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Research Article
Michael A. Olson and Russell H. Fazio
Indiana University

Abstract—We sought to demonstrate that attitudes can develop PRIOR RESEARCH ON THE CLASSICAL
through implicit covariation detection in a new classical conditioning CONDITIONING OF ATTITUDES
paradigm. In two experiments purportedly about surveillance and
Razran (1938) read various political slogans to people while pro-
vigilance, participants viewed several hundred randomly presented
viding some of them with a free meal, and found that agreement with
words and images interspersed with critical pairings of valenced un-
the slogans was greater when people received the free meal than when
conditioned stimuli (USs) with novel conditioned stimuli (CSs). Atti-
they did not. Though myriad alternative explanations have been pro-
tudes toward the novel objects were influenced by the paired USs: In
posed to account for Razran’s findings, this was probably the first ex-
a surprise evaluation task, the CS paired with positive items was
perimental attempt to affect attitudes toward various objects via
evaluated more positively than the CS paired with negative items.
pairing an attitude object (CS, a political slogan) with other valenced
This attitudinal conditioning effect was found using both an explicit
objects (US, a free lunch). Staats and Staats (1958), in a more tightly
measure (Experiments 1 and 2) and an implicit measure (Experiment
controlled experiment, paired each of two national names (“Swedish”
2). In a covariation estimation task involving the stimuli presented in
and “Dutch”) with either 18 positive or 18 negative words by having
the conditioning procedure, participants displayed no explicit mem-
subjects read the CS terms as they appeared on a screen (along with
ory for the pairings.
four filler national names) while the experimenter read aloud the US
terms. The nation paired with positively valenced terms was later eval-
Attitude formation, how people come to evaluate objects in the en- uated more favorably than the one paired with negatively valenced
vironment positively and negatively, is a long-standing issue in social terms.
psychology. A fundamental form of attitude acquisition, classical con- The attitudinal conditioning effect reported by Staats and Staats
ditioning, has struck the curiosities of not only social psychologists (1958) was presumed to occur without awareness of the CS-US pair-
(e.g., Cacioppo, Marshall-Goodell, Tassinary, & Petty, 1992; Kros- ings on the part of participants. This is a critical point, because if par-
nick, Betz, Jussim, Lynn, & Stephens, 1992; Zanna, Kiesler, & Pilko- ticipants had noticed that, say, “Sweden” was always followed by
nis, 1970), but marketing and advertising researchers (e.g., Allen & “good,” then the attitudinal conditioning effect might be explained as a
Janiszewski, 1989; Kim, Allen, & Kardes, 1996; Shimp, Stuart, & En- demand artifact (i.e., participants may have been simply reporting
gle, 1991), human learning theorists (e.g., Baeyens, Eelen, & Van den what they assumed the experimenter wanted them to report). An alter-
Bergh, 1990; Hammerl & Grabitz, 1996a, 1996b; Levey & Martin, native explanation, had subjects noticed the CS-US pairings, is that
1975), and cognitive psychologists (e.g., Lewicki, 1986) as well. they may have formed attitudes on the basis of deliberate, expectancy-
Attitudes are thought to develop via classical conditioning value reasoning. As Fishbein and his colleagues have argued, the pair-
through repeated pairings of potential attitude objects (conditioned ings may have induced participants to consciously infer correspondent
stimuli, CSs) with positively and negatively valenced stimuli (uncon- beliefs about the attitude object (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Fishbein &
ditioned stimuli, USs), and intuitively, one would expect this to be a Middlestadt, 1995).
ubiquitous means of attitude formation. From the development of ra- Although Staats and Staats (1958) argued that an associative
cial prejudice through repeated media portrayals of minority-group bond was created between the US and CS through the conditioning
members in a negative fashion, to the creation of brand preferences procedure without awareness on the part of participants, Page (1969)
via pairings of a target product with supermodels, the case might ap- contended that conditioning effects were simply demand artifacts
pear closed based on intuition alone. Yet, although early research based on participants’ deliberate guesswork regarding the experi-
seemed to support the contention that classical conditioning is a pri- menter’s hypothesis. He used a more sensitive, funneled debriefing
mary origin of attitudes (e.g., Razran, 1938; Staats & Staats, 1958), measure of awareness (in which participants respond to progres-
research on the classical conditioning of attitudes has since suffered a sively revealing questions about the nature of the experiment), and
sporadic and troubled history. found that conditioning effects occurred only when participants were
Through the present research, we hoped to provide more solid evi- aware of the experimenter’s hypothesis. Page conducted several sub-
dence that attitudes can develop implicitly via classical conditioning. sequent studies (e.g., Page, 1974) that repeatedly reinforced his view
First, we touch on some of the problems of past research, and mention that attitudinal conditioning was the result of demand awareness;
some noteworthy attempts at solving them. The present research de- these studies surely contributed to the current neglect of condition-
veloped a new paradigm to help answer the question of whether atti- ing processes in social psychology.
tudes can develop implicitly via classical conditioning. Concerns about the possible role of demand characteristics were
abated by research that separated collection of the final dependent
measure from the conditioning phase of the experiment, for example,
by having the attitude measure administered by a different experi-
Address correspondence to Michael A. Olson or Russell H. Fazio, Depart- menter in the context of an ostensibly unrelated experiment (e.g.,
ment of Psychology, 1885 Neil Ave., Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Zanna et al., 1970). However, the role of awareness of the CS-US con-
43210-1222; e-mail: micolson@indiana.edu or fazio@psy.ohio-state.edu. tingencies remains a highly contentious issue (e.g., Field, 2000). In

