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Last but not least we express our sincere thanks to the institute Deccan College
of Eng. for providing such a platform for implementing the ideas in our mind.
Speed is one of the basic reasons for vehicle accidents. Many lives can be saved if emergency
services get accident information and reach in time. The main aim of the project is to inform the
Police and Ambulance of the accident site and arrange for necessary steps to control the situation.
Nowadays, GPS has become an integral part of vehicle systems. This paper proposes to utilise the
capability of a GPS receiver to monitor speed of a vehicle and detect accident basing on monitored
speed and send location to and send location to an Alert Service Centre. The GPS will monitor speed
of a vehicle and compare with the previous speed in every second through a microcontroller unit.
Whenever the speed is below the specified speed, it will assume that an accident has occurred. The
system will then send the accident location acquired from the GPS location acquired from the GSM
network. This will help the rescue team to reach in time and immediately save the accident victims.
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FIG 1: GPS consists of 24 satellites of which at least 5 can be seen from any
point on the globe.
With the increasing global demand for security, identification of people and
assets and the merging of nations directive into unions, expansion and
complexity of transport networks, raises the demand for Vehicle Tracking
System. Vehicle Tracking System or Automatic Vehicle Location System
(AVL) is now one of the most popular technological changes in all over the
world that is going to make our personal and business life lot easier. As the term
suggests, it enables one to track or monitor the location of vehicle in instant
time. Primarily, the system functions with the help of different technologies like
the Global Positioning System (GPS), traditional cellular network such as
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). But GPS is more effective
and accurate in this field. As far as vehicle tracking in India is concerned, its
uses and market are expected to increase within a couple of years. The main
concept of the proposed project work is identify the crashed vehicle position
and that vehicle number can be transmitted to nearby vehicle and at the same
time its geographical position is transmitted to a sufficient distance. The main
heart of the project work is microcontroller, is used for interfacing to various
hardware peripherals. The system is accompanied by a GPS module, a GSM
module, an RF module, LCD and bumping circuit.
The GPS module provides information about the geographical position of the
module and therefore position of the vehicle and GSM modem is used to send
SMS message in case of vehicle accident by providing the geographical position
(Latitude and Longitude) of the vehicle from a remote place. The bumping
circuit is used to improve the system with capability of recognize an accident by
triggering emergency situation alarm automatically. In case of emergency,
wireless information is transmitted via the RF module. The external used
antenna expands the range of the transmitted signal to an alarm announcement
range. The GPS modem gives many parameters as the output, but only the
NMEA data coming out is read and displayed on to the LCD. The same data is
sent to the mobile at the other end from where the position of the vehicle is
demanded. In order to interface GSM modem and GPS Receiver to the
controller, a MUX is used. The design uses RS-232 protocol for serial
communication between the modems and the microcontroller. A serial driver IC
is used for converting TTL voltage levels to RS-232 voltage levels. A Program
has been developed which is used to locate the exact position of the vehicle and
also to navigated track of the moving vehicle on Google Map.
GPS provides highly accurate position information and can be used for a variety
of land, sea, and air applications. GPS, which began as a military application,
has become a viable tool for many commercial and personal applications. One
such application has been a vehicle location tracking system (VLTS). These
tracking systems incorporate a GPS receiver and a wireless transceiver that
allow a remote unit to track the vehicle’s position. GPS Tracking device acquire
GPS signals from GPS satellites and calculates its position on the earth. To
acquire GPS information, a wireless receiver capable of the civilian L1
frequency (1575.42 MHz) is required. The GPS receiver measures distances to
four or more satellites simultaneously. Using triangulation the receiver can
determine its latitude, longitude, and altitude.
The main aim of this project is to map the collided vehicle. It is proposed to
design an embedded system, which is used for tracking and finding the position
of the vehicle by using Global Positioning System (GPS). With this we can
locate the vehicle around the globe and using Global system for mobile
communication (GSM), the vehicle position data i.e., in the form of latitude &
longitude values are sent to the concern mobile, by which the position of that
particular vehicle can be known. The automatic function of the proposed project
work supports mode of emergency operation. The alarm is activated, when a
vehicle collided is detected by making use of the bumping circuit. When the
system enters this mode, an SMS message is sent according to the predefined
settings. The transmitter section consists of arduino ATMEGA 328 micro
controller, GPS receiver, GSM modem, MAX 232, collision sensor and the
whole system is attached to the vehicle.
Microcontroller used is arduino uno ATMEGA 328. The code is written in the
internal memory of Microcontroller i.e., in the ROM. With the help of
instruction set it processes the instructions and acts as interface between GSM
and GPS with help of serial communication as the arduino consists of two sets
of serial communication pins. GPS receives the data and GSM transmits and
receives the data. So the GPS system will receive the Longitude and Latitude
values corresponding collided vehicle position through the satellites.
