APPENDIX B Laboratory and Field Testing
APPENDIX B Laboratory and Field Testing
APPENDIX B Laboratory and Field Testing
For a complete performance evaluation of a candidate inhibitor, laboratory tests should not
only assess the inhibitor efficiency but also:
(1) water/oil partitioning
(2) solubility
(3) emulsification on tendency
(4) foaming tendency
(5) thermal stability
(6) toxicity
(7) compatibility with other additives and materials.
In addition, the injection pump performance and other maintenance activities (e.g. pigging),
need to be taken into consideration for the performance evaluation.
As previously discussed, two main treatments are generally used for corrosion inhibitor
deployment. These treatments are batch treatments and continuous treatments (refer to
Section 3.2.1). When assessing batch inhibitors in the laboratory, specimens are dipped into
the inhibitor, rinsed with distilled water or a hydrocarbon solvent to remove excess product,
and placed in the corrosion test cell or autoclave. When assessing continuous inhibitors in
the laboratory, a preconditioning cell that contains the multiphase system (oil, gas, brine)
and appropriate concentration of inhibitor is used. This cell is maintained at simulated field
conditions and is continuously pumped into the corrosion test cell.
Several sophisticated laboratory tests are available to evaluate inhibitor performance. The
methodologies suggested in ASTM Standard G170 include:
(1) Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE)
(2) Rotating Cage (RC)
(3) Jet Impingement (JI).
In addition, bubble (kettle) tests and flow loop testing are also used to evaluate inhibitor
performance. Measurement techniques associated with each of these methodologies may
involve mass loss, electrochemical techniques, or both. It is important to note that no one
test will provide all relevant information. Rather, the methodology that best provides the
information in line with the goals of the evaluation should be selected. Each methodology is
introduced and described below.
Aqueous or
Rotating Cage (RC) Rectangular 8 Weight loss High turbulent No
Weight loss &
Aqueous Flow induced or Shear induced
Jet Impingement (JI) Disc 4 high turbulent erosion
Aqueous/Oil Weight loss conditions corrosion