Mentopen Putri 1
Mentopen Putri 1
Mentopen Putri 1
Npm : 2114201072
This study presents data obtained
from a larger randomized clinical
trial, which compared the efficacy
of two telephone-administered
psychotherapies in the treatment
of depression in MS patients. The
main outcome analyses showed
both telephone-administered
cognitive– behavioral therapy (T-
CBT) and telephone-administered
supportive emotion-focused
therapy (T-SEFT) produced
clinically significant decreases in
depression, as reported in. In
addition to demonstrating the
efficacy of telephone-
administered psychotherapy for
treating depression, we have
conducted a meta-analysis of
psychotherapy administered over
the telephone to treat depression.
Magda Fiske Rumambi, Research Design Of the 33 breast cancer
Fitriana Suprapti, one group pretest-posttest design sufferers who mastectomy,
Wilhelmus Harry Susilo. it was found that the highest
Population & Sample respondent age was in the
October 11, 2023
range of 34- 42 years,
The population in this study were namely 13 respondents
The Effect of Spiritual
all breast cancer patients who had (39.4%).
Emotional Freedom
undergone a mastectomy and had and the highest respondents’
Technique (SEFT) on Pain
undergone outpatient care and had education was elementary
Intensity of Advanced
interacted with family and society. school (SD) as many as 18
Breast Cancer Patients in
The sample in this study were respondents (54.5%).
X Hospital Tangerang
patients with breast cancer Respondents generally
patients who had undergone married as many as 33
mastectomy and met the inclusion respondents (100%),
and exclusion criteria. The sample Muslim 24 respondents
size required in this study was 33 (72.7%), where they
people with sampling taken by generally worked only as
consecutive sampling based on housewives as many as 17
the inclusion and exclusion respondents (51.5%). The
criteria made by the researcher. results of the study
regarding the characteristics
Method of respondents in brief
The design of this study is a quas
experiment with the one group
pretest-posttest design, namely in
this design in a group of research
subjects 2 measurements were
taken in patients who experienced
self-concept disorder due to
mastectomy, namely the first
measurement (pre-test), then an
intervention in the form of
Spiritual Emotional Freedom
Technique (SEFT).
Shauna L Shapiro, Richard Research Design The literature indicates that
R Bootzin, Aurelio J An exploratory study between 31% and 54% of
Figueredo, Ana Maria cancer patients report sleep
Lopez, Gary E Schwartz. Population & Sample difficulties, Further, these
Sixty-three women were difficulties continue several
Januari 2003
randomized to either the MBSR or years after the diagnosis for
the FC condition (32 FC, 31 a significant portion of
The efficacy of
mindfulness-based stress MBSR). One woman dropped breast cancer patients.
reduction in the treatment There is a large literature on
from the FC condition before
of sleep disturbance in
women with breast cancer: baseline assessment and before the relationship between
An exploratory study stress and sleep
the study period began due to
disturbance. Important life
family constraints. One woman
events, such as the death of
dropped from the MBSR
a loved one, retirement, and
condition before the study period
persistent health problems,
began due to recurrence of her have been shown to be
cancer. Fifty-four (86%) of the related to sleep complaints.
participants completed post- Similarly, the literature on
assessment data (28 FC, 26 sleep disturbances following
MBSR). Forty-one (65%) traumatic events, such as
completed the 3-month follow-up rape, war, fires, and
hurricanes, has found that
assessment (23 FC, 18 MBSR)
sleep disturbances are part
and parcel of the
posttraumatic symptoms.
Often the subjective sleep
Participants were recruited from
complaints are more severe
the practices of all medical
and persistent than
oncologists in the Tucson
objective, sleep
community. Inclusion criteria
were (a) female, (b) age 18–80,
(c) fluent in English, (d) no
current diagnosis of mental
illness,2 (e) have a history of Stage
II breast cancer,3
Kristin M Phillips, Research Design There was a significant
Michael H Antoni, cognitive-behavioral stress effect of study condition on
Suzanne C Lechner, management (CBSM) change across time for both
Bonnie B Blomberg, cortisol and perceived
Maria M Llabre, Eli Population & Sample ability to relax. Women
Avisar, Stefan Glück, Participants (n = 128) were a receiving CBSM had
Robert DerHagopian, volunteer sample of women who significantly greater
Charles S Carver. were recently diagnosed with reductions in cortisol levels
October 2008 breast cancer and recruited from across the 12 months
local hospitals and practices in compared with those in the
Stress Management South Florida, and who control group, who had no
Intervention Reduces
appreciable decline. Women
Serum Cortisol and participated in a sub study of the
Increases Relaxation Coping and Recovery Project receiving CBSM reported
During Treatment for Non
metastatic Breast Cancer (11,12) that was funded by a greater increases in ability
supplemental award to include to relax than controls across
serum cortisol data on subjects time. Perceived ability to
recruited. relax did not mediate
CBSM-related reductions in
Method cortisol.