An Education Kit Time Dec 8 2023 24

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1. General information Time

2. Videoconferencing
A) Global Youth Forum
B) Model United Nations
C) House of Commons

3. Game "Unite the Nations" 25th Anniversary Style

4. Time SELFIES A Registration Event

5. Local activities
- Local Expression
- Lesson On Time
- Design a Clock
- Time Quest: Share Your Culture

6. Contacts



"This is our time" is an annual global communications project for elementary and secondary schools, initiated
for the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet). Organised since 1995, the Time Project enters
into its 28th YEAR on TIME DAY 8th December 2023. Time seeks effective and innovative ways to enable
young people from many different cultures and countries to communicate “face to face” on current issues
such as.

The concept of 'time' is the leading thread running through all activities. It relates to many fields, such as
science, sports, computing, arts and humanities, business, medicine and religion. Within the framework of
"This is our Time", Time has a twofold meaning:

This is our Time: the scientific phenomenon 'time' is universal and endless
This is our Time: personal perception of young people: annual Time-theme.
The Time activities relate to either one or both meanings.

The Time education kit offers long term and short term, online and offline, global and local activities. A
description of the individual activities shows the learning objective, participation, practical information,
technical requirements and timeline. All three of the TIME topics can be explored and shared through our
online activities.

Some activities Time offers include face-to-face Global Youth Forum video conferences, debates through
House of Commons and Model United Nations simulations and interactive learning in the 24 hour research
competition "Unite the Nations".

Learning Objective
The Time Project strives to offer students to:
• Learn about and practise the concept of “intercultural learning”;
• Develop the notion on time and other contemporary issues such as human rights, social justice,
sustainable development, environmental stewardship;
• Expand the knowledge on the UN system and UNESCO and the Sustainable Development Goals;
• Share ideas and proposals on their role in contributing to a better world;
• Work together in a fun, innovative way;
• Communicate and co-operate with each other on current world issues by creating a global platform;
• Promote international solidarity by facilitating the participation of schools with few resources in the

As we enter into our 28th year, 2023, indeed, “this is ‘our time’“ for young people to stand up for their
beliefs. By engaging in an intercultural dialogue, debating on critical world issues and building
partnerships through the Time Project, young people can improve not only their skills in inquiry and
critical thinking, communication and foreign languages but can also gain a heightened awareness of global

The project is meant to be international - we would like to involve schools, community groups and
organisations within all time zones and both hemispheres.

During Its’ 25+ year history more than 100,000 students, 1,500 schools, organisations, youth groups and
communities from 90+ countries have participated in Time.

The average age of the students is 12 -19 although we have students as young as 8 years of age regularly
participating. Time Headquarters in London Ontario Canada and works in cooperation with Time
Ambassadors, expert teachers involved in Time for many years. The regional home bases, communicate
with and support participating schools and organisations.
Practical Information

Step 1: Sign up
Participants email their interest for the Time Project to and receive access to
the Education Kit and registration link

Step 2: Prepare
Participants choose to one or more or many activities listed in this Education Kit and fill out the
registration form IN this way participants customize their DAY
in TIME and Time Day experience by choosing activities and topics from this kit and then start teaching the
lessons and preparing the activities.

Step 3: Participate
All Time activities come together this year for ONE DAY in TIME. On 1st December 2023, the project day
takes off at 00:00 UTC (Universal Time Code). At that time, participants log into the Time website and are
online. While carrying out Time activities the participants chat, discuss, interact, learn and teach. The

Friday Dec 8th TIME DAY: Global Youth Forum Video Conferencing, Unite the Nations Video
Conference Simulation, House of Commons Video Conference Debate, and Unite the Nations
the Multi Nation Research Competition.

Step 4: Evaluate
Participants receive an evaluation-sheet and write a short final report on their Time Project.

Step 5: Final report 2023 and certificates

Time headquarters send certificates of participation to all Time 2023 schools, community groups and
organisations. The final report format will be made available through emailing to participating schools.

Technical Information
“This is our Time” works with the latest social media to connect youth around the world during a single
Day in TIME. However, we would like to include schools and organisations from as many different
countries as possible, with varying levels of technology. Therefore, many activities can be made available
through snail and e -mail as well.

