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Tell a classmate your occupation.
2 Identify your classmates.

UNIT 3 Spell names.

Names and Occupations

[ffl Tell a classmate your occu�ion I
VOCABULARY • Occupations Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. More occupations • p. 125

• !!

a teacher 2 a student 3 an architect

6 a musician
4 an actor 5 an athlete

7 an artist 8 a banker 9 a singer 10 a flight attendant

2 PAIR WORK Say the name of an occupation. Your partner points (c::?) to the picture.

3 GRAMMAR • Verb be: singular statements I Contractions

Articles � I an
Affirmative statements I Contractions Negative statements I Contractions a teacher
I am Ann. I I'm Ann. I am not Jen. I I'm not Jen. an actor
You are an architect. I You're an architect. You are not an artist. I You're not an artist. I You aren't an artist.
He is a teacher. I He's a teacher. He is not a student. I He's not a student. I He isn't a student.
She is a singer. I She's a singer. She is not a banker. I She's not a banker. I She isn't a banker.

4 UNIT 1

'= 1
� • VOCABULARY • More occupations Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 She's a chef. 2 He's a writer.

4 She's a scientist.

3 She's a manager.

5 He's a doctor. 6 She's an engineer. 7 He's a photographer. 8 He's a pilot.

2 GRAMMAR • Singular and plural nouns I Be: plural statements

Subject pronouns
Singular Plural
Singular nouns Plural nouns I we
a chef 2 chefs you you
an athlete 3 athletes he they
Affirmative statements I Contractions Negative statements I Contractions
We are photographers./ We're photographers. We are not chefs./ We're not chefs./ We aren't chefs.
You are scientists. I You're scientists. You are not pilots./ You're not pilots./ You aren't pilots.
They are writers. I They're writers. They are not artists./ They're not artists./ They aren't artists.

3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement with a singular or plural form of be.
1 I ......... a writer. 3 We ......... doctors. 5 We ......... managers.
2 She ......... not a pilot. 4 They ......... not scientists.

4 VOCABULARY I GRAMMAR PRACTICE @the correct word or words to complete each statement.
1 I am (an artist I artists I artist). 3 She is (banker I a banker I bankers).
mmm 2 We are (a flight attendant I flight attendants I 4 They are (a writer I writers I writer).
� flight attendant).

6 UNIT 1

=1 VOCABULARY • The alphabet Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

2 ... LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen.@he letter you hear.

K 41 u I I
O 71 F I X 10 I I GI n IoI I G

2 IBIE s! B I zI sl X s n I L INI 14 I HI K I

31MINI 61 T C 91 z V 12 I KI I I 15 I pI E

3 PAIR WORK Read 10 letters aloud to your partner. 4 ... • LISTENING COMPREHENSION listen.@he
Point to the letters you hear. correct spelling. Then spell each name aloud.
Green Greene Grin
Leigh Lee Li
--�-- Katharine Katherine Catharine

F Q m11 p D
J C 1 y 5 .,. • LISTENING COMPREHENSION listen to the

H B mo R K
conversations. Write the names.
1 .....................................
2 .................................... .
3 .....................................

6 GRAMMAR • Proper nouns and common nouns Capital letters
Proper nouns Lowercase letters
The names of people and places are proper nouns. Use a capital letter to begin a proper noun. �----.---=-1
Melanie Pepper New Delhi Nicaragua
Common nouns
Other nouns are common nouns. Use a lowercase letter to be1in a common noun.
morning doctor �udent

8 UNIT 1

1 Introduce people.
2 Tell someone your first and last name.
UNIT 3 Get someone's contact information.

About People
[iJ]EJ Introduce �pie I
'C 1 VOCABULARY• Relationships Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 a classmate 2 a friend 3 a neighbor

More relationships • p. 126

4 a ooss :, a co11eague

2 GRAMMAR • Possessive nouns and adjectives Subject Possessive

pronouns adjectives
Possessive nouns Possessive adjectives I-+ my
you -+ your
Al Smith is Kate's boss. He is her boss. he -+ his
Larry's colleague is Teresa. Teresa is his colleague. she -+ her
We are Sara and Todd's neighbors. We are their neighbors. we -+ our
Ms. Ellis is Joe's teacher. I am Ms. Tan's student. She is my teacher. they -+ their
Joe is her student. We are Marty's classmates. Marty is our classmate.

