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ISO 19880-8:2019


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Le : 10/08/2021 à 11:16
AFNOR (Code siret : 55204695506065) ISO 19880-8:20192019-10

STANDARD 19880-8

First edition

Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling

stations —
Part 8:
Fuel quality control
Hydrogène gazeux — Stations de remplissage —
Partie 8: Contrôle qualité du carburant

Reference number
ISO 19880-8:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
AFNOR (Code siret : 55204695506065) ISO 19880-8:20192019-10

ISO 19880-8:2019(E)


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Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 Hydrogen specifications................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6 Quality control approaches........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Sampling........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.3 Monitoring................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7 Potential sources of impurities.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
8 Hydrogen quality assurance methodology................................................................................................................................ 4
8.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
8.2 Prescriptive methodology.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
8.3 Risk assessment methodology................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.4 Impact of impurities on fuel cell powertrain................................................................................................................. 7
9 Routine quality control................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
10 Non-routine quality control....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
11 Remedial measures and reporting..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (Informative) Impact of impurities on fuel cell powertrains............................................................................10
Annex B (informative) Example of risk assessment...........................................................................................................................14
Annex C (informative) Example of Japanese hydrogen quality guidelines.................................................................24
Annex D (informative) Typical hydrogen fuelling station supply chain........................................................................33
Annex E (informative) Routine hydrogen quality analysis..........................................................................................................37
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39

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This document was developed to specify how the quality of gaseous hydrogen fuel for road vehicles
which use PEM fuel cells can be assured. The document discusses hydrogen quality control approaches
for routine and non-routine conditions, as well as quality assurance plans. It is based upon best practices
and experience from the gaseous fuels and automotive industry. ISO 21087 describes the requirements
for analytical methods to measure the level of contaminants found in the gaseous hydrogen fuel.

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Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations —

Part 8:
Fuel quality control

1 Scope
This document specifies the protocol for ensuring the quality of the gaseous hydrogen at hydrogen
distribution facilities and hydrogen fuelling stations for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells
for road vehicles.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 19880-1, Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations — Part 1: General requirements

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://​w ww​.electropedia​.org/​
authority having jurisdiction
organization, office or individual responsible for approving a facility along with an equipment, an
installation, or a procedure
indicator species
one or more constituents (3.3) in the gas stream which can signal the presence of other chemical
constituents because it has the highest probability of presence in a fuel produced by a given process
component (or compound) found within a hydrogen fuel mixture
impurity (3.9) that adversely affects the components within the fuel cell system (3.6) or the hydrogen
storage system
Note 1 to entry: An adverse effect can be reversible or irreversible.

equipment to remove undesired particulates (3.15) from the hydrogen

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ISO 19880-8:2019(E)

fuel cell system
power system used for the generation of electricity on a fuel cell vehicle (3.7), typically containing the
following subsystems: fuel cell stack, air processing, fuel processing, thermal management, and water
fuel cell vehicle
vehicle which stores hydrogen on-board and uses a fuel cell system (3.6) to generate electricity for
fuelling station
facility for the dispensing of compressed hydrogen vehicle fuel, including the supply of hydrogen, and
hydrogen compression, storage, and dispensing systems
Note 1 to entry: Fuelling station is often referred to as hydrogen fuelling station or hydrogen filling station.

non-hydrogen component in the gas stream
irreversible damage
irreversible effect
effect, which results in a permanent degradation of the fuel cell power system performance that cannot
be restored by practical changes of operational conditions and/or gas composition
act of measuring the constituents (3.3) of a hydrogen stream or process controls of a hydrogen
production system on a continuous or semi-continuous basis by on-site equipment
non-routine, adjective
not in accordance with established procedures
on-site supply
hydrogen fuel supplying system with a hydrogen production system in the same site
off-site supply
hydrogen fuel supplying system without a hydrogen production system in the same site, receiving
hydrogen fuel which is produced out of the site
solid or liquid such as oil mist that can be entrained somewhere in the delivery, storage, or transfer of
the hydrogen fuel entering a fuel cell system (3.6)
equipment to remove undesired constituents (3.3) from the hydrogen
Note 1 to entry: Hydrogen purifiers may comprise purification vessels, dryers, filters (3.5), and separators.

quality assurance
part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled

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quality control
part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements
quality plan
documentation of quality management
reversible damage
reversible effect
effect, which results in a non-permanent degradation of the fuel cell power system performance that
can be restored by practical changes of operational conditions and/or gas composition
combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity (3.26) of that harm, encompassing
both the uncertainty about and severity of the harm
risk assessment
determination of quantitative or qualitative value of risk (3.21) related to a specific situation and a
recognized threat also called a hazard
risk level
assessed magnitude of the risk (3.21)
routine, adjective
in accordance with established procedures
act of capturing a measured amount of hydrogen for chemical analysis by external equipment
measure of the possible consequences for fuel cell cars if filled with H2 containing higher level of
impurities (3.9) than the threshold value

4 Abbreviated terms

Abbreviated term Definition

Halogens total halogenated compounds
HDS hydrodesulphurization
PEM proton exchange membrane
PSA pressure swing adsorption
SC severity class
SMR steam methane reforming
THC total hydrocarbons
TS total sulphur compounds
TSA temperature swing adsorption

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5 Hydrogen specifications
The quality requirements of hydrogen fuel dispensed to PEM fuel cells for road vehicles are listed in
ISO 14687-2.

6 Quality control approaches

6.1 General
There are two common methods to control the quality of hydrogen at a fuelling station, by spot sampling
and continuous monitoring. These methods can be used individually or together to ensure hydrogen
quality levels.

6.2 Sampling
Spot sampling at a fuelling station involves capturing a measured amount for chemical analysis.
Sampling is used to perform an accurate and comprehensive analysis of impurities which is done
externally, typically at a laboratory. Since the sampling process involves drawing a sample of gas, it
is typically done on a periodic basis and requires specialized sampling equipment and personnel to
operate it. Sampling procedures shall conform to ISO 19880-1. The advantage of spot sampling is that a
more detailed laboratory analysis can be conducted on the sample. The disadvantage of spot sampling
is that it is not continuous and results in a detail analysis of a single point in time.

6.3 Monitoring
A fuelling station can have real time monitoring of the hydrogen gas stream for one or more impurities
on a continuous or semi-continuous basis. A critical impurity can be monitored to ensure it does not
exceed a critical level, or monitoring of indicator species are used to alert of potential issues with
the hydrogen production or purification process. Monitoring equipment is installed in line with the
hydrogen gas stream and shall meet the process requirements of the fuelling station, as well as be
calibrated on a periodic basis. Continuous monitoring compliments spot sampling by offsetting the

7 Potential sources of impurities

For a given fuelling station, the contaminants listed in the hydrogen specification referred to in Clause 5
may or may not be potentially present. There are several parts of the supply chain where impurities can
be introduced. The potential impurities in each step of the supply chain are described in Annex D.
When a contaminant is classified as potentially present, it shall be taken into account in the quality
assurance methodology (risk assessment or prescriptive approach) described in Clause 8.

8 Hydrogen quality assurance methodology

8.1 General
A quality assurance plan for the entire supply chain shall be created to ensure that the hydrogen
quality will meet the requirements listed in Clause 5. The methodology used to develop the quality
assurance plan can vary but shall include one of the two approaches described in this document. The
general description of these two approaches are described in 8.2 and 8.3. Examples of these approaches
1) prescriptive approach and 2) risk assessment for hydrogen quality, are presented in Annexes A, B
and C, respectively. The quality assurance plan for the fuelling station shall include the following to
ensure hydrogen quality is properly maintained:
— identification of potential impurities;

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— methods to control and remove these impurities;

— sampling impurities and frequency;
— monitoring of impurities or process controls;
— description of solid and liquid particulate filters;
— cleanliness and maintenance procedures.
It is important to understand that quality should be maintained throughout the complete supply chain
of the product (from production source to fuelling station nozzle), such that the impurities that are
given in the specification remain below the threshold values.
Each component of the supply chain shall be investigated taking into account the already existing
barriers for a given contaminant.
NOTE An effective quality control approach can further ensure the quality of the hydrogen by providing
a proactive means to identify and control potential quality issues which can include sampling and monitoring.
Additionally, use of quality assurance can improve the decision making if a quality problem arises.

