Accident Report SOP

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1A Page 1 of 5
10/01 Rev. 1
Incident Investigation & Reporting Review Date:
(With or Without Injury) 10/01
Approved by:


I. Scope & Purpose

II. Related Procedures And Resources
III. Personnel Responsibility
IV. Notification Procedures
V. Securing The Scene
VI. Investigation Procedure
VII. Incident Reports And Logs
VIII. Causal Factors And Corrective Action


A. To set a standard for prompt reporting, investigation and documentation of

injuries, illnesses, and near-misses in the workplace for the purpose of:
1. Providing information to determine injury rates, identify trends or
problem areas, and to satisfy workers’ compensation requirements.
2. Identifying causal factors.
3. Identifying deficiencies in the management system.
4. Suggesting and implementing corrective action.

NOTE: Requirements for treatment of injuries are covered S.O.P. 5C


A. SOP 5A Drug, Alcohol, and Contraband Procedures

B. SOP 5B Bloodborne Pathogens Control
C. SOP 5C Treatment of Injuries and Illnesses
D. Appendix Form 1A.1b, Supervisor’s Incident Report and Investigation Form
E. Appendix Form 1A.1b.1, Supervisor’s Incident Report and Investigation Usage
F. Appendix Form 1A.1c, Weekly Injury Report
G. Appendix Form 1A.1d, Supervisor Initial First-Aid/Injury Report
H. Appendix Form 2B.1b, Daily Attendance Sign-out Sheet

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A. Employee
1. All employees, upon hire, must complete an Employee Emergency
Medical Profile, Appendix Form 1A.1a, which provides “The Company”
with medical information and contact persons in case of an emergency.
2. Each employee must immediately report all incidents (with or without
injuries), regardless of how minor, to their supervisor. The supervisor
will in turn notify the Safety Department by phone.
3. Employees will sign-off on the worksite Weekly Injury Report, Appendix
Form 1A.1c at the time of notification AND in the “First Aid Box” on the
Daily Attendance Sign-out Sheet, Appendix Form 2B.1b when leaving
the jobsite, as verification of a job-related injury on the work site.
4. Any employee who fails to follow this procedure will be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
B. Supervisor and/or Job Safety Representative
1. Upon notification by employee, the supervisor must immediately take all
steps necessary to provide emergency rescue and/or medical help for the
injured or ill.
2. Refer to S.O.P 5C, Treatment of Injuries or Illnesses.
3. Immediately take actions that will prevent or minimize the risk of further
injury, or property damage.
4. Assign persons to secure the scene of the accident as outlined later in this
5. Must determine severity of incident and notify appropriate persons
6. Must ensure that all related Reports and Logs are completed.
C. Satellite Offices
1. Must provide Main Office with all reports for all injuries or illnesses that
require medical attention and/or are classified as recordable.
2. Shall forward all “Incident” and “Investigation” reports to the Main
Office via fax, within 24 hours, unless otherwise requested.
3. Shall respond to further reporting requirements at the discretion of the
Safety Director.


A. The following is a general guideline to determine the severity of incidents and

proper notification procedure:
1. If in doubt activate Emergency Response System
2. The following will be classified as Fatal or Severe:
a. Fatality, profuse bleeding, difficulty breathing, loss of
consciousness, choking, electrocution, inability to move, or any
other condition deemed severe,
b. Immediately activate the Emergency Response System (onsite or
local emergency numbers).
c. Contact the Safety Director, or his designated representative.
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d. Contact the client.