3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Circle the correct word or words to complete each sentence. ,,

1 Mr. Thomas is (my I I) boss. 6 He's (my I I) colleague.

2 Is Mrs. Cory (you I your) teacher? 7 Mr. Benson is (Alec I Alec's) neighbor.
3 Is (she I her) Dr. Kim? 8 Jake is (Ms. Rose I Ms. Rose's) student.
4 Are (they I their) Connie and Sam? 9 (He's I His) an architect.
Are (your I you) Barry's friend? (Kyle I Kyle's) and Ray's classmate is Gail.

4 PAIR WORK Tell a classmate about at least three

of your relationships. Use the Vocabulary. , , Jerry is my classmate. Ted and , ,
Jan Keyes are my neighbors.

12 UNIT 2

t "' I f1
1 ,... VOC ABULARY • Titles and names Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

Be careful!
Mr. Brendan Hu OR Mr. Hu
Mrs. Lisa Hu OR Mrs. Hu
Titles NOT MF. BroAdaR
1 Mr. ./ ./ , NOT MFS. Lisa
2 Mrs. ./
3 Miss ./
4 Ms. ./ ./ Mr. Brel\dal\ tlv Mrr. Lira Mv VOCABULARY BOOSTER
S first name 6 last name
More titles • p. 126

2 PAIR WORK Introduce yourself to a classmate.

H Hi. I'm Mr. Wilson. "
Use a title and your last name.
H Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson. "J
3 :3 LISTENING COMPREHENSION listen. Circle the correct information.
Then listen again and check your answers.

2 3
0Mr. @Mr.
0Mrs. G:J( Bryant 0Mrs. Brenda : [ Corsun 1 Damian ' ( Bao
0Miss first name last name 0Miss first name last name
0Miss first name last name
@Ms. QMs.

4 6
0Mr. QMr.
® Mrs. carr�e J [_ Dav��on 0Mrs. Rita Bernal
0Miss first name last name 0Miss first name last name
0Ms. @Ms.
@Mr. 0Mr. @Mr.
0 Mrs. L Ja�� 1
[Davis�!:_! 0 Mrs [iiresa l[ Walder 0Mrs. ( Mauricio 1 ( Escobar
0Miss first name last name ® Miss first name last name 0Miss first name last name
0Ms. 0Ms. 0Ms.

14 UNIT 2

VOCABULARY • Numbers 0-20 Read and 2 PAIR WORK Read a number aloud from the picture.
listen. Then listen again and repeat. Your partner writes the number on a separate

0 l 14
piece of paper.
zero seven fourteen

1 one 8 eight 15 fifteen

2 two 9 nine 16 sixteen

3 three 1? seventeen

4 four 11 eleven 18 eighteen

5 five 12 twelve 19 nineteen

6 six 1J thirteen 20 twenty

3 GRAMMAR • Be: information questions with What

What's his name? (Mark Crandall.) What is , What's I

What's his last name? (Crandall.)
What's Ellen's address? (18 Main Street.)
What's her e-mail address? (
How to say e-mail addresses and phone numbers:
What's her occupation? (She's a writer.)
What's their phone number? (835-555-0037.) Say "dover fourteen at hipnet dot com."
Say "oh" for zero: 0037 = "oh-oh-three-seven."
What are their first names? (Luis and Samuel.)
������----..����---------.......--=-...._.-..........--=--............ ----=-----=-'' :,.--

'= 4 PRONUNCIATION • Stress in two-word pairs Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

• • •

• • • • • •
first name phone num ber e-mail address

5 .-: LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Write the

information. Then listen again and check your work.


Valerie Peterrot\
Mathilda ------------
______ @ ______

Joreph ------------

16 UNIT 2

1 Talk about locations.

Places and
2 Discuss how to get places.
UNIT 3 Discuss transportation.

How to Get There

mmIJralk about locations
FlASH 11 .,. VOCABULARY• Places in the neighborhood Read and listen. Then listen
again and repeat.

2 a restaurant

1 a bank 3 a pharmacy

4 a school S a newsstand 6 a bookstore

2 II": . LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Write the places you hear. K!M•M:t•1•·i;i1:t•t•�ii\!il
More places • p. 126
1 ................................. 3 .................................
2 ................................. 4 ................................ .

