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LEAD Indonesia Inspiring leadership for a sustainable world

Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) Associate Training

Cohort 17

Green Economy:

Flourishing Life for Sustainable Future

In partnership with:

LEAD International Conducted in 11 Member Programmes around the world (Africa, Europe, Asia, Canada, South America)
Website: and

Executive Summary

Green Economy: Flourishing Life for Sustainable Future

For the last two hundred years, economic and global industrial growth had been dominating our life. Living in the 21st century we are accustomed to and have felt the wave of changes brought about by the rapid pace of industrialization. We have all reap the benefits from this movement, from astounding advances in the field of transportation, services, products as well as an increase in our quality of life. The birth of new business ventures have sprung and opened up various business opportunities that were unheard of if compared to a century before. Businesses have grown and companys earnings have tripled in numbers. However look at the world around you, and if you have felt the wave of changes then you know that we are currently living in a time of uncertainties.

Delivering a transition to a low carbon, resource efficient Green Economy cannot occur without the creativity, vision, actions and support of a broad cross section of society - this rapid harmonization of perspectives from so many agencies reflects their determination to be agents of change towards a sustainable 21st century, Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director

The most visible signs of changes are the mounting series of environmental and social crises brought about by industrialization that are happening within our very eyes. While economic and global industrial growth has brought extraordinary improvements in all walk of lives, at the same time it has destroyed just as much and threatening future sustainability and the global system out of balance. The tipping point arises as the mounting costs brought about by the benefit of industrialization, are increasing at an alarming rate and to some extent offsetting the benefit itself. The rising threat of global warming, water shortage, increasing levels of waste, toxicity and poverty are just some of the concrete problems that we humans have to endure and sadly face because of our neglect and ignorance towards the way we live our lives and the way we do business.
In a study commissioned by the U.S Government, the U.S petroleum industry recently reported that world oil and gas supplies will be unable to keep up with rising global demand over the next 25 years which could lead to rising prices, shortages and social instability in both producer and consumer economies [1]. Our vital dependence on non-renewable resources such as oil and gas as well as our diminishing resources and growing waste underlie a host of related economic problems that all but ensure that without significant change, these problems will worsen. On a global scale, the interdependence of nations and regions in doing business globally has created problems such as waste, toxicity, pollution and economic inequality never seen before on such magnitude. On a national scale as the fastest growing economy in South East Asia, Indonesia mirrored by its buoyant economic growth of 4.4% in the first quarter of 2009[2] is posed to follow in the footsteps of China and India as one of the leading world economy. However, in line with the rising economic growth, hazardous waste production is projected to grow in tandem with the rapid industrialization of Indonesias economy. Total waste volumes are projected to grow from 200,000 tons to 1,000,000 tons between 1990 and 2010. [3]

(Source:,%202007,%20jad%20mouwad&st=cse) The World Bank, Indonesia Economic Quarterly Update: Weathering the storm, June 2009. [3] (Source:
[1] [2]

LEAD Indonesia Inspiring leadership for a sustainable world

With the climate change related issues have been in a screaming alarm, there is a need to urgently develop strategic planning and action of all sectors: the government, the business community, the academic institution, nonprofit organizations mass media, and each individual. However, the understanding of climate change and the implications of it to human life, environment, and economic development is still very limited and fragmented. Therefore, capacity building to build the awareness that leads into a better planning, strategy and action plan have to be in place in the near future for all sectors. As the consequence of climate change, the business operation that affects human life in immediate scale has to be adapted toward green economy. The new direction green economy of takes into account the fact that business activities have to be designed toward sustainable development under limited energy, less pollutions, efficiency in water use, manageable waste, within the scheme of low carbon with high productivity. Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan has been promoting intensive workshop on Leadership for Environment and Development since 1992 to all sectors. The programme recruits mid career professionals from all sectors to learn, share, and build strategy on certain topics using the sustainable development portfolio. The theme of the activities in year 2007 was Energy and Climate Change, in 2008 Toward Sustainable Cities was the theme, in year 2009 Food Security in time of Climate Change and Green Economy: Strategic Directions in time of Climate Change has been the topic for Cohort 15, in year 2011 Green Economy: Exploring Paths to Vibrant Future has been the latest topic for discussion and learning process for LEAD Associate Training Cohort 16. The participants will be LEAD Fellows, and join a global network of LEAD Fellows, from 12 LEAD offices in Africa, Europe, Latin America, Canada and Asia (China, India, Pakistan and Indonesia). Throughout 20-day intensive workshop the participants will produce a change project, document of group project of the specific theme in partnership among sectors, and lessons learned. It is expected with better understanding of climate change related issues, the participants will have new approach, planning, strategy and action plan toward low carbon and high productivity business scheme. The workshop encourages more initiatives and rigorous work from all sectors to immediately involve in the strategic directions toward sustainable development in time of climate change. The proposed project aimed to target full time participants of maximum 25 persons, and guest participants around 15 persons.