8.2 Prescriptive methodology

The prescriptive approach to hydrogen quality assurance considers potential sources of contaminants
and establishes a fixed protocol for analysing and addressing potential contaminants. The prescriptive
approach can be applied for the clearly identified supply chain.
The prescriptive quality assurance plan shall be determined taking into account all hydrogen
production methods, hydrogen transportation methods and non-routine procedures which exists in
the area where the assurance plan is applicable.
NOTE Annex C presents Japanese hydrogen quality guidelines which is an example of a prescriptive quality
assurance plan.

8.3 Risk assessment methodology

The risk assessment approach determines the probability to have each impurity above the threshold
values of specifications given in Clause 5 and evaluates severity of each impurity for the fuel cell vehicle
(see Annex A). As an aid to clearly defining the risk(s) for risk assessment purposes, three fundamental
questions are often helpful:
— What can go wrong: which event can cause the impurities to be above the threshold value?
— What is the likelihood (probability of occurrence expressed relative to the number of fuelling
events) that impurities can be above the threshold value?
— What are the consequences (severity) for the fuel cell vehicle?
In doing an effective risk assessment, the robustness of the data set is important because it determines
the quality of the output. Revealing assumptions and reasonable sources of uncertainty will enhance
confidence in this output and/or help identify its limitations. The output of the risk assessment is a
qualitative description of a range of risk. To determine the probability of the occurrence that impurities
in hydrogen exceed the threshold value, Table 1 defines the occurrence classes.

Table 1 — Occurrence classes for an impurity

Occurrence class Class name Description Occurrence or frequency
Very unlikely Contaminant above threshold
0 (Practically never been observed for this type Never
impossible) of source in the industry

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Table 1 (continued)
Occurrence class Class name Description Occurrence or frequency
Known to occur in the industry
1 Very rare for the type of source/Supply 1 per 1 000 000 fuellings
chain considered
Has occurred more than once/
2 Rare 1 per 100 000 fuellings
year in the Industry
Has occurred repeatedly for
3 Possible this type of source at a specific 1 out of 10 000 fuellings
4 Frequent Occurs on a regular basis Often

If the occurrence class is unknown, then the risk assessment shall assume the worst case. In addition,
the experience of the hydrogen supplier, station manufacturer/installer should be taken into account
when performing the risk analysis.
The range of severity classes (level of damage for vehicle) is defined in Table 2.

Table 2 — Severity classes for an impurity

Impact categories
Severity Performance Hardware Hardware
FCV performance impact or damage
class impact impact impact
temporary permanent
0 — No impact No No No
— Minor impact Yes No No

— Temporary loss of power

— No impact on hardware

— Vehicle still operates

— Reversible damage Yes or No Yes No

— Requires specific light maintenance


— Vehicle still operates

— Reversible damage Yes Yes No

— Requires specific immediate

3 maintenance procedure

— Gradual power loss that does not

compromise safety
— Power loss or Vehicle Stop that
4a compromises safety Yes No
— Irreversible damage Yes
— Requires major repair procedure (e.g.
No Yes
stack change)
a Any damage, whether permanent or temporary, which compromises safety will be categorized as SC 4, otherwise
temporary damage will be categorized as SC 1, 2 or 3.

The final risk is defined by the acceptability table (Table 3) which combines results from Tables 1 and 2:

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Table 3 — Combined risk assessment

Probability per one Severity

fuelling 0 1 2 3 4
Frequent: Often 4 + * * * *
Possible: 10−4 3 + o * * *
Rare: 10−5 2 + + o * *
Very Rare: 10−6 1 + + + o *
Practically Impossible 0 + + + + +
+ o *
Acceptable risk area: Existing Further investigation is Unacceptable risk;
Key controls sufficient needed: existing barriers additional control or
or control may not be barriers required

NOTE 1 It is possible that contamination of a vehicle at severity class 1 or 2 is not noticeable immediately,
thereby making it difficult to identify the source of the contamination.

If a vehicle is found to have hydrogen with contamination that exceeds the specification in Clause 5 and
the source is unknown, the procedures in Clause 11 shall be followed.
For each impurity of the specification and for a given fuelling station (including the supply chain of
hydrogen), a risk assessment shall be applied to define the global risk.
NOTE 2 Risk control includes decision making to reduce and/or accept risks. The purpose of risk control is to
reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

The amount of effort used for risk control should be proportional to the significance of the risk. Decision
makers might use different processes, including benefit-cost analysis, for understanding the optimal
level of risk control. Risk control can focus on the following questions:
— Is the risk above an acceptable level?
— What can be done to reduce or eliminate risks?
— What is the appropriate balance among benefits, risks and resources?
For each level of risk, a decision shall be taken in order to either refuse the risk and find mitigation or
barriers to reduce it, or accept the risk level as it is. Risk reduction focuses on processes for mitigation or
avoidance of quality risk when it exceeds an acceptable level (“o” or “*” zone in Table 3). Risk reduction
typically includes actions taken to mitigate the severity and/or probability of occurrence. However, this
document only deals with the mitigation of probability of occurrence.

8.4 Impact of impurities on fuel cell powertrain

It is necessary to evaluate the possible consequences on a fuel cell car if each impurity exceeds the
ISO 14687-2 threshold value. The impact for the car will depend on the concentration of the contaminant.
Table 4 shows a summary of the concentration-based impact of the impurities on the fuel cell. The
contaminants and their chemical formulas are given in the first two columns of Table 4.
An estimation of the exceeded concentration above the ISO 14687-2 threshold value for each impurity
is named “Level 1” and is given in column 5. According to this concentration a severity class is given in
column 4 for each impurity. This severity class covers the impact of this impurity above the threshold
value up to this limit.
If higher concentrations that exceed Level 1 can be reached, the severity class is given in column 6.

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Table 4 — Impact of impurities on fuel cell powertrain

Severity class Severity class
ISO 14687-2 (from (greater than
Impurity Level 1 value
threshold valuea ISO 14687-2 Level 1
to Level 1) threshold)
[μmol/mol] [μmol/mol]
Total non-H2 gases 300 1 UD UD
Total nitrogen and N2, Ar
100 1b 300a 4
Oxygen O2 5 UD UD 4c
Carbon dioxide CO2 2 1 3 4
Carbon monoxide CO 0,2 2-3d 1 4
Methane CH4 100 1 300 4
Water H 2O 5 4 5 4
Total sulphur H2 S
0,004 4 >0,004 4
compounds basis
Ammonia NH3 0,1 4 >0,1 4
Total hydrocarbons CH4
2 1-4d >2 4
Formaldehyde CH2O 0,01 2-3d 1 4
Formic acid HCOOH 0,2 2-3d 1 4
Halogens 0,05 4 >0,05 4
Helium He 300 1 300 4
Maximum particulate
concentration (liquid 1 mg/kg 4 >1 mg/kg 4
and solid)e
UD:   Undertermined
a The threshold value is according to hydrogen specification of ISO 14687-2.
b At the time of publication, the revision of the threshold limit for inert gases (N2+Ar+He) is undergoing. When the
threshold limit is changed from 100 μmol/mol to 300 μmol/mol, severity class for inert gases in a range of 100 μmol/mol to
300 μmol/mol will be 0.
c Data is lacking to confirm the Level 1 concentration and severity class for oxygen;, therefore, the most conservative
approach of severity class 4 should be taken unless demonstrated otherwise.
d A higher value is to be considered for risk assessment approach until more specific data is available.
e Particulates are based upon mass density mg/kg.

9 Routine quality control

Routine analysis is performed on a periodic basis once every specified time period or once for each lot
or batch. The methodology selected in the hydrogen quality assurance plan determines the type and
frequency of the routine analysis. A prescriptive methodology may be used as described in 8.1 or a risk
assessment methodology may be used (8.2). Information on the routine analysis for each step of the
supply chain is provided in Annex E.

10 Non-routine quality control

The hydrogen quality plan shall identify any non-routine conditions and subsequent required actions.
Some common non-routine conditions include the following:
— a new production system is constructed at a production site or a new fuelling station is first

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— the production system at a production site or fuelling station is modified;

— a routine or non-routine open inspection, repair, catalyst exchange, or the like is performed on a
production system at the production site or fuelling station;
— any severe malfunctions of a transportation system of compressed hydrogen, liquid hydrogen, and
hydrogen pipeline occur;
— a question concerning quality is raised when, for example, there is a problem with a vehicle because
of hydrogen supplied at the production site or fuelling station, and a claim is received from a user
directly or indirectly;
— an issue concerning quality emerges when, for example, a voluntary audit raises the possibility that
quality control is not administered properly; or
— analysis is deemed necessary for testing, research, or any other purposes.