3 PAIR WORK Say the name of a place. Your partner writes the word.

VOCABULARY• Locations Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

4 on the left

1 across 2 down 3 around 6 next to the bank 7 between the bookstore

the street the street the corner and the bank
5 on the right
20 UNIT 3

·rn� i
VOCABULARY • Ways to get places Read and listen. T hen listen again and repeat.

\ �.· ·.j

. ·�(

1 walk 2 drive 3 take a taxi 4 take the train 5 take the bus

2 GRAMMAR • The imperative

Use imperatives to give instructions and directions.

Affirmative imperatives Negative imperatives
Drive [to the bank]. Don't walk.
Take the bus [to the pharmacy]. Don't take the train.

Don't = Do not

3 VOCABULARY I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Follow the directions.

Partner A: Read a direction.
Partner B: Say the letter of the correct picture.
1 Walk to the bookstore.
2 Don't drive to the restaurant.
3 Take the bus to the bank.
4 Don't walk to the pharmacy.
5 Drive down the street.
Partner B: Read a direction.
Partner A: Say the letter of the correct picture.
6 Take the bus down the street.
7 Don't take the bus to the bank. •
8 Walk to the bank.
9 Take a taxi to the restaurant.
10 Drive to the pharmacy.
® @ wa:r,.,·,s+w

CD .. BOOKS· -·<

22 UNIT3

VOCABULARY • Means of transportation Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 a car
2 a bicycle

3 a moped

Also remember:
a bus
a train
a taxi

4 a subway 5 a motorcycle

2 PAIR WORK Take turns. Spell a vocabulary word aloud. Your partner writes the word.

3 GRAMMAR • � to express means

by taxi by bicycle by motorcycle

4 LISTENING COMPREHENSION listen. Circle the means of transportation you hear.


24 UNIT 3

·=5 VOCABULARY • Destinations Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 go to work 2 go home 3 go to school

6 1')1111 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Use a !2y phrase to write the means of
transportation. Then check the box for work, home, or school.

Means of transportation

hy cor I_ J u
l_j _J
0 ,..J
LJ u I_J
_J t.J LJ
l_j u

Discuss transportation

Read and listen.
A: How do you go to school?
B: By subway. What about you?
A: Me? I walk.


Listen again and repeat. Then
practice the Conversation Model
with a partner. ;:-
With a partner, personalize the
conversation. Ask about work,
school, and home. Then change
A: How do you go .........?
B: .......... What about you?
A: Me? ..........


the conversation again.

Identify people in your family.
2 Describe your relatives.
UNIT 3 Talk about your family.

miJrII dentify people in your family
1 VOCABULARY • Family relationships Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

2 PAIR WORK Point to two people in the family. Describe their relationship. '' Sh e's his daughter."

3 � LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to a man identify people in his family. Check the correct photo.
2 3

s 6

28 UNIT 4

Fl.ASH 1 ( VOCABULARY• Adjectives to describe people VOCABULARY BOOSTER
Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. More adjectives • p. 127

1 short 2 tall 3 old 4 young 7 good-looking 8 cute

2 GRAMMAR • Be with adjectives I Adverbs very and so 3 PAIR WORK Use the Vocabulary to
describe people in your class.
Describe people with a form of be and an adjective.
She's pretty. They're good-looking. " Gina and Deborah
He's handso111e. Your children are cute. are very pretty. , ,

The adverbs very and so make adjectives stronger.

They're very good-looking. She's so pretty. very=!
He's very handsome. Your children are so cute. so=!!!

4 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations.

Circle the adjective that describes each person.
1 Her husband is (handsome I tall I old). 4 His son is (tall I good-looking I short).
2 His daughter is (tall I good-looking I cute). 5 Her father is (tall I old I short).
3 Her brothers are (tall I good-looking I young). 6 His sisters are (tall I good-looking I short).

5 VOCABULARY I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Look at the photos. Complete each

sentence with a form of be and an adjective •
. ���������.

1 Your sisters ............. 2 Your daughter ............ . 3 Our grandfather .............

so ......................... . so ......................... 1 very ......................... .