VOL. 12, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2001 Copyright © 2001 American Psychological Society 413

Implicit Attitude Formation

fact, several earlier studies (e.g., Cohen, 1964; Insko & Oakes, 1966), THE IMPLICIT LEARNING PARADIGM
as well as more recent ones (e.g., Allen & Janiszewski, 1989; Shimp
Some reason for optimism about the validity of attitudinal condi-
et al., 1991), have found conditioning effects only among participants
tioning is provided by the literature on implicit learning. Individuals
who report awareness of the contingencies.
sometimes show evidence of having learned a rule or association im-
Some researchers, particularly Baeyens and his colleagues (e.g.,
plicitly, even though they are unable to articulate any explicit, con-
Baeyens et al., 1990; Baeyens, Eelen, Crombez, & Van den Bergh,
scious knowledge of the relevant information (for reviews, see Berry,
1992), remain confident that attitudinal conditioning can occur without
1994; Seger, 1994). Such implicit learning has been demonstrated in a
awareness. In their typical research paradigm, originally developed by
variety of domains, such as learning an artificial grammar (Reber,
Levey and Martin (1975), pictures that each participant earlier rated as
1967), learning covariations between facial features and trait ascrip-
neutral are paired repeatedly with pictures that they earlier indicated
tions (Lewicki, 1986; Lewicki, Hill, & Czyzewska, 1992), and learn-
liking or disliking strongly, all under the guise of an experiment con-
ing such visual covariation as regularities between target objects and
cerned with physiological responses. The neutral stimulus is typically
their location in a spatial layout (Chun & Jiang, 1999). For this reason,
presented for 1 s, and 3 s later, the US is presented for 1 s. The stimu-
we sought to develop an experimental paradigm more similar to the
lus pairs are separated by 8 s. The initially neutral stimuli have been
procedures typically employed to study implicit learning. We wanted
shown to acquire the valence of the repeatedly associated US. Awareness
the paradigm to (a) have minimal likelihood of promoting either de-
is measured concurrently (by asking participants to predict whether a
mand characteristics or contingency awareness on the part of partici-
neutral, liked, or disliked stimulus will follow the CS) or postcondi-
pants and (b) capture the real world’s tendency to present natural
tioning (by a recognition test in which participants indicate which par-
covariations between objects and valenced outcomes that may affect
ticular US followed each CS). Baeyens et al. (1990) observed that,
people’s attitudes, despite their attention being directed elsewhere.
even though some participants report awareness of some contingen-
With these aims in mind, we chose to employ supraliminal exposures
cies, contingency awareness is unrelated to the conditioning effect—
to the CS and US and to present the CS-US pairs simultaneously, but in-
aware and unaware participants both show it.
terspersed in the context of a rapid, nonrhythmic stream of perceptual
Although the studies by Baeyens and his colleagues are encourag-
events. The paradigm involves leading participants to believe that the
ing, their conclusions remain contested. Other researchers (e.g., Field,
experiment is about “attention and rapid responding” to particular events.
2000; Field & Davey, 1998; Shanks & St. John, 1994) have expressed
We present to them a wide assortment of images and words, including
concern about the high levels of contingency awareness displayed on
various neutral items (e.g., an umbrella, a glass of milk, the word “con-
the concurrent measure, and about the validity and sensitivity of the
crete”), that can appear anywhere on the screen, either alone or in pairs.
postconditioning recognition measure. In short, considerable disagree-
