Chap 20
Chap 20
Chap 20
During a thunderstorm,
Molly and Paresh were
watching lightning bolts
light up the sky. Paresh
was impressed by the
patterns of the lightning.
Molly asked Paresh,
“Why do you suppose
lightning jumps between
a cloud and Earth?”
What explanation might
Paresh give?
ature provides few more dazzling displays than lightning. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN
N Is there a way to experience lightning close-up, perhaps
safely at home or in the school lab? Is lightning related to
some everyday occurrences? If you have ever scuffed your feet on
• You will classify electrical
charge and analyze how
charge interacts with matter.
the carpet so that you could create a small spark between your • You will infer the rules of
fingers and a friend’s nose, then you may be able to answer these how charge pushes and
questions. pulls on the world.
The connection between rubbing surfaces together and sparks
has been known for a long time. However, researchers had not
made the connection between sparks and lightning. After all, WHY IT’S IMPORTANT
sparks were seldom more than 1 or 2 centimeters long. Lightning, • In this age of microproces-
on the other hand, could be several kilometers long. How could
sors and sensitive circuitry, a
knowledge of static electri-
they be related?
cal charge may save your
It took Benjamin Franklin’s ingenuity to see how a link
electronic components
between lightning and sparks could be established. He reasoned
from damage.
that if lightning was electricity, it had to be a great deal of elec-
tricity. In 1752, Franklin performed his famous kite experiment.
He flew the kite with a key attached to the string while a thun-
derstorm approached. During the flight, the loose threads of the
kite string began to stand up and avoid one another. When
Franklin brought his knuckle close to the key he experienced a
spark. This event was proof that “electrical fire” could be obtained
from a cloud. Franklin’s experiment set off a flurry of research in
the field of electricity. Over the next several chapters, you will
investigate electric phenomena and develop models to explain
what you observe.
To find out more about static
electricity, visit the Glencoe Science
Web site at
20.1 Electrical Charge
Y ou may have had the experience of rubbing your shoes
on the carpet hard enough to create a lightning-like
spark when you touched someone. Franklin’s kite experiment
showed that lightning is similar to electricity caused by friction. Electrical
OBJ ECTIVES effects produced this way are called static electricity. In this chapter, you
• Recognize that objects will investigate electrostatics, the study of electrical charges that can be
that are charged exert collected and held in one place. Current electricity, produced by batteries
forces, both attractive and and generators, will be explored in later chapters.
• Demonstrate that charging Charged Objects
is the separation, not the
Have you ever noticed the way your hair is attracted to the comb
creation, of electrical
charges. when you comb your hair on a dry day? Perhaps you also have found
that socks sometimes stick together when you take them out of the
• Describe the differences clothes dryer. If so, you will recognize the attraction of the bits of paper
between conductors and
to a comb shown in Figure 20–1. If the weather is dry, try this yourself
now. Rub a plastic comb or ballpoint pen on your clothing. (Wool
clothing is best.) Then, hold the pen or comb close to a pile of paper
bits. Notice the way the paper pieces jump up toward the pen or comb.
There must be a new, relatively strong force causing this upward accel-
eration because it is larger than the downward acceleration caused by
the gravitational force of Earth.
There are other differences between this new force and gravity. Paper
is attracted to a comb only after the comb has been rubbed. If you wait
a while, the attractive property of the comb disappears. Gravity, on the
other hand, does not require rubbing and does not disappear. The
ancient Greeks noticed similar effects when they rubbed amber. The
Greek word for amber is elektron, and today this attractive property is
called “electrical.” An object that exhibits electrical interaction after
rubbing is said to be charged.
Opposite charges Now, stick one strip of tape on the desk and place
the second strip on top of the first, as shown in Figure 20–2a. Use the
handle of the bottom strip of tape to pull the two off the desk together.
Rub them with your fingers until they are no longer attracted to your
hand. You’ve now removed all the electrical charge. With one hand on
the handle of one strip and the other on the handle of the second strip,
quickly pull the two strips apart. You’ll find that they’re now both
charged. They once again are attracted to your hands. But, do they still
repel each other? No, they now attract each other. They are charged, but
they are no longer charged alike. They have opposite charges and attract
each other.
Is tape the only object that you can charge? Once again, stick one
strip of tape to the desk and the second strip on top. Label the bottom
strip B and the top strip T. Pull the pair off together. Discharge them,
then pull them apart. Stick the handle end of each strip to the edge of a
table, the bottom of a lamp shade, or some similar object. The two
should hang down a short distance apart, as shown in Figure 20–2b.