11 Remedial measures and reporting

If a fuelling station dispenses hydrogen which does not meet the requirements in Clause 5, the fuelling
station operator shall immediately prevent any further dispensing until repaired, and notify the station
owner/operator as soon as possible, as well as the authorities having jurisdiction. The fuelling station
owner/operator shall also review and update quality assurance methodologies to prevent future

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Annex A

Impact of impurities on fuel cell powertrains

A.1 General
This annex gives a brief description of the impact of impurities on the stack, fuel cell components, and
the complete fuel cell powertrain. Detailed information can be found in the relevant literature and
journal publications. It shall be noted that this annex refers to known impurities and their effects on
the fuel cell powertrain at the time of publication. It cannot be excluded that other impurities exist.
Furthermore, in most cases only the impact of a single impurity has been investigated and there is still
the need for fundamental research regarding the impact of a combination of the different impurities on
the fuel cell powertrain.

A.2 Inert gases

The main effect due to the presence of inert gases such as Ar and N2 is to lower the cell potential due
to the dilution effect of the inert species (dilution of the hydrogen gas) and inertial (diffusion) effects.
Nevertheless, under consideration of the threshold value current stack designs, fuel cell components
and fuel cell powertrains are not adversely affected by inert constituents. High inert gas concentrations
will lead to power losses, increased fuel consumption, and loss of efficiency. Furthermore, H2 starvation
caused by high inert gas concentrations may lead to permanent damage of the fuel cell stack or vehicle
stop. Inert gases will accumulate in the anode loop and may affect venting and recycle blower control.
Further sources report that the presence of N2 hinders desorption of adsorbed CO from the surface of
the anode catalyst. It should also be noted that inert gases can affect the accuracy of mass metering
instruments for hydrogen dispensing.

A.3 Oxygen
Oxygen may have a detrimental effect on the fuel cell anode, but the concentration where this effect
occurs is not fully known. Higher levels of oxygen may have an impact on metal hydride storage

A.4 Carbon dioxide

The contamination effects of CO2 depend on the concentration, fuel cell operation conditions, and anode
catalyst composition. Firstly, CO2 dilutes the hydrogen gas and may affect venting and recycle blower
control of the fuel cell powertrain. Furthermore, very high concentrations of CO2 can be catalytically
converted via a reverse water gas shift reaction into CO which in consequence poisons the catalyst. In
addition, co-occurrence of CO and CO2 in hydrogen has an accumulated influence on cell performance.
CO2 may adversely affect on-board hydrogen storage systems using metal hydride alloys.

A.5 Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide causes severe catalyst poison that adversely affects the performance of the fuel cell
powertrain. CO binds strongly to Pt sites, resulting in the reduction of the effective electrochemical
surface area available for H2 adsorption and oxidation. The catalyst poison effect is strongly related
to the concentration of CO, the exposure time, the cell operation temperature and anode catalyst
types. Although the effects of CO on the fuel cell can be reversed through mitigating strategies, such as
material selection of membrane electrode assembly, system design and operation, the life time effects

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of CO on performance is a strong concern. The lower catalyst loadings needed for cost optimization and
longer hydrogen protection times especially lead to more severe poisoning effects. Therefore, CO needs
to be kept at very low levels in hydrogen fuel.

A.6 Methane
Methane is one of the very few hydrocarbons that does not contaminate PEM fuel cells. It does not react
with the catalyst, so dilution is the major effect that shall be considered with methane gas.

A.7 Water
Water is an issue for hydrogen dispensing systems, in the on-board vehicle tank system or fuel cell
components due to the formation of ice. Excess water can exist in a liquid state and can cause corrosion
of metallic components. Low quantities could lead to severe impacts on the components. Furthermore,
water affects the function of the stack. Water provides a transport mechanism for water-soluble
impurities, especially as a solvent for cations like Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cs+ and NH4+ when present as an
aerosol. The cations absorb to and block the functional groups of the ionomer thereby reducing the
proton conductivity of the membrane. Water is only a concern for the stack in very large quantities. It
can lead to water management issues that may limit the current and increase in over-potential. Water
should remain gaseous throughout the operating conditions of system. It is believed that water affects
the metal hydride life cycle due to exothermic reactions.

A.8 Total sulphur compounds

Sulphur containing compounds are severe catalyst poisons that at even very low levels can cause
irreversible degradation of fuel cell performance. The specific sulphur compounds that are addressed
are in particular: hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, carbonyl sulphide, carbon disulphide, methyl
mercaptan. Beside these specific compounds further sulphur compounds can exist. The adsorption of
the sulphur-containing species to the active sites of the catalyst prevents the hydrogen from adsorbing
at the catalyst surface resulting in a significant drop in performance. The reactions of the adsorbed
sulphur compounds result in the formation of the very stable platinum sulphide which makes it
impossible to recover the fuel cell catalyst from contamination. Lower catalyst loadings are particularly
susceptible to catalyst poisoning contaminants.

A.9 Ammonia
Ammonia contamination causes some irreversible fuel cell performance degradation by reducing
the proton conductivity of the ionomer. NH3 migrates into the membrane and reacts with protons to
NH4+ which then absorb to and block the functional groups of the ionomer. The level of deterioration
depends on both the NH3 concentration and exposure time. Performance decay is also attributed to the
adsorption of ammonia on the catalyst surface blocking the active sites.

A.10 Total hydrocarbons

Different hydrocarbons have different effects on fuel cell performance. The main effect is the adsorption
on the catalyst layer, reducing the catalyst surface area and thereby decreasing the cell performance.
Another effect is the decomposition into carbon monoxide, which then adsorbs on the catalyst layer.
The severity of the effect depends on the type of hydrocarbon. Generally aromatic hydrocarbons adsorb
more strongly on the catalyst surface than other hydrocarbons inhibiting access to hydrogen. Acids,
aldehydes, etc. degrade performance. Phthalates, squalene, erucamide which could be found in seals
and hoses will cause problems on the stack side. CH4 is considered an inert constituent since its effect
on fuel cell performance is to dilute the hydrogen fuel stream (see A.5).

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A.11 Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde has a similar effect on fuel cell performance as carbon monoxide. The adsorption
process of formaldehyde on the catalyst is the same as for CO followed by an immediate conversion of
the CH2O to CO + H2. The adsorption of the produced CO on the catalyst layer leads to a reduction of the
catalytic surface area which decreases the cell performance. Contamination due to formaldehyde can
be recovered by changing the cell voltage and by purging with pure hydrogen. Therefore, formaldehyde
can be considered as a reversible contaminant with the same impact on the fuel cell as for CO. Lower
catalyst loadings are particularly susceptible to catalyst poisoning contaminants.

A.12 Formic acid

Formic acid has a similar effect on fuel cell performance as carbon monoxide. Under certain operating
conditions CO is a possible intermediate during the adsorption process of formic acid and the subsequent
reaction of HCOOH to CO2 + H2. The adsorption of the intermediate CO product on the catalyst layer
leads to a reduction of the catalytic surface area which decreases the cell performance. Contamination
due to formic acid can be recovered by changing the cell voltage and by purging with pure hydrogen.
Therefore, formic acid can be considered as a reversible contaminant with the same impact on the fuel
cell as for CO. Lower catalyst loadings are particularly susceptible to catalyst poisoning contaminants.

A.13 Halogenated compounds

Halogenated compounds adsorb on the catalyst layer, reduce the catalytic surface area, and decrease the
cell performance. The performance degradation caused by halogenated compounds is an irreversible
effect. The biggest concern is about chlorine in hydrogen from electrolysis of water. Chloride for
example promotes the dissolution of Pt by the formation of soluble chloride complexes and subsequent
deposition in the fuel cell membrane. Potential sources include chloralkali production processes,
refrigerants used in processing, and cleaning agents.

A.14 Helium
The main effect due to the presence of helium is to lower the cell potential due to the dilution effect of
the inert species (dilution of the hydrogen gas) and inertial (diffusion) effects. It should be considered
that hydrogen sensors show interference with helium. Higher inert gas concentrations may also affect
the venting and recycle blower control. Current stack designs are not adversely affected by higher inert
gas concentrations. Nevertheless, higher inert gas concentrations will lead to power losses, increased
fuel consumption, and loss of fuel cell efficiency.