At least one third of all trials are blank screens. Thus, participants see an
ment remains as to whether the available evidence has established that
unrelated assortment of words and images, sometimes appearing alone
attitudes can be conditioned in the absence of contingency awareness
and sometimes in pairs, and in varying locations on the screen. The trials
(also see Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Hammerl, 2000; Shanks & Dickin-
involving a blank screen ensure that the stimuli are presented at a seem-
son, 1990).
ingly nonsystematic, irregular pace. Participants are asked to be vigilant
The studies discussed up to this point have approached the prob-
for a particular item, and are instructed to hit a response key as quickly as
lem of eliminating contingency awareness by relying on misleading
possible whenever the target item appears on the screen. Critical CS-US
cover stories and participants’ limited memories. Other research has
pairs are presented simultaneously throughout the presentation.
taken a subliminal route—instead of hoping participants will not no-
Our paradigm departs from most other attitudinal conditioning para-
tice CS-US contingencies, these researchers simply present the USs
digms in several ways. First, there is no prerating phase in which partic-
for subthreshold durations. Krosnick et al. (1992) presented subliminal
ipants evaluate the items to be used in the conditioning procedure; we
images of positive or negative objects (USs), followed immediately by
derive our positively and negatively valenced USs normatively from
supraliminal images of a woman going about various mundane activi-
pretests using different participants. Second, instead of exposing partici-
ties (CSs). This backward conditioning procedure, in which the CS
pants to the same CS-US pairs repeatedly, each CS is paired with several
follows the US, yielded a significant conditioning effect. However, a
nonrepeating, same-valenced USs—all in the interest of diminishing the
posttest indicated that participants could detect the presence of the
likelihood of participants consciously noting the pairings. Third, instead
USs, even though they could not identify their content. Using a
of presenting the CS and US sequentially, and segmented from other
shorter presentation time in a second experiment, Krosnick et al. ob-
stimuli by a relatively lengthy intertrial interval, we present each CS-US
tained a marginal conditioning effect. Unfortunately, the backward
pair simultaneously, and embedded within a stream of similar percep-
pairing procedure leaves open the possibility of an alternative expla-
tual events. Finally, the cover story and experimental task ensure that
nation in terms of affective priming, as Eagly and Chaiken (1993)
participants attend to the stimulus items, but engage them in a task that
have noted. Participants may have responded more positively (or neg-
is entirely independent of covariation detection.
atively) to the target only because the affective primes increased the
accessibility of positivity (or negativity), and not because of condi-
tioned changes in their evaluative reactions to the target itself (see EXPERIMENT 1
Niedenthal, 1990). Subliminal presentation experiments utilizing the Experiment 1 was an initial demonstration of the procedure’s ef-
more typical forward conditioning procedure have also been con- fectiveness in classically conditioning attitudes toward novel objects.
ducted (De Houwer, Baeyens, & Eelen, 1994; De Houwer, Hendrickx,
& Baeyens, 1997). A meta-analysis of five such experiments revealed
a statistically reliable conditioning effect, but the research clearly Method
yielded somewhat inconsistent results involving small effect sizes Participants (45 undergraduate females) were told that the experi-
(De Houwer et al., 1997). ment was about “video surveillance,” and that several hundred images