Finally, rub the comb or pen on your clothing and bring it near first one
strip of tape and then the other. You will find that one strip will be
attracted to the comb, the other repelled from it. You can now explore
the interactions of charged objects with the strips of tape.
– +– –
– – + – –+ – –
+ –
+ –
– +
– +
+ – +
– + +
– +
+ +
FIGURE 20–3 As the rubber rod
strokes the wool, electrons are
removed from the wool atoms
and cling to the rubber atoms.
In this way, both objects become
30 cm 30 cm block of polystyrene
Data and Observations
22-cm aluminum pie pan
wool Description of Event Observations
plastic cup
drinking straw thread
transparent tape
pith ball (or small piece of plastic foam
packing material) 9. When finished, recycle or dispose of
liquid graphite appropriate materials. Put away materials
that can be reused.
Analyze and Conclude
1. Paint the pith ball with graphite and allow
it to dry. 1. Forming a Description As the pie pan
was brought near the charged block, could
2. Tape the inverted cup to the aluminum pie you detect a force between the neutral pie
pan. Secure the straw to the top of the cup pan and the charged foam? Describe it.
and use the thread to attach the ball as
shown in the photograph. 2. Interpreting Observations Explain what
happened to the ball in step 4 and step 5.
3. Rub the foam with wool, then remove
the wool. 3. Analyzing Results Make a drawing to
show the distribution of charges on the
4. Holding onto the plastic cup, lower the pie neutral pie pan as it is lowered toward the
pan until it is about 3 cm above the foam charged foam block.
block and then slowly lift it away.
4. Inferring Relationships What was the
5. Place the pie pan directly on the charged reason for using the ball on a thread?
foam block and lift it away. Explain the back-and-forth motion of the
6. Bring your finger near the ball until ball in step 6.
they touch. 5. Interpreting Observations Does the
7. Place the pie pan on the foam block and polystyrene block seem to run out of
touch the edge of the pie pan with your charges in step 8?
finger. Then remove the pie pan from the
foam block and touch the ball again with Apply
your finger. 1. Clear plastic wrap is sold to seal up con-
8. Repeat step 7 several times without tainers of food. Suggest a reason why it
recharging the foam block. clings to itself.
+++ – –– – +++ –
++ –– ––
a b c
– –– + ++
–––––– – + +++ +
––– –
– ––––––
Coulomb’s Law
You have seen that charges push and pull on each other. That is,
a force acts between two or more charged objects. How does this
force depend on the size of the charges and their separation? You
– ––
– + – + + – + –
+ + – – + + – –
+ – – + + + – + –
– + – –
+ – + – + + –
FIGURE 20–9 Start with neutral
spheres that are touching (a),
bring a charged rod near them
(b), and then separate the
spheres and remove the charged
rod (c). This is one example of
charging by induction. a b c
Pocket Lab standard quantity of charge in terms of the amount of force it produces.
The SI standard unit of charge is called the coulomb (C). One coulomb
is the charge of 6.25 1018 electrons or protons. Recall that the charge
Reach Out
of protons and electrons is equal. The charge that produces a large light-
ning bolt is about 10 coulombs. The charge on an individual electron is
only 1.60 1019 C. The magnitude of the charge of an electron is
Start with the leaves of an
called the elementary charge. Thus, as you will calculate in problem 22
electroscope down. Predict
what should happen if you in the Chapter Review, even small pieces of matter, such as the coins in
bring a charged balloon near your pocket, contain up to 1 million coulombs of negative charge. This
(but not touching) the top of enormous amount of charge produces almost no external effects
the electroscope. because it is balanced by an equal amount of positive charge. However,
Analyze and Conclude if the charge is unbalanced, even as small of a charge as 109 C can
Explain your prediction. Try it.
Describe and explain your results. result in large forces.
According to Coulomb’s law, the magnitude of the force on charge qA
caused by charge qB a distance d away can be written as follows.
q qB
Coulomb’s Law F K A
When the charges are measured in coulombs, the distance is mea-
sured in meters, and the force is measured in newtons, the constant, K,
is 9.0 109 Nm2/C2.
This equation gives the magnitude of the force that charge qA exerts
on qB and also the force that qB exerts on qA. These two forces are equal
in magnitude but opposite in direction. You can observe this example
of Newton’s third law of motion in action when you bring two strips of
tape with like charges together. Each exerts forces on the other. If you
bring a charged comb near either strip of tape, the strip, with its small
mass, moves readily. The acceleration of the comb and you is, of course,
much less because of the much greater mass.