LEAD International Session Cohort 15, Port Elizabeth South Africa.

LEAD Programmes
Founded in 1991, LEADs main objective is to train emerging leaders from different sectors, cultures and nationalities around the world to play an active role in making sustainable development a reality. LEAD does this through its 12 national and regional Member Programmes, coordinated by LEAD International in London. LEAD has alumni of more than 2,400 Fellows who have been through the training programme. LEAD also runs short courses and provides training services to both public and private sector organisations. In order to maximise its impact on sustainable development, LEAD works with its Fellows to deliver projects and programmes in four key areas: Climate Change Business and Sustainability Poverty alleviation and Environment Sustainable Cities LEAD believes that sustainable development is achievable if the new generation of leaders from business, government, NGOs, academia and the media across the world can be motivated, equipped and linked to make it happen. This is our mission. LEAD Fellows Training Programme. Through our LEAD Fellows Training Programme, we train talented individuals in leadership skills and sustainable development, empowering them to become change agents. The training takes place at a combination of national, regional and international events, helping participants to build a better understanding of sustainable development challenges at local and global level. LEAD training events at all levels provide continuing development opportunities to professionals from a variety of areas through exposure to new ideas, perspectives and emerging issues within the fields of sustainable development and leadership.

I would recommend anyone who is serious about sustainable development to do this course...The training is dynamic and issuesfocused, and membership of the network provides access to some of the most active and knowledgeable professionals in the world.

Daniele Cesano, LEAD Europe Fellow, founder and managing partner of CO2nnect

Participants Profile. Each class, or Cohort, of LEAD Associates that embarks on the training programme is composed of individuals with proven leadership potential, an interest in sustainable development and a strong drive to acquire knowledge, share perspectives and develop new skills to take action for a more sustainable future. A cross sectoral approach is a trademark of all LEAD training, with participants coming from various sectors in society including business, government, NGOs, academia and media. After completing their training participants become LEAD Fellows and thus join an influential, global Network of peers.

LEAD offers excellent and comprehensive programmes on economic sustainability, which not only broaden our horizon but also networking. We are in no doubt to carry out change of agent tasks for a better life (Dahlia Darmayanti, Fellow Cohort 16, LEAD Indonesia, Full time lecturer Binus University International)

LEAD Programmes
The LEAD Network. The LEAD Network is a unique group of leaders from different sectors, cultures and countries. During their LEAD training, they not only enhance their leadership skills, understanding of sustainable development and ability to make a difference they also make professional and personal bonds with each other that last for life. The network is made of influential members and leaders including businessmen, government ministers, journalists, charity directors and scientists. LEAD provides a forum for Fellows to continue to share information and ideas at local and global level, long after their training is finished. In turn, this can lead to projects and activities where Fellows continue to collaborate and help each other achieve change for the better. Impact on sustainable development. LEADs goal is to maximize the impact of its Fellows Network in promoting sustainable development. LEAD works with its Fellows and other partner organisations in four key programmatic areas. Here are examples of activities within those four areas: Climate Change. LEAD is building the adaptation capacity of local leaders in communities affected by climate change in three African countries. LEAD is building a network of Climate Leaders inspired and equipped to take action on climate change. Business and Sustainability. LEAD is working with companies to provide their future leaders with a better understanding of sustainability and its relevance to the business. LEAD also provides advice for companies on their sustainability strategies and future scenarios. Poverty and Environment. Under a framework agreement with the UNEP UNDP Poverty and Environment Initiative, LEAD provides leadership and skills training to PEI champions. The aim of the programme is to help these champions be more effective in their task of ensuring environment is adequately integrated into poverty reduction strategies. Sustainable Cities. LEAD Fellows from different continents have collaborated to produce a report on megacities and climate change, with recommendations on priority measures needed to tackle the climate challenge.