414 VOL. 12, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2001


Michael A. Olson and Russell H. Fazio

would be presented randomly on a computer screen over the course of Pokemon paired with positive USs more positively than the Pokemon
five blocks. Their task was to hit a response key as quickly as possible paired with negative USs.
when a target image appeared. Eight CS-US pairs were presented in
each of the five blocks. These pairs consisted of one Pokemon cartoon Awareness test
character (a color image with the character’s name below it) with one
of a number of positively valenced words (e.g., “excellent,” “awe- The covariation estimation data were analyzed by first calculating
some”) and images (e.g., puppies, a hot fudge sundae) and another the mean of participants’ responses to the three USs of a given va-
Pokemon cartoon character paired with negative words (e.g., “terri- lence. A 2 (CS counterbalancing condition)  2 (Pokemon target)  2
ble,” “awful”) and images (e.g., a cockroach, a man wielding a knife).1 (US valence) analysis of variance (ANOVA), with repeated measures
Across the five blocks, 20 CS-US pairs were presented for each of the on the last two variables, was performed on these scores. If partici-
two Pokemon. Which CS Pokemon was paired with positive USs (i.e., pants were able to consciously detect and recall the covariations be-
the CS) and which was paired with negative USs (i.e., the CS) tween the CSs and USs, we would expect a three-way interaction.
constituted one independent variable (for which no effects emerged). That is, the covariation responses involving Pokemon A and the posi-
The target image for each block was also a Pokemon character, and a tive USs and those involving Pokemon B and the negative USs would
different target was used for each block. The filler images consisted of be higher than the other combinations for the condition in which A
other Pokemon, blank screens, and neutrally valenced words and im- was the CS and B the CS, whereas the reverse would be true for
ages presented individually and in pairs. Each block consisted of 86 the other condition. The ANOVA revealed that participants exhibited
trials presented for 1.5 s each. no explicit awareness of the pairings (F  1). Participants were no
After the conditioning procedure, participants were told that we were more confident that a given Pokemon had been paired with a US of a
concerned that their affective reactions to some of the filler items might given valence than they were that the Pokemon had appeared with a
have interfered with their ability to respond rapidly to the target items. US of the opposite valence.
Hence, we asked them to evaluate several of the images (including the In order to create a summary measure of awareness, we computed
two CS Pokemon) on a scale from 4 (unpleasant) to 4 ( pleasant). the difference between the mean of participants’ covariation estimates
Participants were also told that some of the images they saw may for the CS-US pairs that were actually presented and the mean for the
have been presented together with some degree of regularity, and were CS-US pairs with the opposite-valenced USs. Again, no awareness
asked to provide covariation estimates for several pairs of images. was apparent, M  0.007, SD  0.84; t  1. Nor was this summary
Through the course of this covariation estimation task, each CS was index of awareness related to the magnitude of the conditioning effect,
presented nine times, each time followed by a different item selected r  .03, n.s.
from three positive USs, three negative USs, and three neutral filler As an additional test of participants’ ability to notice covariations
items. For each pair, participants responded on a scale from 2 (“I’m during the conditioning procedure, two pairs of filler items had ap-
confident that the two items never appeared together”) to 0 (“don’t peared together 15 times through the course of the 430 trials (e.g., the
know”) to 2 (“I’m confident that the two items appeared together at Pokemon Primape and the word “outlet”). Participants’ mean covaria-
least once”). Several pairs of filler items, some of which actually ap- tion estimates for a given filler image and the item actually paired with
peared together during the conditioning phase, also were included in it were slightly lower, but not significantly so, than their covariation
the covariation estimation task. The order in which participants com- estimates for that same filler image and two fillers with which it had
pleted the evaluation and explicit memory tasks was counterbalanced not been paired, mean difference score  0.30, SD  1.34; t(44)
across participants; no effects emerged for this variable. 1.47, n.s. This measure also was unrelated to the magnitude of the
conditioning effect, r  .13, n.s. Thus, our cover story, along with the
vigilance task, was effective in precluding participants’ explicit mem-
Results and Discussion ory for the pairings.
Conditioning effect
Conditioning was examined by collapsing across the variable des- EXPERIMENT 2
ignating which Pokemon was paired with positive versus negative USs Experiment 2 was designed to replicate and extend the first ex-
and computing a difference score (rating of the positive CS  rating periment by using an additional dependent measure. A recently de-
of the negative CS), for which higher numbers indicate a greater con- veloped measure of attitudes, the Implicit Association Test (IAT;
ditioning effect. The mean difference score was 0.64 (SD  2.05), Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998), was included as an addi-
which differed significantly from zero, t(44)  2.11, p  .05. Thus, a tional measure of the conditioning effect. The IAT is a response-map-
reliable conditioning effect was obtained; participants evaluated the ping task in which participants are required to categorize four types
of objects as they are presented on a screen using only two response
keys. Two of the four types of objects are clearly pleasant and clearly
unpleasant items (e.g., “love,” “murder”), and the other two represent
1. The Pokemon cartoon characters Shelder and Metapod were chosen as
the two attitude objects the experimenter is interested in assessing (in
CSs because we found that although college students were willing to evaluate
them, they were generally ignorant of Pokemon characters (with the exception
our case, the CS and the CS). The meaning of the categorization
of Pikachu, who was not employed in the experiments reported here). US im- keys changes throughout the course of the IAT, so that during some
ages were selected based on normative data provided by Ito, Cacioppo, and blocks, participants map compatible items to the same key (pleasant
Lang (1998); US words were selected based on pretesting in our lab. In all items and the CS, unpleasant items and the CS). In the incom-
cases, positive USs were clearly evaluated more positively than negative USs patible blocks, participants map incompatible items to the same key
by pretest participants. (unpleasant items and the CS, pleasant items and the CS). Partic-