The electrical force, like all other forces, is a vector quantity. Force vec-
FIGURE 20–11 The rule for
tors need both a magnitude and a direction. However, Coulomb’s law
determining direction of force is will furnish only the magnitude of the force. To determine the direction,
like charges repel, unlike charges you need to draw a diagram and interpret charge relations carefully.
attract. Consider the direction of force on
a positively charged object called
A B A. If another positively charged
F B on A F A on B
object, B, is brought near, the force
+ + on A is repulsive. The force, FB on A,
a acts in the direction from B to A, as
shown in Figure 20–11a. If,
A B instead, B is negatively charged,
F B on A F A on B the force on A is attractive and acts
+ – in the direction from A to B, as
b shown in Figure 20–11b.
1 1 Processor
The computer sends instructions to the
microprocessor that operates the laser Light source
printer. The microprocessor controls the
aiming and timing of a light source, either
a laser or a light-emitting diode (LED). 3
2 The surface of the metal drum is coated Dru
with a photosensitive semiconductor. In 2
dark, the semiconductor is an insulator. 4
As the drum rotates, it is sprayed with elec- 7
trons, giving the surface a negative charge. 6
Example Problem
Coulomb’s Law
Two charges are separated by 3.0 cm. Object A has a charge of 6.0 C,
while object B has a charge of 3.0 C. What is the force on object A?
Example Problem
Coulomb’s Law with Three Charges
A sphere with charge 6.0 C is located near two other charged
spheres. A 3.0-C sphere is located 4.00 cm to the right and a 1.5-C
sphere is located 3.00 cm directly underneath. Determine the net force
FC on A
on the 6.0-C sphere. Fnet
+y B
Sketch the Problem A dAB
+x A
• Establish coordinate axes. dAC
qA qB FB on A
• Draw the displacement vectors.
• Diagram the force vectors.
C qC
Calculate Your Answer
Known: Strategy: Calculations:
qAqB (6.0 C)(3.0 C)
qA 6.0 C Use Coulomb’s law. FB on A K (9.0 GNm2/C2)
Do not include dAB2 (4.00 102 m)2
qB 3.0 C
signs when using
FB on A 1.0 102 N, to the right
qC 1.5 C Coulomb’s law (refer
to the problem- K qAqC (6.0 C)(1.5 C)
dAB 0.0400 m FC on A (9.0 GNm2/C2)
solving strategy). dAC2 (3.00 102 m)2
dAC 0.0300 m The direction of
FC on A 9.0 101 N, up
force is determined
by the diagram.
FC on A 9.0 101 N
Unknown: Use the tangent tan , 42°
FB on A 1.0 102 N
FB on A ? function to find .
Reviewing Concepts
Section 20.1 7. How does the distance between
1. If you comb your hair on a dry day, two charges impact the force between
the comb can become positively them? If the distance is decreased
charged. Can your hair remain while the charges remain the same,
neutral? Explain. what happens to the force?
2. List some insulators and conductors. 8. Explain how to charge a conductor
3. What property makes metal a good negatively if you have only a
conductor and rubber a good insulator? positively charged rod.
12. Lightning usually occurs when a negative charge 21. How many excess electrons are on a ball with
in a cloud is transported to Earth. If Earth is neu- a charge of 4.00 1017 C?
tral, what provides the attractive force that pulls 22. How many coulombs of charge are on the elec-
the electrons toward Earth? trons in a nickel? Use the following method to
13. Explain what happens to the leaves of a posi- find the answer.
tively charged electroscope when rods with the a. Find the number of atoms in a nickel. A
following charges are nearby but not touching nickel has a mass of about 5 g. Each mole
the electroscope. (6.02 1023 atoms) has a mass of about 58 g.
a. positive b. negative b. Find the number of electrons in the coin.
14. Coulomb’s law and Newton’s law of universal A nickel is 75% Cu and 25% Ni, so each
gravitation appear to be similar. In what ways atom on average has 28.75 electrons.
are the electrical and gravitational forces simi- c. Find how many coulombs of charge are on
lar? How are they different? the electrons.
15. The text describes Coulomb’s method for 23. A strong lightning bolt transfers about 25 C
obtaining two charged spheres, A and B, so that to Earth.
the charge on B was exactly half the charge on a. How many electrons are transferred?
