Week 4 Ha Rle Post Test Answer Key
Week 4 Ha Rle Post Test Answer Key
Week 4 Ha Rle Post Test Answer Key
RATIONALE: The eccrine glands are widely 9. Beginning to physical examination, the
distributed; open directly onto the skin surface, nurse should begin with
and by their sweat production .
A. The patient’s body frame.
help to control body temperature. In contrast,
B. The patient's height and weight and
the apocrine glands are found chiefly in the
vital signs.
axillary and genital regions, usually open into
C. The patient’s BMI.
hair follicles, and are stimulated by emotional
D. The patient’s mental status.
6. The following are the reasons why an
individual is suffering from weight loss, RATIONALE: Beginning to physical examination
except one; with the patient's height and weight and vital
A. Anorexia C. Bulimia signs.
B. Food aversion D. Diarrhea
10. A 43-year-old Asian female presents at the
ANSWER: C clinic for a routine check-up. The nurse
notes that she is dressed in warm clothing
RATIONALE: Bulimia is not a common reason
even though the temperature outside is
why an individual is experiencing weight loss;
73°F. The nurse also notes that the patient
hence obesity is common for individuals who
has gained 10 pounds since her last visit 9
suffer bulimia nervosa.
months ago. What might the nurse suspect?
7. What vitamin deficiency can cause rickets? A. Changes are age related
A. Vitamin A C. Vitamin B B. Brain tumor
B. Vitamin C D. Vitamin D C. Hyperthyroidism
D. Hypothyroidism
RATIONALE: The most common cause of rickets
is a lack of vitamin D or calcium in a child's diet. RATIONALE: Intolerance to cold, preference for
Both are essential for children to develop strong warm clothing and many blankets, and
and healthy bones. decreased sweating suggest hypothyroidism;
the opposite symptoms, palpitations, and
8. The skin is the largest and heaviest organ of involuntary weight loss suggest
the body, accounting for approximately hyperthyroidism.
how many percent (%) of the body weight?
A. 16% C. 18% 11. During your physical examination of the
B. 17% D. 19% patient, you note an enlarged tender
tonsillar lymph node. What would you do?
ANSWER: A A. Assess for meningitis
RATIONALE: The skin is the largest and heaviest B. Look for involvement of other
organ of the body, accounting for approximately regions of the body
16% of body weight and covering an area of C. Look for a source such as infection
roughly 1.2 to 2.3 m2. in the area that it drains
D. Assess for dietary changes
RATIONALE: Knowledge of the lymphatic system RATIONALE: Factors that aggravate or provoke:
is important to a sound clinical habit: whenever sustained muscle tension, as in driving or typing.
a malignant or inflammatory lesion is observed,
15. It is a comparison between the patient and
look for involvement of the regional lymph
the nurse, provided the nurse has intact
nodes that drain it; whenever a node is enlarged
peripheral vision, to determine the areas of
or tender, look for a source such as infection in
the area that it drains.
A. Inspection
12. The nursing instructor is discussing B. Communication
assessment of the head and neck with the C. Confrontation
class. What identifying characteristic would D. Physical Examination
the instructor use for the thyroid cartilage?
A. It lies just below the mandible
B. The curve on its inferior edge RATIONALE: Confrontation is a comparison
C. Its relation to the cricoid cartilage between the patient and the nurse, provided the
D. The notch on its superior edge nurse has intact peripheral vision, to determine
the areas of deficit.
16. This tool is used to test the visual acuity of
RATIONALE: The thyroid cartilage is readily
central vision and the patient’s ability to see
identified by the notch on its superior edge.
at a distance.
13. What are associated manifestations of a A. Near Test
headache caused by a traumatic head B. “E” Chart
injury? (Select all that apply.) C. Visual Acuity Test
A. Attention span deficit D. Snellen Chart
B. Changes in taste
C. Gait changes
D. Seizures RATIONALE: SNELLEN CHART is used to test the
E. Loss of speech visual acuity of central vision and the patient’s
ability to see at a distance.
17. When assessing the Corneal light reflex, the
RATIONALE: Associated manifestations of
nurse must stand for how many feet in
headache associated with TBI: vision changes;
front of the patient?
nausea or vomiting; attention span deficits;
A. 2 feet C. 4 feet
drainage from the ears, nose, eyes, or mouth;
B. 6 feet D. 8 feet
tremors; seizures; or gait changes.
14. What activity is known to aggravate a
tension headache? RATIONALE: When assessing the Corneal light
A. Listening to music reflex the nurse must be Standing 2 feet in front
B. Sex of the patient, and then shine a light into the
C. Driving patient’s eyes and ask the patient to look at it.
D. Watching a movie
18. What is the normal vision for an individual
ANSWER: C when assessed using Near Test?
A. 20/20 C. 14/14
B. 40/40 D. 15/15 22. To test for lateralization of vibration, place
the rounded tip of the handle of the
vibrating tuning fork in the of the
RATIONALE: The normal vision for Near Test is scalp, near the forehead.
14/14. A. Lateral side
B. Back
19. What structure in the inner ear senses the C. Front
position and movements of the head and D. Middle
helps to maintain balance?
A. The labyrinth C. The umbo ANSWER: D
B. The cochlea D. The ossicle
RATIONALE: To test for lateralization of
ANSWER: A vibration, place the rounded tip of the handle of
the vibrating tuning fork in the middle of the
RATIONALE: The labyrinth within the inner ear scalp, near the forehead.
senses the position and movements of the head
and helps to maintain balance. 23. For testing for conductive vs neurosensory
hearing Loss, this test is used to test for
20. An alternate pathway that bypasses the lateralization of vibration.
external and middle ear is called what? A. Weber Test
A. Bone conduction B. Rinne Test
B. Neuro conduction C. Hearing Functionality Test
C. Sensory conduction D. Lateralization Test
D. Air conduction
RATIONALE: Weber Test is a test used for
RATIONALE: An alternate pathway, known as lateralization of vibration.
bone conduction, bypasses the external and
middle ear and is used for testing purposes. 24. For testing for conductive vs neurosensory
hearing Loss, this test is used to compare air
21. The following are the correct physical and bone conduction.
examination of the nose, except one: A. Weber Test
A. Inspect the anterior and inferior B. Rinne Test
surfaces of the nose C. Hearing Functionality Test
B. Test for nasal obstruction D. Lateralization Test
C. Inspect the inside of the nose using
a penlight and a depressor ANSWER: B
D. Observe the nasal mucosa, the
RATIONALE: Rinne Test is a test used to
nasal septum and any abnormalities
compare air and bone conduction.
25. When assessing the nose of the client, you
RATIONALE: Letter C is incorrect because to observed that there is drainage that comes
inspect the inside of the nose, nasal speculum or out from the nose of the client, and it
with an otoscope should be used and not a appears as a thin and clear nasal discharge.
penlight and a depressor. This is medically termed as:
A. Epistaxis
B. Rhinorrhea
C. Clear Epistaxis
D. Mucus