A.15 Solid and liquid particulates (aerosols)

Aerosols are dispersed solid and/or liquid particles in a gas. These particulates may be introduced in
the production, storage, or delivery of hydrogen fuel. A maximum solid and liquid particle concentration
is specified to ensure that filters are not clogged and/or solid and liquid particles do not enter the fuel
system and affect operation of fuel system components and fuel cell stacks. A maximum particulate
size diameter is not specified yet but should be addressed in a fuelling station standard and/or future
revision of ISO 14687-2. Particulate sizes should be kept as small as possible.
There are various effects of station operating fluids and solid particulates on the stack, fuel cell
components, and the complete fuel cell powertrain. These particulates originate from the operation
of hydrogen fuelling stations and show severe impacts. This group of substances comprises cleaning
agents, oils, lubricant oils, siloxanes, ionic liquids, decomposition products of ionic liquids, additives,
metals, metal oxides, and metal ions. One effect of these substances is the adsorption to the active site
of the fuel cell catalyst which prevents the hydrogen from adsorbing at the catalyst surface resulting
in significant performance drop. Other effects are the reduction of the proton conductivity of the
membrane, impact on storage systems, and interference of H2 sensors. Generally, the use of operating
fluids shall be minimized as far as possible. If the use of operating fluids is mandatory, means shall

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be provided by the hydrogen fuelling station to hinder these operating fluids from contaminating the
vehicle fuel cell powertrain.
The contamination due to aerosols is of extreme importance as illustrated by the following example
using SnO2, the oxide of the tetravalent tin as a model substance. This heavy metal oxide is present in the
solid state of matter with a molar mass of MSnO2 = 150,69 g ∙ mol−1 and a density of ρSnO2 = 6,95 g ∙ cm−3
at 20 °C. Under the assumption of a spherical particle shape with a diameter of dparticle = 0,1 µm and
under consideration of the Avogadro Constant NA = 6,022 ∙ 1023 mol−1 the number of SnO2-molecules
nSnO2 in the particle can be calculated as follows:

π ⋅ dparticle3 ⋅ ρSnO
nSnO = 2
⋅ NA (A.1)
2 6 ⋅ 1015 ⋅ MSnO

nSnO = 1 , 45 ⋅ 107 (A.2)


These 14,5 million SnO2 molecules can lead to irreversible impacts in microelectronic structures.
Therefore it is necessary to filter out any solid and liquid particles close to the fuelling nozzle to prevent
any impact on the fuel cell powertrain.

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Annex B

Example of risk assessment

B.1 Centralized production, pipeline transportation

The different steps for elaborating the quality assurance plan of one fuelling station are illustrated
using the following case: one fuelling station delivered by pipeline from an off-site SMR.
The solutions selected in this example to decrease the risk when necessary are given as a possible
solution for this specific case. Other solutions may be chosen depending on each fuelling station.
Following the procedure described in Clause 8, the risk assessment is performed on the identification
of the probability to have each impurity above the threshold values of specifications and the evaluation
of severity for the fuel cell vehicle, assuming some values of impurities above the specification (see
Table B.1, Table B.2 and Table B.3). This risk assessment is done for each part of the supply chain: SMR,
pipeline distribution and fuelling station itself.

B.2 Steam methane reformation

B.2.1 General
In this process, methane from natural gas and steam react at a high temperature to produce synthesis
gas (or syngas). Syngas is a mixture consisting mainly of hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
In order to achieve the reaction between natural gas and steam, catalysts and a high temperature are
required. These catalysts are poisoned by any trace of sulphur or chlorinated compounds. It is then
necessary to remove all sulphur components from natural gas before the SMR reaction. The purification
system, named hydrodesulphurisation is a two steps process: first transformation of all sulphur
species in H2S and then adsorption of H2S in specific adsorbents. At the outlet of this purification step,
the natural gas contains less than 50 nmol/mol of H2S by design and less than 10 nmol/mol in normal
After the reforming reaction, the carbon monoxide is further reacted with steam in a water gas shift
reaction. It produces carbon dioxide and hydrogen and it increases the hydrogen yield. An additional
separation step is mandatory to provide hydrogen with a purity suitable for FCV application.

B.2.2 Purification by pressure swing adsorption

Pressure swing adsorption is a non-cryogenic gas separation process which uses adsorbent technology
to purify hydrogen from a gas mixture. PSA principle is based on preferential adsorption of some
gaseous components to others on highly porous materials. The PSA ability to trap impurities depends
on the affinity between the adsorbent and the gas molecule. Typically a PSA column is filled with
multiple adsorbents with very high surface area to volume ratios. Typical adsorbents include silica,
alumina, molecular sieves, and activated carbons, which have different relative strength of adsorption
depending on the gaseous compounds.

14  © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

Table B.1 — Probability of occurrence for off-site SMR
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with

Inert gas
AFNOR (Code siret : 55204695506065)

Present in natural gas and syngas — PSA

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Inert gas
PSA malfunction — Double analysis PSA outlet <100 μmol/mol

Only ATR and POx present in O2 — PSA. Not sized to remove Ar. Ar content may be higher if H2 comes from ATR, POX
typical 0,6 % in syngas from ATR or feeds with high Ar content

Not present in syngas. O2 is unsta-
ble in the condition of reforming
5 — PSA cannot be used with significant O2 content for safety reasons 0
and shift reactions. Combines with
H2, CO CH4

— PSA adsorption strength of MS, activated carbon, silicagel higher for CO2 than CO.
2 Present in syngas (%) 0

A CO content lower than 10μmol/mol insures a CO2 content lower than 2 μmol/mol

Normal operation below threshold.
0,2 — Double analysis at the PSA outlet + trip if the CO>1-10 μmol/mol at PSA outlet 4
Occasional peaks at μmol/mol level
— In most cases CO is sizing the PSA, therefore CO<10 μmol/
C H4 100 Present in syngas at % level mol ==> C H4 < 100 μmol/mol 2
depending on users' specification (Europe pipeline 2 μmol/mol).

— PSA adsorbed in alumina and MS adsorption strength higher than CO2.
5 Syngas saturated in H2O 0
A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a H2O content lower than 5 μmol/mol.

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Table B.1 (continued)

Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
ISO 19880-8:2019(E)

— Desulphuration upstream reformer (typical values: normal < 10 ppb,

maximum < 20 ppb, guarantee < 50 ppb,)
AFNOR (Code siret : 55204695506065)

— Typical dilution factor 2,5 (1mole natural gas produces 2,5 mole H2)

— Pre-reformer catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this

stage. In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved

0,004 TS from natural gas — Reformer catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this 0
stage. In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved

— Shift catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this stage. In

case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved

— PSA adsorption of H2S before CO, CO2, species

— H2S adsorption in pipe and vessels. Strong affinity with steel

— PSA adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than CO. A CO
0,1 Traces present in syngas 0

content lower than 10μmol/mol insures a NH3 content lower than 0,1 μmol/mol
Traces of C2+ after reforming — PSA C2 C3, C4, C5+adsorbed by activated carbon layer. A CO content lower than
2 0
reaction 10 μmol/mol insures a THC (C H4 excluded) content lower than 2 μmol/mol

— PSA. Formaldehyde adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher
May be present in syngas. than CO. A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a HCHO content lower than
0,01 1
essentially liquid 0,1 μmol/mol. To guarantee 0,01 μmol/mol would require more experience of
measuring at those levels

— PSA. Formic adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than
May be present in syngas
0,2 CO. A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a HCOOH content lower than 0
essentially liquid
0,2 μmol/mol

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Table B.1 (continued)
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
AFNOR (Code siret : 55204695506065)

— Any Cl present in natural gas would be stopped by HDS

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— Pre-reformer catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible Cl trapped at this stage. If
breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved

— Reformer catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible. Cl trapped at this stage I break
0,05 Present in natural gas 0
through, process condition cannot be achieved

— Shift catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible. Cl trapped at this stage. I break through,

process condition cannot be achieved

— PSA adsorption of Cl before CO, CO2, species


Not present in natural gas in N Europe
300 (<10 μmol/mol). Passes through the 0
whole process. Dilution factor 2,5

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Table B.2 — Probability of occurrence for pipeline

