Q4 Las Mod 2

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(4th QUARTER )

Name of Learner: ____________________________________ Section:__________________Date:_____________


Title: FESTIVAL Dance

Background Information for Learners:

Festival dances are cultural dances performed to the strong beats of percussion
instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a
Patron Saint or as a thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest. It also features the people’s culture
by portraying their way of life through movements, costumes and implements inherent to
their place of origin.
NAME OF Industry or
DANCE Figure
1. Sinulog The dance has 2 basic steps. Santo Niño In celebration of the patron saint Sr.
Festival the natural and the Sto. Nino, people celebrate with a street
kinampilan. parade with participants in bright
The Natural step is the costumes and festival queens dancing
popularly while carrying their patron saint.
known two steps forward,
one step backward.
The kinampilan step has
one step right foot forward
one step backward, while the
foot stays in place.
2.Ati-atihan two-steps forward, a step Santo Niño Celebrants paint their faces with black
Festival back soot and wear colourful costumes as
with and optional turn- they shout “Hala Bira!” while dancing
around. on the streets.
3.Kadayawan They are using their wrist to Thanks giving. The festival is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving
for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the
Festival make
bounties of harvest and serenity of living.
circular motions of their
They also hop or jump from
side to
4. MassKara * Side step or hop step Sugar Industry The festival features a street dance competition
where people from all walks of life troop to the
*head up and
streets to see masked dancers gyrating to the
down/sideward/forward/up rhythm of Latin musical beats in a display of
ward mastery, gaiety, coordination and stamina.
5. Panagbenga * Step, close (forward, side Flower The festival features floats decorated
ward) Industry with flowers. The festival also includes
* Step point ( R & L street dancing, presented by dancers
alternately) wearing costumes inspired by the
blooming flowers of
Baguio City.
Watch the link for more details on the festival dances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8SG7jUSrVI

Learning Competency:

 Execute the skills involved in the dance (PE7RD-IVd-H-4))

Exercises / Activities:
Directions: Identify the festival dance found in the picture based from its description.
1. 2. 3.

____________________________ __________________________ ________________________

4. 5.

____________________________ ________________________

Directions: Match the following dance steps to the festival dance where it is executed. Choose your answers from the
given choices.

a. Kadayawan Festival _______1. Two-steps forward, a step back with and optional turn-around.
________2. Step, close (forward, side ward) Step point ( R & L alternately).
b. Sinulog Festival ________3. They are using their wrist to makecircular motions of their
c. Masskara Festival hands. They also hop or jump
d. Ati-atihan Festival from side to side.
________4. The dance has 2 basic steps. the natural and the kinampilan. The
e. Panagbenga Festival Natural step is the
popularly known two steps forward, one step backward.The
kinampilan step has one
step right foot forward and one step backward, while the left foot stays in place.
________5. Side step or hop step head up and down/sideward/forward/upward


 Why do we celebrate festivals ?

 How do you think can these festivals help in the development of our country?

References for learners:

 Region IX SLM p. 7-9
 https://www.slideshare.net/misskml/festivals-and-fiestas-of-philippines
 https://www.zenrooms.com/blog/post/festivals-in-the-philippines/

Answer Key:
Activity 1 Activity 2 PREPARED BY:
1. Ati-atihan Festival 1. Ati-atihan Festival NICOLE KIRATEN A. ALVAR
2. Panagbenga Festival 2. Panagbenga Festival TEACHER I
3. Sinulog Festival 3. Kadayawan Festival SICAYAB NHS
4. Kadayawan Fesyival 4. Sinulog Festival
5. Masskara Festival 5. Masskara Festival

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