Also, Time Headquarters invites schools to contact HQ about possible local networks that might enable
schools to communicate through modern media. Some of our international partners might be able to link
you to local NGO’s. So let us know what your local projects are about.

Time Project 2023

In 2023 Time Project is scheduled on 8th Dec 2023 .
The Time theme for 2023 is “Collaborating and Connecting.”

Time line
Fall 2023 First call for participation
Start of registration
Nov 2023 Participants Access Materials in Google Drive
Participants teach lesson plans and start preparations
Early Nov 2023 Test Video Conferences
Dec 8th 2023 Time Project Day
Nov/Dec 2023 Compile Media and Write your Final Report
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Submit Your Final Report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants


Books, the Internet and television teach and show us a lot about other countries and its peoples. But it is in
meeting and interacting with the 'locals’ that a culture comes to life. Video conferencing offers students the
unique opportunity to meet their partners 'face to face' through a live video-link between two or multiple
schools. During the conference students not only get to know each other, they also discuss current world
issues and their own experiences with and thoughts about these issues.

Global Youth Forum is a global, short term and online videoconferencing activity.

Learning Objective
- To stimulate inquiry based and critical thinking as well as a commitment to the global community of the
students by offering them a forum for discussion on items of global interest;
- To improve speaking skills: presentation and discussion in English.

Target groups: elementary and secondary schools, youth and community groups (ages: 8-10, 12 – 19).

Practical Information
Time Project Video Conferences take one of three forms: a Global Youth Forum (GYF) – showing and sharing
our research results, a ‘House of Commons’ (HOC) format, or a Model United Nations (TPMUN) format. Since
preparations differ between each case, they are explained separately:

Preparations for Video Conferences

- Participating schools create a team of students, headed by a teacher;
- Each team prepares their presentation on one of three topics and make choices about the style of Video
Conference Presentation ( Global Youth Forum, a Model UN simulation, a House of Commons Debate)
-Global Refugee Crisis (Global Youth Forum, House of Commons Debate)
-Artificial Intelligence Pros/Cons (Global Youth Forum and Model UN)
-Rising Temp of the Planet ( Global Youth Forum) (SDG 10/ 17)

- Fill out the on line registration form and email Time
Headquarters or
- The teams prepare their chosen topic by interviewing people in their local community, do research about
the item, discuss, set up questions.
- Schools access through Time Project Google Drive a Video Conference TechSheet to fill out and return to
Time Project HQ
- The team gives a presentation to their peers at school: a short play or plea ( 3 minutes)
- The team receives feedback from classmates and the teacher and, if necessary, adapts their presentation
to this feedback

I. The Global Youth Forum

- Technicians make the connection between two (or more) schools
- Welcome: a short introduction of both teams (5 minutes)
- Presentations by participants (total of 10 minutes)
- Questions and discussion on “What is gender equality to me?” (10 - 15 minutes)
- Conclusion (3 - 5 minutes)
- Closure

Technical Information
- Software: Any video conferencing software including Adobe Connect, Zoom, Teams, Skype etc…
- ISDN lines or other telecommunicationlines
- Computer or camera-setting
- Beamer or TV
- Camera

II. Preparations for the ‘House of Commons’

- Schools/Groups of youth interested to participate fill in the House of Commons Choice in the on line
registration form Schools will access the 10 questions used in this
years’ HOC debate on the Time Project Google Drive. As well the names and e-mail addresses of their
partner group will be sent to you once you have submitted your Video Conference TechSheet.
- Teachers use these techsheets to contact partners who are researching the same topics to set a day and
time for the video conference.
- You will access from the Time Project Google Drive and be asked to fill out and return to a TechSheet
...nothing else can move forward until you email your completed techsheet.
- Once your techsheet has been received you will be directed to fill in the Central GMT TIME CHART and
then use your customed GMT chart found in Time’s Google Drive to fill in all of your scheduled VC s on Time
Day Dec 8th 2023. Once you have completed your GMT chart fill it out centrally.

FOR HOUSE OF COMMONS questions for the debate are put together in advance. These questions surround a
specific topic and progressively get more challenging however they all can be initially answered by a simply
agree/ disagree or yes/ no.

