“There is an Expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment
you are old enough to take the wheel, the responsibility lies with you.”
- J. K. Rowling
A parent’s responsibility on guiding, helping, and creating beautiful and good lanes for you, stop’s when you have
reached the right age where you developed your sense of responsibility, when you learned to differentiate right from
wrong and was able to make the right decisions according to what they want to do or to pursue in life. Meaning, that
when we reach at our respected age, we are the one responsible for every thing and action that we will do. One of the
great examples was the time where we need to pick the profession that we want to become in the future. That decision
making process lies solely in our hands as we get to pick what direction what we want our life to take turn, reach and
“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And
the choice we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt
The time that our Almighty God gave us to live in the world was a chance to learn, grow, and know our purpose.
A life is full of hope, knowledge, wonder, and responsibilities, it is also full of hardships. We face difficulties, problems,
be able to find solution, and overcome it, it is a continuous process. But along the way, we would gain experiences,
newly acquired knowledge, we learn from our mistakes, and make good use of our weaknesses to be come stronger
and wiser the next time. But despite all these journeys was only run by you, and those decisions and path that you
take define your own existence and personality.
“This is your life. You are responsible for it. You will not live forever. Don’t wait.”
- Natalie Goldberg
The quote of Natalie Goldberg states that in our life, we must grab all opportunities that may arise, we must not
wait for anything, for the right time or something more to push us or our limits just because we think to ourselves that
we are not good enough. Our life and time in this world are only limited, so we must take all opportunities, it maybe
a small or big, despite of having mental and physical barriers, we must not let it slid away. At the end of the day, it is
our life we are talking about. It is our life, and regret is something anyone does not want to feel after not grabbing an
open opportunity.
“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the
wind, but you can change yourself.”
- Jim Rohn
In any situation, a person has to make a judgement, it can be an easy one, or a very hard one. No matter what
challenges we face, we must not leave our obligations and responsibility, it is our own duty to make amends of the
things that we face and no matter how the situation shift, grow or even rip you apart, you can always have the chance
to be also a person that was not easy to break, a mountain that could that even the strongest earthquake can’t destroy,
it will change its form, but it’s still you, the strong mountain that changed for the better because of the challenges I
“Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.”
According to George Washington Carver, according to my interpretation, it means that most people who failed or
who are failures are people who always makes an excuse to not do things that they are supposed to do. People who
have always avoid the rules, does not comply with his or her responsibilities and tends to ignore the norms are most
commonly becoming failures. In life, hardship is a process, we must face and travel to those shaky roads before
reaching our destinations. To become a successful person, we should not find excuse to things that do not go on our
way, instead we should look for a way for the task and a challenge to be successful. This time, we must only believe
in ourselves and to the lord.
“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of
how much you blame him, it will not change you.”
- Wayne Dyer
Blaming is one of the key factors when we let our heart and emotions comes first before our minds. Blaming is
an irrational tool that let us feel that we are not responsible for the action that we have done. It is indeed a waste of
time to blame as we only let our anger and emotions consume us, nothing will ever change, a mistake is a mistake.
“Eventually we all have to accept full and total responsibility for our actions, everything we have done,
and have not done.”
In every action, comes an equal opposite reaction. As we have come to an age, we learned how to differentiate
right from wrong. We know that every action that we do was our responsibility, whether right or wrong, we must
take accountability as we are are person who makes rationale or irrational decisions, judgement and we are the
one who vocalizes our thoughts. We are liable to anything that was produced by our body in any different terms
and directions.
“What we failed to do or act out of our obligation is our responsibility and what we have accomplished
is part and partial of our destiny.”
As a person, we have our goals, lists and dreams we want to achieve. To achieve these, we have our
responsibilities and obligations to do, to face hardships, learn, grow, and make decisions. Not being abled to
act out of those obligations may have or leave a big impact that could change the course of our destiny. On the
other hand, being able to fulfill our obligations and responsibility to reach those goals and dreams would
positively leave a great deal in succeeding our destiny.