Study On Fire Protection Design of Large Shopping Centers: Zhang Qian
Study On Fire Protection Design of Large Shopping Centers: Zhang Qian
Study On Fire Protection Design of Large Shopping Centers: Zhang Qian
Abstract. Fires occurring in comparatively closed places like large shopping centers where
evacuation is quite inconvenient make great loss, including casualties and destroys of materials. It
not only makes people fall into panic, influencing their life, but results in a great economic loss. In
the past few years, lots of scholars had done some researches on fire protection. Most of them
analyzed the characteristics of fires occurred in large shopping centers, did an assessment, and gave
some suggestions on fire protection and evacuation. Similarly, this dissertation aims at reducing
casualties in fires and protecting social stabilization through the study on fire protection assessment.
This paper intends to analyze the characteristics of fires in large shopping centers, make fire scenes,
find appropriate and safe exit to make a good plan for personnel evacuation. Characteristics of fires
in large shopping centers will be introduced in the first part in the main body. The most important
part lies in finding safe exit so as to get a better evacuation. The conclusion is that large shopping
centers where are often crowded, need to be paid more attention to fire protection. Through the fire
protection, losses caused by fires occurred in the shopping centers can be reduced and it helps a lot
in boosting prominently the shopping centers’ economic and social effect.
IV. Conclusion
By setting fire source, confirming heat release rate, and assessing the time, matters need to be
paid attetion to in fires occurring in large shopping centers are known. As long as people can
evacuate within the total safe evacuation time, they will be safe. For shortening the evacuation time,
people need to know more information about self-rescue in fires and give an alarm to other people
at once. In addition, in the places where combustible articles are various, more fire alarming system
is necessary to be set up. What’s more, in large shopping centers, exits are supposed to be set as
many as possible and mark of their location needs to be clear. In conclusion, fire protection for large
shopping centers where the number of people is large is necessary to be paid enough attention to.
Fire protection design of buildings and facilities is a good breach. Information about fire protection
and self-rescue in fires is supposed to be widely spread.
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