FOR HOUSE OF COMMONS we advise you to prepare the debate by looking into the questions and talk about
them amongst your group and with your teacher, and gather information on the topics on the Internet. Be
sure you can support your yes or no with facts, statistics, examples, stories etc... opinions alone cannot be
debated - opinions supported with facts can.

- We ask you to choose a spokesperson (teacher or student) and a technical person for your group.
- The spokesperson will arrange all communication with the partner group and lead the discussion, while the
technical person is in charge of setting up the technical details of the videoconference and a test session
with your partner group.
- Always set up a test session prior to your actual VC, to test your equipment and the line with the
partner group.
It is very frustrating to have a VC failing because of problems with the technique, so avoid that
frustration and set up a test session!

The actual ‘House of Commons’

1. Once you start the VC, the spokesperson introduces him/herself and the team members to the partner
group, after which they do the same.
2. The spokespersons, having the questions, will then start of the discussion by asking the first question. To
facilitate discussion, each participant has a red and green coloured piece of paper in their hand. If they
agree with the statement they raise the green card and if they disagree with the statement they hold up the
red card. In an instant participants can see the various positions on the topic and they will take the debate
from there
3. You are free to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe in, keeping in mind that you respect
and listen to the other youth participating. The key to a successful debate is to remember to support
your ideas with facts, examples or statistics of some kind.
4. After about 30 minutes the debate will be wrapped up with a short farewell
5. You are of course free to set up more than one VC. Just let us know how many meetings you would like to
set up and we will try to find you diverse partner groups.

Please keep in mind that, even though you are invited to and free to speak your mind, there are some rules
to play by:

1) We ask that you respect the diversity of cultures. Do not make fun of someone else’s comments. You may
not agree and you are free to state your contra-argument. But do so in a respectful manner, without making
fun or hurting the other person.
2) When another person is speaking we ask that you listen. Do not start small talk amongst each other or
change the subject. From listening you can learn. You might even discover that the other person has a good
point and slightly adapt your own opinion about a topic. Or you might want to listen carefully in order to
form your counter argument.

These are two simple, yet important rules. Keep them in mind during the debate and enjoy the dialogue
with your peers from other parts of the globe!

III. Preparations for the ‘Model United Nations’ (TPMUM)

- Schools/Groups of youth interested to participate, are asked to send an e-mail to Time Project HQ at Teachers will be provided with helpful guides to organizing your students
around your chosen topic specific rules of Parliamentary Procedure as well as guides for delegates. On
the site is posted Model UN Resolution that we will be using in the Committee Debates. Schools will
receive the countries they are to represent during the TPMUN. As well schools will receive the names
and e-mail address of their partner group will be sent to you once you have submitted your techsheet.
- Teachers use these techsheets to contact partners who are researching the same topics to set a day and
time for the video conference. Teachers record those times on their GMT chart and once completed they
submit their GMT chart centrally to the VC Coordinator.
- You will receive and be asked to fill out and return to the VC Coordinator a techsheet ...nothing else can
move forward until you email your completed techsheet.
- Once your techsheet has been received you will be directed to use the GMT chart to fill in all of your
scheduled VC s on Time Day Dec 8th 2023. Once you have completed your GMT chart email it centrally to
the VC Coordinator.

Preparing for a Model UN

- In Pairs, students research the resolution on the table from the perspective of the country they
have been assigned.
- Students prepare facts, statistics, possible word changes to the resolution and even
alternative solutions, and new amendments to the resolution all from their country’s
- During the Model UN they will always speak as if they are a delegate from that
country - always in a respectful tone
- Students can use the guide to being a Delegate to aid them and need to familiarize
themselves with proper Parliamentary language and procedure outlined in the TPMUN
Guide to Procedures.
- We ask you to choose a chair and a technical person for your group.
- The chair will study the guide for Chairing a Model UN as well as familiarize themselves
with the TPMUN Rules of Procedure.
- It is the Student Chair along with the chair person of the other school that will together mediate and
run the Model UN session once a Video Conference starts.
- The technical person is in charge of setting up the technical details of the
video conference and a test session with all of your partner groups.
- Always set up a test session prior to your actual VC, to test your equipment and the online with the
partner group.
- It is very frustrating to have a VC failing because of problems with the technique, so avoid that
frustration and set up a test session!

