Art App (Reviewer)
Art App (Reviewer)
Art App (Reviewer)
• Can transform into something functional; WHAT IS ART FOR?
• Uplift one’s spirit;
• Allow others to experience aesthetic • Aristotle, a Greek philosopher once said that
significance, pain, sorrow, confusion, and every particular substance in the world has an
other emotional power; end or telos – which eventually translated
• Appreciate beauty. into purpose.
Life is short, Art endures. - Hippocrates, Greek • For a thing to to attain its purpose, it has to
Philosopher achieve its function.
Art establishes the basic human truths which must THE CRAFT & THE FINE ARTS
serve as the touchstone of our judgment. – John F. • The difference between fine art and craft
Kennedy, US president (1917-1963)
comes down to what question most interests
the viewer.
ASSUMPTIONS OF ART • Directly functional art deals with the art that
• Art is rooted in Culture
we usually use. Such as tools, furniture, cloth,
• Art is Universal
• Art is NOT in nature accessories, and a lot more. Fine arts deals
with our senses, emotions, and mostly a result THE CREATIVE PROCESS
of creative urge and expression.
• The cognitive process of mind includes
imagination, creativity and thinking with
• PERSONAL FUNCTION • Imagination is visualizing the impossible or
The function tries to convey the artist personal things that are not present in our senses.
feelings through his work of art.
• Creativity uses imagination to represent new
ideas and create a physical embodiment
which is beneficial and with value.
Connects people since art can be used for a public
display and celebration. • Expression is making known ones thoughts or
Preserve, share, and transmit culture to people from • THE IDEA
one generation to another. • THE MATERIAL AND PROCESS
Strengthens the artist work in terms of religious and We don't read and write poetry because it's
spiritual support to the culture. cute. We read and write poetry because we are
members of the human race. And the human race is
◦ AESTHETIC FUNCTION filled with passion. And medicine, law, business,
Uplift feelings, appreciation of beauty and enjoyment engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary
when in touch with artworks. to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love,
these are what we stay alive for.
• Still Life
representing inanimate objects or non-living things METHODS OF PRESENTING THE ART
placed on a table or another setting to become a SUBJECT
subject in a certain artwork.
• Landscape • Faithful representation of reality.
It depicts pictures of land forms. e.g. the volcano, the • Realists try to be as objective as possible. To
mountain, the hill, the valley, the plain, the plateau, describe as accurately and honesty as possible what
the cliff, and the like. is observed through senses.
describe as accurately and honesty as possible what pieces of writing, poetry recitals, and art exhibitions.
is observed through senses.
◦ 1900 first important art movement.
◦ Henri Matisse led the movement.
• Influenced by Freudian Psychology which
◦ Tried to paint pictures of comfort, joy and pleasure
emphasizes the activities of the subconscious state of
using extremely bright, strident colors.
the mind.
• To show what’s inside a person’s mind as well as
the appearance of his outside world.
▪ When artist becomes so interested in one phase of a
• The world of dreams and fantasy.
scene or a situation that he does not show the subject
at all as an objective reality, rather only his idea of
feelings about it.
• A 19TH century art movement characterized by
▪ To move away or separate – moves away from
relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open
showing things as they really are.
composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light
in its changing qualities.
• Inclusion of movement as a crucial element of
human perception and experience. FORMS OF ABSTRACTION
• To express the meaning of emotional experience • Misshapen condition, twisted out.
rather than the physical reality. • It is a form of emphasizing detail to the point that
• The necessity of spiritual rebirth for a man in an something is no longer “correctly” depicted.
age that was first becoming influenced by
materialism. ELONGATION
• To come forth from within the artist, rather than • Being lengthened, extension.
from a depiction of the external visual world and the
standard for assessing the quality of work of art MANGLING
became the character of the artist’s feelings rather • Cut, lacerated, mutilated, hacked or disfigured.
than an analysis of the composition.
SYMBOLISM • Stresses abstract through the use of a cone,
• Visible sign of something invisible such as an idea cylinder, or sphere. To show forms in their basic
or a quality. Emblem or a sign. geometrical shapes.
• It transcends the everyday run-of-the-mill sign and • The Cubist style emphasized the flat, two-
assumes a new and fresher meaning. dimensional surface of the picture plane, rejecting
the traditional techniques of perspective,
DADAISM foreshortening, modeling, and chiaroscuro and
• A protest movement in the art formed in 1916 in refuting time-honored theories that art should imitate
Zurich, Switzerland. nature.
• To shock and provoke the public with outrageous
◦ Originated in New York City after world war II.
◦ Departs from subject matter from studied precision
and from any preconceived designs.
• Abstract Expressionism was influenced by the
Existentialist philosophy, which emphasized the
importance of the act of creating, not of the finished