The class is divided into five sections, with each section handled by a different faculty member. Your
instructors and their contact information:
Lecture timings: Tue, Wed, Fri 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Venues of the five sections:
LH 308 G21-24 (Instructor: BKP)
LH 310 G25-28 (Instructor: SJ)
LH 316 G29-32 (Instructor: SDe)
LH 318 G33-36 (Instructor: SB)
LH 416 G37-40 (Instructor: GG)
Both faculty and students will use Moodle (https://moodle.iitd.ac.in) to communicate regarding the course.
Moodle can also be used by students to communicate with teaching assistants.
Feel free to contact your instructor if you have any questions or face any difficulty.
1. “Circuits, Devices and Systems – A first course in Electrical Engineering,” by Ralph J Smith and Richard
C Dorf, Wiley, 5th edition.
1. “Foundations of Electrical Engineering,” by Leonard S Bobrow, Asian Edition, Oxford University Press,
2. “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals,” by Vincent Del Toro, Pearsons, second edition.
1. Basic Circuit Elements: R, L, C, voltage and current sources
2. Network theorems, mesh and nodal analysis
3. Step response in RL, RC, RLC circuits
4. Phasor analysis of AC circuits. Single phase and 3-phase circuits
5. Two port network, BJT: CE and small signal model
6. Operational amplifiers
7. Introduction to Digital circuits
8. Magnetic circuits, Transformers: Modeling and analysis
9. Energy in magnetic field, Electromechanical energy conversion principles
10. Principles of measurement of voltage, current and power
Evaluation Scheme:
Component Marks
Mid-term 30%
Quizzes 20%
Major 50%
Total 100%
1. There will be two quizzes; one before the mid-term exam and the other before the major exam. The timings
and venues will be declared before these quizzes. There will be no makeup quizzes.
2. You need to avail the tutorial sessions for clearing any conceptual as well as numerical doubts from the
tutorial instructors.
3. Moodle will be used to make announcements, etc.
4. Makeup minor/ makeup major (if any) will be held as per standard procedure provided the faculty instructor
is informed on/before the day of the exam and a medical certificate is produced as per rules.
5. Grading will be relative.
Attendance Policy:
You are strongly encouraged NOT to miss any lecture session for any reason.
1. Timble will be used to mark attendance in the lecture hours. You need to download the app on your
smartphone immediately.
2. All Timble related issues should be resolved by contacting the Timble team.
3. You will not be marked present if you enter the classroom more than 10 minutes late.
Honor Code:
Any form of cheating (proxying, plagiarism, etc.) will be notified to the Dean-Academics, and it can lead to
failing the course. All involved in copied submission of exam papers or quizzes will be treated with NULL