The actual ‘Model United Nations’
1. Once you start the VC, the chair from each school introduces him/herself and quickly divide up the
time of the conference between who will act as chair first.
2. The first chair then calls the roll during which time each participant identifies themselves and the
country they are a delegate of.
3. The chair then opens the speakers list to allow for opening comments regarding the Resolution (
TPMUN Resolution XXVII/2023)
4. The Model United Nations Committee event proceeds according to the Rules of Procedure with
delegates making motions, points of order etc...
5. The chair not active for their half is carefully recording any amendments to the Resolution, any vote
results, any additions to the Amendments and omissions.
6. After a motion to vote or to adjourn the Model United Nations Committee simulation will come to an
end 30-45 mins after the VC had begun.
7. Chairs are asked to post their notes from their simulation in a discussion thread on the Model UN
classroom site so other schools can view their results.
8. Delegates are invited to post their position papers or any research notes they used for their delegation
to the Model UN classroom.

Please keep in mind that, even though you are invited to and free to speak your mind, there are some
rules to play by:
1) We ask that you respect the diversity of cultures. Do not make fun of someone else’s comments. You
may not agree and you are free to state your contra-argument. But do so in a respectful manner, without
making fun or hurting the other person.
2) When another person is speaking we ask that you listen. Do not start small talk amongst each
other or change the subject. From listening you can learn. You might even discover that the other person
has a good point and slightly adapt your own opinion about a topic. Or you might want to listen carefully
in order to form your counter argument.

These are two simple, yet important rules. Keep them in mind during the debate and enjoy the
dialogue with your peers from other parts of the globe!

We hope this is all clear to you and that you are interested to join us in one of three or ALL three types of
Video Conference Activities, Show me, Show You, House of Commons and Model United Nations. If you
have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch with time project headquarters

- Time Headquarters will post a list of names and electronic addresses of participating schools in the Video
Conference Folder of Time Project Google Drive.
- Each participant is responsible to create its own videoconferencing schedule for the week in time with
emphasis on specific event days, in co-operation with other participants and fill out your GMT chart as
you build your VC schedule. You fill out your completed or mostly completed GMT chart in the GOOGLE
DRIVE and you post your availability on the Master GMT CHART and send a notice to Time Project HQ at who will gladly support participants;
- Set up a try out session before the actual videoconference, to test your equipment and
telecommunication lines;
- Each team should have 1 spokesperson, either a teacher or a student;
- A technician should be in charge of the technical details of the videoconference;
- Speak slowly and clearly: English is not everyone's native language!
- The videoconference will last about 30 - 45 minutes;
- Write a short report on the videoconference and your impression;
- Send report to Time Headquarters;
- Time HQ will collect all reports and put a sample in the final report for Time 2023

Timeline 2023
Sept – Nov 2023 Research and set up
Nov Email and Book Video Conference Partners
Early Nov Test connections with video conference partners
Dec 8th Time Day Run various Video Conferences Global Youth Forum, Model UN, House
of Commons
Nov/Dec 2023 Compile Media and Write your Final Report
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Your Final report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants


Unite the Nations, an interactive game about and between countries, challenges students to take a closer
look at their own culture as well as foreign cultures. Students create multiple choice questions on geography,
history, social issues, arts and sports in their country. Ultimately it is a test written by students for other
students as a celebration of who we are and what we deem most important to learn about our respective
countries. Within the time-span of 24 hours they race against each other and time in answering questions on
other countries.

Unite the Nations is a global, short term, online and offline activity.

Learning Objective
The game aims to increase awareness for the diverse cultures worldwide by inter-cultural exchange.

Target groups: elementary and secondary schools, youth and community groups (average age: 8-10, 11 – 19).

Practical Information
The idea of the game is to share your country with others and learn about their countries in a fun, creative
and playful way. So, how can you do this? The game is split into two parts: making the questions and
answering the questions.