The LEAD Associate Training was truly a mind opener to understand the holistic picture on Sustainable Development in all aspects of socio-economic and environment. Beyond that we also sharpen our leadership as well as networking skill, whilst understanding context of diversity in culture and background. More importantly, we are challenged to create synergy across disciplineon concrete sustainable solutions of todays and future potential problems. Y ou LEAD that change ! (Sinta Kaniawati, Fellow Cohort 15, LEAD Indonesia, General Manager - Unilever Indonesia Foundation) LEAD Associate Training (LAT) gave me not only new perspective of doing business but also the experience to work with other participant from different area. It is very beneficial to have sustainable knowledge and skills for the future leaders in any kinds of profession (Handyanto Widjojo, Fellow Cohort 16, LEAD Indonesia, Lecturer - Prasetiya Mulya Business School)

LEAD Indonesia
Since 1992, Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (the Foundation for Sustainable Development, or YPB), a not-for-profit organization, has carried out the vision promoted by LEAD International in initiating changes for a deeper understanding and more active participation in sustainable development. The programme, conducted jointly with many countries and coordinated by LEAD International, established a capacity building programme through the training of mid-career professionals for leadership in sustainable development. Leadership for sustainable development is the capacity to view development in a comprehensive and holistic framework to ensure that development is economically viable, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable. In 2011 there are 210 LEAD Indonesia Fellows from all over sectors where a number of them have shown their contribution to sustainable development in Indonesia such as Yuyun Ismawati who won Goldman Environmental Prize in 2009 for her work in waste management, and Tri Mumpuni who has been promoting micro hydro power plant development for remote villages to have renewable electricity and became one of WWF Heroes in Climate Change by 2005, as well as one of People Who Make Changes by Tempo Magazine in 2007, and Magsaysay Award 2011.
Starting in 2004, LEAD Indonesia, a programme of YPB has expanded its undertakings to go beyond the LEAD Associate Training, which has always been the thrust of its existence. This new undertaking is concerned with developing partnerships with other institutions to carry out various programmes in response to national and local needs. The strategic programme of YPB includes: LEADing by Sharing (capacity building), LEADing by Knowledge (research), and LEADing by Strategic Partnership (action). LEADing by Sharing is the core, programme while other strategic programmes are supporting YPB main activities. LEADing by Sharing consists of 4 main programmes: LEAD Associate Training; capacity building on sustainable development to all sectors Developing Sustainable Business: develop sustainable business strategy to private sector Leadership for Integrated Development: develop public policy for sustainable development to government and legislative agencies Bridging Leadership Programme for young leaders in the rural areas (community leaders) and in the urban areas (students at senior high school and universities). LEADing by Knowledge produce more than 30 public policy case study related to sustainable development, and minimum of 3 annual case study to support capacity building activities. In the future, research findings will be formulated in policy recommendation paper for the government officials.

LEADing by Strategic Partnership is more on the support for sustainable development scheme in practice where YPB takes a part of activities in a joint project management, or to facilitate workshop among multi stakeholders toward comprehensive and integrated policy and action plan. Climate Smart Leaders (CSL) is one of the progressive programme under LEADing by Strategic Partnership