Typical barriers Probability
Causes possible
Impurity Threshold employed in with
For the item studied
this process barriers
Air intake if some areas are at negative
Inert gas pressure Inlet pressure PSL trip on
N2 From seal gas or purge gas compressors
Wrong purging after maintenance
1 % Ar in the air.
Inert gas 100 μmol/mol would
No potential 0
Ar mean 1 % air in the pipe
Never been observed
Air intake if some areas are at negative Inlet pressure PSL trip on
O2 5 1
pressure compressors
2 μmol/mol of C O2 would
mean 0,5 % air in the
CO2 2 From Air:C O2 at 400 μmol/mol in the air 0
Never been observed
CO 0,2 No potential 0
CH4 100 No potential 0
H2 > 40 bar ==> leak from
H2O 5 Wrong drying after pressure hydraulic test H2O to H2 unlikely during 0
TS 0,004 No potential 0
NH3 0,1 No potential 0
THC 2 No potential 0
HCHO 0,01 No potential 0
HCOOH 0,2 No potential 0
Halogens 0,05 From cleaning material after maintenance 1
He 300 No potential 0

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Table B.3 — Probability of occurrence for fuelling station to be source of impurities

Causes possible
Impurity Threshold Existing barriers Probability
For the source studied
Inert gas N2 purging operation, air intake during normal
N2 operation or maintenance
1 % Ar in the air.
100 100 μmol/mol would
Inert gas Air intake during normal operation or main-
mean 1 % air in the 0
Ar tenance
fuelling station
Never been observed
Air intake during normal operation or main-
O2 5 2
2 μmol/mol CO2 would
Air intake during normal operation or main- mean 0,5 % air in the
CO2 2 0
tenance fuelling station. Never
been observed
CO 0,2 No potential at fuelling station level 0
CH4 100 No potential at fuelling station level 0
Maintenance, leaks from compressor exchang-
ers, improper pressure vessel drying after
H2O 5 periodic inspection, H2O coming from the vent 2
in case of check valve malfunction, depending
on fuelling station/compressor technology
TS 0,004 Materials gaskets, valve seats and tubing Material specifications 1
NH3 0,1 No potential 0
Oil carryover from compressor (depending
THC 2 2
on compressor technology)
HCHO 0,01 No potential 0
HCOOH 0,2 No potential 0
Halogens 0,05 From degreasing material 1
If pure He is not used for
He 300 No potential at fuelling station level 0

When the study has been conducted for each step within the supply chain (i.e. production, distribution,
and fuelling) the highest probability is selected as the compounded probability. Table B.4 gives an
To define the severity class of each impurity as it is presented in Table B.4, some assumptions are made
concerning the impurity levels above the threshold value. These impurity levels are assumed to be
reached for a short period of time.

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Table B.4 — Combined risk assessment

ISO specification Supply chain probability Residual
Severity Prob- Se-
Production Pipeline Fuelling Compounded Additional risk Criti-
Impurity Threshold Severity Criticality reduction abili- veri-
SMR distribution station probability reduction measures cality
measures ty ty

3 1 o +
Systematic N2 analysis after shutdown
ISO 19880-8:2019(E)

Inert gas
3 1 3 before resuming operation or specific None 1 1

2 1 + +
100 purging procedure
AFNOR (Code siret : 55204695506065)

Inert gas

2 0 + +
2 0 0 None 2 1

0 1 + +
O2 5 0 1 2 None 2 0
CO2 2 0 0 0 None 0 1

4 2 * +
CO absorber at fuelling station design
margin 100 % + operation procedure
CO 0,2 4 0 0 None 1 2
for replacement when H2 quantity puri-

2 1 + +
fied = 50 % of design capacity.

CH4 100 2 0 0 None 2 1
Check H2O at commissioning and after

1 4 * +
maintenance involving opening of vessels
H 2O 5 0 0 1 or piping. Measurement shall be done at None 0 4
appropriate location downstream of the
considered vessel or piping
Check TS at commissioning and after

1 4 * +
maintenance involving parts modifi-
TS 0,004 0 0 1 cation (piping, valves, seals, gaskets). None 0 4
Not required for part replaced by identical

0 4 + +
NH3 0,1 0 0 0 None 0 4
Oil/grease cleaning at commissioning

2 4 + +
and after maintenance. Compressor sur-
THC 2 0 0 2 veillance depending on compressor tech- None 0 4
nology (coalescing filter) THC analysis or

commissioning and after maintenance

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Table B.4 (continued)
ISO specification Supply chain probability Residual
Severity Prob- Se-
Production Pipeline Fuelling Compounded Additional risk Criti-
Impurity Threshold Severity Criticality reduction abili- veri-
SMR distribution station probability reduction measures cality
measures ty ty

1 2 + +

0 2 + +
AFNOR (Code siret : 55204695506065)

HCHO 0,01 1 0 0 None 1 2

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1 4 * +
HCOOH 0,2 0 0 0 None 0 2
Halogenated analysis at commissioning (spe-

0 1 +
Halogens 0,05 0 0 1 None 0 4
cies shall be defined) or after maintenance

+ o *
He 300 0 0 0 None 0 1 +

Key Acceptable risk area: existing controls Further investigation is needed: existing Unacceptable risk; additional control or
sufficient barriers or control may not be enough barriers required


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Table B.4 is used to define the criticality for each impurity.

When the result is light grey or "+", the H2 quality is under control and the risk of having an issue with
the vehicle using this hydrogen is considered acceptable. No additional barrier is necessary and this
impurity has no reason to be controlled at the fuelling station nozzle.
When the result is medium grey or "o", which is the case for N2, the conclusion is to further investigate
the means to decrease the occurrence probability. For instance, in addition to the existing analysis at
SMR plant, measure N2 at the commissioning of the fuelling station and after each maintenance where
some parts of the system are open to air or apply a specific purge procedure which guarantees reaching
a value within the specification.
When the result is dark grey or "*", it is necessary to reduce the probability of occurrence or to decrease
the severity to bring back the risk at an acceptable limit. Additional barriers shall be added. These
barriers are studied case by case.
For CO the conclusion in this example of risk assessment may be:
— to add a purifier with proper capacity of purification and to define a strict procedure for the purifier
replacement, or
— to add a continuous analysis and shutoff valve at the inlet of the fuelling station (at pipeline
For H2O the conclusion is to measure H2O at the commissioning of the fuelling station and after each
maintenance open vessels or piping or replace one of them. This analysis could be done at low pressure
to have more sensitivity.
For THC, depending of the compressor type, add a coalescing filter and proper maintenance procedure.
Measure THC after commissioning or maintenance operation involving cleaning/degreasing.
For Halogens, make an analysis at commissioning on a list of predefined components.
In conclusion,
— for commissioning: measure N2, H2O, THC, TS , and Halogens;
— after maintenance: measure N2, H2O, THC.
The analysis of other impurities is not mandatory if there is an analysis of CO and N2 at the production site.

B.3 Alkaline electrolysis

Table B.5 shows the probability of occurrence of different contaminants for hydrogen produced by
alkaline electrolysis.

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Table B.5 — Probability of occurrence for alkaline electrolysis

Typical barriers
Possible causes
Impurity Threshold employed in Probability
For the source studied
this process
Inert gas Insufficient purging Electrolyser process
N2 after shutdown control
Inert gas Insufficient purging If N2 below 1 %,
Ar after shutdown Ar < 100 μmol/mol
Insufficient purging
after shutdown (does Process control
O2 5 not apply to all systems) Deoxo 2
O2 permeation through O2 sensor
the membrane
CO2 2 0
CO 0,2 0
C H4 100 0
Dryer plus water sensor
H2 from electrolyser is
H2O 5 downstream of 2
TS 0,004 0
NH3 0,1 0
2 0
(excluding CH4)
HCHO 0,01 0
HCOOH 0,2 0
Any trace of halogenat-
ed compounds would
be trapped in the dryer
Halogens 0,05 Cl from water? 0
which has a stronger
adsorption capacity for Cl
than for H2O
He 300 0

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Annex C

Example of Japanese hydrogen quality guidelines

C.1 General
This annex is a condensed version of the Japanese quality control guidelines developed in Japan and is
intended to be an example of a prescriptive approach to hydrogen quality assurance.