Making the Questions

1. Create a team of students in your class or school.
2. Schools fill out the on line registration form
3. Research your country. Every team-member could take one of the 5 categories: History; Geography;
Social Issues/Current Events/Politics; Arts/Entertainment; and Sports/Leisure
4. Use all kinds of resources: school or public library, the Internet, people in your local community etc.
5. Formulate a minimum of 5 questions on every item, with multiple choice answers (4 options).
6. Remember, the questions should not be too simple, ie found in the first lines of a
google search. The question need to challenge the other participants HOWEVER the
questions must be able to be researched and found on an ENGLISH language website. Do not
make the questions TOO long as English is the second language for participants. Find a fair
middle ground for your question creation.
7. Follow the GUIDE for submitting questions including font size, lettering and formatting.
8. Once Formatted, send all the questions to Time Head Quarters by 17
November 2023. NOTE: remember to send the accompanying answers as well! Only to Time HQ!
9. Time HQ will gather questions from all countries and compile blocks of questions, one block for every
item. This will be the game “Unite the Nations”.
10. You cannot participate if you do not contribute questions to the test.

Practice Answering the questions

11. Create a team of students in your class or school.
12. Schools fill out the registration form and send it into Time Headquarters
13. Practice researching other countries under these 5 categories: History; Geography; Social
Issues/Political Events/Politics; Arts/Entertainment; and Sports/Leisure
14. Use all kinds of resources: school or public library, the WWW Internet, people in your local community
15. Use past tests to practice with.


Answering the questions

1. On Dec 8th 2023 , the game will be put on the WWW Internet at 00:00 UTC.
2. You have 24 hours to answer all questions with your team.
3. Use all available sources to find the answers.
4. You can also exchange information with other groups, co-operate to find as many correct answers as
5. Only one answer sheet / school.
6. The group that answers all questions correctly is the winner.
7. You will answer all of the questions Except those from your own country.
8. The winning group/school will receive official recognition and a prize.

Some examples of questions

1. Who do Bulgarians call the “Apostle of Freedom”?
a) Vassil Levski; b) The monk of Hilendar; c) Khan Asparuh
2. What is the name of the biggest lake in Macedonia?
a) Dojran lake; b) Kaspian lake; c) Ohrid lake
3. Who was the first American woman to win the ladies singles championship at Wimbledon?
a) May Sutton Brandy ; b) Marie Sandy; c) Sobluter Jorbin
4. When did Kalevala appear for the first time?
a) 1.792; b) 1.807; c) 1.835

Technical information
You either have to have access to fax, e-mail or the Internet.

Timeline 2023
Sept – Nov 2023 Practice answering sample questions
1st December Send your properly formatted questions to TimeHQ
8 Dec 2023,00:00 UTC Game sent to all participants.
9 Dec 2023, 00:00 UTC Closure of game,
Dec 11/12 2023 Announcing Top Schools and Over all Winner
Nov/Dec 2023 Compile Media and Write your Final Report
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Your Final report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants

Time Selfies
A Registration Event

A Global Activity During Registration:
The concept of messages are really important parts of our lives. Message in the bottle, message on cell
phones, messages for a birthday greeting, the daily messages we leave on social media for one another to
see. Pictures capture MORE than words alone can do. One of the goals of the Time Project is to
commemorate our shared involvement with our global connections through TIME. Take a world wide “SELFIE”
We want to share a global message Through The World! The idea is that this SELFIE will travel from school to
school and grow and develop with each additional school.

As part of your registration for Time Project 2023 you can participate in this registration global activity.

The aims of this activity:

● To commemorate our shared involvement in our global connections
● To share a global message with The World
● To develop competences through sharing a message...

●STEP 1: Fill out the google Doc registration form indicating you wish to do this activity and you will be put on the list to participate in our world wide
● STEP 2: Print the TIME LOGO (seen below)

● STEP 3: Take a high resolution PICTURE (SELFIE) of you and your TIME PROJECT STUDENTS holding a Picture
of the Time Project Logo ( See below)


Your group selfie must be 8X10 inch in size, 300 dpi and gif or png extension. It must be in high resolution.

● STEP 4: Take that 8X10 picture of your team holding the original selfie and share the SELFIE of you and your
students holding the anniversary logo in our Time Google Drive under the file World Selfie and SEND that
picture to Time Headquarters

● STEP 5: In your email Identify the name of your school and country of origin for your picture. Ie River
Heights Public School, Dorchester, Canada.

● STEP 6: Post your Time Team Selfie to your local and school social media, to the Time Project Facebook
site. Advertise to everyone that YOUR school is participating in Time Project this year.

