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President Elnour,
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I congratulate you, President Elnour, on your election and thank you for
your important words here.
Vietnam and much of Southeast Asia, large parts of Latin America. The
Sahara region, the horn of Africa.
The impacts of climate change affect all continents, not just Africa. There,
however, the situation is particularly difficult.
The global community must find effective answers to the multiple crises
of our time.
Tomorrow we will be adopting our climate strategy.
UNIDO works with the Global Environment Facility, the Green Climate
Fund and many more international partners to implement climate action
projects in your countries.
I keep stressing it: the effects of the pandemic are not past and the
consequences are dramatic:
Millions of people have lost their lives and over 200 million their jobs.
In recent months, they have been working with experts to develop new
regional strategies for development in the countries of Africa, Asia,
Eastern Europe and Latin America.
We will discuss and adopt these strategies at the General Conference here
in Vienna in December.
At the UN Assembly and SDG Summit in New York, these issues need to
be central to the discussion and decisions taken.
How is it possible to decouple necessary economic growth from CO2
The development and use of hydrogen economies must first and foremost
bring value creation and growth to the Global South.
Green hydrogen from and for the developing countries is the goal. UNIDO
has developed a successful global hydrogen initiative for this purpose.
Thus there must also be an answer to the question of how we can create
a world without hunger.
The same is true for improved health care structures, the expansion of
education systems - using of the possibilities of digitalization and artificial
Progress, growth, new jobs, better future opportunities for youth, women
and families - these are our common goals.
For all of this - UNIDO has access to cutting-edge technologies, and the
collected knowledge and interested investors from around the world.
In creating a Vision of UNIDO 2030, I see new focus areas for our future
Firstly, we will further expand cooperation with the private sector: this is
particularly necessary and promising in: food production and processing;
in the renewable energy and green hydrogen sectors; in the
pharmaceutical industry as well as in the mining sector - to name just a
few growth areas.
I thank all donor countries, and I particularly would like to highlight four
smaller countries today: Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
Alongside the largest Member State donors, these are among the top ten
donor countries with strong support for UNIDO. Thank you!
Here I would also name our very important institutional partners such as
the GEF, the Adaptation Fund, the Montreal Protocol, the Green Climate
Fund and the European Union.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Success is based on cooperation and teamwork. I thank you all for the
great degree of trust and support.
I also thank the entire UNIDO team: all the staff, consultants and our
leadership team.
My request to you, the Member States, and especially to the main donors
Use UNIDO's expertise and global network even more than before for
larger projects.
The new 65 million pound facility with the UK on innovative clean energy
technologies for climate neutrality in industry in developing countries.
The partnership with the European Union and the African Union together
with the ITC worth €200 million to support the AU with African Free Trade
Zone implementation.
The new UNIDO Innovation and Transformation Fund also offers novel
Next: we can significantly strengthen our field structure with the new
2024 budget. We are filling vacant positions now and setting new
priorities from 2024.
UN Secretary General Guterres has called for an SDG Stimulus.
As your work here at the fifty first IDB begins, let me thank you all for your
support, cooperation and dedication.
Your discussions here will focus on budgetary proposals - I also ask for
flexibility - as well as UNIDO's Strategy for Climate Change.
And I specially thank the outgoing President of the Board, H.E Alejandro
Edmundo Solano Ortíz from Costa Rica for his exceptional engagement
over the past year.
I also again congratulate the newly elected President of the Board, H.E.
Magdi Ahmed Mofadal Elnour of Sudan.