VOL. 12, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2001 415


Implicit Attitude Formation

ipants should find the compatible task easier than the incompatible
task, which should be reflected in their response latencies. For exam-
ple, if our conditioning procedure is effective, then participants
should find it relatively easy to map pleasant items and the CS to
one response key, and unpleasant items and the CS to another
(compatible task). In contrast, they should find the incompatible task
more challenging.
Because implicit measures like the IAT are less susceptible to de-
mand artifacts than explicit measures, and do not require introspective
access to any unconsciously formed attitudes, implicit measures of atti-
tudes may be especially well suited for detecting attitude development
via a classical conditioning procedure that does not require awareness.

Fifty-six undergraduate women participated in the experiment. The
conditioning procedure was identical to that used in Experiment 1. Af-
ter the procedure, participants rated several of the items (including the
two CSs) as in Experiment 1, and completed an IAT designed to assess
attitude development for the two CSs. The order in which participants
completed these two evaluation tasks was counterbalanced (no effects Fig. 1. Mean differences (Pokemon A  Pokemon B) in standardized
emerged for this variable). The IAT included two different practice scores on the implicit and explicit attitude measures by valence of the
conditioned stimuli (CSs; A  CS, B  CS vs. A  CS, B 
blocks; participants first categorized pleasant and unpleasant items in
CS), Experiment 2.
one of these blocks, and then categorized various combinations of im-
ages and names of the two CS Pokemon in the second block. They
then completed incompatible and compatible blocks consisting of 50
subjects factor, was conducted on these data. The analysis revealed a
trials each.2 After the evaluation tasks, participants completed a fun-
significant conditioning effect, F(1, 46)  6.45, p  .015, unmoderated
neled questionnaire measure of awareness involving a series of in-
by either task order or type of measure, both Fs  1.3 Subsequent t tests
creasingly direct questions. It began with the question, “Did you
indicated that the CS was evaluated more positively than the CS on
notice anything out of the ordinary in the way the words and pictures
both the implicit measure (IAT), t(48)  2.59, p  .007, and the explicit
were presented?” and ended with the question, “Did you notice any-
(paper-and-pencil) measure, t(48)  1.92, p  .03. The two measures
thing unusual about the words and images that were presented with
were correlated significantly, r(48)  .39, p  .01.
the [CS and CS]?”