● STEP 7: Print your team selfie onto photo paper or some larger material and hang in your school both as a
backdrop for Time Project Day and as a commemorative banner of your international participation and
cooperation as a school.

Important note: Take care about deadline for registration! Be on time and you will be on the large
commemorative banner! Don’t missed this great opportunity

Timeline 2023
Sept – early Nov 2023 Register for Time Project and indicate an interest to
participate in the World Selfie
Sept – early Nov 2023 Print, Shoot and Pass along within 5 days of receiving the LOGO
artwork from TIME Headquarters
10 Nov 2023 Final day for Participation.
10 Nov – Dec 8th 2023 Participants encouraged to print your team selfie as a
commemorative banner to display for students, parents and media
during Time Project Day
8 Dec 2023 Proudly display your commemorative banner! Use it as a backdrop for
Video Conferences, media poses, use it as something to REVEAL AND
UNVIEL during your local time project event, even use it as a virtual
back ground for VC if you are doing the project remotely from home.
Nov/Dec 2023 Compile Media and Write your Final Report
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Your Final report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants

Your Local Expression
The Time Project encourages participants to "Think global, act local".

Schools set up activities on world issues, e.g. human rights, our common future, peace, drug abuse or
tolerance in their local community. The locals are invited to participate and interact with the students on
these awareness-raising activities, such as a forum, cultural market, sports-event or environmental action.

Local activities is a local, long term and short term, online and offline activity.

Learning Objective
To increase awareness for global aspects within the local community.

Target groups: elementary and secondary schools, youth and community groups (average age:8-10, 12 – 19).

Practical Information
Setting up a local activity depends on your creativity and the special needs/wants of your school and/or
community. It is a good idea to create a small ‘task force’, consisting of students and one or more teachers.
They can evaluate the issues of special interest within the community and select one or more issues. These
issues can be a good starting point to set up local activities. Try to involve people from all groups within the
community, such as the local government, organisations on the chosen issue, local celebrities etc.
Of course, we are always willing to help you out with ideas/suggestions aimed at your school. Let us know
what you are interested in and we will try to come up with some ideas or link you with another school that
might have some interesting suggestions for you. Be creative with it! Have fun with it!
Remember to send us a short report. If possible with some pictures or other materials! 1

Some ideas from the past:

- Tunaskolan, Sweden, organised a non-violence day and placed a sundial on the school’s playground;
- Piikkiö Junior High School, Finland, invited the mayor to the school;
- English Language School ‘Geo Milev’, Bulgaria, organised an essay on “My Street” and later on a local
UNESCO festival with music, poetry and dance;
- Yaroslavl Distance Learning Centre, Russia, send out students into their communities to research local
time-artefacts and take pictures of them;
- Sintermeertencollege, the Netherlands, set up “Young and old: sporting together”. Elderly people from
the community and students were involved in several sports;
- PPLH, Indonesia, set up many different environmental activities;
- Coleraine Girls Secondary School, Northern Ireland, organised activities on "the right to an ecologically
balanced environment";
- Geodetska skola, Croatia, was visited by the minister of education as well as the National UNESCO
- I*EARN Youth Summit at Berze Nagy Janos Grammar School, Hungary, joined the Time Project and shared
their activities with others;
- Environmental Society, Jordan, set up an online discussion with Time-participants on environmental
- Students at F.D. Roosevelt Public School in London Canada started a recycling for Russia campaign where
they gathered used newspaper and magazines and English to Russian Dictionaries to send to Belarus.
- Students and teachers from Ashanti Goldfields developed a game called “50 years human rights: 1948 –
1998” which was played within the local community;