LEAD Associate Training

LEAD Indonesia, which is hosted by Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (YPB)Foundation for Sustainable Developmenthas been conducting LEAD Associate Training programme since 1992. The programme offers a unique, 12-month international training programme on leadership for sustainable development. Graduates of the programme are called LEAD Fellows and join one of the worlds most diverse networks of professionals. There are currently more than 2400 LEAD Fellows in 90 countries, which 210 of them are from Indonesia. They belong to the worlds of academia, business, government, media, and NGO. The training participants (called Associates) follow two kinds of session: national training session, and international training session (optional, to decide). Goals Upon the completion of the training, participants will: 1. Have an integrated understanding on sustainable development with emphasize on macro socio economy transformation, and the emerging of sustainable green business, with special attention in addressing the climate change issues 2. Have the skills related to leadership, change management, and ethical decision making which are useful within social and professional context 3. Have the opportunity to build new networking and strengthen links with a diverse group of Associates, experts and scholars 4. Have the ability to apply sustainable development concept into individual action project & build road map (related to each one work) and has the experience to work acrosssectors using sustainable development approach. Who Should Attend ? Mid careers from any sector of government (for policy issues), private sector (for new technology), NGO (for its initiatives and public involvement), academic institution (for its findings as the basis for policy and technology improvement), and media (for its public awareness programme), who have a vision to bring about changes are invited to join this opportunity as LEAD Associate Trainee, who will become LEAD Fellows after completing the training. This is the opportunity to have dialog across sectors as LEAD unique approach. Due to the limited space, only those who have the qualifications will have the opportunity to be the participants.

Activities and Methods National Session (NS) begins in May 2012 and includes 20-day intensive workshop, organized in several sessions over a span of 5 months, and supported by distance learning for selected sessions. International Session will be conducted following the completion of the National Session.
The training comprises series of activities: The Training is based on adult-learning methodology that is experiential in approach, learner-centered, participatory and dynamic. Learning is achieved through practice, exchange and collaboration: seminar, workshop (there will be outcomes), simulation, site visit & case analysis, self guided project and group holistic approach, in interactive dialogue.

Type of Activities

Jakarta, Indonesia

May Sept 2012

National Session

International Session

To decide

Information will follow

LEAD Associate Training

LEAD Associate Projects (LAPs / Individual Project) LAPs is an integral part of Cohort training. LAPs are projects to be undertaken by Associates, or groups of Associates, in their own time and completed prior to graduation. LAPs should reflect the application of the learning process: How the concept of sustainable development and other theories from the training bring changes into the participants work. The difference means that the sustainability approach contributes to the work of the participant.The Change I/We Want to make can be a useful term of reference for a LAP. Completion of the LAP will determine whether a LEAD Associate will be eligible to become a LEAD Fellow. LAPs will be showcased at the International Session, and awards for the best LAPs will be offered at every International Session. Completed LAPs will be posted on LEAD Indonesias website and Ilalang newsletters. The Benefits and Outcomes that you will get Through the training you will get the knowledge, understanding and tools how to develop a strategic and significant contribution to your institution, and support the improvement of economic condition, social equity and environmental sustainability in national, regional, and global. Throughout the training you will experience learning through a case study and other exercises that will make you more confident of what you have learned. By the end of the training, you will have your own road map for your institution based on the training materials. The road map will assist you to practice the training materials into real case in your institution after the training is completed. As you join Indonesia training session you are welcome to join the 210 Indonesian LEAD Fellows and more than 2400 Fellows from 12 LEAD Offices (China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Francophone Africa, Nigeria, Southern Eastern Africa, CIS, and Europe) and develop your new network for your interests.

Content of Training

Knowledge (conceptual framework) module

Sustainable Development: History, Principles, Framework and Application Ecological Carrying Capacity and Ecological Footprints Evolution of Economic Thoughts: From Development to Sustainability Public Policy: Considering Development Indicators of Human Life Leadership: why it is important, learning from successful leaders, toward effective leaders System Thinking: Problem Formulation and Alternative Solutions U Theory of Change, Diffusion and Innovation Theory Sustainability Compass Ethical Decision Making Understanding the phenomena of green economy: reality check (recent problems, research findings, existing world economic policies, climate change challenges) The implications of current economy systems (state security, human survival, poverty, economy-social and ecological implications) Green Economy in Indonesia: overall challenges, climate changes impact, the emerging initiatives from government, business community, and NGO The future of green economy in Indonesia: the national policy and strategy

Skills Module related to Leadership

Theme: Green Economy: Flourishing Life for Sustainable Future

LEAD Associate Training

Speakers and Resource Persons LEAD will invite exceptional leaders from all sectors nationally and internationally. *) Some of them are : Emil Salim, Chairman and Member at Advisory Council to the President Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Ketua Unit Kerja Presiden bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan

