12. Whereas, the above factual position clearly demonstrates that Miss
Afsana Mehboob has temporary disability which can be rectified by Surgery
and it is recommended that she cannot be given benefit under PwD category
while as Mr. Raja-Naveed-ul-Hassan have on the basis of fake and
fraudulent PwD certificate bearing No JK0510620020218780 dated
15.09.2022 purportedly issued by CMO managed to figure in the merit list
and the provisional selection list notified by the JKBOPEE and got the
provisional admission in professional courses (MBBS) in GMC Jammu. The
candidate has not only managed to get the provisional admission in the
MBBS course by fraudulent means but also spoiled the career of a
meritorious candidates, who may have got admission on the said seats in
place of Miss Afsana Mehboob and Mr. Raja-Naveed-ul-Hassan which act
on their part not only warrants cancellation of their provisional admission in
terms of the relevant rules but is also liable to be proceeded against as per the
And, now therefore, in view of the above position, the name/
candidature of Miss Afsana Mehboob and Mr. Raja-Naveed-ul-Hassan in the
provisional merit list (PML) notified vide notification NO 045-BOPEE of
2023 dated 27.07.2023, and in the provisional selection list notified vide
Notification 057-BOPEE of 2023 dated 11.08.2023 issued by the BOPEE
shall and shall always have deemed to have been cancelled, ab initio.
Controller of the Examinations