1 Include the following information:

- Which activity did you organise?
On which subject? (e.g. Affordable Clean Energy, Fake News and Disinformation, Gender Equality );
- Who was involved? (e.g. local government, community groups, media etc.)?
- What did you want to achieve with the activity? (e.g. raise awareness for the local environment, give
special attention to local/national human rights activities, start a discussion within the community on its
future, set up links with local communities in other parts of the world etc.);
- How did you document it? (e.g. pictures, a report, WebPages, articles in local media etc).
- XVIII. Gimnazija, Croatia, made a video on children's rights, a questionnaire on women's rights and invited
"The Blind People Theatre" to perform a play;
- Panabo National High School, Philippines, cleaned shore lines and set up a community outreach program
to help less advantaged local people;
- IES Luis Velez de Guevera, Spain, organised a forum about drugs;
- Joensuun Normaalikoulu, Finland, collected 70,000 signatures on behalf of human rights;
- Masarykovo Gymnazium, Czech Republic, distributed hundreds of leaflets about human rights and set up a
community debate on 'Christianity and human rights';
- Annandale School, Canada, and English Language School, Bulgaria, designed mutual lesson plans to foster
understanding and co-operation;
- Kearny High School, USA, organised a multicultural fair;
- Liceo Patria Quinta Brigada, Colombia, set up a forum discussion on the right to have schools without
violence, gave workshops about violence inside the family and at school and set up a disarmament
activity within the local community;
- Valasske Mezirici, Czech Republic, helped to survive shells and crayfish in a local river. In the dam, after
flood, they picked up more than 1,500 crayfish and 20,000 shells;
- CPLN, Switzerland, invited elderly people to their centre and young and old worked together on different
time-related activities on the Internet;
- Students of Lycée Pasteur, Brazil, interviewed elderly people on their work and life.

Technical Information
This activity is open to all kinds of technology. Snail mail, e-mail, cloud storage, You Tube Channels
- Schools fill out the on line registration form

Timeline 2023
Sept- Nov Start organising the activity
Early - Mid Nov Inform local media
8 Dec 2023 Local activity is performed
Nov/Dec 2023 Your Evaluation
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Your Final report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants

EXTRA: local activity on tolerance

“For study and discussion: assessing our own communities and countries”
Adapted from “Tolerance: the threshold of peace” (UNESCO, 1994)

Most communities today are likely to manifest both symptoms of the problems and signs of hope. Discuss in
your class or citizen’s group the following topics and questions to see where your community and nation
stand with regard to tolerance. Give examples of signs of tolerance you have observed in your school,
organization and/or community? What benefits result from these signs? What could be done to increase the
number and strengthen all of these signs of tolerance? Can you and your class, organization or community
undertake any of these actions? What specific symptoms of intolerance have you yourself observed or
experienced? Describe the events and circumstances? What were the responses of the general public, those
who suffered the acts of intolerance and those who committed them? Do you think these responses were
‘healing’ of the illness of intolerance or did they deepen its negative effects? What alternative responses can
you think of? How could the indicators of tolerance be used to guide these responses? What results might be
expected from these alternatives?
Does your school or organization, community or nation have standards and guidelines to strengthen tolerance?
If so, do any of them try to encourage the behaviours and practices (…) of tolerance? (…) What other steps
could be taken to reduce intolerance and build tolerance in your schools and communities?
(Adapted from: “Tolerance: the threshold of peace” UNESCO, 1994)


The phenomenon time is a complex and interesting matter. Different cultures have different notions on time.
The phenomenon even developed throughout the ages. The lesson on time offers you a set of assignments on
"Time on earth", on topics such as time zones, solar time, motion of the earth and the International Date

Lesson on time is a global and local, short term, offline activity.

Learning Objective
Increase the notion on time.

Target groups: elementary and secondary schools, youth and community groups (average age: 8-10 12 – 19).
We advise students to work in pairs.

Practical Information
1. You can implement the lesson on time in regular classes, for example geography, physics or social studies
on or prior to the Time day (1 Dec 2023).
2. Schools fill out the on line registration form and send it into
Time Headquarters Time Headquarters
3. We suggest the students work in pairs.
4. Students send their results to Time headquarters by email or fill out the online lesson form.
5. All results are put on the Time website. Students can compare their answers to those of other students.
6. In the online discussion group on "the phenomenon time" students can further discuss their results and
discuss possible impacts on the environment, daily life, the future etc.
7. We suggest students to combine the lesson on time with "Time Quest", a challenging quiz on time and
related issues, such as time travel, mysteries of time, eclipses and the Millennium.

Technical Information
You do not need any technology for the lesson plan.