Microcontroller does not check for RI interrupts of GSM, directly sends data to
the predefined number with help of AT command set. A Program has been
developed which is used to locate the exact position of the collided vehicle and
also to navigated track of the moving vehicle on Google Map. It provides you a
Live Tracking link for Google Earth or Google Maps. In case you have installed
free software from google called Google Earth on your computer, then just click
on the Google Earth Live Tracking Link in your account and you can
see the complete track of collided vehicle for today along with fantastic Google
earth satellite imagery.
GPS Receiver
Popularly known product is the ProGin SR-87 series GPS modules, because
they are readily available in the market. Here also, in this project work the same
device is preferred; if this product is not available any other branded GPS
receiver can also be used for the purpose. The above said GPS module
incorporates high sensitivity, high performance, and cost effective. Due to these
reasons most of the vehicle-tracking designers prefer this product. The module
tracks up to 20 satellites at a time while offering fast time-to-first-fix and 1Hz
navigation update. The unit is very suitable for broad applications such as
Handheld tracking systems.
GPS receiver ProGin SR-91 with 9600-baud rate is used to receive the data
from the space Segment (from Satellites), the GPS values of different Satellites
are sent to microcontroller, where these are processed and forwarded to GSM.
In this project work, the data produced by the GPS module is transmitted
through RF network at the time of processing GPS receives only i.e., longitude,
latitude & altitude values only. From these values microcontroller takes only
latitude and longitude values excluding time, altitude, name of the satellite,
authentication etc. E.g. LAT: 1728:2470 LOG: 7843.3089.
From the beginning, the planners of GSM wanted ISDN compatibility in terms
of the services offered and the control signaling used. However, radio
transmission limitations, in terms of bandwidth and cost, do not allow the
standard ISDN B-channel bit rate of 64 kbps to be practically achieved.
Using the ITU-T definitions, telecommunication services can be divided into
bearer services, tele-services, and supplementary services. The most basic tele-
service supported by GSM is telephony. As with all other communications,
speech is digitally encoded and transmitted through the GSM network as a
digital stream. There is also an emergency service, where the nearest
emergency-service provider is notified by dialing three digits (similar to 911).
A variety of data services is offered. GSM users can send and receive data, at
rates up to 9600 bps, to users on POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), ISDN,
Packet Switched Public Data Networks, and Circuit Switched Public Data
Networks using a variety of access methods and protocols, such as X.25 or
X.32. Since GSM is a digital network, a modem is not required between the
user and GSM network, although an audio modem is required inside the GSM
network to inter work with POTS.
SIM card Insertion and Removal procedures are supported. There are software
functions relying on positive reading of the hardware SIM detect pin. This pin
state (open/closed) is permanently monitored. When the SIM detect pin
indicates that a card is present in the SIM connector, the product tries to set up a
logical SIM session. The logical SIM session will be set up or not depending on
whether the detected card is a SIM Card or not. The AT+CPIN? Command
delivers the following responses:
If the SIM detect pin indicates “absent”, the response to AT+CPIN? is “+CME
ERROR 10” (SIM not inserted).
If the SIM detect pin indicates “present”, and the inserted Card is a SIM Card,
the response to AT+CPIN? is “+CPIN: xxx” depending on SIM PIN state.
If the SIM detect pin indicates “present”, and the inserted Card is not a SIM
Card, the response to AT+CPIN? is CME ERROR 10.
These last two states are not given immediately due to background initialization.
Between the hardware SIM detect pin indicating, “present” and the previous
results the AT+CPIN? Sends “+CME ERROR: 515” (Please wait, init in
When the SIM detect pin indicates card absence, and if a SIM Card was
previously inserted, an IMSI detach procedure is performed, all user data is
removed from the product (Phonebooks, SMS etc.). The product then switches
to emergency mode.
GPS consists of 24 satellites of which at least 5 can be seen from any point on the globe.
Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the
physical world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical
computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a
development environment for writing software for the board. Arduino can be
used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or
sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs.
Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they can communicate with software
running on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP.) The boards can be
assembled by hand or purchased preassembled; the open-source IDE can be
downloaded for free. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the
ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as
PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a
computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to
get started.
Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety
of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other
physical outputs. Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they can communicate
with software running on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP.) The
boards can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled; the open-source
IDE can be downloaded for free. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board
based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a
computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to
get started.
ATmega328 with Arduino Optiboot (Uno)
The name says it all on this one. An ATmega328 in DIP package, pre-loaded
with the Arduino Optiboot (Uno 16MHz) Bootloader. This will allow you to use
Arduin o code in your custom embedded project without having to use an actual
Arduino board.