Laksmi Dhewanthi, Assistant Deputy Minister for Environmental Economic The Ministry of Environment of Republic Indonesia Mubariq Ahmad , Senior Consultant/ Advisor to the Environment Unit World Bank Jakarta Dr. Ir. Rr. Endah Murniningtyas, M.Sc, Deputi Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan Hidup - Bappenas Ichsan Malik, Chairman of Institut Titian Perdamaian

Gwendolyn Hallsmith, Founder and Executive Director of Global Community

Initiative (GCI) E-learning Alan Atkisson, Founder of Atkisson Group, The Leading Consultant in Developing Sustainable Business - E-learning Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Fauzi, M.Sc, Ketua Departemen Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam & Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Ir. Palgunadi T. Setyawan, Independent Commissioner, PT Adaro Energy, Tbk

Indro Surono, Founder of Indonesia Organic Alliance, LEAD Fellow Cohort 14

Wiwien T Wiyonoputri, Pusat Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan (P2PAR) Institut Teknologi Bandung, LEAD Fellow Cohort 8

*) All speakers will be confirmed 1 month before training session

Requirements & Fee for REGULAR PARTICIPANT

Requirements to be participants (REGULAR PARTICIPANT - FULL-Session) Target age group: 25-45 with bachelor degree (S1) at the minimum. Mid-career, with demonstrable leadership potential and commitment to sustainable development and district improvement. Ability and willingness to work in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment. Proficient in English (some session conducted in English), proven by the institution of the participants (statement letter) or proven by recent TOEFL/IELTS score. Currently undertaking a work/project/activities/programme pertaining to sustainable development and/or preferably related to initiation, development or implementation of corporate social responsibility & sustainable business. Willing to share the information pertaining to the work/project/activities/programme in the context of training to other LEAD family members for learning purpose. Commitment to complete Associate training by attending all the training sessions and meeting all the training requirements by written agreement from their employer to support the candidate in the programme and to grant leave of absence. Commitment to undertake and complete a LEAD Associate Individual Project (LAP) prior to graduation as a Fellow. Basic computer literacy and active internet access. Involvement and/or expertise in green economy & sustainable development issues will be a plus

Training fee National Session Training fee of 20-day intensive workshop will be Rp.20.000.000,- (twenty millions rupiah) inclusive of training kit, seminar kit, meal during training and seminar sessions, site visits, online coaching and mentoring, email account, and certificate. The fee does not cover travel related costs, transportation, and accommodation. International Sessions are not included. Partial scholarships are available on competitive basis and only for limited participant. Selected recipient needs to allocate some budget as the compulsory payment. Please submit your request as necessary. Only those who can show the benefits of the training to their professional life and the needs of the funding, are encouraged to apply. We will appreciate for those who can provide subsidy to other participants, by providing more funds. International Session Information will follow.


Requirements & Fee for GUEST PARTICIPANTS

Requirements to be GUEST PARTICIPANTS
Mid-career, with demonstrable leadership potential and commitment to sustainable development and district improvement. Ability and willingness to work in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment. Involvement and/or expertise in green economy & sustainable development issues will be a plus

Training fee

National Session

Attending 1 session (5-day training programme)


Daily attendance


Training fee inclusive of training kit, seminar kit, meal during training and certificate. The fee does not cover travel related costs, transportation, and accommodation. International Sessions are not included. International Session Information will follow.


How to apply

As there are only limited seats available, candidates are selected based on their training needs and their specific learning goals, which should be clearly explained in the application form.

Application form can be retrieved by :

Email (send email address to; Mail (send address to fax no. 021 - 7592 1104), and

Internet (download from OR Click Here For Doc File)

The closing date is April 5th, 2012. Application should be submitted as early as possible. We will invite potential participants for interview process between April 12 th 19th, 2012. The announcement will be made by April 25th 2012. Latest payment receipt on May 10, 2012, fax to Finance at: 021 - 7592 1104.

Contact Person for further information

For further information, please email us at or call Annye F. Meilani or Lisa Savitri at: 021 7592 1103/765 8123 or fax: 021 7592 1104. Send your application and related documents to:

Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan/LEAD Indonesia

Perumahan Bumi Harum Manis, Rumah Kasario Jl. Lebak Bulus I No. 62 Lebak Bulus, Cilandak Jakarta 12440 Telp.: 021 7592 1103/ 021 765 8123 Fax : 021 7592 1104 W: and


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