e. Document injury or illness on the Weekly Injury Log, Appendix
Form 1A.1c.
f. Start preliminary investigation using Appendix Form 1A.1d,
Supervisor’s Initial First-Aid/Injury Report and if required by the
Safety department, use appendix Form 1A.1b, Supervisor’s
Incident Report and Investigation.
g. Assist and participate in the Safety department’s Accident
3. The following will be classified as Moderate:
a. Broken bones, lacerations that may require stitches, burns, muscle
strains or sprains.
b. Immediately contact the Safety Department
c. Document injury or illness on the Weekly Injury Log, Appendix
Form 1A.1c.
d. Start preliminary investigation using Appendix Form 1A.1d,
Supervisor’s Initial First-Aid/Injury Report and if required by the
Safety department, use appendix Form 1A.1b, Supervisor’s
Incident Report and Investigation.
e. Assist and participate in the Safety department’s Accident
4. The following will be deemed Minor:
a. Any injury or illness, other than listed above, that does not meet
the criteria for severe or moderate.
b. Notify Safety Department by end of shift.
c. Document injury or illness on the Weekly Injury Report, Appendix
Form 1A.1c and the Supervisor Initial First-Aid/Injury Report,
Appendix Form 1A.1d.
d. Follow up with the employee on a regular basis (several
times/shift) to ensure the employee’s condition does not worsen.
5. Informing Line Management:
a. The supervisor is responsible for initiating communication of all
accidents to upper management.
b. The established “chain of command” will be followed, for example
the supervisor will contact the Project Manager, the Project
Manager will contact the Division Managers, and so on. In
addition the Supervisor will contact the Safety Department to
ensure medical response.
c. The Project Manager will contact the Safety Director, who will in
turn confirm an appropriate treatment response has been initiated.

NOTE: In the event of a fatality, DO NOT attempt to contact the family. An Authorized
Company Representative or the area’s Controlling Legal Authority should make
all contact with the “next of kin”.

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NOTE: In the event that an employee is being transferred to a medical facility and is
unable to contact family, DO NOT do so yourself. This will be the responsibility
of the Company Safety Director or his designated representative.


A. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to secure the scene of the accident to ensure

a thorough investigation and to prevent exposure to bodily fluids or other
hazardous conditions. All efforts must be made to secure the area, equipment,
tools, etc.
B. Utilize one or more of the following to secure the scene:
1. Barricade the area.
2. Designate an employee(s) to monitor the area.
3. Provide for collection of transient or perishable evidence.


A. Form 1A.1b, Supervisor Incident Report & Investigation shall be utilized as

the major investigation tool.
B. Follow the Supervisor’s Incident Report & Investigation Usage Instructions
found on attachment 1A.1b.1 as a guideline.
C. Cooperate with Project Management and the Safety Department in all aspects
of the investigation.


A. All applicable investigating report forms and logs must be filled in entirely,
leaving no blank spaces.
B. Copies of all applicable investigations, reporting forms and logs must be
maintained at the jobsite for the duration of the project.
C. The following reports and logs must be completed, as applicable, for all
1. “First Aid Box” on the Daily Attendance Sign-out Sheet, form 2B.1b -
employees are required to sign out in this box if they have suffered a job-
related injury during that days work activities.
2. Weekly Injury Report, form 1A.1c - every injury/illness must be
3. Supervisor’s Initial First-aid/Injury Report, form 1A.1d - to be
completed for all injuries.
4. Supervisor’s Incident Report and Investigation, form 1A.1b – to be
filled out for every injury/illness requiring a doctor visit and every
property damage incident.
5. OSHA 300 Log - Only recordable injuries/illnesses are to be entered on
this log. Originals of all investigations and reports must be forwarded, via
fax, mail, or hand, to the Safety Department upon completion and within
24 hours from the time of the incident. All medical reports, that are initial

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and follow-up reports, must be forwarded to the Safety Department until

medical treatment is complete


A. The purpose of incident investigation and reporting is to identify Causal

Factors and eliminate those factors through corrective actions.
B. Causal Factors and Corrective Actions will be determined and implemented
through a team effort involving: supervisor, employees, safety personnel, and
upper management. Trends can be recognized as a result of accurate reporting
and this allows for continuous safety management improvement across the
company. All Corrective Actions must be documented for each incident.

Basic Industries of South Texas, Ltd. Incident Investigation & Reporting S.O.P. 1A

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