C.2 Approaches to administration of Japanese quality control guidelines

The approach to conducting a quality analysis of the contaminants listed in ISO 14687-2 is to first
consider the potential sources of contaminants, and, second, establish a protocol for analysing potential
— Potential sources of contaminants:
— sampling procedures;
— characteristics of hydrogen production method(s);
— characteristics of hydrogen transport method(s);
— non-routine procedure (for example maintenance, major production system change).
— Analysis of possible contaminants:
— possible quantification.

C.3 Hydrogen production methods, hydrogen purification methods and hydrogen

transportation methods
C.3.1 Hydrogen production methods
Potential sources of contaminants are evaluated for the following hydrogen production methods:
— steam reforming (off-site/on-site);
— partial oxidation (off-site);
— autothermal reforming (off-site);
— water gas shift reaction (WGSR);
— catalytic reforming (off-site);
— coke-oven gas (COG) (off-site);
— steam cracking for ethylene by-product (off-site);
— chloralkali process (off-site);
— electrolysis of H2O (on-site/off-site).

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C.3.2 Hydrogen purification methods

Potential sources of contaminants are evaluated for the following hydrogen purification methods:
— adsorption;
— membrane separation;
— solvent absorption;
— cryogenic separation;
— methanation;
— selective CO oxidation.

C.3.3 Hydrogen transportation methods

Potential sources of contaminants are evaluated for the following hydrogen transportation methods:
— transportation of hydrogen in compressed state;
— transportation of hydrogen in liquid form;
— pipeline transportation;
— transportation by storage materials.

C.4 Constituents requiring analysis (potential sources of contaminants)

C.4.1 General
An analysis shall be conducted on constituents that may contaminate hydrogen regardless of which
hydrogen production method is used, as well as those constituents that may contaminate hydrogen due
to the unique nature of a given hydrogen production method (see Table C.1 and Table C.2).

C.4.2 All hydrogen production methods

Table C.1 — Constituents requiring an analysis for all production methods

Name of Hydrogen production method
constituent to be analysed
N2 All hydrogen production methods Perform an analysis on all production methods
since there is a risk of contamination through the
equipment in case of hydrogen sampling
O2 All hydrogen production methods Perform an analysis on all production methods
since there is a risk of contamination through the
equipment in case of hydrogen sampling
H2O All hydrogen production methods Perform an analysis on all production methods
since there is a risk of contamination through the
equipment in case of hydrogen sampling
Ar All hydrogen production methods Perform an analysis on all production methods
since there is a risk of contamination through the
equipment in case of hydrogen sampling. The ISO
standard specifies the limit as a total combined
value of N2 and Ar.

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C.4.3 Specific hydrogen production methods

Table C.2 — Constituents requiring an analysis for specific production methods

Name of Hydrogen production method
constituent to be analysed
He All hydrogen production methods using natural An analysis is necessary since natural gas contains
gas as feedstock up to 300 μmol/mol of He
Exclude a hydrogen production method if He has been
removed from the natural gas used for the method
NH3 NH3 production process generating excess
Biogas reforming
Coal gasification generating hydrogen by-product
NH3 hydride method
Halogens Chloralkali process producing excess hydrogen* *Excludes ion exchange membrane method
Biogas production from plastic waste gener- **Limited to cases where tap water is used as feed-
ating hydrogen stock and the performance of H2O purification system
cannot be warranted
Coke oven gas
Water electrolysis**
TS Steam reforming* *Since TS are found in the form of H2S, analysis of
H2S, not total sulphur content, is sufficient
Catalytic reforming
Partial oxidation
Autothermal reforming
Coal gasification generating hydrogen by-product
Production methods using TS as odorant
THC Production methods in which fossil fuels are
present, such as steam reforming, catalytic
reforming, partial oxidation, autothermal
reforming, and coal gasification generating
hydrogen by-product
CO Steam reforming*
Catalytic reforming
Partial oxidation
Autothermal reforming
Coal gasification generating hydrogen by-product
HCHO Hydrogen production methods using city gas or Rationale for excluding steam reforming methods using
petroleum as fuel other than steam reforming city gas or petroleum: it has been verified that the
thermo-equilibrium concentration of HCHO in steam
reforming is significantly lower than the ISO limit
HCOOH Hydrogen production methods using city gas or Rationale for excluding steam reforming methods
petroleum as fuel other than steam reforming using city gas or petroleum: it has been verified that
the thermo-equilibrium concentration of HCOOH
in steam reforming is significantly lower than the
ISO limit

C.5 Constituents that do not require analysis

Listed below in Table C.3 are constituents for which there is no scientific basis for conducting a routine
analysis, and the rationale for this conclusion, such as when there is no risk of contamination in any

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hydrogen production method (a framework shall be provided to conduct a non-routine analysis,


Table C.3 — Constituents that do not require an analysis

Substance Rationale
Hydrogen While it is clear that hydrogen is the main component, there is no method for directly
determining its quantity to a required degree of accuracy. If the proportion of hydrogen
is to be calculated by division, it would be necessary to determine the quantity of all
All non-hydrogen gases There is no method for directly determining their quantity. If the proportion of non-hy-
drogen gases is to be calculated by summation, a qualitative determination of all con-
taminants would be required.
Particulates If a filter is installed in the flow path, contamination is highly unlikely. Generally speaking,
particulates found at demonstration fuelling station have been lower than the standard
upper limit by two digits. Particulates should be controlled as indicated in C.9

C.6 Administration of quality control

C.6.1 Frequency of routine analysis

C.6.1.1 Routine analysis at a centralized production and distribution facility

As a general rule, the product quality of a plant is consistent regardless of the size of its production
system, as long as the input and the operating conditions are consistent. If there are no changes in the
input and the operating conditions over a long period of time, only one quality analysis shall be needed
per operation period. On the other hand, if there are changes in the input and the operating conditions,
a quality analysis shall be needed for each condition.
When the input and the operating conditions have not changed and if it can be assured that the
possibility of contamination is eliminated by the good operation and control of the distribution facility
by, for example, continuously monitoring the indicator species before shipping, the test frequency may
be reduced to as low as once per year.

C.6.1.2 Routine analysis at fuelling station

C. Off-site fuelling station

Hydrogen received by an off-site fuelling station is subject to a routine analysis for the chemical
constituents that have not been covered by the centralized hydrogen production and distribution
facility and for those that may infiltrate the gas after it is accepted by the fuelling station. For individual
contaminant species that may enter after fuelling station acceptance, the frequency of analysis may be
reduced to as low as once per year, provided that the possibility of infiltration is deemed eliminated by
having a good operation and control program at the fuelling station, such as a purge procedure.
While sampling is to be, as a rule, made at the end of a nozzle, it may be conducted upstream of the
fuelling nozzle to the extent that no changes occur to the quality of hydrogen.

C. On-site fuelling station

When a hydrogen generator (such as reformer or H2O electrolysis apparatus) is operated in the daily
start and shut mode, the quality of the hydrogen gas produced fluctuates on a daily basis. Such operation
therefore calls for one analysis per day. However, the frequency of analysis may be reduced to as low as
once per year, provided that the possibility of infiltration is deemed eliminated by the good operation
and control of the fuelling station, such as when accumulators are filled after the indicator species is
continuously monitored for quality control on a daily basis following the start-up of the generator.

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While sampling is to be, as a rule, made at the end of a nozzle, it may be conducted upstream of the
fuelling nozzle to the extent that no changes occur to the quality of hydrogen.

C.6.2 Frequency of non-routine analysis

After the conditions described in Clause 10, a quality analysis of all cases is needed.

C.7 Administration of analysis and monitoring records

C.7.1 Forms for analysis and monitoring records and reports
Each operator is to design and administer forms for records of analyses at its centralized production and
distribution facilities, records of sampling and analyses at fuelling station, and records of monitoring.

C.7.2 Safekeeping and recording

Centralized production or distribution facilities and fuelling station are to safekeep their own
records of analyses at the facility, of samples collected at the fuelling station, and of monitoring in an
appropriate manner.
The records shall be kept for a period of ten years. Such records may be kept at the department (or
headquarters) that oversees the operation other than the applicable facilities or fuelling station.

C.8 Routine analysis work

Table C.4 provides the routine analysis work defined on the basis of the attitudes stated in C.4, C.5
and C.6.1. The table gives the analytical species and the minimum analysis frequencies classified by
hydrogen dispensing sites and hydrogen production, purification and transportation methods.