A. Suggest a way Coulomb could have placed a b. If each water molecule donates one elec-
charge on sphere B that was exactly one third tron, what mass of water lost an electron
the charge on sphere A. to the lightning? One mole of water has a
16. Coulomb measured the deflection of sphere A mass of 18 g.
when spheres A and B had equal charges and 24. Two electrons in an atom are separated by
were a distance d apart. He then made the 1.5 1010 m, the typical size of an atom.
charge on B one third the charge on A. How far What is the electrical force between them?
apart would the two spheres then have to be
25. A positive and a negative charge, each of
for A to have the same deflection it had before?
magnitude 1.5 105 C, are separated by a
17. Two charged bodies exert a force of 0.145 N on
distance of 15 cm. Find the force on each of
each other. If they are moved so that they are
the particles.
one fourth as far apart, what force is exerted?
26. Two negatively charged bodies, each charged
18. The constant, K, in Coulomb’s equation is much
with 5.0 105 C, are 0.20 m from each
larger than the constant, G, in the universal grav-
other. What force acts on each particle?
itation equation. Of what significance is this?
27. How far apart are two electrons if they exert a
19. Electrical forces between charges are enormous
force of repulsion of 1.0 N on each other?
in comparison to gravitational forces. Yet we
normally do not sense electrical forces between
28. A force of 4.4 103 N exists between a
us and our surroundings, while we do sense positive charge of 8.0 104 C and a nega-
gravitational interactions with Earth. Explain. tive charge of 3.0 104 C. What distance
separates the charges?
29. Two identical positive charges exert a repul-
Problems sive force of 6.4 109 N when separated by
Section 20.2 a distance of 3.8 1010 m. Calculate the
20. Two charges, qA and qB, are separated by a charge of each.
distance, d, and exert a force, F, on each 30. A positive charge of 3.0 C is pulled on
other. Analyze Coulomb’s law and identify by two negative charges. One, 2.0 C,
what new force will exist if is 0.050 m to the north and the other,
a. qA is doubled. 4.0 C, is 0.030 m to the south. What
b. qA and qB are cut in half. total force is exerted on the positive charge?
c. d is tripled. 31. Three particles are placed in a line. The left
d. d is cut in half. particle has a charge of 67 C, the middle,
e. qA is tripled and d is doubled. 45 C, and the right, 83 C. The middle
particle is 72 cm from each of the others, as vertical. The ball is in equilibrium with FE, Fg,
shown in Figure 20–13. and FT. Calculate each of the following.
a. Find the net force on the middle particle. a. Fg
b. Find the net force on the right particle. b. FE
c. the charge on the balls
–67 C + 45 C – 83 C
72 cm 72 cm
FIGURE 20–13
Extra Practice For more
practice solving problems, go 3.0 cm
to Extra Practice Problems, FIGURE 20–15
Appendix B.
Going Further
Using a Graphing Calculator Determine how
Critical Thinking Problems force depends on distance. A 1 C charge
is at x 8 mm, and a 1 C charge is at
32. Three charged spheres are located at the posi-
x 8 mm. Find the force on a 1 C test
tions shown in Figure 20–14. Find
charge that is at x 10 mm. Use Coulomb’s
the total force on sphere B.
law to calculate the force. Repeat for 11 mm,
4.5 C B –8.2 C etc., until you reach 40 mm. Plot the force as a
function of distance. One way to explore how
A + – x
4.0 cm the force depends on distance is to plot your
results on log-paper. You also can plot the
3.0 cm
results on a calculator or computer. Use log
scales on both the x and y axes.
C + +6.0 C
The slope of the line, m, indicates the power
FIGURE 20–14
to which x is raised. For example, if x changes
33. Two charges, qA and qB, are at rest near a by a factor of 10 and y changes by a factor of
positive test charge, qT, of 7.2 C. The first 1/100, then the slope is m 2, and the force is
charge, qA, is a positive charge of 3.6 C, proportional to x2. If the slope is not constant,
located 2.5 cm away from qT at 35°; qB is a then you cannot write an equation for the force
negative charge of 6.6 C, located 6.8 cm as xm. Over what range of distances is the slope
away at 125°. constant? What is its slope?
a. Determine the magnitude of each of the Essay Research and describe the historical develop-
forces acting on qT. ment of the concept of electrical force.
b. Sketch a force diagram.
c. Graphically determine the resultant force
acting on qT.
34. The two pith balls in Figure 20–15 each have a
mass of 1.0 g and equal charge. One pith ball To review content, do the
is suspended by an insulating thread. The other interactive quizzes on the
is brought to 3.0 cm from the suspended ball. Glencoe Science Web site at
The suspended ball is now hanging with the
thread forming an angle of 30.0° with the