707 0.28 8.07 8.35
1999-00 540 11380 148767 0.36 7.65 8.01
2000-01 820 11596 150325 0.55 7.71 8.26
2001-02 168 16177 130000 0.13 12.44 12.57
2002-03 797 10914 134000 0.59 8.14 8.74
2003-04 1500 14689 160000 0.94 9.18 10.12
Source: Pakistan 2003b (Statistical Supplement)


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