30 UNIT 4

1 GRAMMAR • Verb have I has: affirmative statements

You i have a brother. He

has three sisters.
We i She 1

2 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences. Use have or has. Then complete the sentence
about your own family.
1 Mark ......... .. ...... two brothers. S Carl and Anna ................. two children.
2 Mrs. Stevens ................. five grandsons. 6 She ................. five sisters.

�, ......................................................... .
3 They ................. a granddaughter. 7 They .. ........ ....... no brothers or sisters.
EXERCISES 4 We ................. twelve grandchildren.

=3 VOCABULARY • Numbers 21-101 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

m II
twenty-one twenty-five twenty-n;ne forty 11,;ghty

twenty-two II twenty-s;, llm;r1y filty n;nety

II II II 11,.. II
ll ll

twenty-iliree twenty-seven m;rty-one ,y one hundred

II twenty-four 111 •wenty..;ght

11 m;rty.two 11-nty II one hundred one

. · j,�·Jti 4 PRONUNCIATION • Numbers Listen 5 PAIR WORK Take turns saying a number from the
and repeat. Then practice saying the chart. Your partner circles the number.
numbers on your own.
23 � 45 40 18 94 21 20 14
13•30 17•70
14•40 18•80


19 I


90, 44

22 I 50 I 52 100
53 13

15 • so 19•90 15 47 33 54 17 66 77 70
16· 60 64 78 95 J 80 87 I 101 1 31

32 UNIT 4

Confirm that you're on time.
2 Talk about the time of an event.
UNIT 3 Ask about birthdays.

Events and Times

[ffiEJ Confirm that you're o�ime I
": 1 VOCABULARY • What time Is it? Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 It's one o'clock. 2 It's one fifteen. OR 3 It's one twenty. OR 4 It's one thirty. OR
It's a quarter after one. It's twenty after one. It's half past one.

0:00 to 11:59 = A.M.
12:00 to 23:59 = P.M.
l(;.2'c r,n
' .. ")
UL'...5l:---·• 1-­
• • Say "eight A.M."
� :· ,.·
1._·1_ .
or "eight P.M ."

10 a
S It's one forty. OR 6 It's one forty-five. OR 7 It's noon. 8 It's midnight.
• a
It's twenty to two. It's a quarter to two.
7 ••

';i2 PRONUNCIATION • Sentence rhythm Read and listen.

Then listen again and repeat.
1 It's TEN after FIVE. 2 It's TWENty to ONE. 3 It's a QUARter to TWO.

3 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Read the times in the Vocabulary aloud again.

Pay attention to sentence rhythm.

4 PAIR WORK Look at the

map. Ask your partner �
about times around the
world. Say each time
two ways.

'' What time is it

in Vancouver?
" It's nine forty A.M.
It's twenty to ten.

'I. 't


VOCABULARY• Early, on time, and late Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

It=.. -

1 She's early. 2 They're on time. 3 He's late.

Confirm that you're on time

1 CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: What time is the meeting?
B: 10:00.
A: Uh-oh. Am I late?
B: No, you're not. It's five to ten.
A: Five to ten?
B: That's right. You're early.


again and repeat. Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partner.


change the conversation. Use the pictures
and the times. Then change roles.
A: What time is the ......... ?
B: ..........
A: Uh-oh. Am I late?
B: .......... It's ..........
A: .........?
B: That's right. You're ..........

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Change the conversation again.

UNIT 5 37

1 VOCABULARY • Events Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. More events • p. 127

1 a party 2 a dance 3 a game

4 a dinner 5 a movie 6 a concert

2 LISTENING COMPREHENSION listen to the conversations about events.

Write the event and circle the time.
1 ......................... (7:15 / 7:45) 4 ......................... (12:00 A.M. / 12:00 P.M.)
2 ......................... (8:00 I 9:00) 5 ......................... (9:15 / 9:50)
3 ......................... (3:30 / 3:15) 6 ......................... (12:00 A.M. / 12:00 P.M.)

3 VOCABULARY • Days of the weel< Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

4 GRAMMAR • Be: questions about time I Prepositions!! and on

What time is it? (It's) five twenty.

What time's the party? (It's) at nine thirty.
What day is the concert? (It's) on Saturday.
When's the dance? I (It's) at ten o'clock. What time is -+ What time's
i (It's) on Friday at 10:00 P.M. What day is -+ What day's
When is -+ When's
Be careful!
What time is it? NOT What t; .. ,,:., it?
When is it? NOT Wh...,.'., it?