In Experiment 1, attitudes were conditioned toward novel objects
On the final item of the postexperimental questionnaire, 6 of the 56
using our newly developed conditioning paradigm. Experiment 2 rep-
participants mentioned noticing at least one of the CS-US contingen-
licated this finding using an implicit measure of attitude development
cies. It is important to keep in mind that these reports occurred only
in addition to the traditional explicit measure. In both experiments,
after the questionnaire informed participants that there was more to
participants remained unaware of CS-US contingencies. These results,
the experiment than they had initially been led to believe, and only af-
along with the subliminal conditioning findings of De Houwer et al.
ter it was suggested that there was something unusual in the way the
(1997), strongly suggest that attitudes can be conditioned in the ab-
CSs were presented. To be conservative, we excluded the data from
sence of contingency awareness.
these 6 participants from all analyses, although this omission had no
It is our hope that our successful development of a paradigm in
effect on the statistical significance of the results.
which attitudes are formed implicitly, with no accompanying explicit
The latencies from the IAT were first log-transformed. Differences
memory for the CS-US pairings, will invigorate research on classical
were computed between (a) each participant’s mean latency on trials for
conditioning as an attitude-formation process. As a whole, the field of
which Pokemon A and pleasant were represented by the same response
social psychology has attended more to questions regarding attitude
key (and Pokemon B and unpleasant were represented by the other key)
change, attitude structure and function, and influences of attitudes on
and (b) the participant’s mean latency on trials for which Pokemon A
judgments and behavior than it has to attitude formation. In fact, in
and unpleasant were mapped onto the same key (and, hence, B and
discussing future directions in the study of attitudes, Eagly and
pleasant were mapped onto the other). The difference in the explicit
Chaiken (1993) referred to the field’s current “lack of attention to the
scale rating for A minus B also was computed for each participant. In
developmental issue of how attitudes form and become strong” as a
order to place these two measures on a common metric, each was
“serious omission and limitation” (p. 681). The implicit learning para-
z-transformed. The means are presented in Figure 1. A 2 (A  CS, B 
CS vs. A  CS, B  CS)  2 (evaluation-task order)  2 (im-
plicit vs. explicit measure) ANOVA, with the last variable as a within-
3. As in Experiment 1, additional analyses revealed no effects for the coun-
terbalancing variable designating which Pokemon was paired with positive
2. No word that appeared in the conditioning procedure appeared in the IAT. versus negative USs.