Timeline 2023
Sept – Nov 2023 Lesson developed by Participants
8th Dec 2023 Lesson carried out by participants
Nov/Dec 2023 Your Evaluation
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Your Final report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants


The concept of time has many dimensions. People from different countries may perceive time differently.
Many high tech countries live fast, 'time is money', while other countries have a slower rhythm. "Design a
clock" challenges students to be creative with their notion of time and design and maybe even build their
own clock.

Design a clock is a global, long term, offline and online activity.

Learning Objective
Stimulate creative/artistic expression of ‘the notion of time’ by young people worldwide.

Target groups: secondary schools, youth and community groups (average age: 8-10, 12 – 19).

Practical Information
1. Schools fill out the on line registration form and send notice
into Time Headquarters
2. Design a clock, either in a group of by yourself. You can use any kind of material. The design should
express your notion of time so be creative with it.
3. Be realistic: do not design a clock made out of gold, or one that is huge. Keep in mind that it should be
possible to build the clock.
4. Send your design to Time HQ at
5. All designs are collected by Time HQ.
6. The designs are put on the Time web pages throughout the project.

Technical Information
This activity is open to all kinds of technology.
You can send your design by snail mail, e-mail, and fax or through cloud storage. The best designs will be put
on the Time WebPages.

Timeline 2023
Sept- Nov Start organising the activity
Early - Mid Nov Inform local media
8th Dec 2023 Local activity is performed
Nov/Dec 2023 Your Evaluation
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Your Final report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants


The concept of celebration and recognition is important on so many social, national, and professional levels.
Whether these celebrations are annual, or religiously based, or part of on going cultural norms, they form the
fabric of cultural and national identity. For example TIME HEADQUARTERs home , Canada annually celebrates
Thanksgiving every Oct. Each October Canadians recognize the annual harvest and give thanks for family and
friends. There are traditional foods made and family gathered around the table in celebration and gratitude.

Learning Objectives:
● To commemorate our shared involvement
● To share a global celebration with The World
● To develop competences through sharing a message...

Target groups: elementary, secondary schools, youth and community groups (age: 8 – 10, 11- 19).

Practical Information
1. Register for this activity filling out the on line registration form
2. Have a group discussion and compile a list of celebrations you feel represent your country,
region, community. Through discussion perhaps a 4 corners exercise, you narrow your
list to ONE to focus upon prior to the Time Day (1st December 2023).
3. Research all of the aspects, traditions, icons, procedures, FOOD, common expressions, visual
images, EVERYTHING ASSOCIATED with this Celebration.
4. Choose an electronic means of sharing their particular Celebration with the world.
5. Schools fill out the on line registration form and email Time
6. We suggest the students work in pairs.
7. Students send their results to Time headquarters by email or dropbox , you tube channel etc…
8. All results are put on the Time website or social media sites. Students can compare their
Celebrations to those of other students.
9. In the online discussion group on "Time Quest: Time To Celebrate" students can further discuss their
results and discuss the impact of sharing culture in this manner etc.

Technical Information

Students are to choose their means of electronically sharing their blog, website, mashup video,
green screen tour, social media posts, videos, Instagram or youtube, still pictures, etc..

Time Line 2023
Sept-Oct 2023 Think deeply about concept of celebrations that define
who you are as a community, a country
Oct/Nov 2023 Teacher work with students on narrowing their focus and then
conducting inquiries to explore the celebration fully
Nov 2023 Students Work on pictures, paintings, time lapse video
To share their chosen celebration
24th Nov 2023 Send materials to Time HQ
30th Nov 2023 Celebration Gallery on Website /social media Open
Dec 8th 2023 Blog Site Time To Celebrate open for student use
Nov/Dec 2023 Your Evaluation
Dec 2023/ Jan 2024 Your Final report to Time HQ
Feb 2024 Certificates sent to participants


All Activities:

Joe Sheik
Time Project
World Headquarters
London, Ontario, Canada
2. Regional Inquiries and Assistance

Time Ambassadors
Suzana Delic, Ambassador
Zagreb, Croatia.
MeiMei Shih, Ambassador
Taichung, Taiwan
Vinibha Rajakumari, Ambassador
Renata Radzikowska, Ambassador Malaysia
Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland

Marijana Smolcec, Ambassador Michael Cunningham, Ambassador

Ogulin, Croatia Austin Texas, USA


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