38 UNIT 5

IIIIB1I 1 VOCABULARY • Ordinal numbers Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1st 2n
d 3rd 4th 5th
first second third fourth fifth

6th 7th 9th 9th h

10 t
sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

h h h h h
11t 12t 13t 14t 15t
eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

h h h h h
16t 17t 18t 19t 20t
sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth

d th th
21st 22n
twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth

2 PAIR WORK Say a number. Your partner says the ordinal number.
" three "
" third "
3 VOCABULARY • Months of the year Read and listen.
Then listen again and repeat.
January February March Apri l May June
1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 56 7
56 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 56 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
12 13 14 1516 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 1513 14 1516 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 1516 17 1516 17 18 19 20 21
19 20 21 22 23 24 2516 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 2526 27 28
uvu��� ���uvu n��uvu�vu�� �uvu��� ��
30 31
July August September October November December
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 56 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 56
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
13 14 1516 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 1516 14 1516 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 1516 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 1514 1516 17 18 19 20
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 2516 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
vu��� ���v������ uvu��� n��uvu�u���
� � �

4 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen 5 PAIR WORK Say a date from the calendar.
to the dates. Circle the dates on the Your partner writes the date.
, , July thirty-first "
Jvly �l rt


1Q11, ,I,�II)�Itff:iit11�1tt1Mii
1 Give and accept a compliment.
2 Ask for colors and sizes.
UNIT 3 Describe clothes.

IIDJlII Give and accept a compl�ent .1
·�m·� 1
1 2:3l VOCABULARY • Clothes Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.
More clothes • p. 128

1 a shirt 2 a sweater 3 a tie

9 a blouse
4 a jacket 5 a skirt 6 shoes 7 a dress 8 a suit 10 pants*
* Pants is a plural noun. Use fil, not� with pants.
2 mils PRONUNCIATION • Plural nouns Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 (Zill shirts= shirt/s/ 2[/z/] shoes= shoe/z/ 3 (11z/J blouses= blouse/1z/

jackets= jacket/s/ sweaters= sweater/z/ dresses= dress/1z/

3 GRAMMAR • Demonstratives tl11§, that. these. those

this sweater that sweater these ties those ties

4 VOCABULARY I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Write this. that. these. or those and the name of the clothes.

1'?1.f!.}=!�k�.tr... ........ 2 .................. ............... 3 ... ......... ..... ................ 4 .................................


Ask for colors and sizes

"= 1 Ii': • VOCABULARY • Colors and sizes Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

t I


12 medium

1 white 2 gray 3 black 4 red 5 orange

14 extra large

6 yellow 7 green 8 blue 9 purple 10 brown

2 PAIR WORK Make two statements about ,, My shoes are brown. ,,

My shirt is medium.
your clothes.

3 GRAMMAR • The simple present tense: negative statements and�/ no questions

with fil!!b want. need. and have

Negative statements
I I don't want Contractions
He doesn't like
You : don't need : extra large. She doesn't need , red shirts. do not -+ don't
They: don't have doesn't have : does not -+ doesn't

Yes I no questions
Do: you need the suit in large? Yes,: we do. No,! we don't.
they have they they
Does he need those shoes in black? Yes, he does. No,: he doesn't.
she have she she

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Use contractions.
1 A: .... .OP. ... your children . h<;i.Y�... sweaters for 4 A: ........... you ........... that green
have shirt? like
B: My daughter .. -��er .. , but my son ..��ern'.t . B: Actually, no, I .........
2 A: ........... your husband ........... a black tie? 5 A: We . ............. the clothes in this store.
need not like
B: No, he ............ He ........... two black ties. B: Really? That's too bad. We
3 A: I ....... .. a blue suit for work. .. you 6 A: ........... you ........... this black jacket in
need size 34? have

B: No, I'm sorry. We ...... .... .
EXERCISES B: Yes, I ............

46 UNIT6

'rt'lli!l 2· VOCABULARY • Opposite adjectives to describe clothes Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat

1 new 2 old 3 dirty 4 clean

9 long 10 short
5 loose 6 tight 7 cheap 8 expensive

2 GRAMMAR• Adjective placement 3 PAIR WORK Look at your classmates.

Take turns describing their clothes.
Adjectives come before the nouns they describe.
, , Allen has new shoes , ,
a long skirt tight shoes a red and black tie

Adjectives don't change. , , Joe's shoes are old. pp

a clean shirt I clean shirts NOT -GleaAs shirts He needs new shoes.