416 VOL. 12, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2001


Michael A. Olson and Russell H. Fazio

digm should prove useful in redressing this imbalance, illuminating Chun, M.M., & Jiang, Y. (1999). Top-down attentional guidance based on implicit learning
of visual covariation. Psychological Science, 10, 360–365.
and testing some fundamental principles regarding the development of Cohen, B.H. (1964). Role of awareness in meaning established by classical conditioning.
evaluative associations. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 373–378.
If classical conditioning is the pervasive source of attitudes that we De Houwer, J., Baeyens, F., & Eelen, P. (1994). Verbal evaluative conditioning with unde-
tected US presentations. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 629–633.
believe it is, then psychologists’ understanding of attitude formation De Houwer, J., Hendrickx, H., & Baeyens, F. (1997). Evaluative learning with “sublimi-
and change stands to gain much from further work on the implicit for- nally” presented stimuli. Consciousness and Cognition, 6, 87–107.
mation of attitudes. Instead of concerning itself with the question of Eagly, A.H., & Chaiken, S. (1993). The psychology of attitudes. New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich College Publishers.
whether attitudes can be classically conditioned, research can turn to Field, A.P. (2000). I like it, but I’m not sure why: Can evaluative conditioning occur with-
questions regarding the conditions that moderate such implicit attitude out conscious awareness? Consciousness and Cognition, 9, 13–36.
Field, A.P., & Davey, G.C.L. (1998). Evaluative conditioning: Arte-fact or fiction? A reply
formation. Some work has already been done on this front (see Baey- to Baeyens, De Houwer, Vansteenwegen, & Eelen (1998). Learning and Motivation,
ens et al., 1992; Hammerl & Grabitz, 1996a, 1996b; Kim et al., 1996). 29, 475–491.
For example, one such question centers on CS-US relationships: What Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction
to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
makes the most effective US for a given CS? Seligman’s (Seligman & Fishbein, M., & Middlestadt, S. (1995). Noncognitive effects on attitude formation and
Hagar, 1972) preparedness theory suggests that humans may more change: Fact or artifact? Journal of Consumer Psychology, 4, 181–202.
easily detect some environmental covariations than others (e.g., Öhman Greenwald, A.G., McGhee, D., & Schwartz, J.L.K. (1998). Measuring individual differ-
ences in cognition: The Implicit Association Task. Journal of Personality and Social
& Dimberg, 1978). Work by Hammerl and Grabitz has begun address- Psychology, 74, 1469–1480.
ing other relevant issues, such as the effects of sensory precondition- Hammerl, M. (2000). I like it, but only when I’m not sure why: Evaluative conditioning
and the awareness issue. Consciousness and Cognition, 9, 37–40.
ing on evaluative conditioning (1996b) and the possibility of evaluative Hammerl, M., & Grabitz, H.-J. (1996a). Evaluative conditioning with haptic stimuli. Inter-
conditioning using haptic stimuli (1996a). national Journal of Psychology, 31, 375.
The field has seen more than 40 years of debate regarding whether Hammerl, M., & Grabitz, H.-J. (1996b). Human evaluative conditioning without experi-
encing a valued event. Learning and Motivation, 27, 278–293.
attitudes can form via classical conditioning without awareness. With Insko, C.A., & Oakes, W.F. (1966). Awareness and the “conditioning” of attitudes. Journal
an affirmative answer, much needed progress now can be made toward of Personality and Social Psychology, 4, 487–496.
understanding the processes underlying attitudinal conditioning, as Ito, T.A., Cacioppo, J.T., & Lang, P.J. (1998). Eliciting affect using the International Af-
fective Picture System: Trajectories through evaluative space. Personality and So-
well as toward designing more effective marketing, health-promotion, cial Psychology Bulletin, 24, 855–879.
and prejudice-reduction campaigns that utilize some form of classical Kim, J., Allen, C.T., & Kardes, F.R. (1996). An investigation of the mediational mecha-
nisms underlying attitudinal conditioning. Journal of Marketing Research, 33, 318–328.
conditioning. Krosnick, J.A., Betz, A.L., Jussim, L.J., Lynn, A.R., & Stephens, L. (1992). Subliminal
conditioning of attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 152–162.
Levey, A.B., & Martin, I. (1975). Classical conditioning of human ‘evaluative’ responses.
Acknowledgments—This research was supported by Senior Scientist Behaviour Research and Therapy, 13, 221–226.
Award MH01646 and Grant MH38832 from the National Institute of Men- Lewicki, P. (1986). Nonconscious social information processing. New York: Academic
tal Health, and a grant from the Indiana University Graduate School. Por- Press.
tions of this research were presented at the June 2000 annual meeting of the Lewicki, P., Hill, T., & Czyzewska, M. (1992). Nonconscious acquisition of information.
American Psychological Society in Miami, Florida. We thank Cheryl American Psychologist, 47, 796–801.
Burke, Roxanne Flowers, Katie Hershey, Jeff Johnson, and Danielle Wiser Niedenthal, P.M. (1990). Implicit perception of affective information. Journal of Experi-
mental Social Psychology, 26, 505–527.
for assistance in pilot testing the procedure and in collecting data; Suzanne
Öhman, A., & Dimberg, U. (1978). Facial expressions as conditioned stimuli for electro-
Miller for many helpful discussions about this research; Daniel and dermal responses: A case of “preparedness”? Journal of Personality and Social Psy-
Michael Fazio for help in selecting the stimuli; and Nira Liberman, Jim chology, 36, 1251–1258.
Sherman, and Bill Timberlake for valuable feedback on the manuscript. Page, M.M. (1969). Social psychology of a classical conditioning of attitudes experiment.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 11, 177–186.
Page, M.M. (1974). Demand characteristics and the classical conditioning of attitudes ex-
periment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30, 468–476.
Razran, G.H.S. (1938). Conditioning away social bias by the luncheon technique. Psycho-
logical Bulletin, 37, 481.
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