C.9 Non-routine analysis work

Table C.5 provides the non-routine analysis work defined on the basis of the attitudes stated in C.4, C.5
and C.6.2. The table gives the analytical species classified by hydrogen dispensing sites and hydrogen
production, purification, and transportation methods.

C.10 Approaches to particulates requirements

According to ISO 14687-2, the requirements of particulates are no more than 1 mg/kg in concentration.
The hydrogen shall be sampled from a dispenser nozzle of the fuelling station under conditions that are
as close to the actual fuelling conditions as possible. The weight of the particulates collected in a filter
is measured.
However, past analyses of particulates collected by filters at the fuelling station have demonstrated that
particulates occur intermittently, and not always consistently, from such sources as pieces of sealing
tapes for threaded parts, particles found in new equipment, and friction from movable parts. Therefore,
it is questionable whether the concentration of the samples collected by the method described above
can be considered representative of a given period of time. For this reason, filters shall be installed
at fuelling station to remove particulates in lieu of conducting a routine analysis of particulate
concentration levels.
It is appropriate to install filters with an aperture of no more than 5 μm (nominal) downstream of
dispenser components. Filters should be as close as possible to the nozzle or hose breakaway device.
Filters shall be mesh-type because of the filter robustness.

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Table C.4 — Routine analysis work

Category: Distribution
Sampling/ Reduced
Facility type Contaminant Threshold
Monitoring point frequency
TSa 0,004 Annualb
Production of hydrogen from hydro- THC as C1 2 Annualb
carbons utilizing steam reforming, CO 0,2 Annualb
Downstream of the
catalytic reforming, partial oxidation,
purifier N2+Ar 100 Annualb,c
or ATR, purification using refining
equipment, and distribution H 2O 5 Annualb
O2 5 Annualb,c
Electrolysis of Na Cl for hydrogen, Downstream of the Halogens 0,05 Annualb
purification, and distribution purifier N2+Ar 100 Annualb
H 2O 5 Annualb
O2 5 Annualb
TS 0,004 Annualb
THC as C1 2 Annualb
CO 0,2 Annualb
Halogens 0,05 Annualb
Purification of coke-oven gas, and Downstream of the N2+Ar 100 Annualb
distribution purifier H 2O 5 Annualb
O2 5 Annualb
NH3 0,1 Annualb
HCHO 0,01 Annualb
HCOOH 0,2 Annualb
TS 0,004 Annualb
THC as C1 2 Annualb
Purification of by-product hydrogen Downstream of the CO 0,2 Annualb
from ethylene plants, and distribution purifier N2+Ar 100 Annualb
H 2O 5 Annualb
O2 5 Annualb

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Table C.4 (continued)

Category: Fuelling station
Sampling/ Reduced
Facility type Contaminant Threshold
Monitoring point frequency
Those not an-
alysed by the Annualb
With off-site supply of transported
End of nozzle N2+Ar 100 Annualb, c
compressed or liquid hydrogen
H 2O 5 Annualb,d
O2 5 Annualb,c
(Those listed
Downstream of the
for the odor- Annualb,e
deodorant equipment
Those not an-
With off-site supply from hydrogen alysed by the Annualb
pipelines distributor
End of nozzle N2+Ar 100 Annualb,c
H 2O 5 Annualb,d
O2 5 Annualb,c
Downstream of the Continuous and
CO 0,2
purifier Annualb,f
With on-site supply of hydrogen TSa 0,004 Annualb
produced from hydrocarbons utilizing THC as C1 2 Annualb
steam reforming, catalytic reforming,
CO 0,2 Annualb
partial oxidation, or ATR and purifica- End of nozzle
tion using refining equipment N2+Ar 100 Annualb,c
H 2O 5 Annualb,d
O2 5 Annualb,c
N2+Ar 100 Annualb
Continuous and
Downstream of the H 2O 5
With on-site supply from hydroelec- Continuous and
O2 5
trolysis and purification using refin- Annualb,f
ing equipment Halogens 0,05 Annualb
N2+Ar 100 Annualb
End of nozzle
H 2O 5 Annualb
O2 5 Annualb

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Table C.5 — Non-routine analysis work

Category: Distribution
Facility type Contaminant Standard value
Monitoring point
TS5 0,004
THC as C1 2
Production of hydrogen from hydrocar-
bons utilizing steam reforming, catalytic Downstream of the CO 0,2
reforming, or partial oxidation or ATR, purifier N2+Ar 100
followed by refinement
H 2O 5
O2 5
Halogens 0,05
Hydrogen production using brine electroly- Downstream of the N2+Ar 100
sis, followed by purification purifier H 2O 5
O2 5
TS 0,004
THC as C1 2
CO 0,2
Halogens 0,05
Purification of coke-oven gas, and distribu- Downstream of the N2+Ar 100
tion purifier H 2O 5
O2 5
NH3 0,1
HCHO 0,01
TS 0,004
THC as C1 2
Purification of by-product hydrogen from Downstream of the CO 0,2
ethylene plants, and distribution purifier N2+Ar 100
H 2O 5
O2 5

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Table C.5 (continued)

Category: Fuelling station
Facility type Contaminant Standard value
Monitoring point
Those not analysed
by the distributor
With off-site supply of transported com- N2+Ar 100
End of nozzle
pressed or liquid hydrogen
H 2O 5
O2 5
Downstream of the deo- (Those listed for the
dorant equipment odorant)
Those not analysed
With off-site supply from hydrogen pipelines by the distributor
End of nozzle N2+Ar 100
H 2O 5
O2 5
Downstream of the
CO 0,2
With on-site supply of hydrogen produced TS1) 0,004
from hydrocarbons utilizing steam reform- THC as C1 2
ing, catalytic reforming, partial oxidation,
CO 0,2
or ATR and purification using refining End of nozzle
equipment N2+Ar 100
H 2O 5
O2 5
Downstream of the H 2O 5
purifier O2 5
With on-site supply from hydroelectrolysis Halogens 0,05
and purification using refining equipment N2+Ar 100
End of nozzle
H 2O 5
O2 5

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Annex D

Typical hydrogen fuelling station supply chain

D.1 General
This annex describes the potential impurities in each step of the supply chain. An example of a typical
fuelling station supply chain is given in Figure D.1.

Figure D.1 — Example of a typical fuelling station supply chain

D.2 Production
D.2.1 General
The contaminants that may be introduced at production depend on the production technology and
on the barriers and control implemented. Only gaseous impurities are considered in each production
method subclause below. Particulates are considered separately in D.4. For Tables D.1 to D.6, the
following definitions are used for the "possibility of impurity over threshold":
— Possible: The impurities have been observed during non-routine operation or fault conditions.
— Improbable: The impurities have not been observed during non-routine operation nor fault

D.2.2 Reforming
Reforming is the most common H2 production method today. It uses various types of feedstocks, such
as, natural gas, biogas, naphtha, methanol, and NH3 (see Table D.1). The feedstock is usually converted
into a synthetic gas (Syngas), and shift reacted to produce more H2 and CO2, then purified. The most
common purification way is by pressure swing adsorption (PSA).
The contaminants potentially present in the hydrogen are dependent on the process technology and on
the purification. It should be investigated on a case by case basis for each production source.
Annex B on centralized steam methane reforming (SMR) of natural gas with PSA purification gives an
example on how to investigate the potential contaminants related to a very widely-used H2 production
route. Table D 1 is the result:

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Table D.1 — Impurities potentially present in H2 produced by SMR

Possibility of impurity
Gaseous impurities
over threshold
Possible N2, CH4, CO, He
Improbable Ar, O2, CO2, H2O, TS, NH3, THC (except methane),
HCOOH, Halogens, HCHO

D.2.3 Alkaline electrolysis

Alkaline electrolysis has been used for more than a century to produce H2 from H2O using electricity.
The hydrogen produced at the anode is usually purified from the remaining O2 through a catalytic
reactor and then dried through a temperature swing adsorption (TSA). Table D.2 investigates the
potential sources of contaminations. Such contaminants are mainly coming from the H2O and the air.

Table D.2 — Impurities potentially present in H2 produced by alkaline electrolysis

Possibility of impurity
Gaseous impurities
over threshold
Possible O2, H2O
Improbable CO2, CO, CH4, He, N2, Ar, TS, NH3, THC, HCHO, HCOOH,

NOTE As per the rationale in ISO 14687-2 (see B.2), the presence of water soluble contaminants such as
K+ and Na+, which could be present as an aerosol, can be controlled by process control of the level of water
contamination precluding the presence of water in liquid form.