Place very before adjectives. Be careful!

The skirt is very long. It's a very long skirt. It's a long skirt.
NOT It's a sl1iFt leRg.

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write two descriptions for each picture. Follow the model.
rr: i..11
1 !

· 1 I
h .·�,
The ..P.!�.'!.��L are .......... �,��'! 3 The ................. are very ................. .
They're .....c..l��!L�.l.C?.�f.�.L ....... . They're very ................................. .

2 The ................. is ................. .

It's ................................. ·

48 UNIT&
5 GRAMMAR • The simple present tense: questions with What. What color. What size. Why. and Which I One and ones

Use a question word and do or does to ask information questions in the simple present tense.
What do you need? (A blue and white tie.) What does she want? (New shoes.)
Use because to answer questions with Whv.
Why do they want that suit? (Because it's nice.) Why does he like this tie? (Because it's green.)
Use What color and What size to ask about color and size.
What color do you want? (Black.) What size does he need? (Extra large.)
Use Which to ask about choice. Answer with one or ones.
Which sweater do you want? (The blue one.) Which shoes does she like? (The black ones.)

6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations in your own words. Then practice with a partner.
1 A: Which skirt ...................................... ? 4 A: Why . .................................... new shoes?
she I want you I want
B: The ...................... one. B: .......................................... .
2 A: What ...................................... ? 5 A: Which shirts ...................................... ?
your friend I need you/ like
B: ...................... . B: The ...................... ones.
3 A: What color shoes ................................... ? 6 A: What size shoes . . . . . ..................... ......... .. ?
liJl!li1JJ you/ like you I need
EXERCISES B: .................................. B: ···········································

U{m'l'tlliJH!,:I Describe clothes

1 � CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: What do you think of this jacket?
B: I think it's nice. What about you?
A: Well, it's nice. but it's a little tight.
B: Let's keep looking.


and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

· ·': 3 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner,

change the conversation. Use different
clothes and problems. Then change roles.
A: What do you think of ......... ?
B: I think ......... nice. What about you?
A: Well, ......... nice, but ......... a little ......... .
B: Let's keep looking.

shirt pants expensive

sweater skirt tight
dress jacket loose
tie shoes long

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about different

clothes and problems.
UNIT 6 49

(ijlJt�11'1 li)�Itff:iI[IJ�1ij1t:,�i
1 Talk about morning and evening activities.
2 Describe what you do in your free time.
UNIT 3 Discuss household chores.

II [ffiJill Talk about morning and evening ac

tles I

IIIIIIIZill 1 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 get up 2 get dressed 3 brush my teeth 4 comb I brush my hair

itilb+w I

6 put on makeup 7 eat breakfast 8 come home 9 make dinner 10 study

11 watch TV 12 get undressed 13 take a shower I a bath 14 go to bed

2 PAIR WORK Tell your partner about your daily activiti es . H I eat lunch at 12:00. "J �J Meals ·
3 GRAMMAR • The simple present tense: spelling rules with � � and l! lunch ,
dinne r

Add -s to the base form of most verbs. do -+ does
gets shaves combs go -+ goes
have -+ has

Add -es to verbs that end in -
-s, -
-sh, -
-ch, or -
·x. study -+ studies

brushes watches

52 UNIT7
Describe what you do in your free time


exercise 2 take a nap 3 listen to music 4 read

5 play soccer 6 check e-mail 7 go out for dinner

8 go to the movies 9 go dancing 10 visit friends


for a classmate about his or her leisure activities. Use
11 WJ,e" do yov viritf,ie"dr?
When or What time and the simple present tense.


3 GRAMMAR • The simple present tense: frequency adverbs

Be careful!
100% t I always play soccer on Saturday. Place the frequency adverb before the
I usually check e-mail in the evening. verb in the simple present tense.
I sometimes go dancing on weekends. Don't say: I 13lay always soccer.
0% I never take a nap in the afternoon. He eReellS 1:1s1:1ally e-mail .

