Properties of Materials

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using only
RTIES Column A with Column B,
the correct letters.

red, green, blue, yellow,

orange a. weight
____2. square, circle, triangle b. texture
____3. small, big, large c.
____4. IALS smooth, rough
d. shape
____5. 59 grams (g), 1 kilogram (kg) e. size

In this lesson, you will be able to answer the question:

Jump 1. What are the different properties of materials?

Feed Your
The materials you see may be similar or different in many ways.
Materials can be classified according to
their physical properties such ascolor,
texture, shape, size, and weight.

Look at the tables on the right. Can you describe

them? How are they similar or different?

Materials may be similar or different in terms of size,

shape, color, texture, and weight.
Materials may also exhibit other properties such as
elasticity, brittleness, ductility, malleability,
conductivity, and viscosity.

Elasticity is the ability of materials to return to their original shape after being
stretched. An example of a very elastic material is the rubber band.

Brittlenessrefers to how easily materials break. Mirrors and glasses can easily be
broken into pieces. They are examples of brittle materials.

Look at the bulb on the left. Can you see the fine filament or wire inside it? The
property of the material that refers to its ability to be drawn into thin wires or
threadsis called ductility. Copper and aluminum are ductile materials.
Go to your kitchen and look at a spoon, fork, and knife. Notice their different
shapes? These materials can be hammered into different shapes. This property is
called malleability. Materials made of iron, gold, and silver are highly malleable.

Conductivity refers to the ability of materials to allow electricity and heat to flow
easily. Materials that allow heat and electricity to flow or pass through easily are
called conductors. On the other hand, materials that do not allow heat and
electricity to flow are called insulators. Rubber, cloth, and plastic are insulators.

Viscosity is another property that refers to the resistance of liquids to flow. Syrup,
honey, shampoo, and cooking oil are viscous liquids,
or liquids that do not flow easily.

Objectives: 1. Identify the properties of solids.

2. Observe and compare the viscosity
of three liquids.
Aluminum pots are good
Materials: For Parts A and B
paper clips, block of wood, paper, biscuit,
rubber band, weighing scale, hammer

Part A
1. Material Check Observe the
physical appearance of
the following solids:
a. paper clip
b. block of wood
c. paper
d. biscuit
e. rubber band
2. Note the color, size, shape, and texture of each solid. Then weigh each of these
solids using the weighing scale.
3. Record your observations in the data chart.

Data Chart on the Physical Properties of Solids

Material Color Size Shape Texture Weight (g)
a. paper
b. block of
c. paper

d. biscuit
e. rubber

1. Which of the solids is the heaviest? _______________________________
Which of the solids is the lightest?________________________________
2. Which of the solids have regular shapes? __________________________
Which if the solids have irregular shapes? _________________________
3. Which of the solids have smooth surfaces? ________________________
Which of the solids have rough surfaces? __________________________

Part B
1. Test for other properties of the solids.
a. Malleability Test: Hammer each of the solids gently and see if you can make
any form or shape.
b. Elasticity Test: Twist, pull, or compress the solids. See if they will go back to
their original shapes.
c. Brittleness Test: Gently snap or break the solids using your hands. Observe if
they break easily.
2. Record your observations in the data chart. Put a check mark (√)in the column
that shows the property.

Data Chart on Other Properties of Solids

Material Malleable Elastic Brittle
a. paper clip
b. block of wood
c. paper
d. biscuit
e. rubber band

1. Which of the solids is malleable? ____________________________________
2. Which of the solids is elastic? _______________________________________
3. Which of the solids is brittle? _______________________________________

■Materials have physical properties such as size, color, texture, shape, and weight.
■Other properties of materials includeelasticity, brittleness, ductility, malleability,
conductivity, and viscosity.
■Elasticity refers to the ability of materials to return their original shape after being
■Brittleness refers to how easily materials break.
■Ductility refers to the ability of materials to be
drawn into thin wires or threads.
■Malleability refers to the ability of materials to be
hammered into different shapes.
■Conductivity refers to the ability of materials to
allow electricity and heat to flow easily.
■Viscosityrefers to the resistance of liquids to flow.

ies in each number. Write your answer
A. Identify the property shown by the material
on theBrain

brittleness viscosity malleability conductivity elasticity

__________________1. An aluminum pan is used in heating

__________________2. A vase falls on the floor and breaks.
__________________3. Honey is poured on the pancake.
__________________4. A rubber band is being stretched.
__________________5. Iron is hammered to make a sword.

B. Cross out (×) the material that does not belong to the group. Then write the
common property shown by the two materials left on the blank.
__________________1. honey shampoo alcohol
__________________2. rubber band spoon garter
__________________3. tire pencil ball
__________________4. biscuit mirror wood
__________________5. paper aluminum copper

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