To get this chip working with Arduino IDE, you will need an external 16MHz
crystal or resonator, a 5V supply, and a serial connection. If you are not
comfortable doing this, we recommend purchasing the Arduino Uno board that
has all of these built into the board.
Atmel’s ATMega328 8-Bit Processor in 28 pin DIP package. It’s like the
ATmega168, with double the flash space. 32K of program space. 23 I/O lines, 6
of which are channels for the 10-bit ADC. Runs up to 20MHz
with external crystal. Package can be programmed in circuit. 1.8V to 5V
operating voltage.
The data received through GPS receiver, the controller displays the information
through LCD interfaced with this controller. LCD Displays are
dominating LED displays, because these displays can display alphabets,
numbers and some kind of special symbols, where as LED’s (seven segment
display) can display only numbers. These LCD displays are very useful for
displaying user information and communication. LCD displays are available in
various formats. Most common are 2 x 16, is that two lines with 16
alphanumeric characters. Other formats are 3x16, 2x40, 3x40 etc;
In recent years LCD is finding widespread use replacing LED’s, because of the
ability to display numbers, characters, and graphics. Another advantage is,
because of its compactness and ease of programming for characters and
graphics, more information in the form of text message or graphics can be
displayed. Generally, the LCD modules have an 8-bit interface, besides the 8-bit
data bus; the interface has a few other control lines. The 8-bit data bus is
connected to port ’0’ and the control lines are connected to port ‘2’. The default
data transfer between the LCD module and an external device is 8-bits, however
it is possible to communicate with the LCD module using only four of the 8-
data lines. The R/W line is connected to ground and hence the processor cannot
read any status information from the LCD module, but can only write data to
the LCD.
The LCD panel used in this project work is having 14 pins. The function of each
pin description with table is provided in the next page:
Pin No. Name Description
Pin no. 1 D7 Data bus line 7
Pin no. 2 D6 Data bus line 6
Pin no. 3 D5 Data bus line 5
Pin no. 4 D4 Data bus line 4
Pin no. 5 D3 Data bus line 3
Pin no. 6 D2 Data bus line 2
Pin no. 7 D1 Data bus line 1
Pin no. 8 D0 Data bus line 0 (LSB)
Pin no. 9 EN1 Enable signal for row
0 and 1
Pin no. 10 R/W 0 = Write to LCD
module 1 = Read
from LCD module
Pin no. 11 RS 0 = Instruction input
1 = Data input
Pin no. 12 VEE Contrast adjust
Pin no. 13 VSS Power supply (GND)
Pin no. 14 VCC Power supply (+5V)
Pin no. 15 EN2 Enable signal for row
2 and 3
Pin no. 16 NC Not Connected
❖ Fleet control. For example, a delivery or taxi company may put such a
tracker in every of its vehicles, thus allowing the staff to know if a vehicle is on
time or late, or is doing its assigned route. The same applies for armored trucks
transporting valuable goods, as it allows to pinpoint the exact site of a possible
❖ Stolen vehicle searching. Owners of expensive cars can put a tracker in it,
and "activate" them in case of theft. "Activate" means that a command is issued
to the tracker, via SMS or otherwise, and it will start acting as a fleet control
device, allowing the user to know where the thieves are.
application is used by private investigators, and also by some parents to track
their children.
❖ Internet Fun. Some Web 2.0 pioneers have created their own personal web
pages that show their position constantly, and in real-time, on a map within their
website. These usually use data push from a GPS enabled cell phone.
Application Areas
The IC’s and other important components used in this project work, procured
from the Hyderabad Electronics Market. The details or data sheets of the IC’s
are down loaded from the Internet. The following are the web sites that can be
browsed for collecting the data sheets.
1. www. Texas Instruments.com
2. www. National semiconductors.com
3. www. Fairchild semiconductors.com
The following are the IC’s and other important components used in this project
1. Arduino Uno ATMEGA 328 controller
2. GSM Modem
3. GPS Modem
4. Voltage regulators
5. BC 547 Transistor
The Project titled “Accident Information and Messaging System Using GSM
and GPS” is a model for Vehicle Tracking unit with the help of Google maps
and also with the help of GPS receivers and GSM modem.
The positioning is done in the form of latitude and longitude along with the
exact location of the place, by making use of Google maps. The system tracks
the location of particular vehicle and sends to users mobile in the form of SMS.
The arrived data, is in the form of latitude and longitude is used to locate the
Vehicle on the Google maps and also we can see the output on the LCD as well
as it will send the same data to the concerned mobile number.
Finally the aim of the project i.e. to Position and navigate the vehicle with an
accuracy of 10m, has been achieved successfully by using Vehicle Positioning
and Navigating system.
1. http://google.about.com/od/mapsanddirections/fr/mapsrev.htm