4 PAIR WORK Now use your questions from Exercise 2 to ask

your partner about leisure activities. Use frequency adverbs "When do you visit friends? "
and time expressions in your answers.
'' I usually visit friends on Saturday. , ,

54 UNIT 7
Discuss household chores

1 � VOCABULARY• Household chores Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. More household chores • p. 128

1 wash the dishes 3 do the laundry 5 go shopping

2 clean the house 4 take out the garbage

2 GRAMMAR • The simple present tense: questions with How often I Other time expressions i,Languagecom

How often do you take out the garbage? M T W T F S S

I take out the garbage every day. k1.11.11.11
111111�1 I
How often does she go shopping?
She goes shopping on Saturdays . Also

• once a year
Other time expressions M T W T F S S • twice a day
once a week • three times a month
twice a week • every weekend
three times a week • every Friday

3 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about chores. Use How often. ,, How often do you go shopping? "

4 t • PRONUNCIATION• Third-person singular verb endings Read and listen. �' Twice a week.
,, J
Then listen again and repeat.

1 /s/ 2 /z/ 3 /IZ/

takes= take/s/ cleans= clean/z/ washes= wash/u/
visits= visit/sf does= doe/z/ practices= practice/lz/
eats= eat/s/ plays= play/z/ exercises= exercise/u/

lilli!il.ll 5 VOCABULARY I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Tell your class how often your partner from Exercise 3
ex�� does household chores. Practice pronunciation of third-person verb endings.
,, John goes shopping ,,
twice a week.
6 GRAMMAR• The simple present tense: questions with Who as subject

Who washes the dishes in your family? ! I do. I My sister does.

! We do. I My grandparents do.
Be careful!
Always use a third-person singular verb when who is the subject.
Don't say: Who wash the dishes?
Don't use do or does when who is the subject.
Don't say: Who Elees wash the dishes?

56 UNIT 7

Reference Charts
Argentina Argentinean I Argentine Guatemala Guatemalan Peru Peruvian
Australia Australian Holland Dutch Poland Polish
Belgium Belgian Honduras Honduran Portugal Portuguese
Bolivia Bolivian Hungary Hungarian Russia Russian
Brazil Brazilian India Indian Saudi Arabia Saudi I Saudi Arabian
Canada Canadian Indonesia Indonesian Spain Spanish
Chile Chilean Ireland Irish Sweden Swedish
China Chinese Italy Italian Switzerland Swiss
Colombia Colombian Japan Japanese Taiwan Chinese
Costa Rica Costa Rican Korea Korean Thailand Thai
Ecuador Ecuadorian Lebanon Lebanese Turkey Turkish
I Egypt Egyptian Malaysia Malaysian the United Kingdom British
, El Salvador Salvadorean Mexico Mexican the United States American
France French Nicaragua Nicaraguan Uruguay Uruguayan
Germany German Panama Panamanian Venezuela Venezuelan
1 Greece Greek Paraguay Paraguayan Vietnam Vietnamese

This is an alphabetical list of all irregular verbs in the Top Notch Fundamentals units.
base form simple past base form simelepast base form simele.,ast
be was/were get got say said
break broke give gave see saw
bring brought go went sing sang
buy bought grow grew sit sat
choose chose hang out hung out sleep slept
come came have had stand stood
cut cut hear heard swim swam
do did hurt hurt take took
draw drew lie lay teach taught
drink drank make made tell told
drive drove meet met think thought
eat ate put put throw threw
fall fell read read wear wore
feel felt ride rode write wrote
find found

These are the pronunciation symbols used in Top Notch Funda�ntals.
Vowels Consonants
Symbol Key Words Symbol Key Words Symbol Key Words Symbol Key Words
feed :) banana,around p park,happy ! butter,bottle
I did <I' shirt,birthday b back,cabbage i' button
e1 date,table al cry,eye t tie I she,station,
C bed,neck au about,how d die special,discussion
a! bad,hand :)Iboy k came,kitchen,quarter 3 leisure
a box,father Ir here,near g game,go h hot,who
;') wash er chair 1J chicken,watch m men
OU comb,post or guitar,are <15 jacket,orange n sun,know
u book,good :,r door,chore f face,photographer IJ sung,singer
u boot,food,student ur tour V vacation w week,white
A but,mother 0 thing, math I light,long
then,that r rain,writer
s city,psychology y yes,use,music
z please,goes


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