FA3 Class 8 SST

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MSB Educational Institute - Kota

Duration: 50 min. FA 3 Term 2 2023-24

Class: 8 Subject: SSt Date: M.M.: 20

Name: Roll No.:


Q.1. Read the clues and write the answer. (6x0.5=3)

1. Ali Muhammad Khan ruled over this region. ______________________________

2. Safdar Jung ruled over this kingdom. _____________________________

3. The Mughal nobility was composed of Iranis, Hindustanis and __________________

4. The ruler who took away Kohinoor Diamond and Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan.

5. He/ She is the supreme commander of the armed forces. _____________________

6. This group of ministers holds the highest rank. _______________________

Q.2. Answer the questions in 2-3 sentences. (4x1.5=6)

1. Write any one cause for the failure of the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat.


2. Write about any one power of the Prime Minister.

3. With reference to the decline of the Mughal Empire, write about Aurangzeb’s


4. Write about any one legislative power of President of India.


Q.3. Answer the question in 6-7sentences. (3)

With reference to the rise of regional kingdoms, discuss the rise of Bengal as
independent kingdom.

Q.4. Look at the picture and answer the questions. (2)

1. What is this building? _______________ (0.5)

2. Name of the person who currently resides here. ______________________ (0.5)
3. Discuss any one emergency power of the person who lives here. (1)


Q.1. Write one word answer. (2x0.5=1)

1. The largest city in the world ______________________

2. According to UN, a city with a population of 10 millions and above _______________

Q.2.Answer the question in 3-4 sentences. (2)

1. The satellite cities are developed near large cities. Give reason


Q.3. Answer the question in 6-7 sentences. (3)

Mention two uses of ICT in a smart city. Also, mention any two characteristics of a
smart city.


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