D.2.4 Proton exchange membrane electrolysis

PEM electrolysis is the electrolysis of H2O in a cell equipped with a solid polymer electrolyte that is
responsible for the conduction of protons, separation of product gases, and electrical insulation of
the electrodes. Table D.3 investigates the potential sources of contaminants. Such contaminations are
mainly coming from the H2O and the air.

Table D.3 — Impurities potentially present in H2 produced by PEM electrolysis

Possibility of impurity
Gaseous impurities
over threshold
Possible O2, H2O,
Improbable CO2, CO, CH4, Ar, TS, N2, NH3, THC, HCHO, HCOOH, Halogens

D.2.5 By-products
Hydrogen may be obtained through purification of H2 rich effluent by-product of chemical/
petrochemical industry. Given the large variety of potential feeds to be purified and processes involved,
a specific dedicated analysis should be carried out for each source to identify the potential contaminants
and associated probabilities.

D.2.6 New production methods

There are a number of new production methods under investigation such as photoelectrolysis, algae,
bacterial, etc. Each of them should be the object of a dedicated evaluation if the produced H2 is used for
the supply of a fuelling station.

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D.3 Transportation
D.3.1 General
This clause relates to additional contaminants that may be introduced in the H2 during transportation.

D.3.2 Pipeline
When transported in pipelines, H2 is usually at relatively high pressure (>40 bar). Contamination can
be due to intentional and unintentional causes (see Table D.4). An example of an intentional cause would
be the “odorization” of the fuel. An example of an unintentional cause would be condensate.
During maintenance, the potential sources of contamination are:
— N2 if insufficiently purged after maintenance;
— H2O if insufficiently dried after maintenance.
Normal criteria for N2 purging after maintenance is O2 below 2 %. This is what is required for safety
reasons before allowing to fill the system with H2. If H2 purging is done to reach 100 μmol/mol N2
before putting into operation, the O2 levels will be less than 2 μmol/mol. If improper purging occurs,
and the O2 levels exceed 5 μmol/mol, then the N2 levels will be greater than 250 μmol/mol. This implies
that the probabilities to exceed threshold due to poor purging are in the same order of magnitude for
both O2 and N2.

Table D.4 — Impurities potentially introduced during Pipeline Transportation

Possibility of Impurity
Gaseous Impurities
over threshold
Possible N2,O2
Improbable CO2, CO, CH4, He, H2O, TS, NH3, THC, HCHO, HCOOH,

D.3.3 Filling center and tube trailer

Filling center may be attached to a production site or to a pipeline network. They are used to fill gaseous
pressurized tube trailers (see Table D.5). Contamination during normal operation is “Improbable”.
During maintenance, the potential sources of contamination are:
— O2 or N2 if insufficiently purged after maintenance;
— H2O if insufficiently dried after maintenance;
— if cutting oils are used during the process, contamination from sulphur, hydrocarbons, or halogenates
is possible.
Normal criteria for N2 purging after maintenance is O2 below 2 %. This is what is required for safety
reasons before allowing the system to fill with H2.
Starting with a system containing N2 with less than 2 % O2, if H2 purging is done to reach 100 μmol/mol
N2 before putting into operation, the O2 levels will be less than 2 μmol/mol. If improper purging occurs,
and the O2 levels exceed 5 μmol/mol, then the N2 levels will be greater than 250 μmol/mol. This implies
that the probabilities to exceed the threshold due to poor purging are in the same order of magnitude
for both O2 and N2.
Tube trailers may be filled at different sources. The risk of contamination due to the residual H2
contained in a tube trailer coming from a different location is relevant at the considered fuelling station.
This should be taken into account if necessary in the risk analysis.

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Table D.5 — Impurities potentially introduced during centralized distribution and tube trailer
Possibility of impurity
Gaseous impurities
over threshold
Possible N2, O2
Improbable CO2, CO, CH4, He, H2O, TS, NH3, THC, HCHO, HCOOH, Halogens

D.4 Hydrogen fuelling station

Contamination during normal operation should be assessed with consideration of the technology used
on a case by case basis (see Table D.6). During maintenance, the potential sources of contamination are:
— N2, O2, He (if used) if insufficiently purged after maintenance of fuelling station;
— H2O if insufficiently dried after maintenance of the fuelling station or after shutdown of the
precooling system where water can form ice upon restart;
— if oils or lubricants are used during the process, contamination from sulphur, hydrocarbons, or
halogenates is possible.

Table D.6 — Impurities potentially introduced at fuelling station

Possibility of impurity
Gaseous impurities
over threshold
Possible N2, O2, He, THC, H2O,
Improbable TS, Halogens

D.5 Particulates
Particulates may enter the hydrogen at each level of the supply chain. By default, they should be
considered as "possible" for each of them, except if specific design measures (filtering) permit to
demonstrate the opposite. Particulates can include solid or liquid materials and can occur due to
improper cleaning (metal burrs, cleaning fluid, etc.), abrasion, condensation, etc., especially in the
fuelling station. Use of cutting oils during the process could lead to contamination particulates
(construction debris if insufficiently cleaned after maintenance). The filter requirements are specified
in ISO 19880-1.

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Annex E

Routine hydrogen quality analysis

E.1 Off-site production

The risk to have contaminants over the threshold depends on the production technology. Usually,
contaminants which are critical for a given process are monitored on line either directly (analysers) or
indirectly through the monitoring of process parameters which are directly related to the contaminant
For each contaminant, the routine quality control should be defined depending on the process
considered, the existing online monitoring, and the actual risk of contamination.

E.2 Transportation
E.2.1 Storage and transportation of compressed hydrogen
When hydrogen produced at a centralized production site is transported by compressing and filling it
into transport cylinders, there is minimal risk that its components are altered by chemical reactions.
However, one cannot rule out the possibility of contamination by residual or condensed contaminants
that are present in the cylinders in the first place. This could occur with (for example) new cylinders or
following an inspection. The quality assurance plan will take this into account and ensure the quality of
delivered compressed gas hydrogen for all feedstocks by (for example) a routine analysis.

E.2.2 Storage and transportation of liquid hydrogen

When hydrogen is produced in a liquid state, any contaminant present in the gas before liquefaction will
be trapped as solid deposit in the liquefaction process and not appear in the product gas (except He).

E.2.3 Pipeline transport

When hydrogen is transported via pipelines from a production facility, it is clear that, in general, there is
no risk of contamination as demonstrated by the example of city gas transport. Therefore, in principle,
no additional routine analyses are required within the pipelines.

E.3 Hydrogen fuelling station

E.3.1 Delivered hydrogen
Quality control for delivered hydrogen will be carried out following a quality assurance plan developed
specifically for the supply chain of the hydrogen.
For individual contaminant species that may enter after delivery to the fuelling station, the frequency
of analysis may be reduced, provided that the possibility of infiltration is deemed eliminated by having
a good operation and control program at the fuelling station, such as a purge procedure.
While sampling is to be, as a rule, made at the end of a nozzle, it may be conducted upstream of the
fuelling nozzle to the extent that no changes occur to the quality of hydrogen. (See 6.1).

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E.3.2 On-site hydrogen generation

On-site generation should require on-site quality control, whether by monitoring of specific analytes
that can act as an indicator species for those contaminants considered to have potential to be present
based on the type of on-site generation, or by other process control methodologies.
An example could be the monitoring of the differential pressure across an electrolyser membrane, or of
the temperature of the hydrogen following a de-oxo catalyst system where this can be demonstrated to
be adequate process control for the oxygen concentration within the hydrogen. If it is confirmed that
the concentration of the indicator species of a given production method is less than its specified limit,
other impurities are deemed to have met the standard requirements. For example, in the case of SMR
and PSA production and purification, CO could serve as the indicator species.

E.3.3 Hydrogen fuelling station contaminants

Contaminants may be introduced at the fuelling station during installation, operation, and maintenance.
The hydrogen quality control plan should include steps to mitigate these potential contaminants. The
analysis immediately following installation or maintenance may be different than the analysis for
routine operations. Both should be based upon the hydrogen quality control plan. A routine analysis of
the potential contaminants generated by the fuelling station shall be performed, but may be reduced
based upon the hydrogen quality control plan.

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ISO 19880-8:2019(E)


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